JackBlack1 ago

Everyone knows this is shopped. I mean, why would an openly gay man be wearing a flamboyant mask at a gay pride parade? No way that could ever happen. Also Michelle Obama does NOT have a dick. That was all shopped too.

dooob ago

Since when were you a photoshop expert, mr No Proof? Everyone knows l33t photoshopepers start at 3.0!

Aasb ago

Lets say the picture is real. What can we do with it?

letsdothis2 ago


Just wanted to add some more info about the designer and the seeming push of the occult into the mainstream (because that's how I'm reading this particular little episode now) ...

The designer is Caley Johnson and her designes feature heavily throughout the fashion and music industries. They are exhibited in places like the Smithsonian for christ's sake ..here's an article in the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/culture/gallery/2018/mar/29/burning-man-goes-to-washington

This is her etsy shop: https:// www.etsy.com/uk/people/MissGDesignsShop [space inserted into url because banned domain]

And her website: http://missgdesigns.com/category/press/#

Just read the blurb on this video of her designs https://youtu.be/gA436qYCuJI to see how entrenched she is in the biz.

Her biography: http://missgdesigns.com/about-miss-g/

Miss G is Caley Johnson, a Colorado native who grew up surrounded by the peaky mountains of Denver. Growing up she had little interest in design or fashion, although she loved crafting and getting her hands dirty.

Hollywood dreams couldn’t have been further from her mind after graduation when she spent her time studying natural medicine, assisting at births as a doula, performing with a local belly dancing troupe, and saving up money to travel from nanny jobs. She fell in love with travel, and began to take long trips abroad. She traveled across Europe, Australia and New Zealand. She spent a season working in Singapore. She also volunteered for months at a hospital in Tanzania, where she was thrust into the role of a doula and midwife.

She named her small design business Miss Giggle Monster – one of her nicknames from a nanny charge - and began to break into the San Francisco scene in earnest.

amonymous ago

I assumed it was a like a Dominican man or something but at no point did I think it was photoshopped. and the artist collectives are so interlinking its easy to see that these people get around. Now that the guy he was standing next to is this politician (looked like he worked at a footlocker or something) and I am convinced it is a real photo. Seeing how stupid these people are on their instagrams thats how this board was made reddit saw the going through the instagrams as a witch hunt so they banned /r/pizzagate.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

Saw this earlier and thought I would share. I don't know what to believe about this picture anymore. We need to find the identity of the guy beside him.

The head dress was designed by Miss G Design, who designs various types of elaborate-looking headwear.

The man who wore this costume to Burning Man was featured in the following article.

The caption below the photograph states that the man who wore it is Michael Madie.

Michael is a well-known / publicly known estate agent who has been featured in various articles.

You can easily see why he might look like Obama if most of his face is obscured by the head design that he wore.

letsdothis2 ago

The man who wore this costume to Burning Man was featured in the following article.

I believe that was a set up for the Obama photo. Follow the author of that article.

Is this the author? http://twentyfivehundred.com/40-facts-that-define-me/

Just confirmed..yes. This has psyop and Russian spook (or more accurately - spook provided by Russia) all over it.. Going to dig further

Edit 2: http://madamesuccess.com/how-to-be-a-successful-goddess

Saida Mouradova is an owner of a fashion wholesale distribution company White Crow inc; they sell designer accessories and jewelry to flash sale sites and e-commerce sites. She is also a creative director and an editor of Twenty Five Hundred, an online platform for like-minded people. Besides, Saida designs unique headpieces. In her free time, she is participating in the art project “747 Big Imagination Foundation.”

The Big Imagination Foundation : http://www.bigimagination.org/about

Related articles from Saida M's blog 'Twenty Five Hundred' (25 = 5*5, 55.. See Clintons for those who get the connections)



Realted voat post (posted 10 months ago):



You are also very, very right about celebrity chefs as well.

Going to watch that interview now.

As often happens with these episodes, they use the Revelation of the Method, tell us what is happening but with misdirection everyone is looking in the wrong direction (Is it Obama, photoshop, blah, blah, blah). Instead of asking why is this out there in the first place? Why are 'leading figures' of the so-called alternative community pushing it? Who is actually behind it? @esotericshade maybe you might be interested to dig further. We need more eyes on this.

@argosciv https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2524588/12637670


letsdothis2 ago

Some thoughts have occurred to me and this comment is more of a ramble and stream of consciousness that maybe you @esotericshade may make some sense of...

First of all, my comment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2596487/13069121. The blog Twenty Five Hundred that points to the Burning Man images with the person who looks like Obama..

The number 2500 is significant as already explained elsewhere and reminded me of a song by an Eighties Goth group, the Sisters of Mercy.. Please read the following thread that was posted in pizzagatewhatever 9 months ago, connecting Russia, Israel, and Burning Man comments : https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2166923/10681323

The name Sisters of Mercy is significant because...

The Sisters of Mercy are constituted as religious and charitable organizations in a number of countries. Mercy International Association is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland.[5] In the United Kingdom, The Union of the Sisters of Mercy of Great Britain is a registered charity, and in 2006–2007 had a gross income of £5.5 million.


On May 20, 2009, the institute was condemned in an Irish government report known as the Ryan Report, the work of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Sisters of Mercy were named as the chief among the institutes under whose care girls "endured frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless ... personal and family denigration was widespread"

Catholic Nuns "Sisters of Mercy" Exposed: Victim of "Magdalene Laundries" concentration camps speaks

The Twenty Five Hundred blog goes on about the 'sisterhood'.. there is a push at the moment for the strong female, witches and covens, Clinton and her own coven connections ..

The leader of the Eighties band formed it in Leeds during the Thatcher era...Savile is from Leeds... I need to do some research into that.. He dropped out of Oxford to form the band and still regularly visits Israel. The band did a song with Netanyahu's former lover.. .. (whispers of pedophilia?) https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2168560/10689023

Midburn, is Israel's version of Burning Man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midburn . I need to look into the people who started it:

Larry Harvey John Law Brian Behlendorf Brian Doherty Cal Chamberlain

For example, John Law:

John Law is an American artist, culture-jammer, and co-founder of the Cacophony Society and a member of the Suicide Club.

(Didn't the pope have something to say about cacophony at one point?)

What else is significant about the Sisters of Mercy and the 'sisterhood'? Well in good old fashioned magic, we have the dual aspects of the brotherhood in Espiritos Santo, the cult of the Holy Spirit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_the_Holy_Spirit

The existence of the Irmandades do Divino Espírito Santo (English: Brotherhoods of the Divine Holy Spirit) were first noted in the 16th century.

The cult of the Holy Spirit (Portuguese: Culto do Divino Espírito Santo), also known as the cult of the Empire of the Holy Spirit (Culto do Império do Divino Espírito Santo), is a religious sub-culture, inspired by Christian millenarian mystics, associated with Azorean Catholic identity, consisting of iconography, architecture, and religious practices that have continued in many communities of the archipelago as well as the broader** Portuguese** diaspora. Beyond the Azores, the Cult of the Holy Spirit is alive in parts of Brazil (where it was established three centuries ago) and pockets of Portuguese settlers in North America. The cult of the Holy Spirit involves traditional rituals and religious celebrations of these faith communities.

The dove: iconographic symbol of the Holy Spirit https://imgur.com/a/wFJyU0H


Portugal: think Praia da Luz

This image is from Gerry McCanns blog: https://imgur.com/a/KgRXU8W


It shows that the stained glass window in the McCanns church at Praia da Luz was replaced with a dove one year after she went missing. I believe it is possible that this has connections with the Espiritos Santo cult and the bank of the same name.

I had to do a screenshot and then upload it because when I tried to save the jpg of the file that is on his website the imgur website failed it. Also, I was first alerted to this dove window by this youtube researcher who had a youtube video up in March about it asking what might be its significance but it has been removed. https://www.youtube.com/user/paulbust32/videos

Brazil: think Marina Abramovic

Espirito Santo is also related and directly connected to the banking industry and I have posted a lot about Espirito Santo, Execution Ltd, the connections to high level pedophilia in the UK, the Hampstead case and the McCanns :



The Children of the Sun and the Children of the Moon (brotherhood and sisterhood) are concepts found in Jewish mysticism and the Talmud :

Children of the Sun vs. Children of the Moon https://www.haaretz.com/life/books/1.4931158

letsdothis2 ago

More on Andrew Elritch and Sisters of Mercy https://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=17976

Did anyone else spot all the Sisterhood references in last night's episode of 'Spooks'?

For those of you who didn't see it, the Russian 'number station' (a particular radio frequency for transmitting coded information) was broadcasting 'random' phrases and numbers. Only they weren't random. They were 'Finland Red, Egypt White', '2 5 0 0 0 2 5' and 'Rain from Heaven'. The latter turned out to be the code to initiate a nuclear attack on London.

Reply: unless they are genuine codes and eldritch is MI6?

I don't think that's farfetched at all.

(From this episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Strike_(Spooks))


Lucas Fox does the vocal parts on "Colours", "Finland Red, Egypt White" and "Rain from Heaven". The text of "Finland Red, Egypt White" comes from an arms dealer's catalogue for the AK-47 rifle, while the title cites the country code for blank cartridges.

Patricia Morrison got her first opportunity to collaborate with Eldritch, but her only verified contribution to the album is one spoken passage on the opening track "Jihad". Eldritch: "So I asked Patricia to come to the studio and told her: 'Speak this – Two-Five-Zero-Zero-Zero'. It took the Mission two months to realise the meaning of those words. Two months!" i.e. £25,000.

Album trivia

The final episode of BBC drama Spooks' seventh series references this album. The Russian code broadcast on a Cold War number station is " Finland Red, Egypt White. It is twice blest. It is twice blest. Rain from Heaven". This code activates a Russian sleeper agent in Faversham (also a reference to the Sisters of Mercy as the Faversham is a pub in Leeds that "was where goth's dark lords, the Sisters of Mercy, would hold court"),[33] Kent to collect a hidden portable nuclear weapon to be taken to Grosvenor Square in London and detonated at 15:00hrs. Also, while trying to get to London Bridge through an unused underground tube tunnel, Lucas North says the sentence "What is lost can never be found"; a line from the "Giving Ground" track.

letsdothis2 ago


Atrocity Exhibition is a Ballard book, one of the favorites of... [Eldritch].


The book inspired the Joy Division song of the same name from their 1980 album Closer, though Ian Curtis only read the novel after writing the majority of the lyrics

Two tracks on Gary Numan's 1994 album Sacrifice refer to the book: "Love and Napalm," taken from one of the chapter titles; and "A Question of Faith," which includes the line "I'll be your exhibition of atrocity."

Sounds like a textbook for those in the biz.

Archived Peter Crowley- victim of the Parsons Green bomb - links with the London Goth music and S&M scene - Gary Numan and Friends Electric. Occult weirdness.

Well, I had a peruse through his Facebook https://imgur.com/a/JVx4zImgur Album , and boy does he have some interesting friends. One path alone led me to the Goth music scene, S&M culture and the UK parliament..and to Gary Numan. Why did I stop at Numan?...

On London Goth music scene, allegations of satanism, and more synchronicities - weird occult stuff

Eldritch studied French and German literature at the University of Oxford before moving to Leeds around 1978 to study Mandarin Chinese at the University of Leeds; he left both courses before graduating.

I have a theory that anybody who wants to be in a rock band probably shouldn’t be allowed to be in one. And anybody who’s really good at being in a rock band should be viewed with suspicion. But I think my terror manifests itself in a very entertaining way. And that has afforded me a very comfortable life when I’m not on stage, so I can live with the compromise. I made the pact.

Joy Division - Atrocity Exhibition https://youtu.be/5AqeqAQ1ILI

The brutal musical legacy of JG Ballard http://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/30607/1/the-brutal-musical-legacy-of-jg-ballard

Rough Trade is launching its own mag – here we publish their piece on ten pioneering musicians whose work has been inspired by Brutalist architecture, city tower blocks and the novels of JG Ballard

Disaffected young musicians 
empathised with his brutal view of the
 world and throughout the 1970s
 and ‘80s artists like Joy Division,
 The Normal, Cabaret Voltaire, 
Hawkwind, David Bowie, Gary 
Numan, Grace Jones, John 
Foxx, The Human League and This Heat crafted visceral songs directly inspired by his nightmarish “inner space” prose. With their “No Future” slogan, The Sex Pistols, formed the same year as High-Rise’s publication, became the quintessential dystopian poster boys. “I can see the connection between Ballard and punk,” says film director Ben Wheatley. “It was an absolutely new voice looking at the modern world and smashing it up. Ballard wasn’t afraid of the chaos either.” At the same time in the east end of London, Throbbing Gristle were busy creating industrial music by sampling the sounds of the streets and fusing it with white noise.

As the driving force behind Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge helped create industrial music in the mid-1970s. An icon of experimental art, s/he has embraced a pandrogynous existence since 1993, referring to h/erself in the plural and physically identifying as “third gender.” But surprisingly, Ballard’s work has never consciously been an influence. “No, we were more into Burroughs and Burgess,” s/he says with a laugh. Next to Throbbing Gristle’s old studio in London Fields now stands a huge 16-storey residential high rise.

Addendum To "Beyond Magic": Harry Houdini, Rick Rubin, Genesis P'Orridge and the Hampstead Children

Shizy ago

When I first saw the photo I did think it looked like Obama, but it also looked too white. After seeing this guy Michael's photo I'm pretty certain you're right. Good job!

tech-adm ago

You're right, that's Michael Madie, not Obama. Solved. Good work.

amonymous ago

Does not explain the politician standing beside him.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah there's a politician that Obama is firends with in the background, as well as the Instagram posts linking the picture to a timeline.

Lavender7 ago

good work,.

tech-adm ago

https://kek.gg/i/34JvG-.jpg < Cleaner version looks even less "photoshopped" in my view - is that a child in the foreground? If real, no matter how you spin it, this seems really bizarre/suspicious. I can't post it on Twitter and have it show up on the pizzagate hashtag feed for latest posts. Google Reverse image doesn't bring it up either. So TPTB are taking it seriously enough to effectively disappear it from the web - this would lend credence to the possibility that this in fact, real.

Godhammer ago

It certainly looks like the head of a child, but the picture is taken from quite a distance so its hard to tell. Also seems like the picture has been scrubbed from reddit, its not showing anymore:


truthdemon ago

If i was Obama's father and he dressed lime that in fro t of me....i'd kick him in the ass and send him upstairs to his room...'you're never to see Michael again...is that clear'

Marked2476 ago

Great work! I thought it was such a stupid thing to say that a picture was posted on 1/20/2017, therefore that MUST be when it was actually taken! Plus, you have a Chicago jacket on therefore the pic MUST have been taken in chicago.. and I was really concerned that such an obviously pathetic excuse for "debunking" got flagged as 'sharable'?! What? Really lost faith in this sub for a minute.. if the photo is fake, then it's fake and someone with GOOD evidence can convince me.. but an entire argument based on a date and location that is obviously just fabricatednout of thin air is not evidence!

Back to the photo at hand.. has anyone found evidence of an "illuminati"/Halloween themed wedding on october 29th 2016(not 100% on the year though honestly)... I looked and found an American Horror Story themed wedding on 10/29/2016 and even one of the cast members was the ring bearer!! And a lot of the photos had been removed from Instagram(? Or a similar platform), which I find weird.. but they even made their own "video invitation" which was still up.. a lot of ahs-esc imagery too.. deer head, bats, masks, horns... but I am still searching...

ESOTERICshade ago

My opinion is "who cares?" This is cartoon tier material overflowing into our sub from Qville. Good example of what we can look forward to if they continue to bring it here.

carmencita ago

At this point YES, it is time to move on. We all know he is involved in Luciferian Rituals and Practices. Yes, the point is to try to verify what is false, but while we are arguing the point, valuable research time is being lost. We have made enough noise so that Newbies will at least be researching his involvement. That is what is most important to me.

crashing_this_thread ago

Thanks for the mention.

If anyone here used to be on reddit there was once a fake AMA with Morgan Freeman. The picture they used where proven to be fake using this method. The paper his username was written on would respond to these filters completely differently than the rest of the image so it really stood out.

EyeOfHorus ago

Shits real. Continue to debate legitimacy while retarded shill battalion brings attentions. Ignore what he is riding.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

With that screen name you are asking for it yourself.

DrPenguin ago

Regardless of your opinion on the legitimacy of the photo, it is a merry memester's wet dream. It's a polarizing image which usually means it will spread like wildfire. No need to bring in the Moloch relevance initially. Simply ask if it's photoshopped. Let the people spread it fiercely. (Think the dress color debate)

risewithoutfear ago

I did my utmost to match the Obama as moloch and the Obama smiling images, and then I turned it into a gif. Someone else who wants to do the same, please feel free as this is just one person's attempt / interpretation.


A little bit of history about myself: I have over 15 years of photo-editing experience, and with that it's meant a lot of head-swapping for family photos, editing out zits and snot off baby faces, and to my great delight a lot of fandom edits that people think are real. I'm not saying I'm good, just that I know the area of expertise about as well as anyone else in the field.

It is therefore my opinion that the Moloch!Obama and Smiling!Obama images are two different pictures. Even if I edited out some of his smile lines, there are things that would not match up even if I tried:

Moloch!Obama and Smiling!Obama have their heads pointed at ever so slightly different directions.

Moloch!Obama does not have the same shaped or happy-looking eyes as Smiling!Obama.

You can see more of the "white" of Moloch!Obama's left eye than you can of Smiling!Obama.

Smiling!Obama has distinct bags under his eyes from the fact he is smiling.

Because Moloch!Obama and Smiling!Obama have their head at different angles, their ears are set completely different from one another.

Now, could it be feasible that someone photoshopped a DIFFERENT picture of Obama into this Moloch!Obama image? I say yes. But it is my professional opinion that THESE TWO IMAGES that a certain angry muppet keeps saying are the same... are in fact two completely different images.

The similarities between Obama in general and Moloch!Obama are uncanny. It's either him, or a fucking good photoshop (but it was NOT done using Sir Ian's proclaimed "proof" image).

Matt_Helm ago

Very good analysis excellent work. I don't think it's Obama because it would be super stupid for him to go to a parade or a rally in that costume and I don't see any Secret Service agents near him nor do I think they would let him do this. Only a video of the parade or rally will work to prove or disprove the photo one way or the other surely there are videos if it was a protest rally against Trump in Palm Springs or a gay pride parade in Chicago before Obama became a US Senator meaning before 2004 when he was just a state senator.

Keefin ago

There seem to be a lot of shills screaming that it’s shopped with no real proof, so it’s probably legit.

GreenDell144 ago

I think everyone that has been working on this, whether on one side of the debate, or the other, has done a fine work and made very worthy arguments. This work is done as a service to us, for our consideration, and I appreciate it. OP, thank you for this post and the tactful aplomb in which you delivered it.

Now, that said, I hope we move forward. Given the times this has been debunked and then ‘bunked’ again, I have to ask: How comfortable are we that this is legit? I’m comfortable with this explanation, and I’m for sure certain that is Obama dressed as a high priest of Ashtoreth or Molochh.

risewithoutfear ago

I usually only see fierce down-voting in posts when you the posters are right on the money!

I myself found some of my own obviously-shopped images and ran them through some tests..... now, fotoforensics (after I figured out what I was looking for by way of looking at several of my own through the service) and other basic photoshop tests I ran indicate this image? Is NOT shopped.

To the asshole saying that 'but look at Obama's smile!! it's the same as another picture!' well, to that numpty I say this: well no shit, Einstein, that's what happens when people smile! They look like every other picture of them smiling! He also raged his tits off about "the collar" and that area is vastly different between images.

But you know what, I'll bite. I'll photoshop the second image into the first and see how we get on.

GreenDell144 ago

I was interested mildly at first, but I didn’t think it was a big deal. People don’t seem to care about these witchcraft/Satanism exposures...

But now I’m starting to think it IS a big deal (it was always a big deal for me, but the masses are apathetic). Maybe if we keep hammering, the sleeping hormones will wake up to the fact that the people that they ALLOW to rule them are monstrous.

EDIT: I’m no expert, but it seems reasonably real. This last proof from dooob seems helpful.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

If you want a wealth of very good to fair photo shopped images for your investigation look here cfake.com/home just dont end up fapping on the job.

risewithoutfear ago

I'll leave those images for the gents lol

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

LOL, TIFU. by assuming the gender of a goat.

JackBlack1 ago

I never thought it was a forgery. This is behavior I fully expect from Michelle's wife.

Godhammer ago

Looooong time lurker here from the days of r/Pizzagate. I was afraid Oh_Well_ian "debunk" thread would make people forget about the picture and move on. Thank you for keeping it relevant, it needs a proper and thourough investigation. I think there is more to the picture then the alleged Dressed up Obama. The setting seem to be some kind of forest, you can clearly see a tree to the top right. But something that really seem to have been overlooked is the robed person standing on the bottom left, both guys in the picture seem to be looking at this mysterious individual. He also has some kind of insignia on his shoulder, and it also looks like he is raising his arm. Maybe in some kind of prayer?

Oh_Well_ian ago

'long time lurker'

6 hour account ahahahahaha

@dooob.. you are such a pathetic fucking faggot...

Fateswebb ago

Ad hominem much?

Oh_Well_ian ago

you greet every new account with a blowjob, faggot?

this LARP has already lost its legs and the Witch who was the origin of the photo is dodging everybody and refuses to reply

but yeah.. that's nothing... gotta be Obama in a Moloch outfit

Fateswebb ago

That's a yes...

Blacksmith21 ago

First - how about the most scant attempt to explain the relevance to Pizzagate. The error level analysis shows very high contrast rations which is usually indicative of a forgery.

Brigading - Lot's of fake shit being posted this week. Be careful.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm starting to catch up a bit more and this is looking more authentic IMO. Long weekend.

Blacksmith21 ago

More brigading. Downvoated.

dooob ago


PizzaStreamerLive ago

Additional info/take on the Barak image (scroll down in the article) along with other Barak/Iran stuff:


dooob ago

Always nice to see people sharing neonrevolt :)

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Yeah but the shills including ian here is all over. The downvoats I got is insane in the amount of time. :D

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah but the shills including ian here is all over. The downvoats I got is insane in the amount of time. :D

pizzagaters showing you that your Q "flood" you announced into pizzagate is not welcome. Neon revolt your site?

Oh_Well_ian ago

rationalize the 9 downvoats he received

I also trust NEON. Rationalize that, too.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That's what followers do, they find an idol and wait for them to think for them and decide. You're waiting on the word from somebody you don't know, or many people you don't know. You are no adult.

Oh_Well_ian ago


dooob ago


Also, my report on the user who "debunked" this.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Vindicator "debunked" it.

risewithoutfear ago

I left Voat for a month because of Sir Ian, deleted my account and everything. He's a brash, rude muppet who doesn't understand 'facts not feelings' are the way to extensive and proper conversation.

whereisthemountain ago

Bah, I dealt with this absolutely insufferable faggot earlier. Ignore Oh_shit, he will hang with his monkey master.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

yeah that guys a shill, its obvious, ive had a run in with him. He could just be a douche but he talks like and undercover cop buying drugs, like some one who has heard our slang but doesnt understand it if that makes sense. Anyway, on the Obummer picture, S/ Doesnt he look fabulous?