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dooob ago

Great post, OP. @Vindicator what now? This clearly proves the image is not a deep fake photoshoped.

Sadly, this post will be slid. @srayzie

srayzie ago

I was busy yesterday because of Father’s Day. This sure is ruffling some feathers! I’ll read thru everything in a little while. It looks very interesting.

dooob ago

Make sure to also check out

srayzie ago

I’m on the fence. So far it doesn’t seem to be photoshopped according to anons. At the same time, it seems too good to be true. I’m curious to see where this goes.

dooob ago

I am still 50/50 on this, why is Arthur Davis standing next to this guy and why did the girl who posted this tag it "Class & grace", a Hussein quote? Really puzzling and a wild ride, this couldv very well be a trap for Q and/or his followers.

Why did the girl who posted this say she deleted the Hussein photo because of hostility n shiet (heavily paraphrasing)? Q's words "use logic" heavily influenced my opinion to very much lean towards this being Hussein.

Either way, psyop or not, the story did a major blow on @Oh_Well_ian's credibility and I am confident he wont use the same methods to manipulate opinions.

@Oh_Well_ian I am not done with you yet, now I have my eyes on your comments. You wont dare make another disinfo submission but you will definitely continue doing it in the comments. How do you sleep?

bopper ago

It's like DNA, I don't think I could sit on a jury if DNA was involved cause I don't understand it and could not make a decision or judgement in good conscience.

Same with this, you have to know Photoshop to be fully persuaded, or to not be. The only other option is to trust another's judgement, but it's still trusting another and it's not of your own persuasion. Something like that.

dooob ago

Check my reply to srayzie, forgot to tag you, short: photo is not shopped, the dude wearing it is some other guy who might be worth digging into.

I am in no way a photoshop expert, but from my research I did on this I found out faking the particle stuff is very hard. If we use logic, could a teenager have these skills without ever showing them? Very unlikely, thus why I think it is not l33t photoshop either.

bopper ago

Thanks I appreciate it. OWI just by the way isn't a shill, apparently you guys just disagree and both of you feel 'passionately' about it. He's been posting on pizzagate for almost two years. But I don't want to get involved, just wanted to say that.

dooob ago

I am sorry but I am convinced. I am only passionate about the truth, nothing else. If I am wrong, I am willing to admit it, correct my mistake and make sure to not make the same mistake again. I recommend to read my original report on him where I detail the first red-flag and other instances of his shillary dealings.

Let me put it this way:

We know there are paytriot. We know there are disinfo twitter accounts, we know the reddit Q subreddit is controlled, who are voat's disinfo agents? Our enemy didnt just send anti-Q shills. Attacks from all sides.

bopper ago

No problem, we'll agree to disagree on this.