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Oh_Well_ian ago



lol what a whore pickle boy shitbag cunt faced LARPY faggot

srayzie ago

Be calm. I’m removing this post.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're on the side of the disinfo nut case, nice to see the credibility of this community flushed down.

srayzie ago

I’m not on anyone’s side. You guys can go bitch at each other in the comment section. Making posts about other users have nothing to do with Q.

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is a sad faggot who cannot deal ^^

If I am such an embarrassment to myself, why the fuck are you putting in so much time, faggot? Why not just let it run it's course? Because you're a cunt and a coward, hiding beneath Srayzie's dress... " he hurt me... do something!! '


Rotteuxx ago

I love how you make up scenarios in your mind and the through the power of mental illness convince yourself you see the light of truth

So what you're saying is that this is a private club closed off to the Voat community ? Why isn't it a private sub then ?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Look at your subs... NAZIS?? LOL


This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

164 submissions to RidersoftheReich

112 submissions to K9SupremacistsUnite

106 submissions to Welding

77 submissions to CanadaFirst ( FUCK YOU, AMERICA FIRST you whore )

55 submissions to whatever

This user has so far shared a total of 689 links, started a total of 70 discussions and submitted a total of 7680 comments.


Hitler got 9 million Germans killed and destroyed Germany and Nationalism FOREVER, while handing JEWS their own country and control of the rest of the 20th century.

He ran off to Argentina and Fostered Angela Merkle as the spawn of Jew Satan to overrun Germany with Islamic GOAT FUCKERS.

You JEW CUNTS AND YOUR FAKE HITLER LOVE hate that I'm blowing you precious VOAT the fuck up...

' SRAYZIE... HE'S A BAD GUY... DO SOMETHING!! ' What a sad little SS Stormtrooper .. what a whore cunt

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck you're hilarious, i have to trigger you more often

Oh_Well_ian ago

Not triggered.. I'm shitting all over you, pickle boy.

you think you're enjoying this?? lol I can go all day and night, you sad cunt.

Hitler was a Jew, by the way.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I love how you think I'm unhinged but can't keep trying to prove how stable and correct you are...

what a whore shill cunt faggot pickle boy...

Hey cunt... how about contributing the Great Awakening sub if your so fucking concerned about it?

You contribute to all the WRONG SUBS and look like a Voat Jew faggot LIFER piece of shit..

Rotteuxx ago

I just love having so much power over your feeble mind that i can trigger you effortlessly.

As proof, you will not be able to shut up and take this comment for what it is really.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Hitler was a JEW and the USA is going to kick the fuck out of Canada and your faggot Prime Minister

As proof of your Jewness, you will not be able to shut the fuck up and will have to have the last word


Rotteuxx ago

See @dooob, he thinks i'm you

And he keeps dancing as i pull his strings

dooob ago

Is it only me or does he sound so much like Amalek when he gets unhinged?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP is dead, faggot.

You remind me of Roger Stone or Shepard Smith. Both faggots who pretend to be on the team until they lose control of their narrative.

I'm not going anywhere, you cunt. See you in GA. But please... Please try not to be a cucked faggot and ask a woman to defend you. Srayzie is very busy and already has kids at home. She doesn't have time to clean up the shit you start. OK? Ok, you little shaved pussy?

Rotteuxx ago

Oh yeah !

He's saying that the israeli dick sucking president of the US is going to crush Canadas economy now, apparently sending irrate PMs makes @oh_well_ian a big tough guy.

What a shining example of the American spirit, such maturity, such intellect... such photoshop expertise !

Oh_Well_ian ago

Trudeau is a TRANNY and Canada has been turned into a steaming pile of Islamic shit by you fake NAZIS

TOO BAD... Canada used to be a great nation before you fake Nazi Jews took it over.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey i just found this hinge pin on the ground, lost something ?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Go fuck a moose Canuck Cuck Fuck faggot pickle boy

was that a joke of some kind?

Rotteuxx ago

Syntax really ain't your thing, is it ?