4_InquiringMinds ago

While I do believe there are other civilizations monitoring earth this cia propaganda bs is getting old lol. Now they are on twitter? I have a friend who is always sending me info that any day now the good aliens will take over, everyone's body is healed, light and love rule the planet. There is no point in saying anything (anymore) bc she is so brainwashed/and yet in other areas very intelligent. The new wager movement is a cia creation/just like the hippie movement (which broke my heart when I found that out bc that was my generation). That there are ppl that are serious about shifting the planetary vibration by raising their own (meditation, quantum science, neuroplasticity) is encouraging and might just tip the scales.

Looking to the heavens for a savior or saviors is a hoax as old as time. We save ourselves...it is that simple.

As for #4...if it is larpers then I suggest useful idiots/the cia makes good use of them. These larpers might even believe they are pleiadians...easy to program idiot mindsets.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I would not start to guess on your 4 senarios. But i do know that any beings that say that we have to forgive all those who have done wrong...

Does not have our best interests.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Ua4i0 :

Kabamur on Twitter: "Obama is controlled but not one of them, but will turn to the light eventually."

https://archive.fo/JrI7I :

Kabamur on Twitter: "All eyes in the galaxy are on us now. There will be justice. But there must also be forgiveness."

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