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ObamasPinkSock ago

You need to move to BitChute because you YouTube channel WILL be deleted.

It's just a matter of time.

I'm surprised it's not already gone.

SearchVoatBot ago

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darkknight111 ago

A video regarding Heather O’Rourke and Judith Barsi would definetely help red pill.

gamepwn ago

I'm defiantly going to do that soon. I've been keeping up with your research dark!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Scotty4802 ago

Congrats to you - youngster (compared to old me). You have given me hope that the young generations are waking up. I had no idea my entire life about these sub sets of evil... Maybe we can all band together and fight it. I come here to Voat to learn. I am glad you came too - welcome.

AAngel ago

Great you tube videos. Remember to post on other platforms! You Tube will eventually kill anything about the satanist pedos as soon as they find it, because they are run by them. Same with Twitter and Google. Let's hope for that new peer to peer internet. Love your research skills and posts. Who was the Belgian guy? Dying to know.... What happened to him? Brave fellow.

AAngel ago

Good for you lad. Welcome. It takes courage to look at this issue and get past the nausea and sleeplessness to do something about it. I had videos of a cable show in Seattle that I did for years all removed 2 years ago because of my exposing the child trafficking. Be sure and look at the Hampstead 2, if you can still stomach more. The Podesta "fatherhood" video of him torturing a child behind a Comet Ping Pong "performance" was one of the only ones the distressed NYPD could put out that they discovered on the Weiner laptop. Great to read your heartfelt post. Good luck and God bless.

Battleslam ago

You will fit in very well here patriot buy some popcorn because you are new guy and we are out!!!.

Leeloo8me ago

I was looking for that vid of Jeanette! I subbed. Thx!

gamepwn ago

You're welcome! I always tell people if they have suggestions or think something is important let me know I will look into posting it!

Zammyanci ago

Welcome ;)

WWG1WGA! MAGA! God's Blessings Are Upon Us!

ruby07 ago

There is a pizzagate video on YouTube that contains an audio recording of what is supposed to be John Podesta (nickname Skippy) torturing a child at Comet Ping-Pong. I came across it about a week ago and it killed me. I haven't been able to get that child's screams out of my head or pedo Podesta singing bits of the Calliou theme song and screaming at the child to call him Skippy. It's beyond disturbing .... it's demonic. You're doing good work but give yourself breaks from the madness or it could break you. I was surprised that video hadn't been yanked by the YT truth suppression agents.

gamepwn ago

I know this for sure. I have took a break before, a while back I took a few months off. I didn't feel like life was real and was desensitized. I felt like everything I have ever known was a lie. All of these politicians and celebrities being satanic pedophiles and learning about everything. Going to college everyone is so ignorant... not many people my age are red pilled it feels like. I'm so glad I managed to convince my family Pizzagate is real no one believed me at first and called me crazy.

I know about the video, it was originally on WorldCorpo a very sick website that has not been taken down. Do not go on it. A few anons and I did research on it. I had to go through all of that horrific shit.

I've seen the worst of the worst on here...I reported a woman to NCMEC. A few times I broke down due to how dark some of this is. I still tell myself I need to do something to save these children. To save our country to save our world something. I try to do what I can for the movement.

ruby07 ago

I know exactly how you feel. I realized why Q kept saying "these people are sick" and he has said that the people he works with can't sleep at night because of everything they've seen. Just that one sound clip was enough to mess me up. The photos I've seen were nauseating but when you add the sound. Dear God😥 I don't know how they keep going. The evil is so massive.... tentacles everywhere. Prayers your way, Patriot🙏 By the way, at least your family believes you about pizzagate. Mine are redpilled for the most part but look at me like I have two heads when I start talking about the pedovores.

gamepwn ago

My brothers do lol. My parents are skeptical for sure haha managed to red pill my best friend as well. These are the sickest people in the world. Just evil disgusting demonic monsters. All of them will get what is coming to them.

ruby07 ago

Well, when I was in college I was a total libtard and believed my leftist professors. I was like that for about two years before I miraculously snapped out of it. I simply woke up one day. Just like that. You're already there. Not many your age are so awake. I hate that it had to be such an ugly awakening for you but you're not allowing it to stop you from what you apparently now see as your mission. Cheers. Will check out your channel.

cryptex ago

You might want to also post this to,, and

Also post your videos to and

YouTube is going the way of the dino due to censorship.

FaStRmAn ago

Thank you Patriot for your hard work !

gamepwn ago

No problem! We are all going to stop this nightmare!

gogogogostop ago

Some research I did on Andre Balazs that nobody has seen yet.


NotHereForPizza ago

Anon doesn't do this for fame. Anon never needs the notoriety.

fuckingmockies ago

Battle Los Angeles

I was in that movie.

gamepwn ago

Really? :o

fuckingmockies ago

Yup. So the parts on the Marine Corps base were filmed at Camp Pendleton. I was with 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, which was the unit they used to film some scenes.

When all the Marines ran to get loaded on to helicopters, I'm in that crowd somewhere.

gamepwn ago

I uploaded that scene right here! That's freaken awesome bro!

fuckingmockies ago

Also, I should add that I was one of the ones that ran into the helicopter that Aaron Eckhart was loading. HOWEVER, they did dozens of shots. I was a background guy. When the camera angle switched to inside the helicopter, that shows the actual actors entering. I was an extra for the shot from the outside looking in. Also was one of the crowd running around.

fancypants211 ago

thank you for your service sir!

gamepwn ago

That is so awesome haha, thank you and god bless you for your service. It's a great movie lol. They should get the USMC and make an actual World War Z movie that is close to the book and do it with real Marines :p

fuckingmockies ago

Lmfao it might be more accurate, but it wouldn't be what audiences expect. It'd be gallows humor 24/7.

fuckingmockies ago

I'm in the second clip somewhere lol.

I was actually really butthurt about it because I wasn't asked if I wanted to do this. I was just ordered to. Which meant that while 90% of us were enjoying the weekend, I was with the poor bastards who had to essentially work. Now, in hindsight, I'm glad for it.

think- ago

Thank you for all the great work you're doing, @gamepwn! Hope you are continue posting on v/pizzagate as well. :-)

gamepwn ago

haha you are the best think :) I really appreciate that. You are an amazing mod and a good friend! I will be!

think- ago

Aww, thank you, how sweet of you. :-)

gamepwn ago

haha you're welcome :p

GasTheFeminists ago

I appreciate your dedication. You never know who you are influencing so keep up the good work.

gamepwn ago

Thank you! So true!

ditzee58 ago

Subscribed and will watch later. Thanks for sharing your channel with us!

gamepwn ago

Thank you I appreciate that! No problem!

fancypants211 ago

Welcome aboard warrior! You are absolutely welcome here. start getting up to speed if your not already with Q autists. you may have a place among them! we have prayer groups if you get into Q more. you must not live in the satanic frequency. it can break down your psychie and make you depressed. all things in moderation. we are with you and all have known pizzagate is real .Q is destroying them. Pray and have faith. we are Q! WWG1WGA! it means were we go one we go all. we are in this fight with you. glad you found us!

AAngel ago

I like that about staying out of the frequency. I needed to hear that. How do we find those prayer groups?

fancypants211 ago

you can literally do an internet search. if you follow some of the people disseminating Q info they can talk about them from time to time. others such as mark taylor sheila zilinsky speak of them. not hard to do. but i go online. i don't go to a brick and mortar location. many actual churches are under the 501c3 law. they basically take money and are told what they can and cant do. thats why America has not begun to pray for spiritual warfare. but we are now!

Chayil ago

How do I find the prayer groups?

fancypants211 ago

you can literally do an internet search. if you follow some of the people diseminating Q info they can talk about them from time to time. others such as mark taylor sheila zilinsky speak of them. not hard to do. but i go online. i dont go to a brick and morter location. many actual churches are under the 501c3 law. they basically take money and are told what they can and cant do. thats why America has not begun to pray for spiritual warfare. but we are now!

gamepwn ago

fancypants211 ago

sad those involved with pizzagate are dividing and dont like trump. that is strange to me. if your whole voat page is about pizzagate why would you be against a president that has arrested more pedos in the time he has been in office than obummer in eight years! stay here with us in Q.... we are millions strong worldwide. we are an army. do you have a page on youtube or did they take you down? try getting in touch with blessed2teach. he is an autist. he is really good at all the tech stuff. he may be abe to advise you on how to avoid having your content deleted. he hs a website. look him up. God bless patriot!

gamepwn ago

Thank you that means alot!

DixieEmpir3 ago

Subscribed and look forward to watching 👍

Himfirst ago

v/the awakening is the place for you if you want to contribute to change and encourage people to think logically. Eradication of evil is a difficult if not tedious task. Aborting evil is a step by step process that though difficult is very worthwhile. As you know, it is much easier if one implants virtue and supplants evil. I think you have found a home.

gamepwn ago

Thank you! :) I will be posting more here soon. Glad to be apart of it!