satisfyinghump ago

This is getting way to much attentiontion, which begs the question "What topic are they trying to distract us from?" We all know already that Obama is caught up in this sort of lunacy, whether he's ever worn this costume or not. What matters is child trafficing.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why this is being flogged so hard as well.

It's true that the Spirit Cooking aspect of the Podesta email leaks probably viralized faster and influenced more normies before the election than the suspect Podesta art collection and Alefantis Instagram (for which there are other possible explanations). Linking Obama to demonic shit could have the same effect. But only if it were as well-documented as the Spirit Cooking events and attendees. The problem with this Obama Moloch pic is the mask. You can't verify it's him. This isn't enough if it's all that's available. And pushing it so hard when that is the case has the double effect of generating conflict and division and desensitizing normies to future revelations along the same lines.

MrShekelstein ago

there is no reason we cant pay attention to both.

this doesnt seem like a distraction in the slightest since normies arent even aware of it.

kenlane ago

Why has nobody just flown drones into the meeting. It is surrounded by woods, if you set one up with the right camera and some way to latch onto a branch/tree trunk you could arguably get great video of everything.

MrShekelstein ago


valk2 ago

I never said it was or wasn't, but I said I trusted someone's opinion more over a person who uses this site randomly.

MrShekelstein ago

your mistake was trusting anyone with any authority.

the only thing that matters is the argument itself.

valk2 ago

You misunderstand, let me clarify for you, I said I would trust a person I have conversed with over a randomly active account. I never said I actually trusted anyone on here.

MrShekelstein ago

your mistake was trusting anyone.

good try retard.

srayzie ago

There you go again Cuntstein

valk2 ago

Okay man, you go have fun by yourself now.

Arrvee ago

Has anyone identified the other guy in the photo?

Water_Thug ago

Has anyone identified anyone in this photo?

dooob ago

Anons on /qresearch/ always 7 steps ahead.

Quicktor ago

The "ritual castration" aspect of the most devout psychos hasn't been discussed enough on this forum...I'm talking BEYOND eunuchs...think David Lynch at 3 am on Halloween night while "Blue Velvet" is played in suburbia across America...

I believe people will be absolutely SHOCKED when they find out about the rituals required for the highest orders of darkness...

Silencio ago

Can you tell me a bit more? I've seen blue velvet (and a lot of lynch movies but didn't see newest twin peaks), what is the significance?

Quicktor ago

David Lynch is perhaps the most revered artist/film director in the contemporary art world in America today...go observe his art/films and then ask yourself "Why?"... (Twin Peaks...)

Then ask yourself why an "artist" such as this would be the head of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement that is worldwide...(Millions upon millions meditate everyday/minute/moment)

"There's something deeply satisfying about directing the flow of water." - David Lynch

The majority (50-70%) of a human being is comprised of what substance? Has anybody seen the movie "Chinatown" and the plot the entire film is centered around?

So...who the hell is David Lynch and what the hell is going on in Fairfield, Iowa? ....that's 666 if you didn't catch the phonetic play on words....made in 1967, his first artwork involving cinema....checkout "Eraserhead" if you got the stomach...

I honestly don't think this entity is a man/human.... now cover half of his face and look at the difference of each side....eerie....

and 'Mulholland Drive' is MK Ultra 101....Beverly Hills Jack Nicholson's nickname is 'Mr. Mulholland"

Silencio ago

Thanks, very interesting. Of you come across more keep me posted. "Silencio" is the name of the club they visit in the movie mulholland dr

ExceptionEncountered ago

I showed this to people and their immediate reaction was to laugh and say, "Anything can be faked these days!" To which I replied, "And any fake can be verified through photo analysis these days..." No reply, just a blank and then... You're funny.

0.0... >.< Goddammit.

People are so fucking brainwashed. And they like it. It's really been affecting me, the reactions I got. Not sure I really trust anyone anymore. Can we get a real forensic photo analyst to give us a low down on the image? What is it going to take?

Waiyu_Dudat ago

anything I don't understand can't exist

People with "closed minds". How to get them over it? Teach them something more relatable to what they already know. People generally don't constantly assume they are being lied to, so they have terrible discernment when a topic comes up they don't know the jargon of. Thats the only time they think they are being lied to.

It's a terrible circular issue. They believe he lies because they only like the lies and trying to learn anything other than lies gets them to double down on their original thought instead of trying to comprehend "how could a person actually say something like that?" And then proceed to work through hypotheticals to understand something outside themself. Once a person learns this though, they get red pilled pretty easily.

I'm not saying I have it, just that I'm there with you, I feel like screaming at how dumb people can be sometimes. Not recognizing how much is obviously fake or simply geared towards propaganda, whether the obvious gender/feminism issues or the more subtle issues of occult rituals in movies or discerning the underlying narrative of the channel/person you're listening to, all leads to a person that simply can't begin to draw abstractions from commonalities between authors/media creators.

And the insane thing is that's just the tip of the iceberg. We have AI, geopolitics (Russia!), banking, chemical poisoning, chemtrails, history revisionism, "aliens", drugs, immigrants, the list goes on. I'm with you. I've found a bit of relief from the black pill with Jay Dyer. Red pill -> black pill -> God pill. I've learned a lot about tradition from him and the resource list that looks like it would provide a better education than college.

Justlikeus ago

What am I looking at can someone explain

Rotteuxx ago

Proof that @oh_well_ian is either a shill or extremely stupid.

Cc1914 ago

Usually when someone accuses others , relentlessly, like OWI has , it just means they are the ones guilty of what they accuse others of ..Just like the cabal . IMO

Rotteuxx ago

You should read through his chimp out i triggered in this thread if you have time, it's quite hilarious imo

lovely1 ago

both and needs anger management

Rotteuxx ago

@oh_well_ian chimp outs are the best though



KeK, at least the mentally ill that Voat attracts are entertaining.

dooob ago


How did you come to this conclusion?

Rotteuxx ago

I'm paraphrasing that nut case calling me by that pet name he has for you

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey @dooob ahahahahahah

they think I'm your ALT LOLOLOLOL

SEE, you dumb shit? You think I'm a Shill and the Shills are saying I'm YOU...

oh boy.. this is getting funnier by the minute

Rotteuxx ago

You really are a special kind of stupid :

[–] Oh_Well_ian 0 points (+0|-0) 3.9 minutes ago




[–] Oh_Well_ian 0 points (+0|-0) 34 minutes ago



lol what a whore pickle boy shitbag cunt faced LARPY faggot

Your nickname for @dooob is pickle boy and you call me that then claim i'm suggesting you're him for pointing it out ?

God damn you've got serious mental issues.

Are still sour that your self proclaimed photoshop expertise (since 5.0) got rekt ?

dooob ago

Your nickname for @dooob is pickle boy

He is calling me "Pickle boy" because my first v/ProtectVoat post about him was exposing his attempt at changing meanings to the word Pickle (related to a Q drop).

I do not understand how did you come to the conclusion that I am @Oh_Well_ian.

Rotteuxx ago

Umh... he thinks i'm you... backtrack a bit here m8

dooob ago

Sorry, 3am where I am at, I had to re-read a few times to finally understand.

Rotteuxx ago

An now he's down to harassing me by PM, holy shit i hope @oh_well_ian gets his mental issues in check and has a chance of living a normal life at some point.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Oh.. I'm just fine, pickle boy..

Tell Voat how you worship Hitler, who was actually a JEW.

Guess what jewboy? Merkel is his daughter and she is herding millions of Muslims into Germany to fuck what is left of it...


Too bad it will all be exposed before the end of the year.. lol Oh pickle boy... too bad

Rotteuxx ago

Chimp out some more !

I still have popcorn :)

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. I am flat out slamming your head into the wall..

CANADA is full of Jew Cucked faggots and Islamic goat fucking kid rapers..

Oh.. and your Hockey teams are fucking pathetic... NO STANLEY CUPS IN 25 YEARS

what a fucking weak and disgraceful mess you cucks have made of what was a great nation

go suck Trudeau cock, faggot

Rotteuxx ago

Whatever you have to tell yourself.

See how much energy you're dedicating to me still ? I told you flat out I could make you dance and here we are :)

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh.. and this required NO energy..

no more than taking a sip of ice cold beer..

Btw... Canadian beer sucks.. Not a single good brew in the entire country

Oh_Well_ian ago

Bro... I'm watching baseball and drinking a cold beer... This is a hobby for me and I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of kicking your faggot Canadian cock sucking face in.

Keep posting... I'm sitting here waiting for the shit to pop up in my inbox... lol

what a sad faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

So your pass time is getting drunk watching baseball & chimping out on Voat ?

God damn you need a life & serious goals

Oh_Well_ian ago

No.. my past time is kicking the shit out of Canadian faggots

stop dreaming about my cock, homo... has Trudeau turned all you cunts into faggots, or what?

Rotteuxx ago

Kicking the shit out of people in comments on Voat ?

Holy shit you're a beta ! God damn, you really have to be insignificant in real life to say & believe in something like that, lol

What a faggot

Oh_Well_ian ago

CANADIAN dreams of me sending him cock pics

what a sick faggot... yeah.. I'm the beta, Cuncuck

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, definitely a sad & pathetic beta living an insignificant existance to be such a keyboard warrior.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol you stupid Canadian dick obsessed faggot...

I would not be here if you would just shut the fuck up.

But I'm not letting you get the last word, pickle boy.

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, definitely a real life loser if having the last word means so much.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's you cunt...

You just can't put it down.. lol You think you calling me a loser gets you somewhere?

you sad Canadian cunt

Rotteuxx ago

You think you calling me a loser gets you somewhere?

Yet you're delusional enough to think your juvenile chimp outs get you somewhere

Oh_Well_ian ago

shitbag… you're the only fucker hearing this shit.. and yet you keep talking in the second person, like somebody is listening to you. Like you have allies lol

You're the cunt who is mentally ill faggot. I have done nothing but insult you and belittle your meager existence. I am, in a most lazy and unartful way, rhetorically shitting all over you. This is my lowest effort and more than you deserve, you paramecium cunt skid mark. But here you are, time and time again, coming back for more abuse and decimation of your lowly character. You're delusional. Or a masochist. Pretty sure you're a beta masochist who dreams about cock and abuse all day. I actually feel quite unfulfilled and this is a small measure to what I would actually like to do, which is chop your fat head off and throw your carcass in a wood chipper, right after I beat the living fuck out of you. lol hahaha.. you cunt Canadian

Rotteuxx ago

dooob ago

Oh noez, now I am completely demotivated. REEEE where are my tendies.

kneo24 ago

He's a nigger and is controlled by his baby-penis-mutilating overlords.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure faggot... go eat a black dick..

that is, if you can fit it around the 4 already in your cunt mouth.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, cunt

Rotteuxx ago

Chimp Out ! Chimp Out ! Chimp Out !

Oh_Well_ian ago

not even close, whore

dooob ago

Already made my new report on him, hopefully it wont take many more reports for other users to open their eyes.

crashing_this_thread ago

Adjusting certain values and color channels(among other tools) in photoshop you can usually spot artifacts that would reveal forgery. It's extremely difficult to edit a photo where the added layers will change in the same exact way as the rest of the image.

If this image was fake you'd likely see some strange edges or discoloring that would really stand out in the edited areas. Which in this case would most likely be the faces in the photo.

Since these images have the same effect evenly distributed across the entire photo, with no weird portions standing out in anyway, it's very likely the image is real. Though it's hard to know what kind of image faking technology exists. This is a very simple and common way of spotting photoshopped images.

kneo24 ago

I was skeptical due to the graininess of the photo and how fakes are commonly fuzzed or made to look grainy to better obfuscate the altering. This analysis does a good job of clearing that up.

Quicktor ago

Why is it so hard for limp dicks to see this is Bathhouse Barry?...nut the fuck up you narrow minded, academic cunts...

zx1 ago

Because people have weak hearts. They weren't taught the principles of strength and courage and instead told to live life from the mind. Told what to think and not how to think.

Strong minds, weak hearts. Strong denial, little understanding.

MrShekelstein ago

nah its just shills.

Quicktor ago

fo sho....and Artur Davis was Bathhouse Barry's national co-chair for his 2008 presidential bid...

niggs stick together...and these two are AWFULLY sticky...

NextBestThing2Hitler ago

Artur is just there for when Barry is horny and Mike doesn't want to lay the pipe.

dooob ago

Great post, OP. @Vindicator what now? This clearly proves the image is not a deep fake photoshoped.

Sadly, this post will be slid. @srayzie

srayzie ago

I was busy yesterday because of Father’s Day. This sure is ruffling some feathers! I’ll read thru everything in a little while. It looks very interesting.

dooob ago

Make sure to also check out

srayzie ago

I’m on the fence. So far it doesn’t seem to be photoshopped according to anons. At the same time, it seems too good to be true. I’m curious to see where this goes.

dooob ago

I am still 50/50 on this, why is Arthur Davis standing next to this guy and why did the girl who posted this tag it "Class & grace", a Hussein quote? Really puzzling and a wild ride, this couldv very well be a trap for Q and/or his followers.

Why did the girl who posted this say she deleted the Hussein photo because of hostility n shiet (heavily paraphrasing)? Q's words "use logic" heavily influenced my opinion to very much lean towards this being Hussein.

Either way, psyop or not, the story did a major blow on @Oh_Well_ian's credibility and I am confident he wont use the same methods to manipulate opinions.

@Oh_Well_ian I am not done with you yet, now I have my eyes on your comments. You wont dare make another disinfo submission but you will definitely continue doing it in the comments. How do you sleep?

bopper ago

It's like DNA, I don't think I could sit on a jury if DNA was involved cause I don't understand it and could not make a decision or judgement in good conscience.

Same with this, you have to know Photoshop to be fully persuaded, or to not be. The only other option is to trust another's judgement, but it's still trusting another and it's not of your own persuasion. Something like that.

dooob ago

Check my reply to srayzie, forgot to tag you, short: photo is not shopped, the dude wearing it is some other guy who might be worth digging into.

I am in no way a photoshop expert, but from my research I did on this I found out faking the particle stuff is very hard. If we use logic, could a teenager have these skills without ever showing them? Very unlikely, thus why I think it is not l33t photoshop either.

bopper ago

Thanks I appreciate it. OWI just by the way isn't a shill, apparently you guys just disagree and both of you feel 'passionately' about it. He's been posting on pizzagate for almost two years. But I don't want to get involved, just wanted to say that.

dooob ago

I am sorry but I am convinced. I am only passionate about the truth, nothing else. If I am wrong, I am willing to admit it, correct my mistake and make sure to not make the same mistake again. I recommend to read my original report on him where I detail the first red-flag and other instances of his shillary dealings.

Let me put it this way:

We know there are paytriot. We know there are disinfo twitter accounts, we know the reddit Q subreddit is controlled, who are voat's disinfo agents? Our enemy didnt just send anti-Q shills. Attacks from all sides.

bopper ago

No problem, we'll agree to disagree on this.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Tell you what, shitbag stalking faggot.. When Q uses this pic and verifies it, then I will believe it.

Otherwise, all the additional aspects of the 'proof' being conveniently ignored in this submission, like the date and the so-called connection between Obama and the account on IG that shared it, show just how lazy you are.

You're so down with what's happening with Q but you're completely ignoring this DOOBIUS pic was 'released' within hours of Q posting a pic of Barry Obama and his Paki college roommate. Any comment on that relevant pic? I thought not. Funny thing about that pic from the 1980's >> IT'S FAR BETTER QUALITY than your phony Holy Grail Obama-Moloch larp.

And just what would this mean if it's real? What weight would it carry in a court of law? NOTHING. It's sensational, at best. Obama is going down because there is a paper record of his treason and witnesses to his sedition, not because he donned a bedazzled horn dress.

Again...let's see what Q says, if anything.

dooob ago

You got eyes on you now, I wonder how your next fuckery will pan out.

I never said it was Obama in the picture ;)


Forgot to ask, why arent you replying on Crensch post?

How do you post all day all night?

Oh_Well_ian ago

dooob, your 3 month whisper campaign on me and your bitchery is not going to work. Crench completely destroyed any credibility he had as an honest mod with his AWS like parsing of the debunk. He lied by omission and did what every other shill pushing the LARP has done. You and he snuck off at 3am like a couple of faggots and posted that pathetic gaslight of my character and reputation. It didn't debunk the debunk. It was pure snark. I will not address him, because he is now a Millenial Falcon level gatekeeping douche. Just like you. A sneaky little faggot. You spend so much time being a catty little cunt on this sub with your 'I told you szrayie!! I told you!!' gossip, you have no time left over to offer any analysis or unique insight. You are going back on <block> faggot. Drop dead.

Oh.. one more thing > Q is not going to confirm that shit. You better prep yourself.

dooob ago

Alrighty mr photoshop expert

Boban_Rajovic ago

this is literally the same type of vocabulary as the GA reddit mods lol

and I'm pretty sure this OWi was posting on that subreddit at some point, the nickname is eerily familiar

Oh_Well_ian ago

ooooh…. you found me out 5 day faggot / I'm a Reddit mod lol

you're cuntery is more than eerily familiar

Welcome to Voat <block>

Boban_Rajovic ago

damn shills, literally same behavior/vocabulary, that's exactly how you can spot one lmao

Rotteuxx ago

Hey reddit fag, where's my block mother fucker ? umh... I mean, baby dick sucking kike !

Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks for reminding me..

see, you are good for something, after all

Vindicator ago

Well, photoshop did not play a big roll in my flairing the post in the first place...I was still waiting for a reply about how one proves or disproves something has or hasn't been photoshopped. The problem I have is headlines saying "Moloch Obama". Even if the pic is real, how can anyone prove this is actually Obama? The guy is wearing a mask.

dooob ago

What about the guy next to Obama?

Ignore the occultism part if it is not your cup of tea.

Vindicator ago

What about him? I'm not seeing your point.

dooob ago

Artur Davis... Least you could do was skim through the infographic I posted and you would see what my point was. Are you getting enough sleep?

Vindicator ago

Your infographic was impossible to read on either of my devices. How about just coming out and stating your point? If it's so straightforward, that should be easy to do in a few sentences, with links to the original sources of the supporting material.

dooob ago

Are you honestly telling me this infographic was so hard to read you couldnt spot Artur Davis? The infographic was taken from /qresearch/ notables, fyi.

Why are you so hostile towards me?

Crensch ago

He's not being hostile there, bud. He's asking you to state your point directly, and telling you that the image you provided doesn't work on his devices.

Both Vindicator and I want the source of the claims, but we also want the claims, which it seems you've not presented at this point in the conversation.

A question and then an infographic, even one the user can read, sometimes doesn't serve to communicate what you're wanting to communicate.

I think you both could use a breather, but I'm not going to tell you what to do.


Vindicator ago

No, I'm telling you I don't see how Artur Davis being in the pic proves the person behind the mask is Obama.

Why are you so hostile towards me?

I think you may be projecting. You keep trying to "read" motives and emotions into my replies. I've had over 60 notifications in my inbox over the past two days of people attacking each other. It is not clear to me who is correct. I have been working 12 hour days in real life and not reading every comment on every thread in v/pizzagate, v/GreatAwakening, qresearch etc. We've also had an onslaught of posts with numerous links to vet, as well as numerous posts ignoring the ruleset. My time is limited.

And when I ask clarifying questions, I get responses like this, implying I'm the asshole, rather than the simple elucidation I requested.

@Crensch @think-

dooob ago

How am I projecting? Do you think my outrage was unjusted? You gave a speech about fighting disinformation to a literal disinformation agent and you not only refuse to apologize but you try to turn it on me? Because I call out bullshit, I am the aggressor?

This all couldv turned out differently if you simply said "Oh damn, sorry people, I am overworked and made a mistake. I'll do my best to not do it again." Simple. What do you do? Avoid admitting to the mistake and try to turn it on me, first with the "oh isnt it weird dooob didnt tag us on his report on v/pizzagatemods, oh very weird" coincidentally ignoring the fact you were pinged by one of the mods thus you shouldv been informed about OWi's subversion attempts.

You are handling this whole situation very wrong, in my opinion. How egoistic are you to not being able to admit when you are wrong? Sorry for being so blunt but you gotta hear it from someone.

@Crensch @think-

I do not understand why Vindicator tagged you but you should also see my comment, coin has two sides n shiet.

My eyes are wide open, V.

Vindicator ago

You gave a speech about fighting disinformation to a literal disinformation agent and you not only refuse to apologize but you try to turn it on me? Because I call out bullshit

Who do you think needs a lecture on fighting disinformation, Dooob, if not those participating in it? Isn't that what you yourself are attempting to do?

@Oh_Well_ian is not the only user who challenged the thesis of this thread, he just bitched the loudest and happened to be the comment I replied to.

This all couldv turned out differently if you simply said "Oh damn, sorry people, I am overworked and made a mistake.

What do you mean "This could have turned out differently?" Please explain.

Dooob, I don't see how it was a mistake to flair the original thread "Unverified" based on the user comments in the Chan thread and threads on Voat, and then, a full day later, again based on user commentary, change the flair to "Debunked." Even the original submitter agrees.

In v/pizzagate, one of the most shilled locales on the internet, the burden of proof rests on the submitter. Our entire ruleset is set up to weed out BS. The submitter must state a thesis about PG relevance and support his logic with links to primary sources. Moderators make sure those elements are in place. Users judge the value and veracity of the post by commenting, contributing additional research supporting or challenging the thesis, and voting. Moderators occasionally use flairs to draw attention in order to facilitate that discussion by users.

The original thread by @IShallNotFear, This deserved it's own post: Possible Obama dressed as Moloch photo found on Instagram, proposed this was a picture of Obama. After seeing the topic flogged so hard on multiple platforms (both pro and con), the downvoting of skeptical commenters here, the use of the topic to provoke and attack users and create a toxic atmosphere, the timing of it all during the IG report, the fact that a known guy with similar smile lines wore the exact same outfit to Burning Man, and that the title of the post itself fuels Confirmation Bias, I thought it wise to flair this thesis "Debunked."

Please explain how I have in any way been "irresponsible," "made a mistake," "handled this situation wrong" or been "egoistic" such that "this situation could have turned out differently."

@Crensch @think-

I do not understand why Vindicator tagged you but you should also see my comment, coin has two sides n shiet.

Don't be coy, Dooob. As you well know, I pinged them because you pinged them to your claim I'm "irresponsible" in the first place and they have been awaiting my input.