cantsleepawink ago

This is all getting very interesting.

Speaking with The Guardian on Friday, the talented actor said that Dix, his co-star in 1993's The Advocate (called The Hour of the Pig in the U.K.), had opened up to him about a horrifying run-in with the film executive, which she told the paper earlier this week occurred in 1990.

Lysette Anthony is the next British actress to call Weinstein out for rape. Guess what? She was also in the movie with Firth and Dix and I've been looking up her career and family connections. Occult, everywhere I look. I truly believe that we are dealing with a ring of very odd people. I would need to do a separate post on all the occult connections with Anthony but for now...

Here's a quick google link to her connection to the film

She was married to Simon Boswell who writes music for occult films and involved with the Vatican for projects as well.

Masterclass by Boswwell on Santa Sangre

Connections with these people

Much more digging needs to be done.


AngB23 ago

So....posted this stuff on Twatter and got an idle threat of libel. Interesting people this person follows and following them

cantsleepawink ago

Link says page does not exist.

AngB23 ago

I ended up blocking her. I asked her to tell me which tweet and response. My tweet I had (I caved and deleted) said Sophie Dix the accuser was once implicated as the abuser in the Hampstead Case. If you look at who follows her, there is some UK Green Party Political person and other verified people. Odd

Narcissism ago

Its almost commical the way the 6 year old in the Hampstead case says "daddy sticks a plastic willie up my bottom" in a matter of fact way. These kids need to stop being so passive.

ASolo ago

Great thread. I knew from the beginning the Hampstead children were right from the very start.. More of the same spider web exposed.

cantsleepawink ago

Another name on the list of church trustees:

John Goldsmith - a successful writer

His current projects include a feature on Mao Zedong, China Skies, a stage musical based on David Copperfield, an opera based on The Epic of Gilgamesh, a feature set in Australia, To The Bitter End, and a feature adaptation of Dante’s Inferno.

He is married and lives in Hampstead. His only son was killed in a car crash in France in 2005.

For a full list of screen credits go to:

His writing credits include a number of popular British TV series like Space 1999, The New Avengers, The Return of the Saint and The Professionals.

Steinmacher ago

all interconnected... like its a cult or something


cantsleepawink ago

Well, I'm starting to go through the Trustees list of Christ Church in Hampstead...


Here he is at the 370th Anniversary dinner of The Ancient Society of College Youths

He likes bell ringing and stuff..

The Ancient Society of College Youths (ASCY) is a change ringing society, founded in 1637 and based in the City of London.[1] The society played a leading role in the early development of change ringing, and today provides ringers for important events at St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.[2] Although it is a non-territorial association, its importance is recognised through having four representatives on the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.

Think you'll find his ancestors quite interesting... Alastair Royalton-Kisch

Alastair Royalton-Kisch (20 January 1920 – 21 March 1995), known professionally as Royalton Kisch, was an orchestral conductor in London from 1947 to 1964. He performed regularly in the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal Festival Hall, as well as in other venues across Britain.

Alastair Royalton Kisch was born in Marylebone, London in 1920, the son of a solicitor, Ernest Royalton Kisch and Pamela Kisch, née Hart, although his date of birth is often wrongly given as 1919. His father was an early mentor of both Edward Heath[1] and Arnold Goodman.


AngB23 ago

More great info. I’ll be digging in. Something just seems so off now with this Pedo disclosure and my inner intuition is just on high alert. I can’t put my finger on it and it really was triggered with this info you found. It’s not adding up why an abuser (of Weinstein) is now an accuser. It’s like a false flag of some sort.

Then I saw this which really made my head spin and not sure what to make of it

This doesn’t relate to this thread per say, but interesting as well

cantsleepawink ago

The Fear and Loathing clip is very topical. We've been discussing Hunter S. Thompson on pizzagatewhatever as he relates to a very recent Marilyn Manson interview and I belive has connections with the Las Vegas shooting. Thompson was said to be a pedophile and a friend of Johnny Depp. Interesting that Depp played him in the film

AngB23 ago

Ya, I’ve seen this before talked about but I meant the small little info that movies/entertainment let out. Like their inside joke to each other that us common people don’t know about.

I’d like to know who the guy was towards the end talking about the aliens and being only one of 3 that know.

AngB23 ago

Another site about case

The only thing I can think of is the network of higher pedos are exposing lower levels? It it doesn’t make sense.

AngB23 ago

2015 tweets calling out Sophie Dix and others

Facebook page- Cannibas Cures Cancers! (Yes, odd...but lots about Hampstead Case

AngB23 ago

GREAT FIND OP! Something is VERY ODD with this and we need to dig deep. I have found tweets from 2015 calling out Sophie Dix and her husband being abusers, satanic cultists and saying Sophie Dix is a baby eater.

Someone called out Ricky Dearman as her “dark lord”. The problem here is, why did Colin Firth say he was feeling guilty not protecting her and she is “accuser really an abuser” coming out like this? I feel like this Pedogate disclosure is turning upside down

AgainstPedos ago

Sadly it's common for those who are sexually abused when young to pair up with abusers who sense their vulnerability. Some go on to marry these abusers. Then they either overlook and/or ignore, or participate in the abuse of others.

Did anyone read all of the comments on the 2nd linked article? Might want to check out the following:

AngB23 ago

Great link, thanks. Lots of info there.

And I agree some abused go on to abuse. My take; however, some are born into the elite bloodlines and marry with in it. I feel the UK, especially, is deep rooted in these blood lines and cults. Unless someone has done research of Sophie/maiden name and is merely a “commoner” that married a pedo freak, I’m not convinced

millennial_vulcan ago

AMAZING FIND. This needs to be PURSUED.

DomKeyhote ago

Nice find. This ideology is probably why the UK elite is so heavily into the Kabbalah cult:

It's well known that Churchill was a lifelong Rothschild agent due to his father's debts. The Rothschilds meanwhile are just one of dozens of Jewish banking families sent to the nascent American West to establish the first bank and vice networks.

Online jihadis corrupt our youth through brainwashing -- you just won't consider ANOTHER semitic group doing it because you were raised in a PHILOSEMITIC CULTURE!

millennial_vulcan ago

my brain hurts.

DomKeyhote ago

What else comes to mind from "England" + "boys"? Institutional sodomy and intelligence recruitment in their elite boarding school right

millennial_vulcan ago

whats with those British boarding schools like Eton? They all seem like cults.

derram ago :

Colin Firth regrets not speaking up on Harvey Weinstein | Daily Mail Online

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