ASolo ago


posted in response to:

Q post could be referring to a child abuse ring

I usually refrain from posting about Q on this sub. You can believe in Q or think he’s a LARP. Whatever! 🙄 But, here something you might want to look into...

Here is the Q post and the possible meaning of the term BLUNT.

Q keeps talking about the Rothschild’s and he did in the post right before the BLUNT post.

Here is all of the posts for today so you can interpret it how you will.

If you want to see more and the meanings, you can go here.

Update: Q posted about Black Forest today.

Black Forest

I made a tweet describing Fire Sale. Someone responded and said this.This may be something to look into as well...

This is Black Forest....
Rothschilds Lower Austrian Hunting Estate...
Recently sold FIRE sale for $112 million...
And they didnt hunt animals there.



Definitely an upvoat srayzie for having the resolve to quantify this for us. This seems to be the first time I've seen such a clear and defined clue from this "Q", and most surprisingly an aangirfan reference. Quite profound. AangIrfan has spearheaded these revelations for over a decade now, and ALL of it began and was orchestrated from the 'home office', London, The Queen, Royal Family, GCHQ and Tavistock under the head of the Rothschild family AND SELIGMANS WHO INSTITUTED THE GRANDE LODGE OF ISRAEL.

Edward Heath-Seligman And The Rothschilds Brothers To The Bone


Mysteries of the Temple

In one of the most significant , and odd, posts to date, I believe Q is finally indicating a sizeable chunk of the top of the chain. Not super surprising to us since we've been neck deep in these revelations for years now. What this confirms for me is that "Q" is indeed a 4chan or reddit creation or bot designed to redpill the normies. What else could explain such a slow trickle of obscure and vague clues meant to lead some on a rabbit trail, this is for slow absorption for those that haven't been doing this for a while. I'm getting the feeling whoever Q is they are just as close to everything known as we are here, and are trying to build an army with this information. It's nice, it great to see, but the bad guys already have quite a foothold on everything. Interesting clue on the Black Forest, a totally and horrifically typical place for these monsters to conduct these activities. Go figure. That's got to be where the bodies are buried.

I think what we are witnessing here is an indication at the direction of the heartbeat of the extortion rings that have existed for the past 70 plus years that had their nexus in the government of the UK and spread from there, as an ORCHESTRATED EFFORT AT CORRUPTING AND TOTALLY TAKING OVER THE WORLDS DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS WITH HOMOSEXUAL AND CHILD SEXUAL EXTORTION TO EVENTUALLY LEAD TO THE REBUILDING OF YHWH'S (BAAL;LUCIFER;ENKI) TEMPLE.

@srayzie @carmencita @Piscina @ESOTERICshade @SoSpricyHotDog

Edward Heath‘s chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.

The Seligmans are friends of the Rothschilds. Seligman and Heath were friends at Balliol College, Oxford. In the months before the outbreak of World War II, Heath and Seligman were on a ‘camping’ holiday in Germany.“In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party. Heath became godfather to Seligman’s eldest son, Lincoln. Heath frequently holidayed with the Seligman family. Madron Seligman and Edward Heath sailed together, and remained close confidants. Madron Seligman – Telegraph.

What control might certain people have had over Edward Heath?

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

German elite in the Vatican, including Goebbels and General Steinmann

How do you explain that IBM landed in Germany the very month Hitler was elected (March 1933) to help him start using IBM punch cards to catalog the Jews in Germanic territories (in preparation for the takeover which happened in 1948 three years after Hitler passed from the world stage)? How do you explain the numerous public awards to Thomas Watson of IBM with no protest from the New York Times .. even though IBM was headquartered in New York City. (!!!!) This is one of HUNDREDS of examples?” Joseph Goebbels, four step grand children are now worth millions due to an inheritance of the German gun and missile industry which includes BMW. Goebbels was Jewish also and apparently had a capitalist streak in that socialist heart of his. It ail turned out the way it was supposed to. Germany was bombed to the stone age, Rothschild is still printing the money and the big corporates who helped him torch the place are still there, never touched by a bomb. German tax money is still paying for reparations and submarines to Israel, Germans just wake up in the morning and read more Deutsch Welle. which was part of the plan by the way. Evelyn Rothschild is quoted as saying if her sons did not want wars there would not be any. Is it this simple?

Hitler And The Red Shield

When you make the cover of Time Magazine, good things are about to happen.


The Don

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

Rulers of Evil - Grand Design Exposed


Truth in symbols

…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (Full Documentary) Notice how the BRITISH creator/narrator conveniently dismisses ALL inference of ISRAEL's involvement in EVERYTHING.

ASolo ago


awesome start.. i've been lurking for sometime but i am,lets say, an insider in palm beach. i have moved in similar circles and am aware of a great deal of palm beach gossip. The fanjuls r members of a Club roght next to trumps mar a lago called Palm Beach Bath and tennis club. this club is the epicenter of old money and are Trumps nemesis' as they denied him membership and thus legitimacy in Palm Beach society. Andres fanjuls daughter married the step son of the mayor. Her husband may pr may not b the boss of cosa nostra on the east coast, depending who u ask. Fanjuls own caso de campo in Dominican republic. it was there that senator menedez waa honey potted and subsequently black mailed. much worse happens there as the resory is a law unto itself. Think customs can tell the difference between cocaine and sugar on palletes in containers?? doubt it. we always joked about their name meaning go fuck yourself ( in the ass). its an ode to sodomy, which is satans sex.. the family is jesuit black nobilty. Pepe has a signed photo og Pope benedict on his desk at their ranch in yhe everglades that he flies to im his huey from Pbi airport. dig into the palm beach bath and tennis club. that is the real swamp.. brook shiels mom is a member.. we all know how early she got put into the game. Duponts, morgans, flaglers, vanderbilts.. Google House of Munn. that will show u the nexus of The establishment. Founders of planned parenthood... u will have a field day digging.. God Speed...


anyone that moves in high circles rubs shoulders with unsavory types.. my take is that all the right evil people hate him, he must be doing something right. he has been waiting for his time to serve up the coldest dish of revenge against the families at the Bath and Tennis who are supposedly protestant but have since a long time been infiltrated by Jesuit. I actually think that Executive order on dec..21st will eventually target them. Look up the conflict trump had with town of Palm beach over his American flag being against code.. he called their bluff. its in the record that the american aristocracy was against a man who wanted to be extra patriotic.. so much for lotalty to the country that made them rich. It was a brilliant troll by Trump and a precursor to the Maga movement he is ushering now.


to understand the true conflict between good and evil, one only need to compare the Augsburg confession of faith versus. the Anathemas laid down by the jesuits at the council of trent. its all there


he was betrayed during the st Bartholomews day massacre. Catherine de medici order it at the behest of her jesuit confessor.. 100 years later louis 14 would do the same, revoking the edict of nantes , which led to the slaughter of between 300 and 500 thousand hugenots and the diaspora of another 500 thousand. that brain drain led dotectly to the conditions that fomented yhe revolution a 100 years later.. its all connected to the papal whore and her vicious adherents.. ive got a ton on info to drop.. keep an eye out because im about to really expose the real deep state


a perfect example is actor bradley cooper.. georgetown graduate.. used to promote all kinds of deviance. wedding crashers, and the hangover movies.. based at caesers palace.. all roads lead to Rome.. Jesuits run hollywood, not jews.. look up kircher, inventor of magic lantern.. precursor of movies.. camera obscura. The image is idolatry. no wonder satan has employed it to mesmerize the masses


this whole pizzagate thing originates with John Podesta. he is a proffessor at Jesuit Georgetown anf attends a jesuit catholic church.. the Jesuits are the intellegence soldiers of the antichrist papacy and counter reformation inquisitors. Himmler modelled the SS on the jesuit order and hitler called him " our Ignatius of Loyola.. Loyolas spiritual exercises are a template for mk ultra brainwashing.

RFI: the Fanjul Brothers

The Fanjuls are formidable adversaries. They control about 40 percent of Florida’s sugar crop, and last year they made contributions to 31 political candidates, giving more than any other sugar power. They deeply resent their nickname: the first family of corporate welfare. Little known to the American public, Pepe and Alfy Fanjul operate within the hidden world of implicit linkage, the grand club of the country’s power brokers, who routinely trade favors like baseball cards."

These guys cover their bets by making campaign donations to both parties: Alfonso Fanjul donates heavily to the Democrats (and has made huge contributions to the Clinton Foundation,) and he even managed Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in the state of Florida in 1992. Another brother, Pepe Fanjul. donates heavily to the Republicans and has worked on their campaigns.


The fanjuls r members of a Club roght next to trumps mar a lago called Palm Beach Bath and tennis club.

srayzie ago

Awesome! I have to run. I have things to do this morning. I’ll look thru all of this when I get back!

kazza64 ago

i love your work

ASolo ago

Thank you Kazza

sore_ass_losers ago

Yesterday you mentioned continuing with Blaine and Geller? Hopefully there is more to come about stage magicians besides a little Houdini here (although the spoonbender claims not to be a magician).

Geller is a favorite villain for Aangirfan.

ASolo ago

Once again, you sound pretentious.

ASolo ago

Put the pieces together for yourself and in your brain, or contribute, don't order me to do.

Are you a bot or do you have ADHD?

sore_ass_losers ago

Why be an asshole?

Lay off the sauce.

21yearsofdigging ago

My ex and unfortunately my children were indoctrinated into this. I have first hand knowledge that all this is very real. A very fucked up programming system run by some very evil fucks

sore_ass_losers ago

Your post is mostly from MindControlledBlackAssassins, you forgot quotes and a link. I found it here and elsewhere:

("possessed to be endowed with metaphysical powers" is a pretty unique phrase. :) )

I wanted to find the footnotes for the Lookout Mountain stuff actually. It's one of the most mysterious aspects of the Laurel Canyon story.

You'd think if Marilyn Monroe had made a Cold War propaganda film it would have seen the light of day by now. (Interestingly enough there's a MM sex film showing her doing "unnatural acts with an unknown male" as the FBI put it back then, describing fellatio.) MM was under surveillance by the FBI from 1955 to her death, by the way. Of course on a deep enough level the Cold War was B.S.

Officially she was working in an airplane factory during WWII and a propaganda photographer took her photo. There's a propaganda connection.

So, if there's something to this allegation, were MKULTRA specialists helping direct scenes from famous Hollywood films in order to warp the public consciousness? There has been a huge change in morality from "unnatural acts" to Jared Leto's casual "blow job" line. (Actually the early 70's porno movie Deep Throat went mainstream and popularized oral sex.) I'm sure MM showing off her undies in her trademark scene, and starring in movies like The Seven-Year Itch (referring to adultery) helped that along.

(I find MindControlledBlackAssassins rather sensational, but definitely worth mining for information and seeing if it checks out.)

sore_ass_losers ago

I probably shouldn't have speculated about Lookout Mountain. I did just edit and label it as speculation.

The only info we have about ties between Hollywood and Lookout Mountain comes from Dave McGowan and the Internet echo chamber. Does it really make sense that Marilyn Monroe was investigated by the FBI for leftist ties and also given security clearance to work there, presumably through the same agency? "Marilyn Monroe [was] given clearance to work at the facility on undisclosed projects."

sore_ass_losers ago

21 is dead. 22 is for tourists and merely offers "the Corps shot military training films and documentaries here until the makeshift studio was decommissioned in 1969." It seems it all goes back to Dave McGowan.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm really questioning DMcG's LookOut Mt. allegations now. He gives no source for them, not even I was talking to someone in a bar.

The official story is the center was used for processing classified movies of atom bomb testing. I saw a story that mentioned they even took 3D movies (3D was big in the 50's). Then in the conspiratorial version it becomes they had 3D graphics movie capabilities way ahead of their time.

While I can believe elites and their intelligence agencies have access to technology well ahead of the public, this beggars belief. It took a long time for computers to become fast and capable enough to generate realistic footage, and for the algorithms to be developed.

ASolo ago

There's that pretentiousness I was telling you about.

sore_ass_losers ago

You don't like me and I don't care.

ASolo ago

Not that I don't like you I'm questioning your approach at me.

sore_ass_losers ago

You are a fucking pretentious jerk for copy and pasting material with no attribution, as if you wrote it. Next time, delete the footnotes and you might get away with it.

ASolo ago

Any retard can see where the source material is and that original material is what should be focused on. All you faggots that harp on source references and citations are petty little needlers when the information is there to be processed not criticized, even when the source citation was posted. The only reason you said anything at all was to dig back at me for trying to slow ur roll.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Any retard can see where the source material is" "even when the source citation was posted"

You did not post a source link or citation. I had to search for some unusual phraseology.

ASolo ago

I posted it after the body as a comment. Not as an afterthought either as a focus of attention.

Judgejewdy ago

They took Kanye to Rubin after his “meltdown,” no doubt to reprogram the poor guy. The pics of him there look horrible.

think- ago

David Bowie wanted to delve into Kabbalism (the religious mystical and magical system of Judaism), he just happened to seek out Rick Rubin and Houdini’s Mansion.

Interesting. I just found that David Bowie was a good friend of Balthus, the French-Polish painter and creator of pedophile art, who was also into esotericism.

GrimHagen18 ago

Rather than French-Polish, a better description for Balthus would be simply jew. After all his "art" just follows the usual protocol of the talmudic lifestyle.

millennial_vulcan ago

Prince Stanislaus Klossowski De Rola is the son of Balthus and the man of wealth and taste depicted by the R Stones.

'Stash' was best friends with Brian Jones and all the Stones, slept with many, including all the Stones girlfriends and singers like Nico.. He was also great friends with the Beatles, Who, Dylan, Simon, Garfunkle, Hendrix etc etc

one of Stash's (and the rolling stones) favorite clothing stores in London in the 60s was owned by Ola Hudson, stylist for David Bowie ad the mother of Slash, who would later become famous for GnR....

It is incredibly the degrees of separation all these people have. @ASolo

think- ago

Thanks for adding this info, millenial_vulcan.

Stash is also the author of books on alchemy. He said he had frequent conversations with his father Balthus about the esoteric stuff.

Stash claims that he inspired Bowie when Bowie created the Ziggy Stardust personality.

millennial_vulcan ago

for sure @think-

That whole scene was crazy and fascinating and set into motion all the celeb insanity we deal with today.

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh and to come full circle to you, @ASolo

Slash, (Saul Hudson) was also born in.....HAMPSTEAD.

ASolo ago


Dickface808 ago

Slash and Stash?

think- ago

Yes. ;-)

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL. Pretty insane but all true

ASolo ago

Ok. Yeah that's good info.

ASolo ago

Mods... please, if you find issue, I could't fit this in the main body because of a technical issue.

Connected to Pizzagate in the continued vein of child exploitation through Weinstein, CGI, DC, etc etc... Weinstein, Sophie Dix and the Hampstead children case

ASolo ago

The implications are enormous. With the primarily (jewish) Khazar owned studios, mafia influence and Nazi infiltration, Hollywood has been transformed into one giant brainwashing and conditioning machine. With the models used by Goebbells and his Propaganda ministers during WWII they were able to transform a nation of allegedly intelligent people into a nation of despots willing to murder millions in warand holocaust. The same kind of ambient MK-Ultra has been unleashed on America before the war and much more intensely after the Paperclip transplants.

Do you realize the conundrum ANY Hollywood actor would face if any one in a position of power were to let them understand their role in brainwashing the nation they way they do through their 'medium'? Do you realize this is the reason we see so much corruptionin Hollywood and in the world?

Goebbells understood, as well as the american advertisers and propagandists in America before the war that influenced Goebbells ministry that REPEATED THEMES AND IMAGERY, NO MATTER HOW MUNDANE, WILL SINK INTO A PERSON SUBCONSCIOUS, and thats what television has done for over 70 years to generation upon generations of people, truly and swiftly brainwashing them while always telling them it doesn't.

Add in the Rockefeller funded public schools and you really have one hell of a mess of a human being if the circumstances are skewed in other ways :-)

A virual matrix of idiots.

auralsects ago

With the primarily (jewish) Khazar owned studios, mafia influence and Nazi infiltration, Hollywood has been transformed into one giant brainwashing and conditioning machine. With the models used by Goebbells and his Propaganda ministers during WWII they were able to transform a nation of allegedly intelligent people into a nation of despots willing to murder millions in warand holocaust.

are you man enough to address any of the gaping holes in your theory? if not it will utterly discredit you.

1) jews suffered collective punishment many times before the khazar conversion due to their behavior including ritual sacrifice. Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 130k in minutes and no one batted an eye

2) germans aren't 'allegedly' intelligent, it is a universally acknowledged fact, as is the fact that jews are the smartest on earth. but then western Europe and America (i.e. the domain of jews) are the only places where the Nazis are so infamous. in fact they are somewhat popular everywhere else on this planet -- did Goebbels brainwash all them too?

3) the holocaust is so bogus that the death count is continually revised down. for a post about Hollywood you are laughably oblivious to your own brainwashing through holocaust propaganda and how it only serves to shield jews of any prominence anywhere on earth.

4) media isn't enough to change a society based on law. at some point some people have to argue to change the laws to permit the debasement shown onscreen, and the next generation having no stigma or law against it will then embrace it. those people are jews, rich and poor alike. pick a controversial topic and go see who advocates it on twitter for example.

i think you might be a shill i will not go further although it would be extremely easy. are you jewish, and that's why you can without hesitation slander the entire german nation? are u enjoying watching muslim invaders ravage their busty blond women?

GrimHagen18 ago

Shills will always conflate anti-jew action with actual jew action. They will take a blatantly anti-jew phenomenon like the Third Reich and then act as gatekeepers and actually claim that they too were working for the jew world order. Classic disinformation and muddying of the waters. Never have I seen a single example of plausible evidence for Hitler and Co being anything but genuinely anti-kike fighters, but the shills don't need such because those who get "red-pilled" will often go from the extremity of believing everything the mainstream press says, to believing everything the alternative media says, and the alternative media is often just as subverted as the mainstream one. So they go from one blindness to another, just like that. When asked to summon evidence for their nazi bogeyman act, the shills pull out some crude propaganda from a jew or resort to forgeries that even mainstream historians know to be blatantly fake.

ESOTERICshade ago

i think you might be a shill i will not go further although it would be extremely easy. are you jewish, and that's why you can without hesitation slander the entire german nation? are u enjoying watching muslim invaders ravage their busty blond women?

@ASolo did not set out to write a complete history of the world. He is talking about the current state of affairs. Calling him a shill for not including your historical narratives, which I do not disagree with by the way, is unfair.

auralsects ago

no doubt you prefer a historical "narrative" that has germans owning television sets in the 1930s. youre obviously a shill too, or just extremely gullible -- you simultaneously accept my statement and his ridiculously obtuse series of nonfacts about the holohoax

ESOTERICshade ago

What you don't realize is that @ASolo is smarter than you. He realizes that the bankers invented the Nazis and the Khazarian Mafia, which makes you stupid.

auralsects ago

I pointed out some basic holes in his post, if he were even remotely smart he'd have responded. perhaps hes still searching the archives of the same two websites he keeps pasting from lol

ESOTERICshade ago

Eustace Mullins is the best jewsearcher there is. He speaks in plain language and he is easy to understand. The Jesuits and the bankers created the Nazis and the Zionists. They threw their jewish brethern under the bus, the jews that were assimilated into German culture. They did that specifically to start a war. The goal was the Balfour Declaration in which the jews would claim to be from Israel and "the right of return" was born. Then they started killing everybody in Palestine. Something over 200,000 jews died from disease and from getting shot, or whatever. But, their main target was white Christians which they firebombed and killed by the millions.

auralsects ago

wow you have zero idea what youre talking about. no wonder you crave "plain language" as big words are probably beyond your understanding. the entire world's jews as represented by their jewish organizations declared economic war on Germany in 1933 two years before the Nuremberg laws. the sequence is: stab in the back, balfour, Bolshevik revolution (jewish plot), jewish Weimar jewish domination = enslavement of germans, hitler, global jewish boycott,,,,,,,,,,,jewish controlled UK declares war to defend Poland i.e. for no reason. jews don't 'assimilate' you idiot, that's the entire source of hostility towards them!! they exploit their hosts!

ESOTERICshade ago

You don't understand who actually started it. George Bush Sr.'s father helped finance the war through Brown Brothers Harriman along with a bunch of Knights Of Malta from the Vatican along with a group of Zionist bankers. You are missing a huge chunk of the story. The Jesuits were one of the main instigators and christians were their target. The goal of the Jesuits is to wipe out anything that is not under the dominion of the Catholic Church.

auralsects ago

lol hitler massacred the Jesuits. and the freemasons. jews always fund both sides of wars because they cant pass up opportunities to make money. the bushes are probably crypto-jews like most royal families and the Jesuit founders themselves. look how rabid that other guy gets in defending jews. youre obvious hasbara trolls.

ESOTERICshade ago

look how rabid that other guy gets in defending jews. youre obvious hasbara trolls.

I have no love for those fake jew zionist assholes. you just have a weak grasp of history.

ESOTERICshade ago

no doubt you prefer a historical "narrative" that has germans owning television sets in the 1930s. youre obviously a shill too, or just extremely gullible -- you simultaneously accept my statement and his ridiculously obtuse series of nonfacts about the holohoax

Fuck off asshole. I agreed with the points you made except for @Asolo being a shill. This is your little pissing contest and you can have it by yourself.

auralsects ago

youre both fucking noobs then. holocaust is conspiracy 101. nah youre gatekeeping for other interested readers and slandering my ancestors. why you gotta JEW ME LIKE DAT

ESOTERICshade ago

youre both fucking noobs then. holocaust is conspiracy 101. nah youre gatekeeping for other interested readers and slandering my ancestors. why you gotta JEW ME LIKE DAT

Yes it was a conspiracy. Its just nastier and more tangled than you understand.

auralsects ago

no it was LESS nasty and tangled inasmuch as there was no 'final solution' period and this meme only became widespread decades later.

PyromaniacalDemon ago


Indians are the smartest. Not Jews. Indians exceed Jews by quite a few points.

ASolo ago

Guess some people got alot of work still sorting out the jewish issue but somethin tells me there's this confusion for a reason. I like your usage of the word 'utterly' though, nice and greasy. Real effective.

auralsects ago

lol wut. youre the one who was spelling it out for us, complete with rhetorical questions like 'do you even realize??' no confusion on my end: yet another nation had enough of the jews doing what they do, got ready to remove them, then lost the war and became victims of a smear campaign which todays jews use to stifle legitimate criticism and even solicit funds. you realize Germany has paid tens of billions to 'holocaust survivors' which is defined as any jew in the area at the time.

shill status: UTTERLY confirmed

ASolo ago


auralsects ago

is it your habit to name-call when challenged to debunk points? maybe the exchange of ideas is not something youre suited for. which is why you seem to exclusively copy-paste from dubious sources.

ASolo ago

Dubious sources.

Dude you're one dumb motherfucker to doubt the credibility of an e black panther. I don't give a fuck how much your fat lips try to slice it PrinceRay has been around the block more than your sorry ass and has more integrity in a hangnail on his pinky than you do in fifty of you dumb motherfuckers. I don't understand why you think your dumb fucking opinion matters to ANYONE one this board other than your blow buddy cheeseyB. Seriously just fuck off, I mean that in the purest sense. you are seriously just a redneck dumb motherfucking piece of shit. You use NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION you just linger and JAB THE THREE TEETH YOU HAVE LEFT. Now go get your second helping of dickcheese and leave us the fuck alone.

auralsects ago

you are extremely immature and foul. your hero worship of internet personalities explains why you draw so many retarded conclusions and overlook basic facts like when television was invented. it is pretty pathetic to read your stuff.

ASolo ago


It's because you're dumb.

ASolo ago

Normally I would chalk your stupid little talking point about nazi tvs as a disinformation technique from an agent, insert an easily misinterpreted paragraph (if your not bright) and use that as your only attack, and harp on it. But since it's so glaringly obvious the Germans did not have tvs that this can only be one thing, your too dumb to understand what you read. So, I feel safe we don't have ppl like you at our local fusion center.

ASolo ago

Naw, just ain't got time for your dumb shit.

ASolo ago

the Army Air Corps (1352d Motion Picture Squadron) secured a 21/2 acre house on Wonderland Park Avenue and turned it into a –top-secret electrical fenced movie production house indentified as the **Look out Mountain Laboratory. It is claimed that it was perhaps the world’s only completely self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[19]

Lookout Mountain Laboratory

Lookout Mountain Laboratory had something to do with the Cold War developing secret weapon testing films for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The existence of this facility wasn’t acknowledged until the early 90’s even though it had produced some 19,000 government propaganda films, and had the likes of John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe working there with top-secret clearances on (MK ULTRA) “undisclosed projects”[20]. Hollywood civilian studio staff from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO also worked alongside its military staff as producers, cameramen and directors.[21]

Was ALSO an MK-Ultra Monarch Training Film Production Center where reels were sent out to the various universities on how to conduct the trauma conditioning.

ASolo ago

Laurel Canyon is an extremely interesting place with a very particular covert history to put a recording studio. During the 1960s, an extremely interesting assortment of pioneer rock musicians, singers and songwriters suddenly begin to gather in Laurel Canyon as though summoned there by some unseen Pied Piper. Gram Parsons; The Mamas and Papas; Buffalo Springfield; the Byrds; the Monkees; Steppenwolf; Crosby, Stills and Nash; Neil Young; Frank Zappa; Jim Morrison, Alice Cooper; Jimi Hendrix; CHARLES MASON & FAMILY all found their way to Laurel Canyon.[9] All of these parties were of particular interest to the CIA-MK ULTRA covert war against Rock and Roll.[10]


PyromaniacalDemon ago

Is it any coincidence that Kissinger is a woman and advises both Trump and Clinton?

That he is mentioned alongside Spielberg as agents of mind control upon the masses through fear?

ASolo ago

Kissinger is not a woman. Cut it out with that tranny shit not everyone is a tranny.

Judgejewdy ago

Please. We all know women aren’t competent enough to rule the world.

ASolo ago

Orridge, NOW, be warned

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist is one of your most perfect satanic gurus to initiate selective satanic neophytes. Genesis founded second-wave industrial-gothic rock art performance groups, Throbbing Gristle and PsychThric-TV.[26]

Genesis is considered one of three of the High Magi of the Left Hand Path, Satanism.[27] The other two are (British Intelligence MI-5) Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666 and CIA/MK ULTRA agent, Timothy Leary.[28] Genesis is an ardent Crowley devotee and the founder of the Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY).[29]

In England, Genesis had been an early neophyte of the Scholar and High Priest of the Left-Hand Path, William S. Burroughs[30] and the “Dream Machine” developer, Brion Gysin.[31] Burroughs was alleged to have been a CIA/MK ULTRA assassin and handler of an international ring of dissociative identity disorder satanic abused children.[32]

sore_ass_losers ago

Unfortunately the last link for Burroughs, the Ur-hipster-god and early fedora head, which goes to David Icke's forum, is dead.

Here's a video about "William Burroughs: CIA Assassin?" (claims Burroughs was OTO!)

Here's an article "Beat Writer Pedophiles and the White Male Leftists Who Love Them" about Burroughs and Alan Ginsberg as pedos:

sore_ass_losers ago

You missed a couple of things about Porridge, tying he/she/it to child abuse and to Rubin, from :

"In February 1992, while Orridge was in the country of Nepal, a British TV documentary accused him of Satanic (pornographic) child abuse from a Psychic TV performance-art video taken from his home. Scotland Yard seized about two tons of Orridge’ possessions and threatened to imprison him, and told him that they could not guarantee the artist’s physical safety if he returned to England. So, along with his first wife and their young daughters, Caresse and Genesse, P-Orridge fled to Cazadero, a remote community of around three hundred and fifty people in Sonoma County, California.[25]" Footnote is

"In 1995, hidden in the Rubin’s Laurel Canyon compound they found Genesis Breyer P-Orridge that had been driven out of the compound injured by a fire."

Also claims Porridge revived The Process Church of the Final Judgement (some tie to Manson) in the 90's. Footnote is

ASolo ago

I love your input but please chill on the pretense. I didn't 'forget' anything, this thread is progressing quite well in every direction. I think I can understand how you could consider princeray of MCBA to be 'sensationalist' maybe due to the depth at which he goes, but hey, you do you, but I know dude as an ex black panther he's been around quite a few more blocks than any of you mofo's here.

sore_ass_losers ago

Fuck you, mofo. Quit with the ad hominem.

This is v/pizzagate and you don't care GBP is accused of child abuse???? You don't want to tie GBP to Laurel Canyon????

Why did you not copy & paste that part?

ASolo ago

Omg talk about turning on someone. I just asked for a little less pretention on my own thread. Mentally ill fucker.

ASolo ago

Halloweenie said...

Google jared Leto/predator. Or jared Leto/underage girls. This slime ball has been getting away with being a nasty perv for years. He has also allegedly committed unwanted assaults on young girls and been very abusive sexually. There's a reason why no one on the suicide squad set liked this dude. All the other actors hated him. Jared Leto needs to be exposed. He is a disgusting.

Idk, I don't wanna spend too much time on this shithead and tried finding the blind where Enty says dude has an abnormally large penis that he enjoys using to make women uncomfortable. Can't find it, just wanted to state it so people can understand what a dirtbag this dude is, AND that he MUST know and understand the importance of his current residence, utilizes it the same way or at least tries to front with it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ive posted it a million times on here: he is h*roin dealer to MJ's offspring

21yearsofdigging ago

I worked with that little prick, I played his father. Complete evil little cunt

millennial_vulcan ago

tell us more....

21yearsofdigging ago

I was an actor. I played with him and he was fucked. I can private it to you

millennial_vulcan ago

Please do!

ASolo ago