Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

The deep state cabal alphabet soups and police are the ones causing school shootings, causing mass shootings. They have sleeper agents all across the America being recuited and waiting for orders to kill and shoot Americans and stage false flags. I'm going to nail these sons a bitches to crosses and i do mean i'm going to nail these sons a bitches to crosses and catch them in the act of shooting up innocent people in one of these mass shootings. But i'm going to need everybodies help. I need Floridia's help because it's seem this has something to do with operation northwoods. We need to come up with a plan and catch the real shooters in the act. I have no idea how i'm going to do it, but i know some one out there can come up with an idea. We know the boogyman is real, we know the shape is real, we know the dream master is real, we know the legends of the camp crystal lake killer is real, we know the clown is real and takes on the shape of our worst fears, we know the police, the FBI, the CIA, the alphabet soups are the ones who are the mass shooters killing our kids. We need to form a group with ideas like the losers and we need to come up with ideas of catching the deep state alphabet soup agencies committing mass shootings. We need the entire state of Florida to do something because i think these mass shootings have something to do with operation northwoods. So all i'm saying is that if there's another one of these shootings in Florida is that we need a way for people to record and film and photograph so the official media narratives can be beat the fuck out of the water once and for all.

srayzie ago

Everything is updated!

Arrvee ago

A few links about Weissmann

Weissman Fake Dossier Knowledge Should Shut Mueller Down

few have focused on the activities of Andrew Weissmann, special counsel Robert Mueller's chief deputy and investigator...

The problem is, as former deputy assistant attorney general Bruce Ohr's closed-door testimony before Congress shows, Weissmann had full knowledge of the fake nature of the Steele dossier, which was a major predicate of the Russian witch-hunt that became the Mueller probe. Weissman knew there was collusion with the Russians and that it was among the DNC; the Clinton campaign; British agent Christopher Steele; Fusion GPS; the DOJ; the FBI; and, yes, Russian sources interested in upending the Trump presidency.

Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case (in 1997)

In Andrew Weissmann, The DOJ Makes a Stunningly Bad Choice for Crucial Role

Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Leslie Caldwell, brings back her long-time protégé and comrade Andrew Weissmann.She has empowered him to head the Fraud Section of the Department...

Ms. Caldwell and Mr. Weissmann reunite as part a cabal of prosecutors from the old Enron Task Force, a frightening number of whom have been running our country behind the scenes during this administration.

William Hodes, one of the bar’s leading legal ethics experts, and I filed a lengthy ethical grievance against Andrew Weissmann with the New York Bar... The Department of Justice defended Weissmann on the grievance, because he was FBI counsel.

Enron Task Force Is Glue That Binds As Ex-Prosecutors Rise Through the DOJ Ranks

pby1000 ago

The morning of Feb. 14th was the incident at the NSA, then the Parkland shooting thing happened. It was amazing to me how quickly people forgot about the NSA incident.

Shizy ago

Sounds familiar doesn't it? everyone quickly forgot about 3 trillion being reported missing the day before 9/11. This is how they roll.

WagonBurner ago

SEC destroying the records on American Airlines insider trading.

Shizy ago

When was that?

WagonBurner ago

So you don't have to watch the whole thing. https://youtu.be/n3xgjxJwedA?t=1151

Shizy ago

So more undeniable proof that 9/11 was at the very least known about prior! And once again these assholes used it to enhance their own financial siuation! This pisses me off! I had no idea about those foreign leaders speaking out with their concerns! Of course we didn't see that on the MSM!

Thanks for sharing! I appreciate it!

TippyHome ago

And all the gold in the World Trade Center basement. Poof. Forgotten.

Shizy ago

Ohh, that's right!

pby1000 ago

Yeah, it is a common ploy. I didn't see it before but I do now.

13741859? ago

A supervisory special agent signed those documents

13741399? ago

Why do the fags at reddit get a call out but we don't? I'm starting to get jelly

pby1000 ago

We have potty mouths.

Shizy ago

That made me laugh! 🚽

LostandFound ago

If i was optimistic, and im not so keep that in mimd. Watching reddit go into censorship mode will be a big wake up for a lot of "normies" that have been brought in, I'm actually surprised they have been allowed operate largely unhindered for the last few months.

Perhaps reddit ... is afraid

pby1000 ago

Here, doll face.

srayzie ago

Good Honey Bunny

pby1000 ago


srayzie ago
