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ASolo ago

Orridge, NOW, be warned

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist is one of your most perfect satanic gurus to initiate selective satanic neophytes. Genesis founded second-wave industrial-gothic rock art performance groups, Throbbing Gristle and PsychThric-TV.[26]

Genesis is considered one of three of the High Magi of the Left Hand Path, Satanism.[27] The other two are (British Intelligence MI-5) Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666 and CIA/MK ULTRA agent, Timothy Leary.[28] Genesis is an ardent Crowley devotee and the founder of the Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY).[29]

In England, Genesis had been an early neophyte of the Scholar and High Priest of the Left-Hand Path, William S. Burroughs[30] and the “Dream Machine” developer, Brion Gysin.[31] Burroughs was alleged to have been a CIA/MK ULTRA assassin and handler of an international ring of dissociative identity disorder satanic abused children.[32]

sore_ass_losers ago

Unfortunately the last link for Burroughs, the Ur-hipster-god and early fedora head, which goes to David Icke's forum, is dead.

Here's a video about "William Burroughs: CIA Assassin?" (claims Burroughs was OTO!)

Here's an article "Beat Writer Pedophiles and the White Male Leftists Who Love Them" about Burroughs and Alan Ginsberg as pedos:

sore_ass_losers ago

You missed a couple of things about Porridge, tying he/she/it to child abuse and to Rubin, from :

"In February 1992, while Orridge was in the country of Nepal, a British TV documentary accused him of Satanic (pornographic) child abuse from a Psychic TV performance-art video taken from his home. Scotland Yard seized about two tons of Orridge’ possessions and threatened to imprison him, and told him that they could not guarantee the artist’s physical safety if he returned to England. So, along with his first wife and their young daughters, Caresse and Genesse, P-Orridge fled to Cazadero, a remote community of around three hundred and fifty people in Sonoma County, California.[25]" Footnote is

"In 1995, hidden in the Rubin’s Laurel Canyon compound they found Genesis Breyer P-Orridge that had been driven out of the compound injured by a fire."

Also claims Porridge revived The Process Church of the Final Judgement (some tie to Manson) in the 90's. Footnote is

ASolo ago

I love your input but please chill on the pretense. I didn't 'forget' anything, this thread is progressing quite well in every direction. I think I can understand how you could consider princeray of MCBA to be 'sensationalist' maybe due to the depth at which he goes, but hey, you do you, but I know dude as an ex black panther he's been around quite a few more blocks than any of you mofo's here.

sore_ass_losers ago

Fuck you, mofo. Quit with the ad hominem.

This is v/pizzagate and you don't care GBP is accused of child abuse???? You don't want to tie GBP to Laurel Canyon????

Why did you not copy & paste that part?

ASolo ago

Omg talk about turning on someone. I just asked for a little less pretention on my own thread. Mentally ill fucker.