15652465? ago

OMG how old are you gamepwn? You look sooo young. Cute, but young. I imagined you were older! Stay safe and keep up the good work!

15652497? ago

20's lol. I know I have a young face haha I hate it :S

15652511? ago

Awww! Don't hate it! You'll probably Love that one day!

15652525? ago

haha so I'm told :p haha thank you x) I'm glad you have been enjoying my research! We got to stop this nightmare!

15652598? ago

Absolutely! I'm feeling hopeful that we're getting there.

15648153? ago

Word to the wise. Keep a back up of all your content on your own owned storage.

15648866? ago

I have them all backed up!

15649399? ago

Sweet. Sounds D's like you know your stuff. Can I ask if you have monetized your channel. (I don't what anybody says, it is the smart thing to do. )

15650807? ago

Appreciate it! No I haven't but I might to my hobby page again soon.

15648086? ago

Unless you have evidence of wrong doing, you are nothing more than another conspiracy theory to them. There is a woman I know in Lincoln Nebraska. She worked for Gary Caratori on the Franklin Cover-up. Do you know they tampered with Gary's cars and such. He actually got to the point he was afraid to drive any of his vehicles, including his boat. She said he made a phone call to the Nebraska state senator the day before he died saying he was in Chicago meeting with someone who has proof GHWB was involved as well as Warren Buffett.... His plane went down and he never made it back to Nebraska.

15652259? ago

sounds like a meth head making up bullshit

15652381? ago

And you sound like a faggot, but who am I to judge, if ya wanna suck dick, knock urself out.

15648039? ago

If they are coming for tlthen they are coming for all top level users, bearers of the information, those capable of education. And yes at some point they will come for us all. Be very prepared. Have bear rounds on the ready. Have police grade pepper/chem spray. Have hand weopons for confined combat and open ground combat. Have defensive shields for live rounds. Have visual assault capabilities and it couldn't hurt to have a flare gun for signaling help.

15647729? ago

Just change your username to something else if you're worried

15647406? ago

Face or no face ..ask yourself this:. 1. How safe do I feel? 2. Is any feeling of lessened safety based on facts I can describe?

Answer those questions and there's your answer.

Not being cryptic or threatening, Bruh, just former law enforcement. That's the way they would see it, and it's a good standard for you to analyze your situation.

15647393? ago

Unless you're uncovering some specifics on an active ring, you're probably not in any real danger, but you will probably eventually get shut down.

15647166? ago

They came after George Webb's friend/associate twice. First time, she was hurt real bad, second time, dead.

15647260? ago

Jem777? Yeah I know about her I was there during all of that and spoke to her several times since I was here when Pizzagate broke out. People were saying it was because she associated with George Webb who is most likely Mossad.


15646525? ago

I don't think anyone's coming after you, but you permemently associating yourself with the crank commnuity. You know that kid who had some video editing skills and made the 9/11 truth film Loose Change. It made him a big deal for a while....except now he doesn't believe that stuff anymore. But it's still the first thing people associate him with.

You also may want to look into libel laws. The pizzagate community is pretty frivolous with defamation, so far the lawyers only went after folks like Alex Jones who had to apologize and admit he had no evidence, but it's possibility.

15646803? ago

15646525? wrote:

I don't think anyone's coming after you, but you permemently associating yourself with the crank commnuity. You know that kid who had some video editing skills and made the 9/11 truth film Loose Change. It made him a big deal for a while....except now he doesn't believe that stuff anymore. But it's still the first thing people associate him with.

You also may want to look into libel laws. The pizzagate community is pretty frivolous with defamation, so far the lawyers only went after folks like Alex Jones who had to apologize and admit he had no evidence, but it's possibility.

For irrefragable physicochemical proof that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by deep-state elements of the US government--i.e., via the use of large quantities of thermite in the case of the collapse of the three destroyed World Trade Center towers--see pp. 75-84 of my following article:

The foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

And Pizzagate is certainly real. It is a fact that James Alefantis and his friends were constantly posting serial-killer child and infant rape, torture, murder and cannibalism jokes on their public social media pages, and that Alefantis's Comet Ping Pong is mentioned in John Podesta's released emails, and that this is a type of behavior that is often seen on the social media accounts by self-professed Satanists and Crowleian occultists. Further, Podesta and his crowd are known to be fans of Crowleian black magick, in addition to them quite often using bizarre code-words involving their private recreational (i.e., non-governmental and non-business) get-togethers in their released emails.

This is not a sideline issue for the globalist oligarchy, but rather is one of their principal means of blackmail-control over their members. It has often come out that the top members of the political and business elite are into violent and lethal pedophilia and cannibalism. Such as with the cases of the Franklin Scandal; Marc Dutroux; the Finders; Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island and Lolita Express; Jimmy Savile and the British royalty; Haut de la Garenne; the Texas Youth Commission; etc. Just to name a few such cases that have come to light.

For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding elite Satanism and its practice by the globalist oligarchy, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis", pp. 87-98 of my above article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes.

15652269? ago

you sound like a speed freak or schizo

15646876? ago

Exactly. All of those I have tried to bring attention to. Just pure shilling to call it fake. Dutroux, Epstein, Savile, Laurence King, Alefantis, much of the British royalty, just all sick pedophile psychopaths.

15646959? ago

Hi, 15646876?. You wrote:

Exactly. All of those I have tried to bring attention to. Just pure shilling to call it fake. Dutroux, Epstein, Savile, Laurence King, Alefantis, much of the British royalty, just all sick pedophile psychopaths.

Yes, it's actually an ancient system that goes back to when the gods/demons required public human-sacrifice. For much more on this, see my following article:

15647002? ago

I'll check it out! We all got to stop this nightmare together. Been researching the more religious aspects of Pizzagate like Babylonian Baal Nephilim demons, Freemasonary, various religions and societies and their Holy books, to see origins into what has devolved our world into this depravity and the ruling families.


15647191? ago

15647002? wrote:

I'll check it out! We all got to stop this nightmare together. Been researching the more religious aspects of Pizzagate like Babylonian Baal Nephilim demons, Freemasonary, various religions and societies and their Holy books, to see origins into what has devolved our world into this depravity and the ruling families.


Thank you for the link.


15646360? ago

most people will assume you were a weirdo pedophile

15646365? ago

Most people will assume you are a piece of shit who could care less about Human Trafficking victims.

15646337? ago

Pizzagate is fake

15647366? ago


15646170? ago

Of course it is safe. Please send your SSID so I can remove misinformation about you to meatspin.com

15646154? ago

I think this is some deep reverse psychology going on here.