PedoStomper ago

I'm sure you guys are aware of these already, but just in case, I'll post them anyway. I first heard about these when I was watching a video of Takedownman on a livestream going through unlisted YT channels, some of which contained MKUltra related content.

MK ULTRA Trigger Video 1

MK ULTRA Trigger Video 2

Unlisted YT Videos with Takedownman

tarataylor ago

this site is sick. I cannot believe anyone can do these things to a child. Depraved and so so evil. I hate these sickos.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Ty for this thread. This is what I remember PG being.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

When the original fatherhood web video was posted here MAGABoomer came on here and told us all not to click on any of those links, then got banned for Child porn. It was clear MAGABoomer was a child pornographer from my conversations with him wherein he defended a pedo who personally targeted my kid by saying he had done nothing wrong yet for me to report and then sent me to a separate board to "get help" learning how to report him. That separate board happened to be where I was sent my first death threat during the investigation. Since then I've been targeted and sent other harassing messages for related investigations and some of them were personally targeting me in methods like hacking into my email, getting names of my kids, etc.

The WorldCorpO website is very likely tracking IP addresses of visitors, and possibly planting viruses or malware on your computers so I would be careful. I'm not even sure who we report this to? A number of us reported this to law enforcement last time and nothing was done. What is the point of them posting this stuff and trying to get us to watch it?

I for one do not want to watch it or click on any links personally that go directly to that website. If you could please add archived versions or copies to an anonymous image hosting site and upload the link so others can look. My computer got infected with malware some time around December 2016 but it could have been other sites like that where I picked up more malware later on in the year 2017. I didn't discover that I had over 30 malware apps on my computer until much later but the first one dated back to December 2016.

It seems to me like the point of some of these is to get those of us who are really wanting to help children to watch the videos just to get us to witness trauma and become traumatized, or that they may be using their MK Ultra mind control triggers in the actual videos they're publishing on that site.

If the child has a bag over the head and there's nothing but a voice on there for identification, consider just copying and pasting this link and sending it to The White House and Interpol and Wikileaks and copying to several members of congress instead of trying to make it through watching it yourself.

I'm attending training on helping victims of abuse and trauma and one of the things I recently learned is that witnessing trauma is known as secondhand trauma and it can cause physical reactions in our bodies and brains that will end up making us overreact to triggering stimuli. Based on the fact that there are a number of shills on here using Elsagate related code words repeating them over and over and over it seems like some of the people reading these threads are going to be taken unaware when they view these things and possibly subjected to the embedded imagery i.e. the Kek virus that Quinn Michaels mentioned, or perhaps even some of the other patented MK Ultra technologies that exist. I made a thread about these a few days ago but my suspicion is that if you've ever watched any videos or looked at any images that make you feel sick, you may have been subjected to embedded image filters, or some other technology.

There was a twitter page a while back that targeted me and they had a number of photos similar to what you describe particularly of the toilet with poop and blood. I believe it was @cragslistyugi but they have since changed their content and removed the photos.

A lot of times lately when I see certain trolls sharing pizzagate memes they seem to have grainy or pixelated overlain imagery that makes the picture almost appear blurry. I would just say avoid looking at any photos that have a pixelated or blurry look to them.

I'd also mute before watching any of those videos if you plan on subjecting yourself to witnessing the trauma.

anotherdream ago

Jeezus fuck - These videos are crazy disturbing. What the fuck?!?!

GeorgeT ago

What this shows is that Hostel Franchise was based on reality.

PedoStomper ago

I remember when I first saw Hostel, I said to my friends right afterwards "You know that shit has to go on in real life, right?" Of course, they all snickered and laughed, called me a "conspiracy theorist," and then joked about how much the prices would be. It kind of made me sick. Then I saw how excited people got for the second Hostel movie, and I realized "Wow. It's almost like people want to participate in something like this, if they could get away with it." I feel the same way about The Purge series. The entire trilogy is literally MK Ultra programming designed to stir up racial/class tensions, and instill people with a desire to kill their fellow citizens, but not to bother the elite who rule over them. You wouldn't believe how many people I've heard say "Wouldn't it be cool if The Purge was real so I could go out and kill Trump supporters?"

GeorgeT ago

The Orginial purge with Ethan Hawke was awesome. Predictive programming. What better way to cull population (their No1 agenda as inscribed on Georgia Guidestones) than to pit half the country against another half and watch the slaughter unfold.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They use movies for revelation of the method and predictive programming. So yes, Hostel is probably going on.

GeorgeT ago

It's going on and it involves children! Kubrick could not show it for censorship reasons.

GeorgeT ago

That fatherhood video was real (whether or not it was Skippy. It sure sounded like him.

Gothamgirl ago

The first video: I was told by SYNT.US the kid was put in an acid bath @Psychanaut was a witness to that.

2Nd video that shack is in Africa.

I went into the discord, we did't get along to well, and they bumped me out.

I believe this site was one of a few part of Cicada3301.

PedoStomper ago

Someone needs to try going into the Discord and getting these guys to actually talk, instead of just arguing with them.

Gothamgirl ago

Trust me I did I was real nice. Till they started making threats and calling me gay guy. I will go back again, I don't think they will talk though, they made that clear up front.

Otto- ago

I can higher the pitch for the voice of the guy flashing the light and ordering the kid with a bag over his head, I can even stabilize some videos and try a clean-up effect, but it doesn't do any good, it's still an indistinguishable, generic voice. Nothing we can analyse here will help. More background info would be good, but their attempt to troll only works insofar as it is a distraction. Out response is rumours, speculation and naturally anger. I would say do not to give up, realize it is a cowering tactic and don't fall down the rabbit hole, report it if you must but only rely success through other threads and other means. Bless you guys for trying.

Jesus Fucking Christ, this sure shat on my day.

Gothamgirl ago

I feel its been put in the public, by the whitehats for us to learn, the depravity of these deranged degenerates. Also to torture them, time is on our side.

Micheal84 ago

Lets get @Gothamgirl to look at this.

Gothamgirl ago

I was hoping never to have to look at this again lol, stuff nightmares are made from. I must have cursed Skippy out on my social media for 6 months straight after seeing this. I think the other one could be his brother, or Sandusky.

MichaelClayton ago

Before the redesign I saw a hidden video of skippy in a hoody standing in the woods. His face was hidden but he had the same build. Only can think that’s where they buried or sacrificed the boy. Now where the video used to be it says “Nope”

Cc1914 ago

This sounds absolutely horrific! I can't watch because I'm still trying to get " you think your hot sh** dontcha " memory out of my head ! Thanks for suffering through this so you could describe it 😱

PedoStomper ago

If I ever see Podesta in person, I want to yell that at him just to see if he glares at me. I feel like the look on his face would FINALLY tell us if it's really him or not in that video.

Justsomeone ago

Fucking Christ, I can't even read it without hearing that voice.

wincraft71 ago

Everybody watch the child abuse video of the shirtless kid in pajama pants with a bag over his head getting mentally abused and yelled at in the shower:

gamepwn ago

Just added it to my post, how the hell is this website still running?

anotherdream ago

That's what the fuck I'm talking about - Why the fuck hasn't this shit been taken down? - Why are these fuckers not arrested?!?!?!?

PedoStomper ago

Well some people on here have suspected that WorldCorpO is an "art" website, and that nothing will ever get taken down because there's no DIRECT evidence that anything illegal is going on. Tons of people have been saying that right from the beginning, that this website is just some creepy weirdo posting bizarre videos that don't have any deeper meaning, and that it's basically a troll site. I don't know what I think of this fucking website; all I know is that it's creepy as hell.

anotherdream ago

Definitely fucking creepy.

Astrotheologist ago

The president has been a fuckin pedophile for the last 50 years people...

You think they have trouble putting their pedo friends in the top positions of law enforcement?

Dont be so naive

carmencita ago

You can't tell me this is as bad or worse than the Fatherhood video. Your description is horrid enough. WTH is right. That site should have been shut down by now.

gamepwn ago

It's bad... I can't say it is more bad or worse then Fatherhood but I can say this one has visual content while the other one was just screaming. A child is struggling as someone is strangling him with a bag over his head... the other one looks like a teen who has what appears to be stab holes all over his stomach and someone starts beating or stabbing him with something it's hard to tell as the teen begin to struggle.

GreenDell144 ago

This site needs to be reported to .... EVERYONE... Fbi, on everyones twitter, every news station, write your congressman. Everyone needs to be shouting out. This stuff used to be on the deep web where nobody could really do anything about it. Now theyre trolling us, putting it ob the regular internet, where someone, somewhere has a name attached. Even if this is flagged as entertainment, the notoriety and obvious to e merits investigation.

PedoStomper ago

Usually you'd have to dig deep into the asshole of the internet to find shit like this. Now its' everywhere. I fear that there is some sort of "back end" to WorldCorpO that "members" can access to get the "real" content. What we're seeing on the surface is probably just a creepy shield to keep people from digging any deeper into the website's content and true purpose.

For the folks saying "it's an art project," you could be right. There are sick "artists" out there, like Marina Abramovic. But then again, you could be wrong, and this website could be at the core of PizzaGate, and could hold some of its deepest secrets.

Astrotheologist ago

Tell everyone who is involved in the coverup your saying...

It is going to take a hell of a lot more than that. These people own armies...they own the FBI, the FBI was created to protect these people, the media is used to mock us, the congressman is probably the one in the video.

GreenDell144 ago

We only have two choices, ignore it (and accept) or speak out. One well placed phone call can become a spot on local news or a tweet storm that they can’t do anything against. Then the sight comes down. A public official that heard about it may see a chance to help the masses (us) and gain political power by speaking out. That means it won’t come back for awhile and maybe someone gets punished, at least fired indisgrace. If a politician stepped in at this point, many would label that one a hero.

This website is basically like a giant middle finger to decent folk, there in public. And their laughing about it. It is my opinion that they are underestimating us. It is my opinion that there are dozens, maybe hundreds of these conversations going on around the nets, and with those there are likely hundreds of lurkers. I will estimate the number of suspicious/outraged people who are expecting a big change to be very high. In the millions. The are waiting in line right now for their pizzagate vaccine, so to speak. That huge number of people is hard to see, because they are camouflaged by a mass of billions of sleeping sheep. Those sheep are oblivious to this phallus that the cabal is waving in their collective faces (the world Corp website, elsagate, pedo normalization, lgbtq+P, etc).

PedoStomper ago

This is true. Imagine if a bunch of small-town local TV networks started running stories about PG and WorldCorpo. It could be a huge win for us.

GreenDell144 ago

I honestly think that needs to be the next step. 50% of the US. Is small town and most of those folk pay just as much attention to their local news, if not more.

Astrotheologist ago

we need to make a new anon youtube channel dedicated to putting this in the publics faces.

I dont know what will work but its absolutely fucking insane to me that the majority of people refuse to pay any attention to this.

Its completely obvious though that the media and the "authorities" are covering it all up.

You rape kids, you get put in charge of people and used as a puppet.

PedoStomper ago

The problem is that your average person can't even comprehend the idea that there are people who exist that like to rape kids. Your average everyday retard thinks that pedophilia is limited to people with schizophrenia, or trailer-park meth addicts. They couldn't even begin to conceive that it's more likely that their favorite celebrity, a politician they like, or even their own Doctor or Dentist, is a pedo, as opposed to some guy living in a trailer park named Cleetus.

PedoStomper ago

I recently got informed about the existence of unlisted YouTube channels, some of which have thousands of views, and the videos are very odd and MK-Ultra themed.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

FBI? Write your congressman? News stations? Do you have Alzheimers? This is why you guys are always wrong and always dissapointed. It never sinks in does it?

And how can it be flagged as entertainment? Are you suggesting there is any chance an argument can be made that the child is acting?

GreenDell144 ago

Evil should be exposed. I’m not gonna roll over and go back to sleep. Reaching out to anyone and everyone increases my chances of finding someone else’s that isn’t too jaded to care. I’m neither wrong nor disappointed. Also the website has specific warnings that it’s content is for entertainment, discretion advised blah blah...

I would like to see people making some noise about this stuff when they see it. It’s unreal that you think that is a bad idea. What is the cost? Little or nothing to let public officials know that we don’t accept this. Obviously, there is a slim chance that they will respond, but someone may take hope and see that others aren’t giving up. Evil will be exposed. It’s just a matter of time. I predict sooner, rather than later, we will see a critical mass.

I get your point, I do. None of us really has the power to change this system. Hundreds of thousands marched in Europe over the child sex scandal over there. We haven’t seen anything like that from pizzagate yet, AND their marching had a negligible effect. The bad guys are still in power. As far as it is up to me, I’m not giving up. Call me names all you want. I won’t call you a coward in return though.

MichaelClayton ago

Rumor has it the site was created by the fbi

gamepwn ago

This is beyond sick...with how viral this website was on the Pizzagate and other forms back when Fatherhood was going around this really does feel like their trolling us. They have a bag over a kids head...that is not a joke. Someone needs to do something about this. Who the hell are all those people on the WordCorp Discord server? This website might be a a snuff film/CP site for those users.

GreenDell144 ago

Totally. Im anxious to see how other voaters respond, especially the twitter users. I forgot about that site. Reminds me of that rabbit hole of weird MKULTRA sites from a few months back. Weird new look and oblique art+analog videos.

gamepwn ago

I am to, I don't know what to say or do. I was about to call Orlando Police Department for a second I almost vomited. It's spilling out onto the normal net now. Facebook had a child porn video going around, that whole Duckduckgo "image url" that Syrazie posted about, and WorldCorpo updating it self suspiciously in December. Reddits "Watch People Die" had a murder of a 10 year old on it that I posted about a while back. Child Porn and Snuff Videos are beginning to come onto the normal internet...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The police will be watching you, not them. But go for it. And then demand an answer into their progress.

GreenDell144 ago

I'll take the links you posted and make some messages and comments after I rest a bit. I don't do twitter, though. I will look into comments or emails in some local news websites too.

GreenDell144 ago

Tweets seem effective. That gets attention. Local news reports. Comments and messages to influential youtubers can help too. There are many disposed to report on pizzagate: reallygraceful, sgtreport, highimpactflix, honeybee, david seaman, victurus libertas, etc

think- ago

Yes, maybe @Honeybee_ could look into this?