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carmencita ago

Le Guerre always looked like a man to me, neither here nor there. Wow. The hidden meanings of those numbers are amazing. Remember her Remember the Dominique quy, was he a pedophile, I know he got in trouble about prostitutes, I always wondered if it was really about an underage Ring. Things are always hidden.

cantsleepawink ago

Ha, I was going to do add a little bit about the numerology and I didn't bother but..

Twenty-five whores in the room next door

Twenty-five floors and I need more

25 repeated twice...the number 2 is an obvious repeated number in the last few days..and there is the Second Amendment that they are going after.

2 + 5 = 7 ..twice .. La Garde's IMF speech

2 X 5 = 10 .. another repeating number that I have mentioned in previous posts

5 X 5 = 25 ...I once had an image of some graffitti that was sprayed outside of Bill Clinton's home when there was an arson attack..the number 55 had been sprayed on the ground - can't find the image again

carmencita ago

No wonder they needed someone from the IMF to give that speech. I takes someone like that to figure out all that numerology and how to apply it to the occult, or maybe the other way around. It's enough to give you a serious headache. I was seriously dossed this morning. Very bad. Could not even get the site at all. 504 is what kept coming up. I could not even find anything on the internet about the shut down. I think it has something to do with my mentioning the name of that Sheriff from LV.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been having huge problems too. And I have lost a post as well when trying to upload. I'm thinking that just typing certain words in the editing section of this system triggers alarms. Lol. As you said, we are definitely being monitored.

carmencita ago

I just was monitored again for even writing a certain person's position. The person that did the reporting on the LV Shooting. Oh well. 1984 strikes again.