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Tee1020 ago

Awesome. I had a post on Reddit that got purged about the tribunals. Maybe you're on to something. The purge of Reddit probably had very little to do with Q and everything to do with informed people sharing their research and waking up people faster than ever seen before. Who knows which articles may have been saved, and utilized for these upcoming hearings.

GlendonHawke ago

Anyone else think McStain was found guilty in a Military Tribunal then executed?

KillerKap ago

I think that much is obvious. Not on his own terms. Q cant spell it out more plainly. The funniest part is the leftist media is picking up on it and are terrified that Trump could even be behind a secret court to punish his political enemies. They are catcing on. They should be FUCKING terrified. Trump us going to execute them all and no amount of screaming to the public for outrage is going to stop him. Shhh leftists, this will only hurt a minute.

sodePllAlliK ago

Everyone should know from the Nuremberg Trials and Operation Paperclip that military tribunals are complete bullshit.

Pizzalawyer ago

the ones who were hung after judgement was rendered no doubt felt the trials were bullshit too.

sodePllAlliK ago

Heh, so you saw the hangings?

KillerKap ago

Military tribunals run by retarded globalists go fake and gay once so all tribunals run by entirely different crew MUST be bullshit. Thanks for opening my eyes to such truth you fucking idiot faggot.

sodePllAlliK ago

You're welcome.

Outcome5 ago

I am so glad this guys puppet strings were cut. Hes actually smart as a whip when hes not being a controlled RINO

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yeah, keep pushing back the goal post and selling the phony Trump vs the Deep state BS. He is one of them, you are not allowed on the ballot if you are an outsider, nor are you ever mentioned. Trump is not and was never fighting them, they are his peers, his society, he has the same masters, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Vatican. You guys are relentless pushing this BS that is meant to psyop us into thinking people in high places are fighting for us. The reason Trump uses state of emergencies is because the potus has declared no less than one a year since 1933, the year our government was dissolved and assets turned over to the International bankers and UN. During national emergencies, the constitution is suspended, so we have not been under constitutional governance since we have been alive. Raise your level of awareness and stop with this nonsense. We do something or they continue to crush us. Agenda 21 is live. Chemtrails and "wildfires", floods, forced relocation are al going on in mass. Q and the sealed indictments has been discredited over and over. Wake up.

Narcissism ago

Trump is the Zio clan faction of the Deep State which is having a punch up with the Rothschild/ Killary other faction Deep State. Trump is going after no one just doing a little bit to expose the other side while doing Netanyahu's bidding. Choice between the two factions I'll take the Trump/ Netanyahu train for now....

Pizzalawyer ago

Your point is very well taken. Just why are we viewing our savior? He was a bombastic blowhard hardcore capitalist , pro Israel before the election whose business hands cannot possibly be clean. However, he was never fully embraced by high society and TPTB. Has his overly large ego jolted him into the role of savior as a form of payback for being dissed? I think the hatred of the Clintons has fueled alot of action and provides a hero's cape for anyone wanting to take them on. Isnt it really a matter of whose dick iis bigger: Trump, Bill Clinton, Bush Jr or Obama ?

ESOTERICshade ago

Trump might be most Zionist friendly and affiliated President we have ever had but nobody can be bothered to notice. He is the ONLY President that ever been awarded the "Friends Of Israel" award and they are literally minting a Shekel with his face on it. His family and friends are hard core Zionists. His mentor was Roy Cohn. His financial backers are Zionist gangsters (Sheldon Adelson) and Rothschild affiliates (Wilbur Ross) but they cant be bothered to notice or care. Its crazy to say the least.

liberty89 ago

Q post 916

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

ESOTERICshade ago

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Aint no "we" in this bullshit because i'm not stupid enough to believe that Q is real.

liberty89 ago

shut the fuck up this isn't a debate and this isn't a public forum and you aren't entitled to an opinion

liberty89 ago

lol who are you?

oneiromancy ago

Yah, because being friendly to Zionists is paramount to being a pizza lover. I guess since Obama seems pretty anti-Zionist, he should have our support!

ESOTERICshade ago

Yah, because being friendly to Zionists is paramount to being a pizza lover. I guess since Obama seems pretty anti-Zionist, he should have our support!

False equivalency my friend. I just proved to you in one short paragraph that Trump IS the deep state you believe he is fighting against but as usual Q follower, you just brushed right past the HARD CORE FACTS AND DETAILS.

KillerKap ago

still shilling like a regular prostitute. Hey ES! Go fuck yourself and die.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey Eric and agrosciv, go fuck yourselves. I included you both because you are on the same level.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

How'd you prove it then because I'm not seeing it.

Pizzalawyer ago

So we bash fellow Pizzagaters who have a different opinion about Q? Were you born under a rock when real mothers were teaching manners to their youngins? You are not going to do well with the Q oriented refugees from Reddit. Maybe you can start a separate subverse called ANTIQ, kinda like ANTIFA and let the rest of us get back to sex abuse of children by elites.

ESOTERICshade ago

So we bash fellow Pizzagaters who have a different opinion about Q?

Fuck yea it happens to me everyday. I get called a shill simply because I am observant enough to notice that Trump's entire life has been intertwined with zionist gangsters and scum like Roy Cohn. People can't say they don't believe Q is our savior without the Q followers getting toxic about it.

You are not going to do well with the Q oriented refugees from Reddit.

Hopefully the mods won't let them totally shit this place up but i'm not so sure how much faith I have in that.

Maybe you can start a separate subverse called ANTIQ, kinda like ANTIFA and let the rest of us get back to sex abuse of children by elites.

This is not a laboratory to examine anonymous internet sources. This is pizzagate. Don't give me advice. It only takes 30 minutes to examine Trump's background, current affiliations, and all Q's failed predictions to see that Q is totally full of shit.

Psalm144-1 ago


Dktrogers6250 ago

I think they have Lindsey by the short hairs..

Did you see the footage of him and Huma at Noname’s funeral?

General Kelly and Mattis were watching them like a hawk and Lindsey looked scared AF!!

Pizzalawyer ago

Nevermind the messenger, look at the message, that is the Q and A at the judge's public hearing and then give us your comment if happens to be different from the first one.

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks for making a post on this. For those impatient to see some dramatic arrests, we need to wait until January 19, 2019 when Trump's executive orders re: military tribunals and grabbing assets of human traffickers goes into effect. The number of documents in association with federal indictments is now up to 50,000 and growing. This is simply astonishing. But these filings are in existing federal courts around the USA. .Can they be transferred to a military court?

Anonomus911 ago

The thing is you'll never know about 90% of the military tribunals. It's not like criminal courts. And the MSM hasn't learned to pay attention to what the military is doing, in this regard. Many believe No Name was the first tried and convicted by them.

KillerKap ago

I believe so. The left should be terrified. This is their worst nightmare come true. Justice seems like tyranny to the degenerate.

paulf ago

And executed by them too.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Can they technically make the arrests for domestic issues first then when jan 19 comes into effect we can hit them with the military tribunals?

Pizzalawyer ago

I know nothing of international law. And I am not very well informed about US. laws applicable to US citizens engaged in human trafficking.

I dont want to hold my breath about the impact of EOs come January 19th other than to say at some point in time the 50,000 plus court documents affiliated with sealed indictments have to be acted upon I would think.

Fateswebb ago

Well if it's the ms13 gang members linked in the link above. I would think so, since that only lists drug trafficking etc. It seems like with new charges they could do whatever. That's my guess. Maybe they're holding back changing for human trafficking to do just that?

think- ago

and grabbing assets of human traffickers goes into effect.

The EO does only apply for people already named in the EO annex and foreign citizens who may be named at a later point. It does not apply to US citizens who are not already listed in the annex.

You are a lawyer, you should know. Please read the EO again. Thank you.

paulf ago

YES IT DOES. Here it the relevant part abbreviated so you can get the flow of it more easily:

Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

(i) the persons listed in the Annex to this order; (ii) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General: (...) (iii) any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General: (A) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of: (1) any activity described in subsections (ii)(A), (ii)(B)(1), or (ii)(B)(2) of this section that is conducted by a foreign person;

There are three categories of people. (i) The persons in the Annex. (ii) Any foreign person doing this shit. (iii) any person who assists any foreign person doing this shit.

If the property comes within the United States or that come within the possession or control of any United States person (Section 1. (a)) then boom - it's blocked.

Eric Schmidt resigned from Alphabet hours after this EO was published. He knew what it meant.

MazeyDaze ago

There was a thread in r/greatawakening that was tying iii into the Bushes also.

Pizzalawyer ago

The EO expands the list of "specially designated persons" all of whom are foreigners. The Global Magnitsky Act applies to "any person" including US citizens who.act in concert with them. Three of the designated individuals allegedly made large contributons to the Clinton Foundation but that may not be sufficient to confer jurisdiction. One SDP is a Pakistani doctor involved in organ harvesting, Muchtar Shah

Anonomus911 ago

Graham's discussion of military tribunals during Kavanaugh's hearing was odd. Seemed to say military tribunals will be used on US citizens, whether here or abroad. Like No Name.

Pizzalawyer ago

I didnt read it so thanks for educating me, I was being lazy.

think- ago

Sorry, I didn't want to be rude. I seem to be getting unnerved everytime the EO is mentioned.

Pizzalawyer ago

@think- ts ok, folks like myself are impatient to see some justice meted out on the democratic side of the aisle and wonder where the hell is the posse? Will the EO be the panacea or not. The country was genuinely outraged by the Watergate break in which is child's play compared to what's happening today. I was in law school at the time and classes were actually suspended so that students and professors alike could watch the hearings on TV in the student union room (or cafeteria) Senator Sam Ervin was our hero much like Trey Gowdy. (The South produces great orators). Anyway, action was swift, Nixon resigned and crooks went to jail. The Clintons then brought us decades of corruption and few even bat an eyelash now Those of us who care are jumping at any indication that justice is just around the corner in the form of Q or EOs or wbatever. So there's no harm done. You are a good moderater.

think- ago

Thanks. :-) Interesting that you were allowed to watch the hearings on tv!

Pizzalawyer ago

Students were bringing tv sets and radios to the law school.campus. It didnt matter whether you were liberal or conservatve. We were rivited by the proceedings and the professors were as well. They probably thought we would see the law in live action and that was as instructive as any textbook.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry, I didn't want to be rude. I seem to be getting unnerved everytime the EO is mentioned.

Don't feel bad. I have tried in vain to make people aware of the same thing but they can't be bothered to take 30 minutes to actually look at the Executive Order themselves. They just keep spreading the fantasy.

And, I don't believe for a minute that pizzalawyer is actually a lawyer because he keeps spreading the baseless rumor that there are 50,000 sealed indictments. Many documents can be sealed that are NOT indictments. A few of them maybe indictments, but statistically speaking, most of them will not be indictments. Math works that way.

Pizzalawyer ago

@Esotericshade: And you are not reading carefully either. I never once said there were 50,000 sealed indictments. I said 50,,000 documents related to sealed indictments. It is unclear from Pacer as to what filings constitute search warranta, arrest warrants, witness subpoenas, seizure of assets warrants, attendant to any indictment. I am not going to speculate what percentage constitutes an actual indictment.

Plenty of young bucks here still wet behind the ears getting hard ons when they think they can upbraid a lawyer. You look foolish to someone who is long in the tooth, I assure you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Just because something is sealed does not mean it is an indictment and as a lawyer you should know that, bro.

Pizzalawyer ago

@esotericshade: ow many times do you have to be told that there are 50,000 sealed documents related to sealed indictments. There is no way of knowing which doument is an indictment . One indictment might have a witness list of 5, another might have 100 attendant witness subpoenas. It makes no sense to keep the indictment sealed and all the search warrants, prejudgement asset seizure warrants open to the public for then we would know who is indicted. These filings are on the criminal side of the docket, the other side devoted to.civil.cases. The number of the filings far outpace anything we have ever seen before, so much so that I wondered if they concerned illegal immigrants. Because they are sealed , we can only speculate. There are several websites devoted to tracking these sealed filings which may interest you.

And how did you arrive at the conclusion that if I dont know about the sealed documents, then I'm not a real lawyer? You are growing younger by the minute. Do you say to a plastic surgeon that if he or she doesnt know about cancer treatments that he or she must not be a real doctor? You have absolutely no idea how vast the law has become and how specialized the lawyers are. Otherwise you wouldn't make such ridiculous statements.

ESOTERICshade ago

How many times do you have to be told that there are 50,000 sealed documents related to sealed indictments.

I know that.

There is no way of knowing which document is an indictment .

That has been my point FROM DAY ONE. Which is why Q people need to stop spreading the false rumor that Trump and Q have 50,000 sealed indictments ready for military tribunals which will incarcerate a third of Washington D.C. and the Rothschilds. The whole fairy tale is beyond ridiculous.

You are immune from learning anything from me, so maybe these websites will help you.

This is the first time you ever said anything remotely lawerly, condescending prick. And if you are a lawyer, I can't believe that you would fall for the Q bait.

SoberSecondThought ago

@Pizzalawyer, this happens about as often as a full solar eclipse, but it does happen: @ESOTERICshade is closer to the truth on this question, and the truth is actually even less encouraging than he suggests.

If you read this thread, you will see that the method used to count the sealed items was flawed from the beginning, and the standard used to judge what is "normal" for sealed items in the PACER system was badly flawed as well. The study that they cite is perfectly real and trustworthy, but they didn't read it carefully.

In a "normal" year (2006), PACER saw about 1,100 sealed indictments that were still sealed in early 2008. But it also saw more than 15,000 sealed magistrate judge proceedings and more than 8,000 sealed miscellaneous proceedings that were also still sealed more than a year later. That is, the total number of sealed documents in that year was at least 24,000 and could have been a lot higher. The correct standard of comparison is not "Wow, 5,000 sealed documents per month compared to 1,100 in a whole year!" That's comparing apples to oranges.

Now, more than a decade later, we are seeing about 4,500 to 5,000 sealed documents per month, which would be 54,000 to 60,000 for the year. However, most of that is probably magistrate judge proceedings or miscellaneous proceedings, coming from a federal system that has presumably gotten busier over time.

The group of volunteers who go through PACER district by district and add up the number of new sealed documents never track how many are unsealed. The current running total, 50,000 or whatever it is, is not actually meaningful. Judging by past practice, most of those documents have already been unsealed and weren't relevant to human trafficking to begin with. So we don't have a meaningful number.

I have cited the 5,000-documents-per-month figure in the past, but that was because I was pressed for time and placed excessive trust in the people who actually have access to PACER to read and comprehend the instructions. They didn't do that, and henceforth I think the 5,000-per-month number needs to vanish altogether. It explains nothing and proves nothing.

Sorry, but that's life on the Internet. Check everything yourself if you want to be sure of something.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no guy bueno, they will be given jobs as operatives for the FBI like my psycho stalker ex's Honduran step brother is...

carmencita ago

What? Good God! I hope not. I am hoping for the best, but yes, there have been some horrid additions to aid our Union People like those in the SEIU that we think helped with the murder of Seth Rich.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

SEIU = Scumbag Employees & Intentional Undertakers

carmencita ago

Unfortunately that seems to be the case nowadays. Many years ago unions were the greatest thing for workers. They have been infiltrated like everything else. Mafia and MS-13.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

and the Pak ISI 111th, and God knows how many Asian gangs.

carmencita ago

OMG! It is an Army of Misfits. We had better enlarge our SEAL program and Military Police.

Pizzalawyer ago

hooray! thats a start.

carmencita ago

Hope they go further with charges, maybe RICO. Organized Crime is what they are.

Snailracer ago

If you follow Senator Graham's reasoning, they can be tried under military law and executed.

carmencita ago

Well, that is all well and good, but I don't understand what this means coming from him of all people. Deep State is what I have always thought.