pby1000 ago

I think that hunting estate is near Gaming, Austria somewhere.

47°55'28.18"N, 15° 3'40.56"E

srayzie ago

Ok thank you!

Tallest_Skil ago

Q post is related to BEING A HOAX.

srayzie ago

We’ve already discussed this. So skip over this thread then. I only posted this here in case people wanted to check those things out.

Tallest_Skil ago

No. Answer the questions.

srayzie ago

What questions?

Tallest_Skil ago

The same questions I post in every fucking Q-LARP thread that none of you faggots who suck his cock are ever brave enough to answer.

srayzie ago

LOL I wasn’t aware that I was sickomg Q’s cock 😂 Don’t tell my husband 😮

pby1000 ago

LOL. Now, now.

srayzie ago

Were you aware that I sucked Q’s cock? 🤔 LOL

pby1000 ago

Well.... I can't say I was... What you do behind closed doors is your business. LOL. Have fun!

srayzie ago

Haha well I must have been sleeping because I don’t remember either. 🙄

pby1000 ago

Haha! Hopefully, your husband remembers it.

srayzie ago

I remember that one lol

pby1000 ago

LOL. Did you see the Grassley memo? I just got back to my computer.


srayzie ago

I just finished. Schiff is an idiot. How did this help them? Am I missing something? Lol

pby1000 ago

Yes, and Schiff is very desperate now. He knows what is at stake in all of this. Same with the others. It is why they are all panicking. I just hope they do not do something desperate.

srayzie ago

I don’t get why he’s the one panicking so bad tho.

pby1000 ago

Schiff? Surely you jest...

srayzie ago

Yeah. Shouldn’t others be panicking more than Schiff? Doesn’t this affect a lot of people? He’s acting like he’s the main one on the line.

pby1000 ago

I think Schiff is over his head in the pedo-human sacrifice-adrenochrome thing. Maybe he is just a pedo, but he is descended from Jacob Schiff. Jacob Schiff gave the Bolsheviks $20M and sent them to Europe from NY harbor. They then infiltrated into Russia and eventually killed the Czar and his family. Maybe you are already aware of all of this.

Trotsky’s day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik revolution:


You saw this, right? It was making the rounds last week.


And, I believe that Trump can prove Schiff is guilty of treason.

ASolo ago

Definitely an upvoat srayzie for having the resolve to quantify this for us. This seems to be the first time I've seen such a clear and defined clue from this "Q", and most surprisingly an aangirfan reference. Quite profound. AangIrfan has spearheaded these revelations for over a decade now, and ALL of it began and was orchestrated from the 'home office', London, The Queen, Royal Family, GCHQ and Tavistock under the head of the Rothschild family AND SELIGMANS WHO INSTITUTED THE GRANDE LODGE OF ISRAEL.

Edward Heath-Seligman And The Rothschilds Brothers To The Bone



Mysteries of the Temple

In one of the most significant , and odd, posts to date, I believe Q is finally indicating a sizeable chunk of the top of the chain. Not super surprising to us since we've been neck deep in these revelations for years now. What this confirms for me is that "Q" is indeed a 4chan or reddit creation or bot designed to redpill the normies. What else could explain such a slow trickle of obscure and vague clues meant to lead some on a rabbit trail, this is for slow absorption for those that haven't been doing this for a while. I'm getting the feeling whoever Q is they are just as close to everything known as we are here, and are trying to build an army with this information. It's nice, it great to see, but the bad guys already have quite a foothold on everything. Interesting clue on the Black Forest, a totally and horrifically typical place for these monsters to conduct these activities. Go figure.

I think what we are witnessing here is an indication at the direction of the heartbeat of the extortion rings that have existed for the past 70 plus years that had their nexus in the government of the UK and spread from there, as an ORCHESTRATED EFFORT AT CORRUPTING AND TOTALLY TAKING OVER THE WORLDS DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS WITH HOMOSEXUAL AND CHILD SEXUAL EXTORTION TO EVENTUALLY LEAD TO THE REBUILDING OF YHWH'S (BAAL;LUCIFER;ENKI) TEMPLE.

@srayzie @carmencita @Piscina @ESOTERICshade @SoSpricyHotDog

carmencita ago

I cried this morning. I cried a lot. I was born in Austria and this has hurt me to my core. I don't know what else to say, except that I am sorry. Sorry for what my country is playing in this horrid take over of the world in order to usher in their NWO. God Help Us. Thank you @Solo and @srayzie

ASolo ago


carmencita ago


srayzie ago

I’m sorry Carmencita. 🙁

carmencita ago

I knew that they were there, and horrible things were going on, but reading it all put it in perspective. It just will take a while for it all to sink in and to come to terms with it. It is such a beautiful country. But then, I have not been back for quite some time. I remember even then that relatives were complaining about the Middle Easterners that were flocking into little towns. That was in the early 90's. They were infiltrating Europe even then. So sad. Thank You.

srayzie ago

Very sad! The whole world is sick.

carmencita ago

Yes, I have to remember that. It is not just my birth country, they are in every country. Evil devil worshipers.

srayzie ago

Did you grow up there?

carmencita ago

No, I was little when I came here. I love my country of birth but even when I was a teen I said I would never leave here. I love this country so much. I wish I had the money to visit more often. But I would never want dual citizenship. I became a citizen through my parents until 18, that is how they did it then, the laws are no longer followed or have been changed. They changed them to cater to the Corporate Masters.

srayzie ago

That sucks.

carmencita ago

Little did I know then why they were coming there. Now I know and it is too late. TPTB will cater to their every whim so that they will never leave. They have been brought there for a purpose. To disturb the land of the people that have lived their for centuries. They are changing the natural order of everything we have all known. Total Upheaval.

srayzie ago

It’s terrible 😒

ESOTERICshade ago

What this confirms for me is that "Q" is indeed a 4chan or reddit creation or bot designed to redpill the normies.

That is great as long as the Q posts that are put into this sub are related to child exploitation and not "the storm" political related posts. I strongly reject turning this sub into a political sub because there are hundreds of political subs on the internet and subs like this almost don't exist in any numbers.

Trump's never ending ass kissing of Israel and hundred billion dollar weapons deals to further the NWO agenda are all the proof a thinking person needs to see that Trump is not fighting the deep state, but is in fact THE deep state.

If the Q posts put in this sub are directly related to child abuse/trafficking/exploitation i'm cool, otherwise I will continue to fight the political bullshit that gets posted here.

ASolo ago

Perfect comment.

ASolo ago

Edward Heath‘s chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.

The Seligmans are friends of the Rothschilds. Seligman and Heath were friends at Balliol College, Oxford. In the months before the outbreak of World War II, Heath and Seligman were on a ‘camping’ holiday in Germany.“In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party. Heath became godfather to Seligman’s eldest son, Lincoln. Heath frequently holidayed with the Seligman family. Madron Seligman and Edward Heath sailed together, and remained close confidants. Madron Seligman – Telegraph.

What control might certain people have had over Edward Heath?

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, papal nuncio to Germany, with Goebbels ](https://i2.wp.com/s43.photobucket.com/albums/e372/tlthe5th/nazi-vatican/img0117.jpg))

German elite in the Vatican, including Goebbels and General Steinmann

How do you explain that IBM landed in Germany the very month Hitler was elected (March 1933) to help him start using IBM punch cards to catalog the Jews in Germanic territories (in preparation for the takeover which happened in 1948 three years after Hitler passed from the world stage)? How do you explain the numerous public awards to Thomas Watson of IBM with no protest from the New York Times .. even though IBM was headquartered in New York City. (!!!!) This is one of HUNDREDS of examples?” Joseph Goebbels, four step grand children are now worth millions due to an inheritance of the German gun and missile industry which includes BMW. Goebbels was Jewish also and apparently had a capitalist streak in that socialist heart of his. It ail turned out the way it was supposed to. Germany was bombed to the stone age, Rothschild is still printing the money and the big corporates who helped him torch the place are still there, never touched by a bomb. German tax money is still paying for reparations and submarines to Israel, Germans just wake up in the morning and read more Deutsch Welle. which was part of the plan by the way. Evelyn Rothschild is quoted as saying if her sons did not want wars there would not be any. Is it this simple?

Hitler And The Red Shield

When you make the cover of Time Magazine, good things are about to happen.


The Don

Jesuit-Trained Movers and Shakers

Rulers of Evil - Grand Design Exposed www.granddesignexposed.com/pdf/ROEpdf.pdf

UNDERSTANDING THE NWO STRATEGY http://redefininggod.com/

Truth in symbols

…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

ESOTERICshade ago

UNDERSTANDING THE NWO STRATEGY http://redefininggod.com/

Just found this at Makows site a few days ago. Interesting site. Have not had a chance to go through it good enough yet.

ASolo ago

A good thing to keep in mind when reading Ken's work is that he is always constantly amending the material, it can be slightly confusing especially if you haven't been following him for a while. See, he believes as I do, that we are living in a very "Magickal" world. This magic is not benevolent and should be viewed with a malevolencey on par with satan because that is truly what it is, saurons eye, it is everywhere and all pervading but no one sees it. Waking up too it is waking from the matrix. Ken understands the mystical principal of projection, that the elite, according to universal law, HAVE TO BROADCAST THEIR PLANS IN SOME WAY, SHAPE OR FORM TO THE MASSES THEY ARE SUBJECTING THEM TOO, as to curtail any (extra and immediate) karmic natural law, therefore it works in REVERSE IF THE SUBJECTIES BECOME AWARE AND BROADCAST THE INTENTION AND PLAN, AND NULLIFIES IT. So, essentially, we are witnessing a battle a magicians, and if you understood esotericism correctly, words are the main component of any spell and you and I are doing the same on a daily basis. So, if you get confused along the way it is because Ken believes he has reset their clock everytime he figures out another angle of their deception. Good luck, let me know if you need any clarity what little I can offer.

ESOTERICshade ago

great post. saved for further study

srayzie ago

Thank you! But Q isn’t a bot. I think it’s a small group that works closely with Trump and travels with him. Q has let us know that the pizzagate stuff is going to start being dropped. If you follow Q closely, you will see it’s not a bot. I started my own sub in case you’re interested!

ASolo ago

I <3 u but...

I think you are giving those slackers (4chan;reddit;Trump) too much credit.

srayzie ago

❤️ but nope lol.

Iam7777777 ago

We have our own in CA. Bohemian grove. Isn't podestas Pizza ranch near? LaCazadora. (Hunting ground) Goat mound is near. Pelisi owns goat hill pizza. Laundering according to Panama papers. ?? Don't remember. Was year ago.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Brilliant post @srayzie... this is insane... I'm spending so much time reading/connecting dots between work that I barely have time to post anymore. Well done. Upvoated. Digging more.

I've always said, when the current political espionage/conspiracies in Congress eventually meet the original work done re: Leaks/PG/Seth Rich... it is time to buckle up.

Almost! Keep up the phenomenal work.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you!

kazza64 ago

how many bodies are buried on the estate and who would want to own it now

Lovethelight ago

Surprised they would sell when it probably still contains evidence...

think- ago


Rothschild Family Sells Large Austrian Hunting Estate (02/02/2018)

The Rothschilds have sold an Austrian hunting estate almost the size of Manhattan that the storied European banking family has owned for 143 years.

'The 5,412-hectare parcel, known as Langau, was part of a massive swath of mountainous, densely wooded property Baron Albert von Rothschild, of the family’s Austrian line, bought in the southern part of Lower Austria in 1875.

He set about restoring the forests depleted by Viennese loggers while building up his own forestry and gaming enterprises, according to the Rothschild family archive.'


Isn't the Hubertus-Orden Austrian? They were said to hunt children, and have connections to the US.

In an old thread about the death of judge Scalia someone mentioned that members of the Hubertus-Orden were present when he died.

But I'm confused. 'Black Forest' - isn't it situated in Germany? There are Rothschild connections in the Black Forest town of Nordrach. I couldn't find a Black Forest in Austria.

think- ago

I copy a comment by @ESOTERICshade from the Voat thread cited above about hunting children: (NSFW graphic)

ESOTERICshade 3 points (+3|-0) 6 months ago (edited 6 months ago)

See "Dutroux"https://isgp-studies.com/belgian-x-dossiers-of-the-dutroux-affair

One of the most vidid, detailed, and horrifying cases in print. The writer used X in place of some of these children's names for specific reasons.

"A hunt is prepared by Charly and Polo... Gilles (12 years old??) was castrated by Polo... Baby pulled out of the stomach and given to the dogs by Polo [Paul Vanden Boeynants]." PV 151.688 May 26, 1997: "X3 mentions the following people:... VANDEN BOEYNANTS*** PAUL... nicknamed POLO"

"Parties with under aged children in Eindhoven [large Dutch city near the Belgian border] with Delvoie. 18th century Castle. Departure in convoy from Knokke. The cars with German license plates followed with the little girls."

"The little girls disappeared when they were about 15-16 years. For the orgies [were used]: little girls of 12-13 years. In the summer of '88, one of the oldest [Eva] (15-16 years) was taken into the sadomasochist room - she was never seen again. The little girls drank alcohol and came out of these parties [completely] numb."

"On February 2, 1997, X1 recognized Katrien de Cuyper from a series of pictures shown to her. She explained how this girl had been taken to a castle and was murdered by a group of individuals that included Tony, Nihoul and Bouty."

"Vanden Boeynants was accused by X1, X3 and X4 of being a violent child abuser and-or a person involved in hunts on children. [210] Nathalie W. claimed to have seen Vanden Boeynants at the Dolo [211], the favorite club of Nihoul, while X2 testified she had seen Vanden Boeynants' private driver there, Henri Bil, talking to one of Belgium's most notorious gangsters, Madani Bouhouche. [212] X1 has named both Bil and Bouhouche as child abusers."

*** former Belgian Prime Minister, deceased.

think- ago

Found the old Voat thread on the St. Hubertus Order:

Hunting Order of St. Hubertus, American Chapter with ties to European royalty

Remember the Order of St. Hubertus? the secret "hunting" fraternity that was connected with the Scalia death in Texas, the fraternity that dresses up in robes and medals and is heavily composed of influential men, usually older men.

They go through a "knighting" procedure that is quite elaborate : http://www.chron.com/life/society/article/Houstonians-join-the-Order-of-St-Hubertus-2206480.php

It's Grand Master is Istvan von Hapsburg Lothringen of Luxembourg with royal connections (grandson of the last Austrian emperor) .

Although nondenominational, the investiture venues include Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (http://www.brunnovonristow.com/profile.html)))) and the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Wash.DC (cocktails later at the Belgian Ambassador's residence in 2011) http://www.chron.com/life/society/article/Houstonians-join-the-Order-of-St-Hubertus-2206480.php#photo-1650892

"Grand Master and Grand Chapter supervise Chapters in Spain, Portugal, Italy, England, Scotland, the Czech Republic and the Benelux countries in Europe. In the Americas, Chapters are located in the United States, Mexico, Argentina and a chapter is presently in formation in Canada. A chapter is also presently in formation in the Union of South Africa.

The traditional headquarters of the Order is the principal residence of the Grand Master, currently the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg." https://sthubertus.org/about-us/the-order-today/ http://player.mashpedia.com/player.php?ref=mashpedia&q=o9NNNS60jEQ#profile

The order operates under the patronage of Juan Carlos of Spain whose hunting skills perhaps have improved since 1956 when a gun he had in his hand discharged, killing his14 y.o. brother. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infante_Alfonso_of_Spain

(Please read the whold thread, this is just an excerpt.)


srayzie ago

Thanks! I don’t know. I’m still putting things together. Let me know if you find out please!

think- ago

Will do! (Lol, at first I thought you meant the topic we discussed in PM ;;-) ).

srayzie ago

Oh 😂 Nooooo lol

think- ago

Hahaha! :-)

Piscina ago

When you read the testimonies of the victims of those 'hunting child parties' there is no doubt in my mind that it is the truth.

dundundunnnnn ago

This is a new one for me. I shouldn't be surprised. The depravity seems to get worse and worse the more you learn.

fogdryer ago

I had no freakin idea !!!!!

think- ago

In a way it's 'logical': When you're into hunting, and into raping and murdering children, you will combine these two interests of yours...

srayzie ago

I can’t even imagine.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. That's some pretty compelling evidence. Two upVoats for u!

srayzie ago

I haven’t heard of this.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Where do you hide something you never want found? You hide it where you can't dig...

carmencita ago

Hey. Is this true? Do you really believe they will follow through on this? If they actually dig there.......there may be another type of cover up. The truth will out, finally, I hope.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Can you find the two tractor trailers? Do some searching. Find the web page.

carmencita ago

What two tractor trailers? Is this what you are talking about? https://www.bing.com/search?q=two+tractor+trailers+and+van+crash+on+rt+195&form=PRUSEN&pc=U346&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=b0c8cf700e9146288887138497a5aa3a&sp=2&qs=AS&pq=two+tractor+trailers&sk=AS1&sc=3-20&cvid=b0c8cf700e9146288887138497a5aa3a In this article http://turnto10.com/news/local/crash-on-i-195-involves-two-tractor-trailers it gave this information: The box truck was marked Metropolitan Staple Corp., based in New Jersey. The company's president told NBC 10 that state police informed him of the crash, but he did not want to comment about where the truck was going or who was in it. Very Odd Indeed. I am going to look up the company. Why are you interested in this accident? Let me know if you can.

Wolftrail7272 ago

These are not the two tractor trailers I refer to. Keep looking. QUARRY. "Bob." DITCH. Keep looking. Where do you hide what you never want found? Bury where you can not dig. This will be very interesting the way it plays out.

carmencita ago

OK, I have read it. Westlake Quarry Co. then given to Archdiocese. Then handed to the EPA. What was in those trucks?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Wrong question but right track. I will be around but with periods of radio silence. Feel free to pass this info on. Something tells me it isn't over yet. Can you find the BLUNT statement? Any timing relevance?

carmencita ago

This one? https://www.blunt.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2018/2/blunt-statement-on-environmental-protection-agency-s-west-lake-announcement Does it have to do with the mob? Anthony Parrino and retired president McCullough of West Lake Quarry had ties with the Teamsters Union 682.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I'm no coincidence theorist. I hope to shake Q's hand one day (LIFE GOAL). Do with this information what you think you should.

carmencita ago

So good to hear from you. You made me the researcher I am today. I don't have enough info to do a post for it will surely be deleted. Will make sure it gets out there some how......I have been busy on here every day now. Am in contact with an SRA survivor , trying to get her story out too....don't hesitate if there is anything you want me to do.....

Wolftrail7272 ago

Don't post about it here, bring it to the Q researchers. Hand it to them and they will go far. Send them messages, tell them to look at this little thread we have going here. Assuming they are decent researchers, they will immediately grasp what I am pointing at. I can't go too far myself. I have to be useful for as long as possible.

carmencita ago

OK. As long as possible?

Wolftrail7272 ago

The world is unpredictable and our enemies are evil. Make sure the Q researchers understand this info. This is very important.

carmencita ago

OK. I will do. Keep watch I will be pinging you about a post about organ harvesting. It is not my post.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I will be active again once you've gotten the attention of Q researchers regarding Q's "BLUNT statement" comment and its relevance regarding the Freedom Day statement by Senator Blunt, the two trucks, the chain of ownership of the land, and the corruption in the EPA regarding RICHARD WINDSOR (LISA). Where do you hide what you never want found? Bury where you cannot dig. I must go radio silent now. How effective you are in getting that to the researchers will dictate a great deal about the future. Seek out the researchers relentlessly. You could even simply link them this chain of comments we've had, but be relentless and make it happen. I am at peace with my God. I have more to give you if you get this done.

carmencita ago

I will begin in a couple of days. Am caught up and need couple days to formulate. But I will do it.

srayzie ago

Now that’s a creepy thought

Wolftrail7272 ago

Go Deeper: Lisa Brown, head of the EPA at the time the fire started, used a personal email under a fake name, and has interesting contacts.

carmencita ago

Lisa Jackson aka Richard Windsor @srayzie

carmencita ago

Hey. Jackson? EPA under Obama? Is that who you mean? Good to hear from you.

srayzie ago

Hmmm I haven’t heard any of this. But that reminds me of something. In the emails there is a Diane Reynolds I believe it is. It’s Chelsea Clinton.

Wolftrail7272 ago

God is with us.

bopper ago

Wow, I know this Ian Paisley guy referenced at bottom of article. He's (was) a polarizing figure in Trump's mom's church. Now I need to check this out. I know a minister who was tutored by him, the minister is solid though, I know him very well. He turned against Paisley. This is all so freaky.

fogdryer ago

Speechless 😮

srayzie ago

I know

Pablolove ago

Everyone knows Ian Paisley

bopper ago

Yes, not in the states so much, and not outside of religious circles so much. Probably. I've forgotten a lot about what I was exposed to about him when I was over there. But several people that I'm sill in touch with know him personally. What do you think or know about him? If you don't mind. How is he perceived? To many he's a solid conservative protestant. But a bit of a celeb? Very polarizing figure in that particular denomination. Dead now, son is still around but I don't know much about the son. Did you get a chance to read some of the article?

cutelobster ago

Paisley was widely hated but also highly charismatic. He was a complicated figure, eventually leading his party into power-sharing - to many this was a big surprise -, a move which was critical to the current peace in Northern Ireland. Maybe he was an agent? Or compromised. The British Govt had high-level agents on both sides, but it's still not clear who they all were. For sure, he did quite an enthusiastic about-turn when agreeing to work in government with ex-IRA men. The material about the Kincora Boys Home is fairly well-known.

bopper ago

This is first time I've heard about the Kincora Boys Home. Thank-you.

Joe10jo ago

It’ll break your heart.

fogdryer ago

It’s out there 😰. Poor boys

Pablolove ago

I live in the west of Scotland so not sure if you're aware we're quite closely tied to Northern Ireland politics. From the Catholic point of view he's regarded as a real Protestant extremist hate figure. He wasn't exactly endearing personality wise or blessed with good social skills. I'm sure plenty prods didn't even like him as he really was quite repellent. Never done shouting and bawling down a microphone.

ASolo ago

I boy I'll tell ya I've heard AWFUL things about the (catholic or protestant church; can't remember which, prolly both) in Ireland m' laddy. I wish I could remember the links, the places that I read this material it has been so long. I'm sure it will surface at some point but right now I just had to comment. Now listen. This material outlined something so horrible you couldn't even imagine it. Geez I think there is a famous rectory where they train these clergy to do not only the heinous crimes we are witnessing against children... but to collect information on absolutely EVERY PERSON WHO IS INVOLVED WITH THE CHURCH... AND THIS IS HOW THEY ARE ABLE TO HAVE CONTROL AND EXTORTION THROUGH THE IRA, ALL THE BIG BOSSES ARE CONTROLLED PEDOPHILES FROM THE GCHQ AND HOME OFFICE...


I know that Aangirfan has covered many of these links dealing with Kincora and the Ireland, IRA and child abuse situation, but years ago there was an interjector on Aangs comments section that detailed EVERYTHING.... I'll try and find those links if memory serves me.

Pablolove ago

Aye ok mate

bopper ago

Yeah I'm aware I've been over there in your area and wife took ferry to N Ireland from Glasgow but not me. Church friends. They helped me understand the conflict since I'm from the states and was only exposed to MSM about it all. Thanks, yeah that sounds right that he was somewhat of a sensationalist. We didn't like his doctrine. Tell me you don't eat Cod Roe, gave me PTSD :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Tell me you don't eat Cod Roe, gave me PTSD :)


Pablolove ago

I stay just outside Glasgow. The conflicts died down in terms of the bombings and violence but the bitterness is very deeply entrenched. Ps what's cod roe? Is it fish?

bopper ago

Yes the conflicts have died down. Yes, Cod Roe is fish eggs fried in the fish's bladder, I had it in Stornoway on Isle of Lewis and was glad I didn't know what I was eating. Lol.

Pablolove ago

Did you do a tour of Scotland?

Pablolove ago

Sounds revolting, glad to have never tried it. Saying that I love scotch pies but heard there's a few gross things in them. Mt grampas generation used to eat tripe a lot which is sheeps stomach. Mingin.

bopper ago

Ah, I've heard of sheep's stomach. And blood pudding. I know of Shepherd's pie but not Scotch, maybe they're the same. But what I had was nothing gross.

Being a member of a particular denomination over there I ended up visiting a lot of places, great people there. Glasgow and Edinburgh mainly, and Isle of Lewis. Was gonna go to Aberdeen but didn't make it. Never made it to Skye, everybody said to go there. Scotland is beautiful and still somewhat wild. But too cold :) The beaches are amazing.

Pablolove ago

Shepherds pie is really just mince n tatties. Scotch pie is different. Blood pudding? Think you mean black. It's made with sheeps blood. Yuck. Glad you liked it here. Yes it's cold and damp but nice in places. Sorry I'm rambling on.

bopper ago

Yeah I'm rambling too. I'll shut-up now. Yes, how dumb, I did mean black pudding! Shepard's Pie to us is just mashed potatoes and hamb meat and veggies. Yum. The Dutch make it I think that's where we first had it, in Canada tho.

Are_we__sure ago

What do you think or know about him?

He made the IRA look justified.

bopper ago

Yeah that sounds about right. There is deep hatred on both sides. Talking to a cop friend of mine in the church who was in the thick of it all helped me understand what was going on.

pby1000 ago

Interesting. I heard that Trump talked to May about all the pedo stuff he has on the Royals. This was when Trump was coming back from Devos.

Corsi has been having an interesting discussion today on the CBTS/WeThePeople livestream.

think- ago

I heard that Trump talked to May about all the pedo stuff he has on the Royals.

Where did you hear this?

pby1000 ago

Damn! I honestly do not recall. It may have been Jerome Corsi or an AJ video... I watch so many.

Oh, it was comments regarding a Q Anon post:

Jan 27 2018 00:48:10
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1

May is neutralized.
MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.
Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.
These people are stupid.

think- ago

Thanks! --

Mmh. I'm sorry, but I can't believe this. => Queen / monarchs seeking shelter.

May is very weak anyway. She's only the fall guy who has to do the dirty Brexit work. Then Boris or someone else of the bigger boyz will take over.

pby1000 ago

Understood! I am just providing the information.

think- ago

Lol, yes, thanks again! :-)

srayzie ago

Yay. I went back and am listening.

Cheesebooger ago

Rothschilds? Hmmm I bet they're Jesuits, huh pizzagate? oink

Psalm144-1 ago

Psalm144-1 ago

@darkmath you still around? Havent seen anything from you in some time, hope all is well!

Are_we__sure ago

He's definitely still around. He still messages me.

bopper ago

Hey man you told me I couldn't message you.

Are_we__sure ago

I can't message you.

Comment points too low to send messages.

But if you message me, I can reply to that. Pretty sure that still works.

bopper ago

Oh okay that makes sense.

srayzie ago

He’s banned from pizzagate. He usually posts in his own sub here... https://voat.co/v/RepealSmithMundt

fogdryer ago

When did he get banned Why

carmencita ago

I just went there. He is still shooting the breeze with the Sure Bros. if you know what I mean.

srayzie ago

A long time ago. I’m not sure.

ESOTERICshade ago

Since you will probably ask why he got banned I think, but not sure, it might have been >>> He was hell bent that pizzagate was a psyop. He kept making posts over and over that were not linked to anything to support his theory. Eventually tolerance for the multiple postings ran thin and he got banned under the spam rule. That might be it but i'm not positive.

Psalm144-1 ago

Hmmm sounds weird. Early on he was one of the best investigators on here! He was making all kinds of connections and presenting SOLID leads for other to look in to. Maybe (((they))) go to him... I hope he is OK.

think- ago

Didn't he have a YT channel?


ESOTERICshade ago

Didn't he have a YT channel?

I don't know

srayzie ago

I liked Darkmath.

ESOTERICshade ago

Some people speculate he was drinking too much but I don't know.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Spending too much time on this stuff will do that to a person

ESOTERICshade ago

Spending too much time on this stuff will do that to a person

Yup. Once you learn to see upside down it never goes away, it just keeps getting more real...

Blacksmith21 ago

That the fucking truth, ES.

ESOTERICshade ago

darkmath got banned.

Psalm144-1 ago

really?? Why?

carmencita ago

Especially attractive to this set were the boys that came in all shapes and sizes. I don't know why but that sentence made me particularly ill. They took these boys from homes for boys and the boys were very well read. Yes, we can't have any of that riff raff now can we. Only the very best for these disgusting vile pervert Nancys. I have read about these men before and it never fails to Turn My Stomach. BLUNT covered for Jimmy Savile.

DerivaUK ago

I think you misread there, Carm! It says “not entirely literate or well adjusted” boys - children all the same nevertheless though. Disgrace.

urbanmoving ago

Cambridge Spy Ring.....Soviets leader VICTOR ROTHSCHILD