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LiamOdinThomas ago

=365 pushups and 365 pullups a yr. Thats 730 more exercises you used to NOT do so its gotta do something. I predict in 30 yrs youll look like Arnold!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


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carnold03 ago

Stickied. I want guys to see this for the rest of the week like a finger in their eye.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

the past 36 hrs are the first days i didnt do this specifically

but i was doing some other heavy shit instead lol

Tistime ago

ONE pullup.

TBH I doubt the average person could do one pullup.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

NOT doing one pullup doesn't change that.

Gotta do something every day! If you do a negative, that's fine. Do I've negative every day.

Just do it every day!

matthew-- ago

I've been feeling shitty lately because my gym membership expired while I was overseas, and now I'm on the hunt for a new place to go. Gyms in China really suck: 50 treadmills, one squat rack and benching station. I easily maxed out the cable row machine thing, and I'm not even that strong.

Can't wait to get to the iron temple and beat 90kg bench.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Dropped and did one. That's today.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


edgydude69 ago

IDK man, I go to the gym every night after the kids go to sleep. The only thing stopping me from doing Muay Thai and bjj is that they don’t have any beginner classes later than 9pm.

Karbuster ago

Fuck, fine

Ill stop being a lazy fuck and do something

Happy? See what youve done to a perfectly innocent fatass?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes. I am fucking happy that I'm helping you better yourself.

I did my minimum tonight. Do yours.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I did ten fingertip pushups for absolutely no reason other than I was feeling strong between tasks today. I also live alone so I can act like a weirdo.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

live alone

Ha! Isn't it great?

Good job, dude.

How many pullups?

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I will try a few this morning and get back my report. Some days when I don't count and I'm feeling strong it seems like I can go on and on. But yeah, I have my rock rings up for when I fancy a pullup sesh.

Thissandwich ago

It's as hard to start flossing as it is to quit smoking.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fucking A.

0fsgivin ago

I always go with. Max out pushup and squats before ya jerk off.

Ya know why? it changed my life. I was smoking weed, playing video games, jerking off...messy room. Ya know what? One day outa the blue "earn the jerk" I did some pushups. Best jerk shame. No this is pathetic. Thoiught " ya know a year from now that chick could WANT to fuck me realistically"

Now I fucked in shape. Banged girls I shoudl not have...ultimately eneded up really depressed wehn i realized being good looking was not the end all be all answer. BUT I'm glad I went though that phase. And now am trying to get back into working out. Hit it to hard last run...pulled a groin muscle. Gettin older... Gunna have to take it slower on the next run.

But for the young bucks...before ya pull your pud...Clean your room, clean your car, do some pushups and squats...then beat it like it owes you money. Sooner or'll start working out even without jerking it. Delayed gratification. Start builds.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Earn the jerk. That's fucking legit.

Pushups, pullups.

Congrats on attaining your goal, and much luck in the future goals you may create.

19221809? ago

I have nowhere to do pull-ups and also they so hard. I did 5 cheat push-ups (on knees), thanks for the inspiration. Let's see if I can keep it up every day, and then increase... Maybe I will do a squat or 5 instead of the pull-up?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can do one a day... At LEAST...

$20 at Target.

19224580? ago

How does that attach?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It pops over the for jamb then the pressure is directed sideways into the walls themselves.

Had one for years.


Yeah. I've already been forcing myself to do something every day regardless. I'm about to destroy my body in the best way. Fuck it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Dude, yes. Sugar is bullshit, and even bread kinda.

Dairy is legit, though. Fats, protein... Bodybuilders drank it all the time. Keep up with milk.


Think I might have some kind of lactose intolerance cause the shits been fucking my stomach up for a while.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Try raw milk. Lactose intolerant people can often drink it without issue. It has more nutrients, too.


Been looking into it actually, my mom told me about it. Gonna try it next time I hit the store

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good luck!


Appreciate it man, same to you.

MrShekelstein ago

proper diet means more.

start learning how to cook and start trying out different foods instead of whatever garbage you eat now.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I buy organic food, grass fed beef, and cook for myself every day.

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

bourbonexpert ago

Shove it.

Do at least one investment in an index fund, and put an equal amount in. Roth IRA. When your 65, you’ll have the money to get your dick sucked by girls 40 years younger on a yacht. While your hired security will protect you from noggers.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[false dichotomy]

Thanks for your misplaced tips.

What are your thoughts on T-bills and CDs?

Anon83 ago

The time has come for us to get ourselves physically fit for the sake of our children and the struggle that we may soob have to endure. We must lead by example and stop second guessing ourselves into submission at the behest of our overlords (who keep our heads down with research, over their nefarious bullshit). .

I'll commit to hitting the yard and chewing on the weight pile and y'all need to do the same. How silly are you going to feel when shit actually hits the fan and your weak ass can't carry the bloody pile of hamburger meat, that WAS your friend, to safety or lift supplies over great distances. Sure, it'll probably never happen in this cucked clown environment we call reality, but I'd rather not go out like a bitch....

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Pushups for your children.

Good stuff.

Richard_Guzenya ago

Legit. I made a promise when i had kids and then a boy. if I tell them to drop and gimme 20 I better be able to do the same. Part of being a man of integrity is a person that walks what he talks, speaks what he thinks, says what he means. Damn its been a good day being a dad. Great incredible day actually. Happy fathers day goat fathers!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

when i had kids

Honestly, this entire thing is because we're literally days from having our first baby, and I had the idea.... "work out every day of your baby's life"

Good shit, dude.

Maersk ago

Thank you. It's been months. I needed this

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I needed this since months ago.

We're in this together. I did my minimum today.

LordSporkington ago

This is brilliant advice.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Bench press, bent row, over head press, chin ups, squats, and deadlift.

Do those exercises 3x8 once every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

For a man around 6 feet tall, no matter what strength level you're at now, if you keep that schedule and eat enough protein, then in 1 year you will be benching and rowing over 225 pounds, overhead pressing over 135, squatting over 315, and deadlifting over 405.

If you are monitoring your diet properly you can do this at 170 pounds body weight and look fantastic.

3 hours a week. That's no time at all. The benefits are life changing. There is absolutely nothing you could do with a higher reward:cost ratio. Nothing.

Walk1 ago

Its good to get in your daily exercise so when can remain strong and healthy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Your wrists are probably too worn out from power wanking.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I wanna see you climb a 7ft cinder block wall.

KVD ago

Yes. I like kettle bell deadlift. It takes up zero space (so you can leave it in your living space) , it can be used for multiple exercises, and hits more muscle groups than any other single exercise. And it's a weight-bearing exercise. Do only 10 if your a fag like me. Do 50 if your a fag like me.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

True shit dude.

fat_b0i ago

About 3 years ago, I suffered a knee injury. Doctor told me I would be able to live a normal life without surgery, but if I wanted a complete recovery, I would need surgery. The surgery was risky, and since I'm young, he advised me to not do it.

Fast forward to 8 months ago, I was a fat fuck. Still am, actually. But I was tired of being fat, so I bought a stationary bike. That way, I could do some exercise, and try to regain the muscle I lost in my leg, due to said knee injury.

I also changed my eating habits. No more fast food, no more sugary drinks, among other things.

I decided I would start at 5km per day, and go from there. First day, couldn't even finish 3km. After a month, I was doing 10km per day.

But then I wanted more. Why not 15km? Sounds good. But my knee disagreed with me. Got some of the worst pain I've ever felt. After that day, I couldn't even get to 5km without feeling intense pain.

I stopped exercising and went back to being a fat fuck.

In hindsight, I probably pushed my knee too far too fast, and that's why it told me to fuck off.

Last week I said enough! I'll do 10 pushups, 10 situps, 1km in bike, 30 seconds plank, each day. I'll be slowly increasing the load on everything, probably 2~3 weeks intervals, and see how it goes.

FreeRebel ago

Why not go back to the doctor? He probably knows how to strike the middle path. And, it sounds like you are on your own without a physical therapist to make sure you are doing the right thing the right way. PT is essential, and you can't just do it by yourself. There are too many ways to do it wrong that you are not in a position to know.

fat_b0i ago

Recently, someone recommended me a doctor that has lots of experience with cases similiar to mine. I've already scheduled an apointment for next month.

KVD ago

I have a bad knee too. Multiple surgeries. First exercise advice: walk. Second, row. Third, deadlift. In that order as you are able.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good shit.

There are limits to the body, of course, but we get better by pushing slightly more all the time.

All the time happens by doing it every day.

Patchouli ago

You work out and rest the day after. Else you hurt your gains.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So rest by doing one pushup and one pullup.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Push up? Okay easy.. Pull up? Uh.. I find myself struggling to think of a bar in my home that could support 150 pounds.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fucking zero.

You can't get over a 7 ft stone wall by jacking yourself over it, faggot.

Native ago

Your first post on this sub and you hit out of the ballfield.

I’ll take you up on the challenge and it’s great advice

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do it, faggot.

Easiest challenge ever... Or is it?

Native ago

Ha it’s the easiest hardest challenge ever. I used to do push-ups everyday and then “fell out of it”. So this was a good post to remind me

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Me too. That's why I started joining the pushup challenges but it didn't stick.

This will.

invisiblephrend ago

yup. i hate doing it too, but the payout is worth it. you really don't know just how disgusting your breath is unless you floss and smell it for yourself. you have food that is ROTTING between you teeth and a brush and mouthwash is not going to make that go away.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you get any blood, you're infected.

No discussion.

Nosferatjew ago

one pushup

lol my personal best for pushups in one workout is 400, usually I do between 200 and 300.

Phantom42 ago

My personal best for pushups was 168, in one go.

My arms were tired as fuck after that. So, I did situps. 380-ish of those.

I miss being stronk-ish.

Nosferatjew ago

168 in one go is purty dang good. I break mine up into smaller sets and do them between other exercises. I don't actually know how many I can do in one go... maybe I should find out.

Phantom42 ago

Well, if that's good nobody told me! That was unfortunately two years ago and I broke my scaphoid bone in my hand. It's still fucked up. Right now, after two years of very limited activity (at least compared to what I used to do), I can hit... Oh, I'd say 50-60 in one go. My hand is gonna be fucking hurting afterwards though, thanks to the screw I have in it.

Of course, doc said it would be a couple years before it would start feeling right.

Nosferatjew ago

Have you tried using grips/handles? Might help with the hand pain.

And yeah 168 is great. Consider that most "in shape" people will struggle with 50 in a row. And most out of shape people can barely do 10... many can't even do 2.

Phantom42 ago


Most people struggle to do 50? At least the "in-shape crowd"?

I thought that was just bare minimum.

Nosferatjew ago

Well, 1/3 of people are overweight, and another 1/3 are obese. So 2/3 of people have no chance of doing anywhere near 50 push ups, let alone even just 1. Of the remaining 1/3 of people who are normal sized, the ones who say/think they're "in shape" are too often just not fat, and are not very strong. I bet less than 5% of people in this country can do 50 push ups in one workout, not even in a row. Fuck it, I bet less tham 5% of American males between 14 and 45 can do 50 real push ups in a workout. People are fucking weak these days, it's pathetic.

Phantom42 ago

Fair point.

My thing is, I want to be 100% confident in a fight that my strength and agility alone can carry me through. If I can do that, I will be happy.

Of course, this is next to impossible.

If I get strong enough to where I can break a guy's neck with one hand I will be happy. I'll just put it like that.

Right now though, I'm just a skinny bastard. Not weak, not terribly strong, just about what would be average for someone my age who is reasonably active.

Buuut I hate being average. Average is fake and gay. I'm white damn it, I want the best and sure as Hell am determined to get it.

Nosferatjew ago

Fuck being average. Average is for betas and women.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

How many did you do yesterday?

What about the day before?

Nosferatjew ago

I work out in this way, lifting/body weight exercises, every 2-3 days, I hike 1-2hrs/day 5-6 days/week (recently I've added some sprinting to my hikes), and I do some other physically demanding "sporting" activities for about an hour every day. I don't do pushups every day, I do them 2-4 days/week. On days that I don't do a full lifting workout, I will sometimes do a ~30min partial workout just to get the juices flowing before leaving the house, today was one of those days, so was yesterday. Tomorrow is a full workout day. If I wake up early enough, I should be able to hit 300-400 pushups.

No, I am not going to answer your questions directly, because it doesn't really matter how many pushups I did yesterday or the day before, or on any given day. What matters is the total approach I take to fitness. I was just bragging about 400 because it's a new milestone for me, one I wouldn't have foreseen a few years ago. And I lol'd because now that I've made it to this point, doing just 1 pushup sounds so funny. However, there was a point when I could barely do 10 pushups in a row. I remember the struggle well...

Here's my suggestion to those who are just starting with this stuff: Warm up first. At the very least, just swing your arms around while standing. Push out at the air in front of you or above you, do arm circles, etc. Then do your pushups. If you can do 1 pushup without vomiting or tearing a muscle or connective tissue, then do another. If you can do 2, do 3, and so on. If you get to 5 or 10, or even if you only did 1, and you find you are struggling, and your arms are burning and shaking, take a break and do some situps, or curls, or jumping jacks, or whatever. Once your arms have cooled off a little, do another set. Keep doing this until you can't do even just 1 anymore, and keep track of how many you do. I use a pad of paper where I tally each set of 25. I usually do about 8 sets/hour. These days, the only reason I don't do more pushups in a workout is time constraints. If you're only doing 1-5 pushups/set you could probably do 15-20 sets/hour. You may be surprised at many you can actually do if you spread it out a little and don't just try to do them all in a row.

Now go do your pushup ;)

PS: be careful with pullups. If you're not strong enough to do 5 in a row, you could easily hurt yourself. Build up strength by doing pullups with rubber/silicone workout bands first, if you can't do them without.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No, I am not going to answer your questions directly, because it doesn't really matter how many pushups I did yesterday or the day before, or on any given day.

Sounds like you didn't even understand the post, but ok!

Nosferatjew ago

I did understand your post. I thought I made my point fairly clear... I'll elaborate further...

If I was only doing 20 or 50 pushups in a workout, I would do them every day, but since I'm doing hundreds in every workout, I spread it out so that I don't risk hurting my wrists or shoulders and because muscle needs time to repair after working out. Also, it takes a lot of time to do that many the way I do them, and I don't have that kind of time every day. I'm still working out for at least 2 hours total every day, I'm just not focusing on the same exercise every day. I mix it up, because my body needs a lot more than just pushups to be fit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Nosferatjew ago

Sup fag, just checking in. You finish that 1 pushup yet? I just achieved a new personal best of 425.


Nosferatjew ago

Just did 100 pushups. Your turn. Or are you still stuck on 1? lol

Nosferatjew ago

Why lol?

VerbalWaterboarder ago


Buncha slack-jawed faggots in here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

How many pullups and pushups did you do yesterday?

What about the day before?

VerbalWaterboarder ago

None. I lift weights, like a man.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


TIL bodyweight exercises aren't lifting weights.

FYI if you think you can do lats without pullups, somebody sold you on a lie.

VerbalWaterboarder ago

Lol bodyweight faggot.

Unless you get fatter, there’s no way you’re increasing your strength.

Keep doing your pushups tho. Facedown with your ass in the air is where people as retarded as you belong.

ForTheUltimate ago

I started with planks.

I was had other distractions so for me the ''quick and efficient'' exercise strategy worked. Now I lift mcnukes everyday, you wouldn't believe

Native ago

Form is important I fucked up my back doing deadlifts twice. I won’t do them again because of it. I prefer the squat now

Goys-R-Us ago

It takes you 400 cock tugs to nut? You must be your boyfriends dream man.

Native ago


slowcrash101 ago

Yes!!! This works!

Goys-R-Us ago

How the fuck do I member to do it every day?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

God, I wish there were a timer of some sort that could be set for the same time every day... Man....

Bastionof_freespeech ago

I personally prefer cardio, free weights, and yoga. Do exercises you enjoy so you continue ndoing them. On my off days I just take my dogs for a longer walk ands it's all enjoyable or relaxing activities for me

Dismal_Swamp ago

I’ll start tomorrow or the next day.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hmm, too big a commitment for today?

TheBuddha ago

He's already full of AIDS.

1moar ago

Thank you. Long story short, I needed a kick in the ass. No means of doing a pullup, but I can find an alternative.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can buy a pullup bar at various department stores for like 20 bucks. Also, things to hang on are all over. Parks often have things to hang on. Playgrounds. Keep your eyes open.

1moar ago

Just did 20 pups. No biggie obviously.


I have a lot on my plate at the moment but I need to get ripped again. I'm pissed, this will hurt in its own way.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There you go, man!

con77 ago

a little bit every day bro

TheBuddha ago

You can still be gay. I don't mind.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No you fucking cannot.

NotHereForPizza ago

You don't need a gym. All you really need is 50 or so push-ups every day. You'll notice results in the next couple of weeks, that I promise you.

Phantom42 ago

Any good bodyweight exercise stuff? Like, I'm 6' 160lbs, built pretty long in the legs and arms.

I have some muscle definition still, but an injury two years ago fucked me up. Doc said it'll be several years before my hand feels good enough to actually lift weights like I used to.

So, bodyweight exercise it is, with some weights in the mix.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The thought of a gym never even entered my mind.

Whole body exercises are where it's at, and if you do pushups, pullups and cardio you've worked your whole body.

gnaardog ago

More like practice building walls and fences with the wrecking bar. You're a pussy

Not_C ago

There's an anti-procrastinating technique referred to as either the 2, 5, or 10 minute rule.

If there's something that needs to be done, do it for a short but defined amount of time. After the time has passed, if you want to continue, then continue. If you want to quit, then quit.

Need to clean your home? Pick a short amount of time and start. Maybe you'll only tidy up for a few minutes, maybe you'll keep going until you've finished making every room spotless, or maybe you'll stop somewhere in between. The minimum is it's a little tidier. But chances are you'll go well past your time.

Same with the above example of pushups and pullups. Force yourself to do one and you'll probably go until you're played out. And/or do some situps too.

Also, if you do at least some sort of workout at the same time every day, eventually your body will start to ramp up your energy at that time every day in preparation. And you'll start to crave working out.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good shit, man.

This is about DISCIPLINE building. Do one rep of cleaning, that's good.

I'm going to remember this.

Malayar ago

dedication vs motivation. every single day you must will yourself to exercise, even on the days you don't want to. be dedicated.

conservativecanuck ago

Yes, yes, yes.


Excellent point!

avgwhtguy1 ago

Jump as high as you can everyday

conservativecanuck ago

I swear on my life that this is one of the first pieces of advice I give to anyone who talks about getting fit. Set the bar as fucking low as possible and do it.

Just one per day

invisiblephrend ago

very true. you can't just expect to do 50 pushups on day one when you haven't used your muscles in months, if not, years. there's no shame in starting off slow and working your way up. in fact, it's the only way you can safely adjust your body to it's new changes in order to not overdo it and seriously hurt yourself.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Discipline is BS

I worked out two hours a day years ago. Rode 10 or 20 miles on my bike, did an hour of strength training.

Then I moved, got a new job, and got out of the habit. It's the HABIT that's the hardest. Start with the the habit building, make it stupid easy, then build up from there.

matthew-- ago

One way that I found really helped me was [Dilbert guy]'s method. Make the goal just "going to the gym". Doesn't matter if you're not feeling it or any other reason, just drive there, walk in the door, and if you still aren't feeling it, just go back home. I've done that before a few times, but most of the times it's like, fuck it I'm here, and either do the entire workout or skip out on the heavy squat (heavy squats and deadlifts are always last).

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Exactly, dude. The hard part is starting, which is stupid, but that's how our broken brains operate.

conservativecanuck ago

You contradicted yourself here.... you state discipline is BS but then you talk about the Habit being the most important.... good habits is discipline

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Make good discipline a habit.

Problem solved!

TheBuddha ago


I do 2.5 hours of PT and around 2 hours of guitar playing.

Get on my level, AIDS monger.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You can't even eat enough to MAINTAIN weight.

I don't want to be on your level!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm hovering at 155. You fat bastard.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This is honestly probably the fattest I've ever been (145).

Nosferatjew ago


Malayar ago

jesus you fat fuck put down the burger with extra mayo

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I know, right?

No, the problem is I stopped working out and drank more beer? Gained almost ten pounds!

TheBuddha ago

I was up to 160ish, but then I lost it again. I dunno where it went, but I had it.

Amusingly, with all my PT I'm getting pretty ripped. I've got my six pack abs back and I make it a point to work my core and upper body between sets for my legs.

I haven't been this fit in decades. I can probably bounce a .50 BMG off my abs!

(Not really.)

Native ago

Hey I’m glad you are recovering well. Keep up the good work you’re inspiring people on this site and in real life for sure

clamhurt_legbeard ago


thats pretty sweet but i still dont envy your situation

the situation im in tho i could get the good parts

i just need to learn to floss

TheBuddha ago

I'm kinda anal about hygiene.

I'm also weirdly obsessed with doing my job. My devotion to things like PT and guitar is pretty solid, probably too solid. I didn't even take today off, though I did spend less time and I am counting my going out as my walking. That's about as slack as I'll let myself be. And, I've only showered twice today.

I'll be fixing that in a little while.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

twice today

ya that seems like a lot

TheBuddha ago

I usually shower at least three times. I had to stop doing that when showers were an hour long ordeal. I'm in and out, dressed in clean clothing, in like ten minutes. It's not like they're 45 minute showers.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I figured they would be.

Even so, the skin is meant to have its cooties!

TheBuddha ago


A shower doesn't come close to eradicating all the bits of life that live on you. You've got plenty more cooties.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

cootie holocaust


TheBuddha ago

So much AIDS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Not anymore!

Not after the gay Holocaust!!

TheBuddha ago

No. No... You've somehow managed to get more AIDS than you previously had. I hadn't even realized double AIDS was possible, but here we are.

You're like Rock Hudson and Freddy Mercury level AIDS, at the same time. I'd be mad, but I'm actually kinda impressed.

TheBuddha ago

It's 2019. You can be gay if you want, but it's kinda late now. You already got AIDS. You ain't even gotta take a dick in the ass, unless you really want to.

Or if you go to prison, I suppose.

Sweettendiesloving ago

I started eating healthier about a month ago. Changed chips and candy into roasted almonds and cashews and dried mango and pineapple. Dropped cokes for water and coffee only. I do pushups and situps at every stop I go to for work. I'm feel a lot better and am much less tired throughout the day.

Fancy451 ago

If you can quit the coffee i'd encourage you to do so. Makes a big difference.

Rajadog20 ago

What's wrong with straight black coffee?

Sweettendiesloving ago

I drink it black so it isnt too terrible.

Titanbikes4ever ago

IDK, changing one calorically dense snack food for another, more expensive calorically dense snack food is really the answer, but great job on giving up soda!

beefartist ago

I am with you...substituting natural junk for junk is better than nothing but just give up the candy...fruit based or otherwise

Sweettendiesloving ago

Yeah calories might be similar but they have healthier fats over other foods on top of not being fried in soy oil. Also I end up eating less of them than chips or other junk.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Fat quality is soooo important! There is an entire parade of people on voat who will deny anything other than calorie content. Good job eating healthier foods. HFCS is terrible.

Super protip: Go look for mushroom powder blends to add to savory dishes like pizza and nachos. Or just throw it in some coffee, but that tastes disgusting. It's got tons of protective health factors. TONS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

There you go, dude. Makn' that shit happen.

Sweettendiesloving ago

Thanks homie!

OrdinaryFaggot ago

I benched and deadlifted today, so I should be good on pushing and pulling.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good shit, faggot!

You're set until tomorrow!