AreWeThereYet ago

THIS site isn't 4Chan.... And if you recall (you brain damaged psychopath) - Q was moved to 8Chan because of the trolls and the lack of security. So your argument is once again moot.

I have stated - I am done with you. I'm not your mom. No need to yank my shirt for attention. Not my fault or problem if you didn't receive the required number of hugs as a child....

TheyDontKnowWeKnow ago

Here with the fam!

pby1000 ago

I think that Q is saying it is critical we have a secure place for comms, besides 8chan.

Peteman ago

Are You Ready, Patriots? Q once told you all that the board would be spread and discussed across multiple platforms. This is the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise. God Speed. Stay UNITED. WWG1WGA

e1337ninja ago

New shill wave in 5...4...3...

TexasClass ago

Enough already, where is the V/QRV?

AreWeThereYet ago

So now we have three Q boards...

So much for united.

ketoll ago

Now we have options, and informed mod choices.

skyisthelimit ago

That just made me smile like hell. i fucking love it !!!

Zhork ago

New VOAT member thanks to Q. WWG1WGA

ythehorses ago

I will follow ALL the Great Awakening and Qanon boards. But I will follow closest on the Q directed one.

crownedfive ago

does it get any better!

gypsyqueen ago

Hey all glad to be back with you all I got suspended perm from twit for calling a media skank a media skank hahahahha

Matairow ago


EyeOfHorus ago

@ketoll you share links like a kike shares shekels.

ythehorses ago

Voat is going BIG TIME now. Prepare for the expansion!

I_draw_mohammed ago

Graeat job voat ppl!

A-True-Patriot ago

hello fellow patriots !!!!! we all from SoapBox?

A-True-Patriot ago


Havoc1649 ago

Spreading out is not only natural it brings in new blood like myself.

Deadforfun1 ago

Rest in peace Reddit

PatriotWA ago


57chevy ago

follow on twitt , follow here to , if i figure out what im doing

Dktrogers6250 ago

Trump at War movie, make viral 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

57chevy ago

cool ...

isprobablyhigh ago

Will voat be able to handle that many people?

redpilldessert ago

Where did it get mentioned? Link?

USCG_Vet ago

Quick, buy stock on VOAT !!!!

MsPJ ago

Hi Eye! Follow you on Twitter. This is my first time on VOAT. Interesting!

MarcusAurellius4048 ago

Former reddit user. Still keeping the account but it's painfully clear now we aren't fighting a republican versus Democrat or left versus right war.

Were fighting between people that believe freedom is worth danger and people that believe government safety justifies silent slavery.

ketoll ago

I'm keeping my account there to spend all my karma by posting truth on main subreddits.

I_draw_mohammed ago

Its a fight for the entirety of western civilization....nothing less.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

I feel like Q just didn't want to get involved lmao

blocksof ago

Q mentioned Voat and it crashes.....

TexasInfidel ago

Yes this board is compromised Has been from DAY FUCKING ONE

Foxy510 ago

If Q suggests it, it must be needed. Grateful.

DillySquilly ago

This is incredibly exciting. What a week it has been! The train is picking up pace!!

RufusTFlywheel ago

Why are you excited? It got mentioned because Q said this board isn't worth f****** sanctioning. Or are you happy that at least now you know that this board is sketchy at best?

wooqy ago

who is /BO/?

ketoll ago

Board Owner (on 8ch)

TrumpSuperEliteAngel ago

We are ready ETS!!! #WWG1WGA

chronos ago

Yes new board needed why?

Both subverses have accused each other of being shills etc.

Q wants more user friendly place that is 100% not compromised. Only 8ch BO is "known" to Q.

Truth2Light ago

To Unite us. Others keep trying to divide. If it's sanctioned by Q, then there should be no question as to which board is legit. All links are leading to the same board, it seems. We need to concentrate on the message and stop bickering. The shills out themselves. United we win, divided we fall. WWG1WGA

jewsbadnews ago

It's funny that the people that were offended by the racism here said they were going over to 8chan which is FAR more overtly offensive. Which doesn't make sense because thats were Q himself post.

ketoll ago

The racism here doesn't offend me, but it does tend lower the IQ of the discussion. Still better than censorship by far though!

jewsbadnews ago

Q has got to be redpilled on Hitler and the JQ right?

KAG2020 ago

New board, for sure.

Guy_Dudebro ago

Yes, we need a board endorsed by Q. A place to go to get legit info. Boards like these won't stop, they will grow.

stekky75 ago

So we get a Q board on Voat that’s run by trusted sources? Hell yes. I’m always wary of mods, even on reddit. Not to be paranoid but I wonder how easy it would be for a board owner to go dead missing and someone else acquire the board. If they don’t have 8ch board owner yet they are good.

Cid ago

It's interesting that they would direct people here. They know who's here and what we're going to tell these people, and I'm not talking about insults.

joeythew ago

This board seems to have come around but it stops me from posting more than 10 comments in 24 hrs. That needs to change.

Laskolurch ago

Sounds kind of fishy to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

@ketoll - No.

A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

Fellow Patriots: I feel both honored and privileged to be part of the 'Great Awakening', Godspeed to you all!


newtswithloot ago

Yep, just saw that and joined here as a result.

ArielQflip ago

And wait for it. Here they will come and find us first to oppose since Q mentioned it.

DJB ago

Watch out new voat members-- many here use racial slurs etc. to weed out the 'anti-1st amendment' crowd-- but many others here use racial slurs etc. to taint the reputation of the platform itself. Same with the 8chan porn/gore posts. The evil cant use the truth against you so instead tries to taint the platform in order to group you in with it and taint you. Do not be afraid. Do not imitate them. Do expose evil. Godspeed, patriots!

EyeTheSpy ago

Are You Ready, Patriots? Q once told you all that the board would be spread and discussed across multiple platforms. This is the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise. God Speed. Stay UNITED. WWG1WGA

KatP ago

Great to see you all here Fam!

Patriot4America ago

Q sent me. And happy to know fam of EyetheSpy here to. United indeed. ThankQ!

PrincessPatriot ago

Ready. 😎🔥👊

NightOwlGirl ago

Please be careful on Twitter. I do not want you to be blocked.

Zeola_Rose ago

We are coming EYE! God has knit our hearts together! #WWG1WGA #QANON 🌱🌿🍃🍂🙏❤️🔥🔥🔥👊🇺🇸🇺🇸

Zeola_Rose ago

I’m ready!! 🙏👊🔥🇺🇸

QTPi ago


NightOwlGirl ago

Thank you Eye!

FreedBy45 ago

EyeTheSpy who was called out by NeonRevolt? The discredited EyeTheSpy?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

@EyeTheSpy was exposed long ago. Do not follow, or even remotely listen to, this monumental piece of shit. F you ETS 🖕

EyeTheSpy ago

No. Just, No. I've never been anything but a patriot, which is what I will continue being. Shills never learn. UNITY, not division. Glad to know you clowns out yourselves here as easily as everywhere else though :)

EyeTheSpy ago

No. Just, No. I've never been anything but a patriot, which is what I will continue being. Shills never learn. UNITY, not division. Glad to know you cloens out yourselves here as easily as everywhere else though :)

sm858585 ago

WWG1WGA! God bless all Patriots!

Robe3866 ago

So is this on preparation for the collapse of the social media/ Facebook??? Thinking the declass coming is going to implicate FB BIGLY!!@

Robe3866 ago

Looks like Q is gathering the Flock!!!

Greydle ago

This has to be in preparation for DECLAS.

ekonfam ago


PrincessPatriot ago


TheyDontKnowWeKnow ago

Maybe this is where it goes...excuse my etiquette. Here with the fam!

PrincessPatriot ago

Hello Walmart!

QTPi ago

Who would downvote art? Looking forward to it, EKO 👊

KatP ago

Upvote the Fam! Luv ya gutz xxx

PrincessPatriot ago

Upvote the art. WWG1WGA

KatP ago

Upvoted the Princess!

QTPi ago

Upvote the Princess 👸👑❤💜🧡

ekonfam ago


Zeola_Rose ago

Yay!! Hi! QTPi ❤️! So happy to be here with you!

KatP ago

Hey Rose!

QTPi ago

Hi Rose, bless you! ❤

ekonfam ago


jexplorer ago

Hi EKO, mesa here too ;)!

KatP ago

Jex! You here too!!??

PrincessPatriot ago

Hi Jane.

jexplorer ago

Hi there Princess :)!

ekonfam ago


jexplorer ago


ekonfam ago


jexplorer ago

Absolutely! WINNING!

Zeola_Rose ago

Hi EKO! ❤️🙏🇺🇸👊🔥 #WWG1WGA

ekonfam ago


Zeola_Rose ago

SO HAPPY TO BE HERE! 🌿🍃🍂❤️🙏🔥🔥🔥👊🇺🇸

Robe3866 ago

ETS nerds to add his memes to the Voat Q meme sub

ekonfam ago


TimeOutofJoint ago

Hey Eye. I follow you on twitter. Welcome to VOAT!

Peteman ago

Eye is s Twitter friend

Peteman ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Are you the real ETS?


This fag is a pretender. I'm the real EtS. Don't be so easily fooled.

KatsEyes ago

I followed EtS here from his twitter feed

Blacksmith21 ago

Buckle up. I posted this earlier today. May be of interest:

Peteman ago

Yes he is

Blacksmith21 ago

Hired minion? Oh wait, he's been a member for 35 minute and you for 10 ;


Peteman ago

Been a q Patriot since nov

EyeTheSpy ago

Check my twitter feed.

Silverlining ago

Saw your last twit - isn't hanging just perpetuating the ritual sacrificing.

Should the aim not be redemption?

Blacksmith21 ago

Welcome to the front. I'm not on T but I've watched from afar. Feedback requested on this:

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

@Blacksmith21, you exposed are_we_sure to me, which I thanked you for, so I’m tellin you, patriot to patriot, if this is the same EyeTheSpy from twatter, he was exposed long ago. I know, because I was one of those that got fooled. Do not follow or even listen to this shill.

Blacksmith21 ago

Time will tell. If I can expose NR, I can expose others just as easily.

EyeTheSpy ago

Then. Yes. I linked this officially to the main twitter account so there so there is no confusion. I am EtS.

Robe3866 ago

[email protected] to find ya here!!

RufusTFlywheel ago

Came back to shill some moar. EtS has 0 cred

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Agreed, absolutely zero. EyeTheSpy is complete garbage. Patriots, do not waste your time or effort on ETS.

EyeTheSpy ago

Lol. ^Terrified trolls immediately attack^

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

EyeTheSpy is shit. A liar exposed long ago.

AreWeThereYet ago

This shit has got to stop.

The shit slinging detracts and distracts.

We are all working toward the same goal. I have found you (EtS and NR and a lot of others) points of view and perspectives really informative. It's good to have different perspectives - if we all thought exactly the same - there would be no need for us to gather and exchange information.


Where WE Go 1 WE Go ALL... Think about it people. This isn't about any one of us. It's about all of us and the future of our Nation.

Rant over.

EyeTheSpy ago

Ahh that new shill smell^ I have more cred in one finger than your bulbous bosy has in its entire massive girth. Thanks for trolling.

Blacksmith21 ago

Damn, all y'all are 2nd generation Goats now....LOL.

Pickzilla ago

Didn't see that coming. KEK

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. No shit.

Lakotas ago

I posted a comment to Q that it would be good to get some cohesion back in the community; but it might cause some resentment. Maybe though it is what we need. An official VOAT Q board. BO has replied and said that he is going to get started immediately.

Silverlining ago

Would you care to link to your comment?

Lakotas ago

https:// Broke link just in case.

notmack45 ago

So awesome. I love this community.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

well this is strange. why does he need more than 8ch?

TNLunatick ago

I won't post to 8 chan, I'm probably not alone in that decision. It's too "extra" for most normal people. Not saying extra is bad in this case... but if a movement is going to reach the masses, it must be understandable to everyone.

Type-o-Negative ago

I think that was one of the major considerations. Mostly everyone has used this discussion at one time or another and would feel comfy writing messages.

Second one after that is voat has a solid integrity foundation and transparency for both the users and the modes.

Third would be votes that have well thought out coding to prevent circumventing and gaming the system.

TNLunatick ago

Maybe.... it's a bait and switch strategy?

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Because 90% of Q followers have no fucking clue how to navigate the Chan’s and probably can’t handle the nigger faggot talk.

Knowak ago

I am one on that 90%. I know how to use Reddit, but when I get on 8chan I am lost. Don't know where to look. I prefer these more 'moderated' boards that keep out the porn, racism and other unpalatable images. I wandered around on here when I saw the link on the, and went to the 'homepage' and quickly left due the vile racism.

So for me, this subvoat is good for me. If anyone has any other suggestions I am open, but 8ch is a LOT for someone to jump into.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, 8chan is a different animal indeed.

Knowak ago

Thank you for the heads up!

snapplemoose ago

Or the porn. Its disgusting.

ketoll ago

I think he saw how the banning of /r/GA scattered a lot of followers that were discussing his posts. It's good to have other places for discussion, just not as the source of the drops themselves.

Abillionelectrons ago

It's not about him posting anywhere's simply a united Q community like we had on Reddit, but here on Voat (instead of the 2 "battling" subverses like we have now). Meaning he isn't posting here, it's not going to be a "2nd 8ch"...

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

“The battle” why did they redditors need to make another subverse? So they could have the power. There was plenty of free and open discussion going on right here

Abillionelectrons ago

I'm not here to argue about the past...enough people seem to want to protect their home turfs. I'm not here for that.

the_art_collector ago

Can Voat handle that much more traffic? Also, would the owner of the board be able to confirm Q's IP on Voat?

Abillionelectrons ago

Q wouldn't be posting on Voat....only com is on 8ch...

the_art_collector ago

Alright. In that case, why do we need a third board?

Abillionelectrons ago

I'm surprised you're asking, because it's fairly obvious...but I would assume to stop the bickering between the reddit community and the goats...just use one subverse with an operator that has been proven as trustful. It's already getting annoying with people posting the same thing on both boards to be sure they are seen and if one was designated by Q, there would be no reason to use the others anymore.

magavoices ago

There is something special about news and opinions that get upvoted or downvoated by the community. 8chan doesn't have that functionality.

Q says no outside comms because (for him) it's vulnerable to bad actors. However, we are expected to promote Q through all social media (including Voat).

Knowak ago

I too like being able to up/down vote.

Captainfancypants ago

Woot Woot!

frontholio ago

@srayzie could reach out to Board Owner at 8chan and offer this board.

Would resolve a lot of confusion if she's willing to give him the keys.

the_art_collector ago

Here it is:

TNLunatick ago

I'm interested to see what @srayzie thinks, but it's probably appropriate to give her time to ponder.

LurkMaster ago

This is a move to make an equal space to the Reddit board. It shows no favorites to either group.

So now there will be the original QResearch board, the Reddit/GA board, and now a VOAT board, all on 8chan, all together.

Q said 8chan would be the only place for comms. Its time.

frontholio ago

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if Voat gets (or has been) moved to 8chan's server farm.

heygeorge ago

8chan would be the only place for comms.

Doesn’t that mean the only place Q will directly post? Why does everyone keep applying this to discussion boards?

s0ftpaddle ago

Comms? Can't we just call them posts?

heygeorge ago

That doesn’t sound as mysterious and ‘governmenty’

Sumrdream ago

Q reiterated they will only post in the one location, I think this board was meant to replace the reddit board.

heygeorge ago

they will only post

Who is they

Sumrdream ago

Q team

heygeorge ago


Foxy510 ago

I think Q suggested a board here because a lot of us were lost after reddit not sure where to get information from since most us get lost in the chan boards. A board that’s is easy to navigate and is uncensored for all of the rest of Q followers that are now flooding in. Possibly?

LurkMaster ago

You are correct, I completely missed the call...

Foxy510 ago

I’m sorry, I am not used to hearing I’m correct. Not sure what to say here? No worries? It happens? Haha

LurkMaster ago

Take it and run.... LOL

Foxy510 ago


LurkMaster ago

Yes, Just as he has. But you have noticed the discussion boards being shut down on Reddit? Anything with Q, Awakening, QAnon, etc are banned. It will keep spreading as it is on the other socials. And probably here to.

GA on Reddit had 70k+ members. Add up this sub, v/theawakening sub, the new 8chan board and it is well below 70k. Anons have been spread to the winds and Q is gathering everyone back together.

heygeorge ago

you have noticed the discussion boards being shut down on Reddit?

Yes, I have.

AreWeThereYet ago

I like her rules. I like how things have "settled" here.

The Chan is great - but I'd hate this place to turn into the Chan Part 2.

It would be great to have a better working relationship with them.

kalgon ago

It's not a good idea to put all eggs in the same basket, it's good to spread on multiple boards, it renders the whole crew much less easy to target/troll/subverse/nuke from orbit

And to you all it's like what? Type a freaking url and that's it you're teleported in a parallel dimension/board, open multiple tabs and your everywhere at the same time, if one is down the others are up, handy to retreat regroup and figure out wtf is going on, while when everything is at one place, once it's down for whatever reason, it's down

AreWeThereYet ago

I agree - there should multiple platforms. But they don't all need to be exactly the same.

Things I'd like to see here - dedicated threads - pinned - relating to specific topics. All the info about the topic should be filed under that topic for easier reference. The Chan does a great job of organizing information.

I'm really sick of the whole "that's how it's done here" shit... There it's the fucking porn - can't work on gathering info - my kids walk by and do that "Mom- WTH?!?" It's like every other post is porn. Can't even risk it at work. Unless someone is reading over my shoulder - they don't see the language here - but the porn... It's getting to the point that I don't even tell people to check out the proofs on the Chan. I've had negative feedback because of the shit posted there...

kalgon ago

Open a private board, passworded board on invite only, where you and a couple of other compile a best of free 4 bucks a month, that's good enough, of course you can even find free hostings like bytehost or some shit

You're 100% in control of everything, it's standard board format, looks like this As long as you don't remove the "Powered By MyBB, © 2002-2018 MyBB Group." at the bottom you get free support from the official forum, just ask your question over there how to change this or that etc

I've already used it and it's plug and play, it really isn't the absolute horror to install here's a step by step guide

You can install it on your computer to toy with it if you just want to give it a try that's for linux, don't know what you use, but as you can see there's isn't 320000 steps

For online install it's pretty much the same shit

And if it's a passworded board, you'll have zero bot, you can set it up like every new registration is subject to your approval, you receive a notification by mail, from there it's your world your rules your people

And one day if you feel like it you can open it to the public, or not

AreWeThereYet ago

Opening a private board to Red Pill is no different than just doing the "take my word for it". Giving people somewhere to go and read and learn - where they see that it's not just a few "conspiracy theory" paranoia geeks talking about ghosts in the machine... Sending them to a beehive of intel and letting them see this isn't just a few people... THAT makes a difference.

The point is - when dealing with people and trying to give them valid reasons to be open minded and THINK about what you are attempting to show them - the porn turns them off - they don't take it seriously. Kinda like most normal people wouldn't want to use a bank that has a branch office in the local tittie bar. They wouldn't care if the bank gives you $250 for opening a new account - they aren't going to even go in... Time and place for everything and all that. Even my kids are smart enough to comprehend that.

kalgon ago

You can send them anywhere you want as long as there isn't a 15 lines paragraph put in front of them clearly showing definitive proof that Q is something worth consideration you aren't going to hook anyone, porn or no porn

They aren't going to crawl all over 15000 Q drops to figure out what's in there, they'll do that later eventually once convinced there's something to it, and you aren't going to sell them on the whole narrative with just a bunch of maybes

There's something like 2 or 3 Q post really worth mentioning as far as I can tell, like the one of the previous week, about the emmy awards, and that's pretty much the most solid evidence, the rest isn't going to cut it, it's too subject to interpretation, not rock solid, it can be thrown in the dubious conjecture or educated guess basket, if not outright revue de presse

And even the emmy stuff... Now trump is sort of back tracking on it

Talking about red pilling and making a difference with normies, a 15000 post long charade isn't really the best vehicle, tbh

AreWeThereYet ago

Once someone is open to the truth - sending them somewhere to see more detailed info that they can browse lets them inform themselves.

When someone says Q is a larp or a conspiracy group - they can look through the information themselves and see it isn't alien abduction, bigfoot and the chupacabra... Stuff with no proof. They also see that the people are (for the most part) intelligent, normal and from all walks of life. This isn't a bunch of racists - it's people who are informed.

As far as "subject to interpretation" - that opens the door for discussion.

kalgon ago

they can look through the information themselves and see it isn't alien abduction, bigfoot and the chupacabra...

"It's all over the chans!"

Are you kidding me? Get real, it's a 15000 post ass long charade which makes zero sense if you didn't followed the whole story, who's going to read that entirely just to get an idea of wheither it's completely retarded or maybe legit? Nobody but "conspiracy loons"

I would seriously have a harder time convincing anyone that maybe Q is for real than convincing them that maybe aliens are real, and I'm dead serious

AreWeThereYet ago

Do you know how to use the catalog for the QResearch on 8Chan?

Go to the catalog.. You can navigate through the info - it's organized by topic.

If you have to wade through the entire Chan - you're working too hard.

kalgon ago

If that's so easy then there's no problem to redpill normies it's just there case closed

It's 99% rubbish, 99% of it isn't going to fly on any given skeptic forum worth its salt, and a normie is a skeptic, because he doesn't want to be associated with the conspiracytard crowd to begin with

AreWeThereYet ago

Are you carrying on just to carry on?

Somewhere along the line you missed the point. Apparently you need to fap while you Q... There are millions of porn sites. EVERY site doesn't need to be turned into one.

It's the culture is a fucked up excuse... In Islamic culture - marrying little girls and butt raping little boys is "the culture"...

You are not going to convince me that you're right. Go to the QPorn Hub... That's where you belong.

kalgon ago

Somewhere along the line you missed the point.

Or maybe it's the other way around, maybe you're completely off on this one

If it's that easy to show the truth about Q, if that "truth" is so self evident, then there's nothing to do, it's just there, no explanation required...

Who decided to bury the so called truth on 4chan in the middle of all the porn and "racist bigots"?


And that's a fact

AreWeThereYet ago

This isn't 4Chan...

This isn't just a bunch of freaks and geeks who found a safe space where they could be relatively normal and people saw they were more than agoraphobic stimmers.
If you don't get that - you don't get shit.

Go find someone else to rag on..

kalgon ago

What isn't 4Chan you fucking 10 days old moron?

Where Q posts IS 4Chan

Q decided to "awake" people in the middle of a nazi porn cesspool, and that's a fact, whether you like it or not

freshmeat ago

Srayzie is one of the shills, Q probably already knows this and mentioned new boar. This subverse is controlled opposition ran by SBBH mods and PV mods.

Notice it's all SBBH mods, and triggly is one of the most blatant shills that Voat deals with. You guys got hoodwinked and should listen to Q, make sure you create a sub that has no moderators from ProtectVoat or SoapBoxBanHammer

Boban_Rajovic ago

What's SBBH and what are the 2 researchers that you were talking about there?

Type-o-Negative ago

SBBH = Soap Box Ban Hammer and what freshment said.

Le_Squish ago

Freshmeat is one of our resident shills. He's easily agitated by the shitposters of /v/soapboxbanhammer.

freshmeat ago

/v/realProtectVoat check my sidebar, SBBH = SRS. The same people who got subreddits banned and sent here.

The 2 researchers were @Oh_Well_Ian and @SarMegahhikkitha. They were banned because they realized what Srayzie was doing.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Okay, so what's SRS?

As for OWI, he's a garbage ass shill that used alts/vote manipulation to get people under 10 CCP (a.k.a. censor). His "research" was a bunch of outright lies and unbacked up claims.

Srayzie does use deep state tactics (ignoring points/arguments and constantly going ad-hominem), but OWI is just a super obvious shill.

She should've banned the fucker a long time ago. But she and the other chick mod sided with him and attacked me when I exposed his lies and proof-less "research".

freshmeat ago

Okay, so what's SRS?

ShitRedditSays aka radical homosexual SJW redditors who made it into the top echelons of reddit and are the reason why the site is nothing compared to how it was when Swartz was around. They false flag constantly and get subreddits banned and people censored and they pretty are the reason why the internet sucks. It stems back from LiveJournal but they have a presence literally anywhere that truth is discussed including the chans etc. They get into positions of power and completely change things, and there is high suspicion that Reddit admins are in cahoots with 8chans admins as of about 2 years ago.

As for OWI, he's a garbage ass shill that used alts/vote manipulation to get people under 10 CCP (a.k.a. censor). His "research" was a bunch of outright lies and unbacked up claims.

Did you ever see any evidence Ian did it? Because that is the exact thing SBBH to false flag subverses and certain users. They did it to pizzagate, they did it to identarians, TradWives, a few other subs. I've been accused of this a million times while SBBH are the ones brigading.

Srayzie does use deep state tactics (ignoring points/arguments and constantly going ad-hominem), but OWI is just a super obvious shill.

Still need proof of that, he seemed spot on to me, and reasonable.

She should've banned the fucker a long time ago. But she and the other chick mod sided with him and attacked me when I exposed his lies and proof-less "research".

Triggly and Srayzie are SRS trannies dude. Any effort they make to do something in this sub is with bad intentions. They are really good at framing people then chasing people off the site. For example Needlestack and Sound_of_Silence, even making similarly named accounts going around shilling to give them a bad reputation.

Q wouldnt have said make a new board unless he already knew Voat is somewhat compromised, and that recent failure of an exodus was an example of SBBH controlling popular consensus via manipulation.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Did you ever see any evidence Ian did it? Because that is the exact thing SBBH do to false flag subverses and certain users. They did it to pizzagate, they did it to identarians, TradWives, a few other subs. I've been accused of this a million times while SBBH are the ones brigading.

Yes I have, with my own eyes. After I called him out on his outright lies and disinfo I got downvoted by more than 50 CCP in a matter of minutes. Entire thread had no more than 100 votes at the time. So this is an obvious move, as I continuously exposed him he decided to pretty much censor me, and Srayzie and her other girl mod stood beside him and bashed me with "you're just a month old account hahaha" shit.

Not to mention his classic teenage shill slang and behavior.

Still need proof of that, he seemed spot on to me, and reasonable. and Srayzie is 100% confirmed shill.

I'm not gonna go and dig what I found on him ~2 months ago. It's not like he spread misinfo here and there. He did it constantly. Also coupled with his imbecilic behavior/slang. No real "researcher" behaves like that. Dismisses anything anyone else says that doesn't go along what he's saying and starts to bombard them with insults like a fucking shithead. Constant ad-hominems instead of dealing with points/arguments are the trait of a shill.

If you can't recognize that then no matter what I provide as a proof you'll dismiss it. Not a single patriot behaves like that fucktard OWI does. Not a single one. And I don't feel like wasting half an hour of my life to have my points ignored and it happens most of the time when people defend shills (such as r/GA mods and other individuals).

Triggly and Srayzie are SRS trannies dude. Any effort they make to do something in this sub is with bad intentions. They are really good at framing people then chasing people off the site. For example Needlestack and Sound_of_Silence, even making similarly named accounts going around shilling to give them a bad reputation.

Q wouldnt have said make a new board unless he already knew Voat is somewhat compromised, and that recent failure of an exodus was an example of SBBH controlling popular consensus via manipulation.

Also note the user whor esponded to you on this comment is an SBBH mod as well. This is what they do, they stick together and dismiss big red flags.

I still haven't formulated my stance on whether this mod team is a bunch of shill or not. Srayzie and her chick certainly showed usage of deep state tactics, even just a few days ago when I called her out on idolizing a guy who's account was 2 days old at the time that provided alleged proofs of r/GA mods being shills. Yet when I did it months ago she trashed me and dismissed everything I say based on me being new on voat (which is a super obscure site).

This new Q drop certainly implies lots of stuff.

But I take everything you write with a huge grain of salt because of your stance on OWI. He might as well be that EyeTheSpy shitcan. Same vocabulary and behavior. But then again, that's a classic shill trait.

freshmeat ago

Yes I have, with my own eyes. After I called him out on his outright lies and disinfo I got downvoted by more than 50 CCP in a matter of minutes.

It's not only easy to frame someone when SBBH is lurking the arguments, there is no proof it was actually him but I will talk with him further, Sar is the one I trust the most and I missed the Ian drama, he just reached out to me and asked some question. This is not something difficult to fake.

Not to mention his classic teenage shill slang and behavior.

I haven't seen it so i can't defend it. He just seemed genuine. I'll have to talk with him more.

I still haven't formulated my stance on whether this mod team is a bunch of shill or not. Srayzie and her chick certainly showed usage of deep state tactics, even just a few days ago when I called her out on idolizing a guy who's account was 2 days old at the time that provided alleged proofs of r/GA mods being shills.

They are 100% known shills on Voat but have the power of gaming the voting system so they are able to literally create public consensus. They were way more obvious before GA got banned and they went into tactical shill mode. I could write a 20k word post detailing just how fuckin obvious it is with proof to back it up. They are what shareblue wishes it could've been.

But I take everything you write with a huge grain of salt because of your stance on OWI. He might as well be that EyeTheSpy shitcan. Same vocabulary and behavior. But then again, that's a classic shill trait.

I've literally only had 1 interaction with him via PM, but I did upvote his posts for visibility. I know nothing of him except that he put a lot of effort in, I'll gladly read more but this site is going to be moving fast tonight

AUSAFVet ago

Posting rules have got to change then..a number of us have been locked out!!

TexasInfidel ago

The Cherokee walked a trail too You special or some shit?

AUSAFVet ago

maybe or maybe not

TexasInfidel ago

Your fckn choice to think for your self or not Im not waiting for stragglers

AUSAFVet ago

Me either, that is why you are 10 miles behind me lmfao

Le_Squish ago

You aren't locked out of anything Voat does not exist for the sole benefit of Qultist.

Try step outside your bubble and start conversations. Always plenty of goats in /v/news, /v/politics and /v/whatever that like to chat. You'll rack up the CCP in no time if you can figure out how to not be a retard.

Podd ago

If you can figure out how to not be a retard.

Way to set the bar high you monster.

N3DM ago

... if you can figure out how to not be a retard.

Easier said than done!

AUSAFVet ago

Thanx for the advice

VetGoat84 ago

Locked out how?

AUSAFVet ago

I cannot post..was told to go to other VOAT sites with lower rules and post there till I can get my numbers me that is Locked Out due to over zealous rules. I was with Q from almost the beginning and now I am stuck just commenting... I appreciate the site but wish it was different

TimberGhost ago

Hav to put in your time here like everybody else. I like the rules. Assimilate!!

AreWeThereYet ago

That has not been the case here... That was a rule at "the awakening". Not here.

And - if ya can't post - how did ya post what ya just posted? ;)

AUSAFVet ago

I meant my own drop...with links No problem I must have misunderstood the Goat system

Hand_of_Node ago

This is why invaders should be burned alive. Probably needed more heat in your case.

AUSAFVet ago

and what is that supposed to mean?

Hand_of_Node ago

Since you're new, you're probably not familiar with the need, purpose, and history of the voat immune response to invasions. It's essentially to winnow out those who can't or won't assimilate. I don't entirely object, but the "Q" subs somewhat bypass our system.

Posting rules have got to change then..

Note this is coming from an invader.

AUSAFVet ago

thank you for the advice

AreWeThereYet ago

That's something that should be addressed then.

Starting new drops is cool - but too many redundant drops - or just irrelevant drops just clutters up the board.

AUSAFVet ago

Yeah redundant drops is a bummer...You have to read to different drops instead of just one with everyone communicating under one umbrella

AreWeThereYet ago

Maybe dedicated boards - like the pizzagate board. Have a board devoted to a specific topic. Each board has mods that keep things in order. New drops can be opened under that topic?

Blacksmith21 ago

They will find their way here. Controlled influx. Still working on r/efugees. Now have to assimilate the fucking Chanese.

frontholio ago

Chans won't come here as long as they have /qresearch/

Alice89 ago

They will if is Q asking.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's fine. They generate the raw intel and we prepare it in a manner that normal people can understand.

BuilderAnon ago

Agreed. The community belongs to the people and the people would gladly support her continued leadership if her direction came from trusted Q partners.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think I am going to have to conduct classes on shill busting.

BuilderAnon ago

What do you mean?

Blacksmith21 ago

To deal with the influx of shitposters, shills, and other idiots when in the next 24-48 hours 10 million people decide they want to get on Voat?

BuilderAnon ago

Oh hahah yes. Makes sense.

Blacksmith21 ago

OK, that number is a bit excessive. But the old r/ numbers were well into 6 figures and there a LOT more people following Q than on those r/ subs.

Pickzilla ago

Get ready Professor! Bout to be a REAL landing here.

How are we going to quell the endless reposts?? That's been frustrating as hell.

Le_Squish ago

Blocks the subs as many people already have.

mzjulesaz ago


CokeOrPepe ago

Yeah, what’s wrong with ours?

RufusTFlywheel ago

Q said it sucks, pretty clearly in fact. What's so hard to understand about that he said make a new one, which means this one is crap

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

There are two battling boards right now. Q, the reason we are here, said make a 3rd. Anyone who hates on that gives themselves away immediately.

TNLunatick ago

There's no battle. We're all on the same side. I'll be honest, there's a mod over on the other board that I have found to be very helpful. But there's one that censored me on r/GA more times than I can count. I question the motives of that individual. If he's reading this, I would suggest that he do some soul searching about why he's really here. I see you.

ketoll ago

Q seemed to want one that the entrusted board mod of 8ch can monitor. I supposed even Voat could be infiltrated.

NoisyCricket ago

It's all about optics. The corrupt Reddit mods have raised doubt about what's already here. Because of what happened when the Reddit mods came and how they handled it we know they are corrupt. Currently the 8chan BO is trusted by millions. Him starting a board here completely resolves all optics issues and puts to bed all doubt, unrest, and jockeying between the two current boards.

It's not a slap to @srayzie but simply something which is good for everyone in the long run. I doubt she fails to understand the significance of sacrifice for the greater good. It heals the split community damaged by the Reddit mods and allows the movement to remain spread out and share while providing much more normie visibility. Which, again, is good for everyone.

lnsip9reg ago

I like the culture of v/GA. That will continue, and we will also have our influence on v/QRV! In the longterm v/GA would have won even more converts from the refugees, but time is short! Q needs all his soldiers ready! We have our marching orders, time to Fight! Fight! Fight! Together!

NoisyCricket ago

but time is short! Q needs all his soldiers ready!

You got it!

magavoices ago

Q is the captain, if he says some guy from 8 chan will manage a Voat board, that's where I'll be headed.

I've appreciated GreatAwakening in the meantime and will still visit here.

6ixty9ine ago

I agree, and so far /qresearch/ BO hasn't cucked it all up yet so I think we're in good hands

SwampDonkey318 ago

Absofuckinglutely! End this back and forth bitching between GA and TGA! Unity is key to victory!

WanderingTaurus ago

It still is creating/keeping division though as TGA has their own chan (heavily moderated) and then there would be a chan for GA.

SwampDonkey318 ago

QRV board created.....seems as though everyone is joining together as ONE

FlappyJappy ago

division from Q themselves, 2 boards here and now theyre asking for a third

Silverlining ago

Romeo and Juliet prologue, no?

magavoices ago

I've earned the right through participation to downvoat. Congratulations, you got the first one I've ever given.

FlappyJappy ago

wow, reddit tier faggotry detected, like i care if you can downvoat or not. q asking for a board made on here makes it sound like they havent visited here before. if they were monitoring voat theyd know about the dedicated boards on here already

Abillionelectrons ago

sounds to me like Q wants a united board instead of 2.

FlappyJappy ago

v/greatawakening was a united board until the reddit fags showed up and divided everything with their new board

Abillionelectrons ago

Can't change the past

Silverlining ago

It is called re-writing history. Busy writing it now.

As the Irishman says when you ask, "How to I get to somewhere?"

He answers, "If I were you, I wouldn't start from here."

Suddenly makes sense!

Silverlining ago

Can shape the Future...

magavoices ago

You don't give a shit about Voat. You have -16 CCP ... it means all you do is say stupid things the community doesn't agree with.

What you're doing right now is called concern trolling. It's not like Voat hasn't had issues with two rival folders needing external help to clear the confusion up or anything, right?

Silverlining ago

Did you put the spoof v/QRV post up? Like a mug, I even subscribed to the "board"

Not amused.

magavoices ago

Visit it's a list of all Q posts. Follow the link from there to Voat.

Pro tip: it's the most populated board on Voat right now. When you see thousands more people on the sub than any other sub on Voat you'll know you're in the right place.

Ina_Pickle ago

Because herd mentality is always best mentality.

Dortex ago

No. Never happened. Literally only you faggots have decided to split yourselves up this hard. Niggers haters get banned? They stick to /v/niggers. R/Fatpeoplehate gone? v/Fatpeoplehate. Q gets banned? A bunch of whiny cucks invade, then go out if their way to make one, now apparently two boards and bitch at the locals. Fuck you.

magavoices ago

You're not trying hard enough. Use more swear words.

I like my hazing with a little pizzazz. Shock me bitch.

Dortex ago

Not everyone is trying to haze you. Sometimes you just need to get information out, and it's not pleasant to hear. You faggots are the only ones in the entire history of Voat to ever form several major subs. And apparently unity is, like, your thing, which is doubly embarrassing. The other waves came and had their entitled "let's make this place more like Reddit" phase, but even they stuck to a single sub when it came down to it. If it didn't exist, they made one and none more.

P.S.: You made it past the hazing phase. Congrats. Now you need to learn to swallow bitter pills.

magavoices ago

You faggots are the only ones in the entire history of Voat to ever form several major subs

The premise of Q is that there would be division, it's baked in the cake. You know, the whole deep state and cabal investing resources into destroying us sort of thing. That division actually happened is more proof that Q is legit than otherwise (all this for a LARP?)

There's no virtue in having 1 sub vs 2. I had nothing to do with it, but even if I did, there is no moral dilemma that occurs because it happened. Perhaps there's some Voat culture stigma that creating 2 subs is paramount to swallowing a turd or something, but sorry I don't see it. Maybe I will after I've been here a while. Until then, 2 folders vs 1 means nothing to me, nor should it.

Maybe you can tell me what kind of psychological trauma you will suffer from there being 1 main and 2 sub voats for Q. Does it keep you up at night? Will you cry?

Dortex ago

The premise of Q is that there would be division, it's baked in the cake. You know, the whole deep state and cabal investing resources into destroying us sort of thing. That division actually happened is more proof that Q is legit than otherwise (all this for a LARP?)

With idiots like you forming a part of the group, the whole thing will fall apart on its own. Already has. If there's anything I've learned, it's that the incompetent are worse than the malicious. And a damn sight more common too. Having unity baked into your creed, then embracing division as a sign that you're right all but confirms an unfalsifiable hypothesis; the most useless kind. Even more so than even outright false statements.

There's no virtue in having 1 sub vs 2.

'Cept for the whole division thing that inevitably forms when two/three/four groups are independently managed by different people with different ideas and goals.

Maybe you can tell me what kind of psychological trauma you will suffer from there being 1 main and 2 sub voats for Q. Does it keep you up at night? Will you cry?

It's a symptom of the dysfunction you invaders are bringing. You literally can't even manage to stay in one place in spite of your creed; something even the libertarians managed in spite their wildly optimistic individualism.

magavoices ago

the whole thing will fall apart on its own

Are you the wrongthink police? Are you going to give me a ticket for wrongthink? What is the fine I'm looking at officer?

'Cept for the whole division thing that inevitably forms when two/three/four groups are independently managed by different people

Are you actually giving me tips for my little Q anon movement to act in a way that prevents the "whole thing fall apart on its own"? How sweet of you. I'll take notes.

You literally can't even manage to stay in one place in spite of your creed

Oh dear.

So do you have anything better than 8th grade peer pressure shaming to persuade me to stop following Q? Because nothing you've said so far has made me tingle yet.

Dortex ago

Are you the wrongthink police? Are you going to give me a ticket for wrongthink? What is the fine I'm looking at officer?

It's weird that that's your response to being called stupid.

Are you actually giving me tips for my little Q anon movement to act in a way that prevents the "whole thing fall apart on its own"? How sweet of you. I'll take notes.

No. The way to stop whatever this Q thing from falling apart is for people like you to either kill yourselves, or disassociate completely. Im pointing out that the latest wave of refugees is the worst most disorganized cancer we've ever gotten in our entire history, and it would be very helpful if it would stop fucking with our site with this division bullshit.

So do you have anything better than 8th grade peer pressure shaming to persuade me to stop following Q? Because nothing you've said so far has made me tingle yet.

I've just been pointing out that you, and people like you, are stupid, that anything you touch is doomed to fail, and that said failure already happened. Only things to be done are to give up, or learn to stick together better, like those anarchists we have floating around here. No, the irony isn't lost on me.

magavoices ago

Well then.

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

The new Q voat has 4x more visitors than both the older subs combined. I'm only going to post there now, so go harass me there.

Good luck finding me though, it's 100% anonymous, bitch. Bawhahahahaaa!

Dortex ago

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

Get the fuck out of here either your Reddit bullshit.

The new Q voat has 4x more visitors than both the older subs combined. I'm only going to post there now, so go harass me there.

We both know you're going to post elsewhere. You have no principles. You'll rationalize it away by saying it wasn't really a promise. And that even if it was, it doesn't matter if you lied to me. But just know, if you break such a simple promise, you know you really can't stand even for the smallest things. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Never post anywhere else. I'd be happy to be wrong.

bopper ago

Agreed, I don't quite get it...

DawnPendraig ago

I think this one is great and so should Q

Type-o-Negative ago

waves franitcally Hi Dawn!

RufusTFlywheel ago

What you think doesn't matter. Q said this board is no good.

e1337ninja ago

No. Q literally did not say that. Q just wanted a new unified board to get past the GA and TA drama.