ESOTERICshade ago

Podesta's buddy Delonge took down a pedo ring. Seriously?

ESOTERICshade ago

Wilcock's is a disinfo larper trying to convince humanity we have "space aliens" in our midst. I saw him on History Channel yesterday lying his ass off about the Holy Grail. He knows what it is but he played the game along with the rest of the charlatans.

Honeybee_ ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Disinfo space alien disclosure horse shit.

Honeybee_ ago

Yup, this is what @ZanarkandProphet is saying, it is narrative hijacking and people are actually believing this, it's important we warn people.

Vindicator ago

Wow. That's what the message of this post was? That was not obvious to me, and I read it twice. 🤔

Honeybee_ ago

@millennial_falcon @Vindicator @crensch please review deletion and help the new poster meet v/pizzagate guidelines, I cannot see how this is not relevant to pizzagate, was deleted per rule 1.

Vindicator ago

This needs massive simplification, with the OP's thesis stated clearly in one sentence. It needs to state how it's directly related (a deepstate psyop to deflect pedo exposure) and focus on quoting and linking the stuff that supports that thesis.

Honeybee_ ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

I explained in deletion dialog box that the post is very meta and speculative. It isn't directly related to pizzagate. It seems like a clear v/pizzagatewhatever post.

paulf ago

I agree with a lot of your analysis. I just want to add that there are multiple globalist groups behind the scenes. Some overlap, some work together, some tolerate each other, some actively fight each other. Heck, there are often multiple competing camps within a single intelligence agency that may change allegiance or makeup depending on the goal.

An interesting exercise is to search for the term 'UFO' on this page to see who's involved with UFO research and disclosure among the global elites.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Hey @ZanarkandProphet and nice to see you post about this. /upvote

I have been a researcher in about 15-16 years now. And in that time i have watch a lot about UFO. (seen a few strange thing) I also have been watching Cosmic Discloser. And i have to say.. It all correlates to the same things that we are seeing right now.

The Cabal is losing control and that will lead to more of this attacks to try to sway the outcome, so they can take control. I would love to see us do this without other beings help. We need to grow up as a species..

.. but at the same time we need the arrest to start happening.

More attempts will follow from the Cabal.. they won´t give up.

When you corner a wild animal, it will always attack.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Can anyone make me feel less skeptical about Wilcocks and goode? I'm not too familiar with that field... But everytime I try to listen to them... They say something that makes uncomfortable with them... Like- i can't even think of a specific example. they just give me sketch vibes... AND I KNOW that we have so much technology suppressed... I know there is a secret space program... but I dunno. Somewhere along the line something got embedded in me that Makes me not trust these guys.

Does anyone have some info/examples/videos/Something that would make me feel better about these guys? They sketch me out.... But I also Feel Like I'm probably wrong to feel that way.. Again- based on nothing specific. I understand that if they are legit- they obviously have a staggering uphill Battle. It's a lot easier to convince someone that sandy hook was a hoax- then convincing someone that technology of such caliber has been kept secret for so long...

I say that as someone who basically doesn't know where to begin when diving into that realm... I could be looking in the completely wrong spot.

ESOTERICshade ago

Can anyone make me feel less skeptical about Wilcocks

I saw Wilcock on tv yesterday lying about the Holy Grail. He is a disinfo larper mixing truth with lies.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Do you have any suggestions as to who is someone you wouldn't consider a larper disinfo?

Vindicator ago

I'd like to watch that. Got a link by any chance?

ESOTERICshade ago

I'd like to watch that. Got a link by any chance?

It was on mainstream television. History channel or something like that. Him and some other dude pretending to chase down the mystery of the Holy Grail. Since it was on mainstream tv I doubt its on the internet yet unless its old.

I didn't watch it all. I was reading and watching at the same time. I tried to leave it on just to see what all they would say but I couldn't stand it for long.

derram ago :

John Podesta on Twitter: "Stay tuned for big announcement tomorrow #TheTruthIsOutThere" :

Obama aide John Podesta says ‘biggest failure’ was not securing the disclosure of UFO files - The Washington Post :

Blink 182's Tom DeLonge hints at UFO project with Clinton chair John Podesta :

Join me LIVE as we reveal the experts from within the top-secret shadows of aerospace, science and the DoD to unveil an initiative to bring transformative science and engineering to global citizens. #ProfoundPossibilities Get more info at and read the Offering Circular at :

John Podesta on Twitter: "Stay tuned for big announcement tomorrow #TheTruthIsOutThere" :

Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology :

Yellowstone supervolcano may blow sooner than thought

This has been an automated message.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree that there are people playing with different scenarios atm and I saw that Podesta tweet and the Wilcock's publication. However, just the fact that Podesta posted a 'stay tuned..' tweet and then the following day there was nothing says to me that the guy has the mind of a child. So, I'm not concerned about him - he's going down. Also, the Wilcock's stuff comes across as utter nonsense. So, if they are going down that particular route re aliens, they might be surprised by the lack of reaction from a sceptical and inceasingly jaded public.

ESOTERICshade ago

space alien wilcock is a disinfo larper.

cantsleepawink ago

Absolutely. Incredible that Podesta would try to hitch his wagon to that lot. Desperate and weird.

ESOTERICshade ago

Wilcock's is a disinfo larper.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I suggest you check out Tom DeLong's Instagram page and look at the incredible amount of support he has from numerous agencies including the CIA, the NSA and NASA. Don't dare sell Podesta short. He is not who you think he is, but a high level player who may be the most powerful person in all of Washington DC.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now podesta is the good guy? Which intelligence agency do you work for?

Oh_Well_ian ago

how the fuck did you come to that conclusion ? Podesta is more powerful than Obama and NO... he is not a good guy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry Oh well ian if I misunderstood your context.

cantsleepawink ago

..though I do find this image hard to reconcile with your description of a powerful man

Oh_Well_ian ago

because a picture of that shitbag carries more weight then the body of evidence PG has produced ?

Podesta is the OVERLORD of Washington DC and he was the CIA handler for both Clintons and Barrack Obama.

cantsleepawink ago

I'll go check it out.