NOTE: This post is part of a larger project. Click here to read the main post and access other related posts.
This email is going to seem stranger than fiction. I assume all of you saw my email from last week about Victory of the Light's (@KibBitzLaw) first Twitter follower being Barack Obama. If you've spent any time at all reading that account's tweets, or its partner account @kabamur_taygeta, you know that these folks are claiming to be positive entities from the Pleiades region of our galaxy. They claim to be positively polarized (i.e. helpful) entities, whose primary reason for being here is to aid humanity by bringing the rich and powerful elites to justice.
One curious thing I noticed when reading through all of their tweets, is a theme of "Justice is coming, but we must forgive all those who have done wrong" and "Don't worry, when our (Pleiadian) plan is finally ready, we will take the lead in bringing these folks to justice". Now don't get me wrong, from both a spiritual and pragmatic standpoint I strongly lean towards forgiveness in most situations. What's unsettling to me is the idea that we must "let go" of all the wrongdoing and "trust" alien entities to ensure justice will be served while humanity is ushered into a new golden age. I've included links to a few tweets below so you can view them for yourself.
Here's where things get even stranger. Understand that these ARE NOT things that I necessarily believe or disbelieve. I am only relaying information to you precisely as it has been presented to me. In fact, for the last six months or so I've been forced to take every interaction with a measure of provisional faith, temporarily suspending disbelief in the interest of gathering the most effective intelligence.
I've been contacted by multiple people claiming to be Pleiadians, long before either of these Twitter accounts went online. All of them were more or less in ideological alignment with Victory of the Light and Kabamur Taygeta. That's not diagnostically helpful right now, but it could be down the road depending on what happens.
So what do I make of all this lunacy? My current operating theory is that they (Deep State/Illuminati/Jesuits/Zionists/Leftists/etc) realize their era of global dominance within the existing paradigm is coming to a close. Humanity has awoken, and it's only a matter of time before this pressure cooker of global tension explodes into something far different than it is now. If you were one of "them", and you realized it was only a matter of time before your power dissipated, it would make sense to create and control the "new" paradigm that humanity is shifting into.
We already know that red teams ( within our intelligence communities perform alternative analysis, constantly exploring different timelines and offering up suggestions on how to best prepare for expected and unexpected threats. Leakers have spoken of red team plans that involve staging fake alien invasions/encounters as a way of consolidating power and ushering in a new world government. If they know their time is up, what better way to salvage the situation than to "plant" Pleiadian "assets" all around the globe, convince people that the Pleiadians will bring the rich and powerful elites to justice for their crimes, all the while subtly suggesting that "their must be forgiveness" and that people like Obama will "turn to the light eventually".
This means that once the invasion/encounter is staged, they can use Twitter accounts like the two we've been discussing as "evidence" of initial contact and "proof" that they are actually friendly actors. If people claiming to be Pleiadians have contacted me unprovoked, I have no doubt that countless others have experienced similar encounters as well. Many of those folks will likely be convinced that the Pleiadians are "real", and act as emissaries when/if the invasion/encounter occurs.
Of course this could all be nonsense, and end up being pedogate fan-fiction in the long run. I've meditated for many hours on this particular aspect of our global crisis. I’ve boiled it down to these four possible scenarios:
The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.
The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are not telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.
The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are government-controlled assets LARPing as aliens. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.
The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are garden variety LARPers. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.
From the gambler's perspective, scenarios 2 and 3 are the only scenarios with disastrous consequences. While scenarios 2 and 3 are not the most statistically probable scenarios (scenario 4 is by and far the most likely outcome), they are the scenarios that are absolutely critical to guard against, however unlikely they might be.
All the world is mad.
4_InquiringMinds ago
While I do believe there are other civilizations monitoring earth this cia propaganda bs is getting old lol. Now they are on twitter? I have a friend who is always sending me info that any day now the good aliens will take over, everyone's body is healed, light and love rule the planet. There is no point in saying anything (anymore) bc she is so brainwashed/and yet in other areas very intelligent. The new wager movement is a cia creation/just like the hippie movement (which broke my heart when I found that out bc that was my generation). That there are ppl that are serious about shifting the planetary vibration by raising their own (meditation, quantum science, neuroplasticity) is encouraging and might just tip the scales.
Looking to the heavens for a savior or saviors is a hoax as old as time. We save is that simple.
As for #4...if it is larpers then I suggest useful idiots/the cia makes good use of them. These larpers might even believe they are pleiadians...easy to program idiot mindsets.
JimmyLionstar1 ago
I would not start to guess on your 4 senarios. But i do know that any beings that say that we have to forgive all those who have done wrong...
Does not have our best interests.
derram ago : :
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