bopper ago

Thanks I'm trying to understand what's going on w/ the photo.

srayzie ago

Sharipie ago

APACHE is really bothering me. there is a company called Apache Capial apache capital dot com. The Q post says "THEY don't know which team. The company's website has a section called TEAM. Clicking on that there's a guy named Meuller. Probably not related to Robert, but I thought this was interested because it is related to finance and that was part of the focus of that post.

pby1000 ago

VJ - Valarie Jarret

pby1000 ago

Article 3, Section 3 is Treason.

srayzie ago

You never look at my updates do you? 🤔 I update all day with info. I don’t think people look. We need to find a better way of communicating when we are working on something so that we all stay on the same thread or something.

pby1000 ago

Probably not. I have a lot going on. I'm trying to keep up, and do work. I will be away from my computer for a few hours and things seem very different when I get back. Right now, I feel out of touch and I am trying to catch up.

I am listening to Jerome Corsi right now.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I put it in today’s post. I think we need to find a way to work together when we’re doing something for research like yesterday so we can all touch base and keep things organized in Remember how well me and you did that night? Like that! When we’re in different threads working on the same thing like yesterday it gets confusing. We could gather everything we’ve collected and put it all together.

pby1000 ago

Sure. Sounds good. I think that one night everything just fell into place. I was researching things and posting what I found. It worked really well. I need to pay more attention to your post edits, so I will look before I add anything in the comments.

Yes, it is much better if everything is well organized so that people can get up to speed quickly and start adding more information.

srayzie ago

Yeah because then we can make memes and Redpill the people on social media!

pby1000 ago

Yes! I hear more and more people talking about current events. I know we are making progress.

srayzie ago

WE are the STORM ☔️

pby1000 ago

Yes, we are.

bopper ago

I look at your updates but I have to remember ... just keep reminding everyone and we'll get used to it and it will be spontaneous. People want to be reminded, it's good.

srayzie ago

I’m back and forth researching. I’m on 8chan and discord. I need one place to just keep it all organized. I’m just gonna post it here.

pby1000 ago

Your posts are very helpful, and greatly appreciated. This is a very historic time.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Vindicator ago

You rock, srayzie. This is a great thread (I know how hard these are to do and maintain!). Would you like me to sticky a link to it in v/pizzagate? Or would you rather not stir up the shills?

think- ago

Ahem - if you like an opinion by someone who thinks Q is a psyop by Team Trump - I'm fine with every thread on Q that actually deals with pedophilia on the v/pizzagate sub.

I think @bopper's and @srayzie's threads on the Standard Hotel and the Rothschilds possibly hunting children are great (and I actually contributed comments to the latter on v/pizzagate).

srayzie ago

Thank you. ❤️

think- ago

My pleasure... :-)

srayzie ago

Yeah you could put a link in your sticky. Thanks!

EricKaliberhall ago

Valerie Jarrett talking with Adam Schiff... Legal advice maybe...

Edit. Thanks for the pings srayzie!

pby1000 ago

OMG! You are very cool! Hahahaahaha!!!!

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Great tweet lol. Lovely pic too!

srayzie ago

Thank you Bopper! Now I need to go post the new ones and help get those bastards busted!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Schiff for brains. That is the best one. We should all go to gab.Ai

srayzie ago

Good job! @Oh_Well_ian figured out this part...


Great helpers!

Primus_Pilus ago

Article 3 Section 3 - Treason. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

bopper ago

I'm going insane. Thanks for helping w/ that.

srayzie ago

Here is the possible meaning for Black Forest & Fire Sale.

Cheesebooger ago

I asked Q to name the jew and they did. In order to get confirmation I will need Q to say anything about Barbra Spectre then I will be 100% on board and with me comes some value.

bopper ago

You might remember FBIanon when asked about the JQ replied the nose knows and I think he smiled.

srayzie ago

Go to 8chan and ask Q to say it then 😂

Cheesebooger ago

They love me over there

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Corsi just said he got word just recently that Schiff is "heavily involved in methamphetamine" I guess crystal meth. Then Corsi read some of that story about that Buck guy and the death of the black kid in W Hollywood.

srayzie ago

Wow. No wonder Schiff’s are always opened so wide 👁 👁

bopper ago

Yeah, dunno if Schiff himself uses or what. The chemical dump ... those chemicals are known to be used to make crystal meth. Corsi just said that Trump is about to destroy Schiff and country will be shocked. I'm listening to Corsi live. I'm sure he has inside info from White House.

srayzie ago

Wow. I’m listening now too

srayzie ago

Exactly. See the 666?

MolochHunter ago

remember, too, the dow stopped at precisely 666 at the nadir of the GFC

srayzie ago

I know! I’ve been tweeting out stuff. Made sure and did that too!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

6m6 minutes ago could this be a Roman numeral "m" or something? I think m is 1000. So it could be 6006 minutes ago or 600006 minutes ago? Could be he means more than 1 tweet. I don't have twatter and can't dig back in time with this one.

Why can msm lie? First amendment and they are all gov contractors. There was some shit passed a few years back that allowed the gov to pay for propaganda from msm in secret. I can't remember the name. But it was kept low key. Now I guess cia feeds them every story.

srayzie ago

I think they mean how long ago that tweet was made...

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

6m 6sec?

srayzie ago

I don’t know if some app says the seconds too or what? Maybe. That was you on Twitter right? We added each other the other night?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Nope. I don't use it. Never ha be someone say it was me?

srayzie ago

Really?? They had your name...

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Nope. Not me. Looks like I'm making waves. Probably time to burn down this name. It would be sad to do so. But it's probably time. If I disappear suddenly that's what I did.

srayzie ago

That’s a name they can change. Why change your name? It’s not your real name so I wouldn’t worry about it

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Hmm we're they saying fucked up stuff? They contacted you? If so then they are trying to impersonate me. Tell you what try to get them to dox themselves.

srayzie ago

No. They were just retweeting my stuff. That’s all. I’ll get the other name too

srayzie ago

Here is the possible meaning for BLUNT.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Black forest... Whew... I love their ham! (kidding) :)

So I spent the last few days digging into the legal ramifications of that memo. It certainly sounds bigger now that I see what can come of it. Still seems like the weak sauce relative to the size of this monster.

A few saying came to mind. How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time. How do you unravel a sweater... Simply find the right string and pull.

srayzie ago

Good job!

I added updates and meanings to my post. This is also what Q could mean by Fire Sale because he was talking about the market going down 666 points...

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Woo-hoo I needed a break anyway.

goatboy ago

To deal with a fire you have 4 options.

  1. Suck the air out of the room.

  2. Make it really cold.

  3. Get rid of the fuel.

  4. Put a bullet in the head of the person with the match.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Heh. I like 4.

Stormc12 ago

Wasn’t he the guy who said there would be a terrorist attack during the Super Bowl?

srayzie ago

No. Q didn’t say that. He said expect more False Flags. He did not say there would be one at the Super Bowl.

EricKaliberhall ago

I recognize the term FIRE sale, not sure if Q is referring to cyber war or not... Scary stuff!

FIRE sale - means something like F stands for financial, I stands for Infrastructure, R stands for Resources and E stands for Environment means everything from which the government runs or relies must go down.

A fire sale is a term describing a three-stage coordinated attack on a country's transportation, telecommunications, financial, and utilities infrastructure systems. The attacks are designed to promote chaos and foster a leaderless environment. The term "fire sale" is used because "everything must go".

Primus_Pilus ago

FIRE sale ... wasn't that the term used against the USA in the movie Live Free or Die Hard.

Three Stages of A Fire Sale

Stage 1: Shutting down all transportation systems; such as traffic lights, railroad lines, subway system and airport systems.

Stage 2: Disable the financial systems; including Wall Street, banks and financial records. [started]

Stage 3: Turning off public utility systems, such as electricity, gas lines, telecommunications and satellite systems.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Incredible info !! I have been dreading a massive clusterfuck with the transportations systems and power grid for weeks now. This is going to play out very rapidly. Martial law and a freezing of trading as per national security may be imminent.

srayzie ago

Damn! Thank you. I’ll add that!

Cantilever ago

Good goy

Sit back, relax. Your savior will rescue you

Melissus ago

You know, i dont think there was ever a free press since Gutenberg invented the press machine, but we're past at the point of no return certainly, so lets wait and see what happens.

Shekelstein6M ago

Gutenberg wasn't a jew. His name translates into "good mountain" while jews renamed themselves into things they desire like sugar mountain (zuckerberg) or unobtanium stone (unobtaniumstein).

Melissus ago

the youngest son of the upper-class merchant Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden

Shekelstein6M ago

only jews were merchants in the past


Melissus ago


Mammy ago

Thanks for keeping me posted, srayzie.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome Mammy

Derpfroot ago

Who's "Dopey?"

srayzie ago

What’s the Saudi Prince Alwaleed Talal

Here is Dr Corsi’s translations...

Derpfroot ago

Thanks, hotstuff.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

anotherdream ago


pby1000 ago

Thanks for the ping!

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping, srayzie. Always appreciate it. :-)

Oh_Well_ian ago

Rothchilds named... STORM IS RAGING

srayzie ago

You were right about the 666 Dow drop! Good job!

think- ago

'666' was really so obvious....

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. I know!

Oh_Well_ian ago

I hope people understand how dire the situation is... this is not a game.


Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Well prepared here at the Fuk household. If trouble comes our way they won't be happy.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up until now it's just be the crack in the door light.... Get ready to see the door blow open!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!