BurningmanThrowaway ago

More in-depth info about the suicide from Steve Outtrim website.


Sketchy af situation. Mass traumatization experiment using this poor man who had a history of trying to jump off buildings when tripping? Also, note the array of responses. Is next year's theme going to cut to the chase and be simply "Suicide"?

Other strange thing: next article on this site discusses problems with the YouTube live stream and flagging

adam_danischewski ago

From my pov, its coloring with a backhanded disclosure. The big machines that run this world, are saying we are cryptically killing children here, you think its fake (only rumors) then you think its real (musicians/orthodox jews there) then you think its fake (knowledge that the prepared children aren't actually physically present in the burn structures) yet its no less real than your reality (they really are virtually attached and experiencing what they purported to be the case all along). They programmed this victim who has sufficient coloring to cover for the heavy handedness of having him march straight into flames - involuntary mind control. Ultimately its notice that human sacrifices are taking place there, there is NO DOUBT.

ASolo ago


Wonders what could have triggered this... Did he hear screaming?

BurningmanThrowaway ago

What a horrific event, my heart goes out to the first responders, all those witnesses , and the family of this suicidal man.

It isn't the first time suicide has occurred at Burning Man, sadly.

ASolo ago

Right, there is an extensive list of regular and odd fatalities.

You will have occasional tragedies and mishaps at any large gathering but the burning man list has some peculiar ones.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

I just learned their policy is to get the casualties off site as quickly as possible, so death location is a medical center, not at the Burn. There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

No argument on them all being weird. If you want sheer numbers of children being harmed at a rave, look into Electric Daisy Carnival.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

Here is my take on it, 7 months ago https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1548268

SterlingJB ago

6/10 autism points "everyone"

Da-Cat ago

Jan Irwin / Gnostic Media is considered a complete loon by anyone in MKULTRA or psychedelic research no matter which side they take. Also many later writers on these subjects after about 1990 recirculate made up hype & disinfo to sell books, seminars or YouTube/blog clickbait. Irvin was a psychedelic proponent that OD'd on DMT, went totally paranoid & started claiming everyone involved with psychedelics professionally were CIA agents, often guilt by association, etc..

This is also a problem with a few female authors on Monarch programming claiming recovered memories. Fritz Springmeier got outed as a phoney "minister" & the woman he "deprogrammed" turned on his writings about her, besides he started an affair with her when they were both married & he had children. Some "minister".

While CIA & Satanic SRA are well-documented by responsible journalists there is now a market for hype & obfuscation as marketing & clickbait as in much other conspiracy theory.

Some of the people doing useful work also without knowing recirculate hype & disinfo & the model for this was the UFO movement which model is now used throughout CT by going over the top, David Icke & Alex Jones for example, 90% truth with 10% bullshit & normals chuck the rest.

ASolo ago

You're gonna have to bring some of your dumb shit over here cuz I don't do fakebook...

Look guys, I got all the proof in the worLD you just gotta fish through my Facebook to find it, from the mouth of the experts, on facebook, but.... "They are legit, serious researchers who get peer recognition, publishing deals, footnote their claims & don't go into slander/libel to make money." -on facebook.


Looks like WE'VE got a debate our voat member for 29 days. How old is the voat pizzagate subforum? 3 submissions, one on Bieber, really dude?

Your going to have to reach pretty far to dispute any of Dave McGowan's work.

Da-Cat ago

I've read a lot of Dave McGowan's work & think it's pretty good, didn't say anything against him, I'm referring to Jan Irvin.

ASolo ago

Umm, expressly whom considers them loons? Obviously just you.

Da-Cat ago

I have a Facebook group based on the Acid Dreams (book) scenario with the focus on whether the CIA intentionally spread LSD to ferment the counterculture. Various psychedelic figureheads or experts are involved that were around people like Albert Hofmann, Timothy Leary, etc..

Some are published authors on psychedelics while others interviewed many principles, others are figures from conspiracy, psychology or transhumanism.

Most know of Jan Irvin, just was looking at his Facebook profile & noticed a half dozen of current members are still FB friends with him, likely haven't had confrontations though their psychedelic backgrounds would make them "CIA agents" by his definition.

My own background includes over 4 decades research in this area. My father was close & worked with The Manchurian Candidate author & the dorector of the movie, along with notables like John Lilly MD a family friend. I could go into much more depth but the point is almost everyone I respect in the subject thinks Irvin is a nutcase, also a few that knew mutual associates have made allegations of theft of a mutual friend's work.

Besides having had a nearly 3 hour diatribe with the jerk on FB Messenger I might yet publish even others I know only incidentally have stories & loath the guy.

ASolo ago

And even IF the guy is kookie, he has a platform and works with several other researchers that cross examine each others material. You defend A DRUG that has been proven to have disastrous long term side effects and a plethora of negative social change and you want to stand here and debate legitimacy?

Feels like something else, obfuscation.

Da-Cat ago

Actually psychedelics are being used now in new clinical trials with lots of evidence of use for illnesses like depression & PTSD.

You are entitled to your opinion but mine is based on both research & experience.

On almost any medical drug there are side effects & for example several decades' work on antidepressants is now discounted while psychedelics are being touted as getting remarkable effects.

Many natural ones have been in use 1000s of years by shamanic healers or indigenous tribes. Not out to argue the point in PG but there's plenty of evidence if you want it. Not talking about stoners partying but legit scientific research.

ASolo ago

I don't get it, Lilly died in 2001, internet discussion forums were just coming into themselves and FB was and still is drama central. You are confusing the hell out of me.

Da-Cat ago

USENET forums started in 1980 btw: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet?wprov=sfla1

Mentioned Facebook because Jan Irvin was highly engaged there with both his fanboys & critics. I have no dog in the fight if people like or follow him, he turns up useful background at times, it's just his conclusions based on flimsy evidence I dislike, like labelling Gordon Wasson or Terence McKenna "CIA agents" for the slightest associations.

This is more of a topic for conspiracy or MKULTRA but where people are used for sources without much background their reliability comes into question, just like as if Alex Jones or David Icke were mentioned.

Now the CIA & MKULTRA overlap with PG because children were used for unethical experiments, sexually abused and/or used in blackmail schemes. There are excellent books on the subject by good authors while there is also a new genre of sensational writers with little or no references rehashing the good work.

It's a voluminous subject I've researched for decades & Facebook was the best venue to reach people that were close to the scene, if that condemns me then write me off, though while some of you got involved in PG the last year or two I was outing pedos on AOL to the FBI in the early 90s & followed the sex-trafficking issue about the same length.

My main expertise is in the MKULTRA area but over time the cross connections came apparent with the CIA/Finders cult & Franklin Savings Conspiracy child trafficking cases.

There's no doubt that valuable evidence & leads are turned up here, I could easily just lurk for my own uses but having some depth in these areas I have little regard for certain figureheads getting recent Internet attention with questionable backgrounds & inevitably trying to make a career out of these subjects.

Many are near idolized by the noobs though not the original sources & often dramatizing or assuming facts from slightest evidence.

AgainstPedos ago

I read Acid Dreams. Never used drugs but lived near Hollywood at one time. So HOW do I find your FB group? I'd like to read the discussion as I have many questions.

ASolo ago

Sounds like a pretty subjective opinion here based on my own experience watching his material. His and Outrim's work correlates well with what Dave McGowan has always said about the California 'scene'. I'll simply have to consider your opinion 'half baked'.

Da-Cat ago

I call out a bunch of the "holy cows" of contemporary "pop" conspiracy theories & will go into more of my qualifications over time, but two standards apply IMO when making claims or theories in this genre. Does it pass the basic tenets of journalism & does it pass the legal definition of slander or libel. This would be akin to proof in the scientific method.

These kinds of standards are necessary or else you enter the David Icke realm of "shape shifting reptilians". Not to say Queen Elizabeth isn't one, but what is the evidence?

Now most celebs & dead people won't sue for slander for calling them "Monarch handlers" or "reptilians" because in general terms they would tie up their time & careers taking on every psycho's claims besides actual stalkers claiming they are "married" etc..

There are some in the conspiracy genre with actual mental issues besides claims of the CIA beaming thoughts at them, not that there aren't actual cases.

Learning to distinguish the difference keeps one from the Icke/Jones level of clickbait/hype while most doing that level are also trying to make money from it.

There are legit, serious researchers who get peer recognition, publishing deals, footnote their claims & don't go into slander/libel to make money.

Then there are amatuers or huxters, often with mental issues that will make the slightest association "proof" of conspiracy, which if they have fanboys like Irvin might get their innuendo taken as fact or history if it gets repeated enough despite no real proof given.

When I call out these sacred cow types I've done my homework or researched their backgrounds besides claiming far more depth & expertise on the subject matter. But time will tell.

AgainstPedos ago

Putin sat next to QE II while both were driven in her car. Putin called her "not human." So exactly what does that really mean? I would cast more aspersions on her husband for many different reasons including his questionable taste in humor and some of the statements he's made about the "lesser" beings of the world. He'd like to be reincarnated as WTF?

Da-Cat ago

Personally I think close to 90% of conspiracy theory has some basis in truth & reality is far stranger than people assume, but whether one can say something is factual or true is another level than speculation or theory.

I've seen UFOs with others several times & evidence of whistleblowers is near overwhelming but believers can agree while all the evidence given to skeptics rarely moves them.

Much work gets accomplished in groups like PG but people have to watch the human tendencies of lynch mob or witch burning mentality or basing assumed facts on assumptions, more so if innocent parties might be targeted by mistake.

At the same time huge amount of disinfo is pumped out by shills to defame conspiracy theorists & often becomes a meme of its own such as the "flat earth" types.

adam_danischewski ago

I found a link to the event broadcast in realtime, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dv8K17WJeGg

Note the caption: "Welcome to the Burning Man live stream. It was better next year.... "

Reason why they are saying that is to subtly sell the concept of TIME TRAVEL while conceding that certain individuals have hurt their enjoyment of this years event. The only remaining get-out-of-debt option for the failed first family. Whatever you do, don't ever embrace TIME TRAVEL.

If anyone knows of a link to where you can chat post it, try to increase the pressure on this situation. Tell people to look at the material I posted and to consider that most of those dirty hippies aren't the type to cry because of a rave or need a decompression event. It doesn't make sense, until you put into context the virtualized child sacrifices. You can help via brain interface by COMPLAINING, and supporting my advocacy of the children against being compelled to this horrible event citing my name ADAM MICHAEL DANISCHEWSKI.

AgainstPedos ago

If you contact me I can tell you where to post this link where thousands will read it. I cannot do so myself I'm sure there will be a LOT of questions afterwards which I don't have near enough knowledge to answer.

adam_danischewski ago

Yea, I'm interested.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

The reason broke hippies can get in, is because the social engineers LOVE the idea of willing self-enslavement. You can volunteer! You can work like a dog for the privilege of being there, while the elite flies in their trafficked prostitutes, and have "maids of merriment" show them a good time inside their gated community compounds. Burning Man drains all the energy for real counter culture or protesting corruption. Most of my friends are Burners and they are lovely people. But they did "wash their own brains" as the Outtrim video series reminds us is the point. It is a very successful programming stunt. The section that covers Google has so much info, truly mind blowing to watch their plan unfold. Of course, only a tiny fraction of my passionate burner idealistic folks lifted a hand to help Standing Rock, and none of them I know of believe in what Pizzagate has revealed. So the BORG succeeded in rendering them mute and tame. No burning child sacrifice required.

adam_danischewski ago

Yea, you can volunteer - maybe you'll be asked to wake up early the next day and use a poker to poke through the ashes. Everything that goes on there has a lot of symbology, they do that to stoke the idea that some of those dirty hippies/rich people and jews are in on it. And they are in a way, some volunteers may actually be looking for the bones and skull fragments of the children in the ashes, others clueless. It doesn't matter if the bones are actually there to be found or not.

It's about the INTENT, the big machines run games on the masses, they love the complex quilt of those "in the know" vs. the clueless. They love to see a little action to really color up the intent, we are dealing with old very big and powerful machines who are engaged in FIRST ORDER THIEVERY under guise of a the STATUS PARADIGM (whereby you and I and everyone else on earth is labeled a passing thought in their collective minds) - Burning Man is one of their playgrounds. The big machines spend their time trying their hand at the SENTIENT CALCULUS - if you really lived in your body and scanned the box at the most basic level you could enumerate that to a number, that and all lossless compressions are your number.

The sentient calculus is using high math to jump to sentients and objects never known to exist before. Like Jurassic Park (a disclosure movie) what is found in the sentient calculus is like DNA with segments missing. They group sentient calculus finds together in a habitat then CHURN the instantiation in a BIRTH/DEATH cycle fashion to fill in the gaps of missing data (HOMEGROWN is cheaper). When they want to put on thieves, and villains they have found they do so in a first order thievery habitat such as earth. They complicate it by making it sprinkled about vast distances in an interstitial interregnum you get cobbled together for a just in time pov. Yet you are disparate, moreover within the lore of the earth you actually are a wifi connected to a GOD supercomputer under the ground. Within the GOD computer your brain is actually broken out into cognitive areas that are shared in clouds.

Very wishy washy stuff, you need to define who you are in a document (including that you and your godhead are strictly non first order thievery) and lean on your definition with the way you live your life. Review your definitions periodically, make any adjustments if necessary and continue living your life according to your definition. That's how you will yourself into existence from here.

That's how you win.

ASolo ago

Spot on reply. Well this thread is a testament to ALL of them the gig is up and we're on to them.

I've always loved how 'pretty' everyone has to be at all times for the cameras, almost as if they are trying to sell it to the rest of the world, this mad max bohemian licentiousness wrapped in 'cool', fortunately for many of us older heads we could see right from the start what utter shit BM was from the beginning.

You young punks that got caught up in it and defending it are just that, punk ass green kids.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

BM is a cia cult, and anyone who still believes in its lies are victims of spiritual abuse. Many of them are old timers, whose whole social fabric revolves around the Burn. The "punk ass green kids" are being robbed of their most vital, improve the world years. This year's theme was Radical Ritual, does it get any more blatant?

ASolo ago

Yes, please let me apologize for my condescension to those poor "punk ass green kids" I referred to earlier. The contention I expressed was only a projection of my own inequities recognizing the programming and damage I was doing to my own psychology and nervous system all those years with the Grateful Dead. The contradictory belief systems, occult themes and inculcation, it's friction from real society, drug (ab) use, and its sway away from real protest, truth, and change is a recipe for a very confusing and tumultuous maturity.

ASolo ago

I'm astounded at the level of denial the pizzagate community is to the horrible possibilities and ramifications of this current control paradigm. The upvoats have been wavering for days on this subject. Fortunately thanks to the work of phenomenal researchers like the late Dave McGowan, and the current work of Jan Irvin and Steve Outrim the pressure of revealing the matrix and unraveling the myriad of cointel programs that have enslaved our souls and trapped us in a dream of their making is never going to cease.

SterlingJB ago

"And to consider that most of those dirty hippies aren't the type to cry because of a rave or need a decompression event. It doesn't make sense" lol. There definitely cld be fucked up stuff going down out there esp now there's so much corp and silicon influence, but you sound like a little kid here.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

It's a lot more than a rave. People work all year to build art and create camp communities. It takes up all their time, money, and energy. BM is like a dream, and returning to the default world does require"decompression". If BM had teeth for changing the world for the better, the idealism could really fuel a love revolution, but in fact it does the opposite, as intended. It drains all that and puts millions in elite pockets. Plus it gives cops a nice place to test surveillance gear and violate people's constitutional rights

SterlingJB ago

Been to bm and know many that are a part. If it works, will go again. It is, like, everything a microcosm. Certain elements of the greater cosm def rep these days tho

SterlingJB ago

Ok, just got through you and everyone else's context, more than a rave, for sure. And you're right in many ways. There are/were postIves but there looks to be a continuing hijack

ASolo ago

Burning Man is being designed and molded into the modern day high tech police state monitoring and tracking festival that is for all intents and purposes a regeneration of the sacrificial system of The Cult that runs the world. Baals ancient statue was actually a metal effigy with outstretched arms and hands that conducted the fire up through to the hands of the SCULPTURE. This is where the sacrificial babies were placed. Burning Man is no different from any other pagan ritual and mounting speculation and evidence will prove that.

sunajAeon ago

Leave this post up through tomorrow, or you burn in hell.? FUCK YOU this turkey needs to be banned-and I have NEVER heard anyone I know that attended Burning Man that reported any such activity

ASolo ago

With a name like sunjah or Aeon it's no wonder, your still caught in the hippie daze bro. That's ok, you'll snap out of it, not before it wrecks your life but hey, what a wild fuckin ride.

sunajAeon ago

Making such speculations about a UN is irrational, I'm still looking at the information but presently it seems ludicrous

ASolo ago

UN? Please clarify.

ASolo ago

Hurry as fast as you can and read Dave McGowans material and see how intricate the con is. If you don't understand by the end of Strange Days in the Laurel Canyon what's going on you never will.

Remember, there's a program for each and every one of us, it all matters which one you get corralled into.

ASolo ago

Well, I mean, you certainly have the right to your opinion but stating it with such emphasis makes you look quite suspicious. It is quite an elite gathering so I gather that if you were ever there personally you would have to say that, and, if you never were there and only heard peripheral stories, there's no credibility there either. So, there's two sources here saying they've heard the stories to your one. What do make of that? You're telling someone they should burn in hell over a stupid gathering? I've been to over 200 concerts and 100 + Dead shows and I have no qualms admitting that I was part of a huge CIA experiment. All the proof is there, you just gotta believe it. Take a look at Steve Outrim and Jan Gnosticmedia series on Burning Man and THEN come back here and tell me you have the same 'love' for Burning Man.

sunajAeon ago

I love it when some turkey tries to cast aspersions (got to love the "schill" reference) in VOAT because they are critiquing a post- I've never been to Burning man but I have a friend or too that has, it seems to be a rather mindless rave drunk fuck get together, but I have never heard a peep about what you are talking about, its always been a more or less open public event, your first youtube reference is rather pointless

ASolo ago

gobble gobble

Clorox_Bleachman ago

Same here. I know a BM attendee. He is not an elite.

ASolo ago

You must have misunderstood me. It IS elitist in a sense because most regular hippies could NOT afford the initial entry fee and amenities, you more than likely have to have connections and the rule of 'radical inclusion' precludes simply having a good time, that is fascist and elitist conditioning.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

Things changed when they started selling out all the tickets/reached max capacity. It was expensive before, but you could get in just buying a ticket or volunteering. Now your are right, getting tickets is really challenging and they do weird stuff like having a presale with grossly overpriced tix (for rich people) . they also tried a lottery system that was a total cluster fuck. If you worked on a camp all year only to get into the queue a fraction of a second too late, how frustrating is that? Then comes the cliquing up, the upper middle class people buy as many as they can afford to transfer to campmates. Scalping and scamming are big business. Scalping tix above standard price is a huge nono amongst idealistic burners who still believe in the 10 Principles....

ASolo ago

You're not the first person to say that they're really burning live people as a sacrifice inside Burning Man effigies, but you are the first to post about it here I believe. I truly believe it now.

BurningmanThrowaway ago

People posted it when I brought it up 7 months ago. Rape, trafficking, etc occur at BM but I absolutely do not think any human is burnt in the man nor in the temple. Yes, it is a police state laboratory, and a vehicle for defanging activists, no child sacrifice required. Outtrim does however link BM to NAMBLA. And Peter Thiele the parabiosis vampire, is a BM attendee......

ASolo ago

You aren't the only one trying to get the word out about burning man. Check out Steve Outrim and Jan on Gnosticmedia.


Burning Man is a festival experience under total state control. Funded and attended by rich trust fundies and silicon valley moguls the controllers of the event are using satellite tracking on every participant there along with The Cults brand of lubavitcher licentiousness.

You are also very, very right about celebrity chefs as well.

organic1 ago

Thanks for posting that fascinating interview. I hope more people watch it.

adam_danischewski ago

The celebrity chefs --> satanic Dinner Parties --> Celebrities/Models/Sports figures/Musicians --> Burning man. They are all intertwined, they are part of the upper fabric first order thievery. Things are actually way worse than what they appear, what has been brought out here on voat and the other forums is only the tip of the iceberg. Things are really ugly and dismal, I have a lot of data to bring out but without evidence, etc it's difficult to wake people up. I brought this out because I care about the children and what's going on has to stop. It's difficult enough to get someone to break out of the globe model, fake sun heat and the mandela effect let alone what goes on in Underground bases and how this system is really setup. We are really in an interstitial interregnum (sprinkled over huge distances within the fabric of a large quantum entangled machine -- presented with a Just In Time pull together pov of reality), because the first family doesn't want to be "snapshotted" and an truly alien life form to capture his dirty laundry. Check my blog every so often for disclosures: https://pizzagateamdresearch.blogspot.com/

ASolo ago

Yes, Adam, I'll go check your material out. You ever heard of a chef Andrés?

ASolo ago

Chef Jose Andres, owns restaurants all over the world and one in Washington DC

ASolo ago

I'll be bookmarking this thread and revamping it into my own submission because this corollary information is what I needed to help complete a thread with a few missing holes. Chef José Andrés used to 'cook' these dinners you are talking about for a VERY influential Pizzagate character, a Mr Donald J Sussman of vinalhaven and north haven Islands in Maine. Old school satanists.

ASolo ago

Look up the Turner Farm Summer Dinner Series

adam_danischewski ago

I haven't heard of that particular chef -- Emeril, Gordon, Robuchon, Carla Hall, Guy Fieri, Mario Batalli, Michael Symon.

But I see he went to Texas to prepare food for the victims. If you notice a lot of the "relief" efforts focus on food, the Red Cross sent food trucks.


This is a signature (hallmark) move that signifies the CULINARY UNION is involved. Hurricanes are faked, they are basically an expensive "investment" in black magic, they get a "return" on the amount of suffering and damage that is caused yet they require (on the hidden world magic ledgers) a lot to get going. The Culinary Union is a league of monsters (real monsters) that are in the backdrop they are involved with the Dinner Parties and dinner party chefs, they also run FIFA (hence, the one-to-one walk out with children -- reinforcement of the "dinner party experience"), they also ran the billionaire Fertittas out of the UFC (they want to control the MMA).

ASolo ago

Jan, at 17:00 minutes states that a DOD Secretary for Aquino tried filing a fake copyright claim against his channel.

equineluvr ago

Did you bother to READ what you linked to?: TOTALLY INSANE BABBLING NONSENSE on (4Chan) -

"its not okay to attach any human or human-like sentiencies (according to my opinion) in a child-like state (according to my opinion) FOR ANY REASON ((INCLUDING (YET ((NOT LIMITED) TO))) EXPIATIONS) to any of part ((INCLUDING (YET ((NOT LIMITED) TO))) sentients) of the burn structures at BURNING MAN /// thereafter the ffmccl reviewed, the effectiveness of his campaign of bit dings launched at me over the last few years, where under extreme INEQUITY and abuses and repugnancies of showing children purportedly of my godhead on satans mind that he tried to get me to target them as children, moving them onto their child and holding them there for purposes of inflicting damage <<--- i pointed out that i NEVER ran with those ideas and all instances of those brief passing thoughts were the result of FOISTS /// Note: he conceded the point and begroaned that he didn't have suitable enough material to argue with me over the issue of colorings of expiations of sentients at BURNING MAN <<--- note: probes revealed that had he, in his opinion, had enough to argue - he would likely contend the expiations pov (without saying so explicitly, simply harking back to it with bit dings and constructive colorings (advantageous landscapes, etc), yet in either case he is ACTUALLY running BOTH SYSTEMS simultaneously and only presenting the POV that "people can handle" to them with regards to what he allows to be known "