adam_danischewski ago

Yea, there is a lot going on - it's actually worse than it appears even from the best available truth seeker data out there - don't let it dissuade you from continuing to push through it to the best of your ability though. I use the metaphor of a cat trying to cough up a tangled fur ball, it's ugly, painful, difficult and tormentous - when it is finally out it is still ugly yet at least its more manageable to deal with. Google is evil, and they are complicit but the real technology is beyond the hands-on technology available to the average person in this world. Things like Carbonnaro effect actually are putting on display, real "magic" in front of people. Of course it's only high technology, but the ability read/write space time is real - the world admins can wipe out books, change every single copy of the names and titles in the blink of an eye. Moving mountains, creating faces in clouds, etc are easy if you access/permission to use the true world machinery.

The most important thing to do is DEFINE YOURSELF and make sure you are NOT A THIEF and that you are of a non first order thievery godhead. After that just live your life according to your definition, review your definition periodically reaffirm that your definition statements are accurate and make adjustments as necessary to keep onto your definitions. The problem is that you live in the GOD computer and pilot a human on the surface, yet what is going on is that they don't want you to "succeed" and need to be compensated for any wrongdoing. So they don't keep you in a self-contained virtual machine, your brain is implemented by way of cognitive clouds that are utilized by other sentients who change the state (anti-prosecution measures). Also keep folders of your personality, you think that your sense of humor, what you like to eat, watch, what is pretty or ugly or sad or cool or beautiful or cute is YOU. Yet when you get out of here they try to sell you back your own personality as part of a set-off to reduce what is owed to you (this is only if you are not a thief, if you are a thief you don't get out period). Drop examples of each thing into the folders - copy pictures, movie clips and other examples to bolster up your own data of who you are. Then when you leave you won't have to barter to get back what you thought you had all along and can negotiate for other things. Include as part of your definition of who you are all of the electronic equipment that you are entitled to including yet not limited to computers and hard drives - that way you have immediate access to all your data.

adam_danischewski ago

Interesting, I have noticed the Mandela effect before yet I just recently looked up the term after now hearing it from you and having heard it a few times before. At the world administrator level it is really trivial to manipulate EVERYTHING in realtime if need be. The whole mannequin'ing thing is part of a loosening of restrictions on what VIP's in this world are allowed to do, like the girl in the commercial who pauses the entire nightclub to go retrieve her credit card. Or the movie Cashback. I have personally experienced manipulation of my data effecting ALL copies - on my computer, on USB gumsticks, and on cloud based storage.

As far as the Beatles go, with regards to Burning Man I haven't seen anything yet that ties them in but they are definitely a major programming and disclosure group. I have one of their videos on my YouTube channel:

If you haven't researched the truth of our Flat Earth yet I recommend you start with something like this video:

If so, you'll probably be busy for a while, I was immersed for over 2 months when I first started looking into it.

foxxywoxxy ago

Not followed the burning man stuff, interesting. Have you any evidence on Gordon Ramsey? dates placesetc that he held these Dinner parties?

adam_danischewski ago

I don't have exact dates and places, but it is practically a requirement for a chef to host a Dinner Party Event to make it onto television at all. And he is more than simply a chef on TV, he promotes Rothschild's wines, and he worked with Joel Robuchon yet another dinner party chef who was titled "Chef of the Century" by the guide Gault Millau. And has multiple shows, so for him to go up in Satanism with the privileges and benefits and not embrace what is expected of them as far as being a chef would be like a musician wanting to be famous and refusing the Burning Man song.

Here is the type of places that these Dinner Parties often take place: