BurningmanThrowaway ago

Here is what I think about burning man tiday, and why I th8no it is relevant, besides this article explicitly discussing pizzagate and NAMBLA.

Politicians and elites have co opted the hippie participant nature of the event in order to play with it as some type of social engineering think tank human experimentation Petri dish.

As the article states, some are using it to further a lawless pirate state, "a pedophile dream". The article goes on to state a number of child incidents. I could add two more. A member of the burned rockstar group Mutaytor was nabbed by Chris Hanson and Perverted Justice. I discovered the NAMBLA connection at that time, and almost boycotted going, but instead went I a local event and met such awesome people I overrode that because supposedly NAMBLA was 86ed. Anyhow...I also know a young lady who was seduced by a much older burner dude who trafficked her across state lines him to Nevada where she met the age of consent. This same young lady was exploited by another person in the community. Two more underage girls I know were groomed and seduced by burner men at house parties. Shit is real, and even though there are plenty of amazing people good to their core, who are activists and rangers. But the "Radical Inclusion" principle is basically a terrible social fallacy because it makes it really hard to expell sexual predators from one's intimate social scene.

Burner friendships tend to be very intense, often called "tribe" and "chosen family". So it really hurts in a spiritual abuse or domestic violence sort of way when someone in the community turns out to be an evildoer. It is taking a long time for diehards to recognize the corruption.

Google silicon valley wealthy started this party, and they are finishing it.

Russian mafia flies in prostitutes for elite camp compounds like white ocean

Washington social engineers scheme about anarcho fascism

Pedophiles d9 have some sort of special license, I need to dig into that one. I remember it used to be a topic of conversation a few years ago.

Anyways, this is the bm pg connection as I see it. Thanks for reading

Pizzainmyass ago

Try posting this in /v/pizzagatewhatever... I thought this was an interesting post

BurningmanThrowaway ago

Thanks, I guess I will.

Pizzainmyass ago

No problem. I figured when I checked my phone again this would've gotten at least a bit more attention

BurningmanThrowaway ago

Thanks. I just saw today that Peter Theil tweeted that he was going to the burn in 2015...maybe I will search for various persons of interest + burning man. Now that it's been utterly co-opted by these parasites, I belief they use it to farm "loosh" so to speak. That event has extreme levels of human energy, and these people want to extract it like they stripmine or clear cut.

Kawksnahch ago

the infamous "Daft Punk is throwing a secret show at the trash fence" joke?

BurningmanThrowaway ago

I was actually pondering whether or not this was in fact the origin of that! 2007 was my virgin burn(s)

Kawksnahch ago

do you do any regional burns?

BurningmanThrowaway ago

I don't feel very comfortable divulging much about myself publicly

Kawksnahch ago

oh, i don't care which ones. My question is... have you noticed anything off with finances, financial reporting, and operations? I heard about one woman who's been siphoning money for years...

BurningmanThrowaway ago

One I know of broke away and isn't a decompression anymore, people do call it a regional but I don't know if it technically is under the BMorg....

That one has gotten massive, and has kinda small minded control freaks running things, but I haven't heard of any shenanigans with the accounting. Just greed and ego.

I've attended others that keep it small and cozy. As cheap and accessible as possible, with size caps.

The regional model definitely seems to have the potential for abuse if run by a nasty person

Kawksnahch ago

omg the cliquish nature of some of the regionals is pretty astounding. I heard of one where the property owner completely wiped the board because of their egos and abusive bullshit.

So what's your take on it being a shitty cult? Who is the effigy burned to? An intoxicated mass gleefully giving up their energy toward the burning of an effigy built by people in hoods who conduct a whole ceremony for the ritual... to what end?

BurningmanThrowaway ago

Cliquishness, certainly. "Radical Inclusion" is basically a social fallacy. You can't, nor should, include every person no matter what, because some people are toxic. Either just when interacting with a clique, or just general predators and creeps toxicity.

As Outtrim explains in his YouTube series, it's a cult of no religion. Larry Harvey loves to say, "It's a self service cult. You have to wash your own brain." I listened to episode 4 yesterday, it explains so much. https://youtu.be/8DIs6THaCtg (if you go to 1:33:30 you will learn how google plans on controlling reality , fascinating history unfolding into current states of affairs esp "fake news".)

I personally have never seen hooded figures or devil worship. Just freaks and geeks love bombing everyone. It is a blissful and transcendent feeling being on the playa with thousands of friends you haven't met yet. Outtrim explains in the link above how this is laboratory grade cia mind control.

I recently went to an informal burn in the desert, and asked my friends why they burn the man. Most of them had inspirational tales of love, light, and renewal. Like a Phoenix myth.

But like I said, Outtrim has removed the veil from my eyes, and I can see now that the nagging thoughts I have about BM not being upfront have a basis in fact. The Borg only cares to assimilate us.

They are social engineering a satanic utopia. And I do indeed feel somewhat shunned these days .....

Kawksnahch ago

I'm beginning to wonder how "normal" the hooded procession after conclave before lighting the bitch up is.

I'm incredibly shunned but since Trump got elected... they've been too busy with their pussy hats and diaper safety pins.

Never heard of Outtrim, I'll look that up. Also, Youtube seems to be down for me at the moment but I'll give that a look when it's back up.

Edit: I have heard of Outtrim, didn't realize that was his last name.