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PizzaStreamerLive ago

Additional info/take on the Barak image (scroll down in the article) along with other Barak/Iran stuff:

dooob ago

Always nice to see people sharing neonrevolt :)

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Yeah but the shills including ian here is all over. The downvoats I got is insane in the amount of time. :D

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah but the shills including ian here is all over. The downvoats I got is insane in the amount of time. :D

pizzagaters showing you that your Q "flood" you announced into pizzagate is not welcome. Neon revolt your site?

Oh_Well_ian ago

rationalize the 9 downvoats he received

I also trust NEON. Rationalize that, too.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That's what followers do, they find an idol and wait for them to think for them and decide. You're waiting on the word from somebody you don't know, or many people you don't know. You are no adult.

Oh_Well_ian ago
