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VeryOffended ago

Saw a lot of drama go down in /v/pizzagate recently. It really fucked things up there in the way of progress. I'm not saying it's bad to call out shills, but certain mods have been a little too obsessed. Including you. In /v/pizzagate too. I think you should trust the community. We're all here for some reason or other. Maybe multiple reasons. Trust the democracy here. It's why this place exists. /v/pizzagate has been a shit show much like Real Housewives ever since the "Jenny Moore" and "Sarah" drama. Very few new posts. Drama only. No, I couldn't possibly understand what stress mods are under. Maybe you shouldn't be mods if you must add to the drama. Downvoat the shills and reply directly to them if you must. We'll see it. Holy Shit though, trust the intelligence of the people here and stop the drama. People recognize patterns in a small community. In terms of what I saw go down in /v/pizzagate, no, I don't contribute to research, but I try to keep up and spread what I can and what I think is reputable. The drama there was an abomination. I don't care what it's like to be a moderator there. There were days where there were virtually no new posts due to drama. Please. No, I don't contribute. Yes, I am a leech and I rely on posts to forum opinions. Comment directly to these shills and trust your community here. This drama is garbage. Don't be a mod if it's so hard.

Crensch ago

No, I don't contribute.

Guess what your opinion means to me, then.

VeryOffended ago

I don't have the skills to dig more. Fuck it, call me dumb. Are the only people who are aloud to have opinions the ones that have the skills and time to research? Seems sort of counter productive. I'd think reaching any and everyone is more important. I think the spread of information is most important. I've acknowledged that I'm not a researcher and that I don't have the skills to be, but should only those with such skills be worthy of your "audience" and having opinions? In my opinion, getting the word out is most important and whomever wishes to pay attention is equally important.

GoodGodKirk ago

No, disinfo makes the board no better than CNN. This should be called out so that it doesn’t lead people like you, a self proclaimed tech-tard, down the wrong path.

It easy to find fake images using photoshop and Ian didn’t use any of these features to point these out.

Don’t be mislead by fakes, we’re being attacked from all sides now.

VeryOffended ago

I agree with you. I just don't want these same mods doing the same thing they did in /v/pizzagate. It was crazy. Especially for that sub.

Crensch ago

Are the only people who are aloud to have opinions the ones that have the skills and time to research?

The only people allowed to sound like concern-trolls and get away with it (maybe) are those that appear to have contributed more than dick to this website. You? You're just a poorly-kept-up aged account.

Remember when you said this?

I don't care what it's like to be a moderator there.

I don't care what it's like in the cubicle David Brock provides for you, either.

VeryOffended ago

You're right. Sorry.