15650535? ago

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15647003? ago

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15578861? ago

The mentally ill, psychopaths, and sociopaths need a club to belong to, so they can share their perversions. So, they make up all this satan stuff to justify their crimes. If there really was a satan, wouldn't he have destroyed us all by now? Logic and reason is easy.

15567793? ago

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15567143? ago

Jesus... come on guys... The "religion" these people follow is outside of the scope of what fits in the judeo-Christian box. I am not certain if half of the people on this thread will really ever be able to understand that there are actual "witch wars" for lack of a better term going on here where a good bit of the resistance to the cabal that is helping us (humanity) fight these foul fucks is totally deeply rooted in the magical arts and the ability to use their own tools against them. Classifying this as a "religious" struggle between God and "Satan" is infantile, dangerous, and ignorant.

Please do not attempt to classify the liberty movement in our country as a "christian" movement fighting "satanic" forces. This is a movement where the light of the MOST HIGH god... is shining from within the hearts of the people that bear it (Oh my God, he said light-bearer... that's satan... hes luciferian satan pig...). Jesus said not to put your light under a Bush...

Jesus in all of his infinite wisdom did not write any books. Blindly following books written about him from 200 years after the fact as pure, unadulterated , God-speak is insane. While the Christian's were busy killing opposition, burning books, and selling redemption certificates a small clan of the original thread of knowledge survived. The Gnosis held true bound in clay vessels. Dig into the Nag Hammadi and find out who these pigs really serve and realize that when you stand next to your brothers from any walk of life that they are in this fight with you from the right source and for the right reasons... Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Now, that being said, Islam is still a fucking problem and needs to be eradicated. It was designed to create and control Armies by dark Archonic forces.

15574172? ago

Amen brother. This is not about religion as many of us know it. This is about the triumph of light and love. I too have done the Nag Hammadi dig, taking particular interest in the Gospel of Thomas. I appreciate the message many of the Christians in this movement are spreading and I stand with them, but this is not about Christianity as many of us know it today.

The true message behind the teachings of Jesus has been, in my opinion, obfuscated and hidden from us.

It’s all about love, people. Reject fear, and open your hearts and minds to Light.

16536309? ago

Yes! This.

15565448? ago

Interesting post about the different names Satan goes by but what struck me was his female counterpart semiramis who also goes by the name Columbia as in Columbia pictures the opening credits of films released by said studio features a beautiful woman in a toga holding a torch. Symbolism everywhere

15564830? ago

This post fascinates me since this is the think driving my search! Besides the obvious need for power, what would cause the elites to eorship a supposed non physical entity. In searching, I looked at the bible, plus historical information from so many cultures. I see the structure of false gods of the Maya for example, they has high priests, then lower preists, then wariors and sverage people. Above those high priests- what was it? Human or something else? Maybe a real physical being. Biblical Nephilim, other possible thoughts, humanoid species in hiding from us. Giants spoken of in other cultures and found elongated skulls in Peru. Could they be a physical creature here with us fighting to get back in full power? This idea just won’t stop running around in my head.

15564641? ago

Moloch/Molech has long been praised during rituals performed. Satan? That's the "nature" or "spirit" they channel when conducted said rituals. Israel? Judaism was established via the Torah but appears to have been quickly infiltrated, much like the other abrahamic religions.

Minerva? It's largely symbolism. Mostly, it seems to have been a tainted tradition from the time of the Greeks (Athena) and eventually Romans.

Baphomet? My, although limited, understanding here is that Baphomet is the human embodiment of Satan, largely used for symbolism.

Granted, these are mostly distractions. The symbolism is just their pathetic virtue signaling which helps to both signal certain things and identify themselves.

15564495? ago

I never name demons. My understanding is that they are all faces of the same demon, beginning with the letter B. When you pay homage to the one beginning with the letter M, it is a different face of B, so are actually paying homage to B. It's all the same energy, and a warrior/minion of what we call satan. One of lucifer's minions. I hope that was clear lol When we name a demon, we pay homage to that demon by giving it the honor, and respect of a name. I was taught that this was why Jesus did not name the demon by name, but rather He denigrated it by "serpent", etc. Which is why when I'm put in a position to use the 'L' name, I don't capitalize it. I'm just throwing this out here, because of the way people throw out these names. I was taught that there is power in one's name, which is why we are so careful about how we choose our children's names. [They] do the same.

15729655? ago

interesting and thanks

15564388? ago



15564755? ago


15564989? ago


15564376? ago

Moloch is a historic variation, "Canaanite" in this case of Baal, the Bull or Bull-headed god. In the age of Taurus, this was the ruling God. The bull has horns resembling the cresent moon, and so is associated with moon worship. Time used to be kept by moon cycles (360 days/yr). The bull is also an 'unstoppable' powerful force.....like the Leviathan....The Beast....of nature. From this we get the Minotaur........which is a huge symbol to The Black Hats. The Minotaur is "The Destroyer of Maidens". Taking away of innocence. Children were fed into the Bull idol's belly and burned in some cultures. Look for the symbol in Picasso paintings....it's everywhere. As well as the White Horse which is another Force of Power/Nature.

As for the Owl.....he sees in the dark....where others do not. An allusion to Secret Knowledge ("The Occult") It is the Roisecrucian's mascot as well as Bohemian Grove. You can see it often on Masonic built government buildings.

Both Angels and Daemons are forces, one positive, the other negative. When you read of either, imagine it as symbolic of a force or idea and the literal story suddenly takes on deeper meaning and can be applied in a more modern general fashion to your life's understanding of the invisible forces behind material objects.

"Be as wise as a serpent, but as 'innocent' (blameless) as a dove." It won't do to literalize these things as 'things' and avoid or misunderstand.

Know your enemy.

15564122? ago

The spiritual enemy are the demons, i.e. fallen angels who committed treachery against God.

Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. - Revelations 12:7-9

Their leader is lucifer who used to be one of the angels having the rank of seraphim (which is the highest i think). he became satan (which means the enemy of God) when he fell away from God (think Anakin becoming Vader).

From an exorcist I learned that below satan are 5 demons in the hierarchy called 'the table.' They are ba'al (demon of fornication), asmodeus (demon causing homosexuality in men), leviathan (demon causing homosexuality in women), lillith (not sure of its role), and baphomet (demon of human sacrifice).

I'm not sure about moloch particularly, that might just be another name for baphomet bc moloch is associated with human sacrifice in scripture. But basically all of these demons will pop up from time-to-time and be seen being worshipped in pagan cultures under different names because they desire to supplant and replace God. For example, lillith apparently is some goddess of sorts in talmudic judaism. Jupiter or saturn have been associated with satan.

The elite today worship these entities just as the pagans of old did. They probably have to give worship and human sacrifice to these various entities in order to obtain their wealth and power.

15563542? ago

What does RELIGION cause???


Now you have your answer......

15563337? ago


15563322? ago

These pagan gods are all different classes of fallen angels who masquerade as deities upon the earth. Due to the splitting of languages at Babel, each fallen angel can take many different names. Satan (aka Allah, Molech, Shiva, Zeus, Saturn, Cronos, Baal Hammon) is the leader of the fallen angels who appeared as the snake in Eden. He is associated with powers of lightning and the black cube system of demonic worship, and usually requires child rape and sex magick. He can take the form of an owl, a bull, or a serpent. His female counterpart is Semiramis (aka Tammuz, Kali, Ishtar, Astarte, Columbia, Isis, Minerva, Athena, Mary), who calls herself the "Queen of Heaven". Her worship was usually associated with temple prostitutes who would have sex and then sacrifice their children. On the other hand, the goat demon was originally Azazel, an "iyrin" (watcher) class angel who descended on Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared with 70 others to mate with human women who gave birth to mutant abominations. He later possessed a kiddy diddler named Muhammed, whose name was later transliterated as Baphomet. As Baphomet he was worshipped by the satanic Knights Templar. The goal of the satanists is to resurrect the bloodline of the fallen angels by breeding human/angel hybrids together. This is the basis of Lebensborn, the Nazi "master race" project.

15561670? ago

IMHO Satan is not Moloch, they are separate. Moloch would be considered something like one of Satan's princes, perhaps.

All the symbolism starts to converge around central figures, eventually. Goat... Pan... Azazel.

As another commenter said though, search engines can help. You just have to pick a thread and start pulling. There are tons of different ideas about this stuff, but if you read long enough you will find the similarities and patterns emerging.

15561744? ago

Moloch is just tool of Satan, Just like Mohammed was.

15561797? ago

Mohammad was a pedo jew. All jews are demons.

15562789? ago

mohammad is muslim. cousin to jew...not a jew

15562336? ago

No one can really speak in absolutes.

15562734? ago

...He says absolutely

15561669? ago

Lots of them are worshipping Baal whether they know it or not.

15561834? ago

I think many of them actually do know they are worshiping Baal and Satan. I think the power Satan has on earth is limited to the power men give to him. Satan's army and network is massive though and it seems super natural and omnipresent to those who see it.

It is the secret knowledge and connections people who give their life to Satan get. Money power sex, anything goes, from the outside it looks like real power and people fall for it all the time. Love patients and forgiveness? Who wants that?

15563014? ago

All the secret knowledge I've ever found leads to love patience and forgiveness. Unselfishness. Being yourself.

Not sure how people learn these things and become evil.

15566079? ago

must be the secrecy. if you're drawn to the dark you probably find affirmation in it and will attrack it

15569436? ago

Occult doesn't mean dark. It only means secret. If you don't know about it how are you going to beat the people that do?

15563461? ago

Witchcraft is easy to get started with. There are books and web sites. All it takes is someone willing to do dark stuff in order to effect some outcome in their life. It works, but there is always a price to be paid later.

People who want more of the power that it gives them will eventually find their way into secret circles that take them to deeper levels.

15561623? ago

Basically in a nut shell the secret societies all kinda merged. So the perversions of one merged with another and so on and so forth. It's all for blackmail, extortion and money. They will all burn in hell, lake of fire or Chicago.

15566108? ago

Yes ! This is the only way to explain imo how this cult got so huge overnight,

It does explain as well the many faces, layers and functions.

15572072? ago

Define Cult? We have no leader here. We tell no one what to think. We don't have a location. How in the hell are we a cult?

15561850? ago

Ugh, not Chicago that is horrible!

15561474? ago

A couple of quick answers from what I have gathered on this.

The real global elites, are elites because their family bloodlines have always been that way. They are the ancient royalty. Their family lines go back thousands of years, all the way back to the ancient pagan empires of the old testament. Primarily from the middle eastern empires.

Moloch is only one of many of the pagan gods that were, and continue to be worshipped by these pagan cultists. Generally speaking, the old pagan god's are also know as Luciferian "gods" or demons. According to some, the old pagan gods are the same as the biblical demons that Lucifer commands. I imagine there are many different branches of the Luciferian theology, much like other religions, with various sub-cults having their own codes of conduct.

15564389? ago

Sirian Annunaki draco reptilian hybrid.

15564351? ago

You are very right.

Check this out archive it and spread it, this is what it's all about. This connects everything, if you look into it this is the MOAB. This is the real great awakening.


"Everything stated has a purpose" "Wake up" - Open the eyes of my heart lord. When Q references a Trump tweet - "Misspellings matter, sentence formation matters" "How many coincidences until mathematically impossible?" "You have more than you know"

15563408? ago

What's the bet Moloch is the name of the Extra Terrestrial that Genetically Engineered the Bloodline Families to keep the rest of us in check.....

15564397? ago

Do you have anything to reference? I know the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets say humans were genetically engineered by Anunnaki using existing hominids and their own DNA. I haven't seen anything about an ET who specifically engineered the Bloodline Families. I'm intrigued!

15565083? ago

To add to what Cliff High said regarding the Nommos. They feel great responsibility toward humankind because the first times they came to populate Earth with human prototypes, they had I think 4 pairs or something. At that time, humans were what we would call hermaphrodites -- the Greek myth of human being originally both sexes, then split in two to have one female and one male. They left them do their stuff a little while then they discovered too late that 2 of their creations were pregnant. But according to the Natives' story, it was off season, meaning both humans were male at the time they mated and got pregnant. The Nommos warned them before not to do that but it did happen anyways -- Cliff was speculating that our wariness towards homosexuality might come from this.

So they had children and they grew up. Then once adult, the psychopathy of the kid of these humans who mated off season became apparent -- apparently, he could hide his anomaly while he was a child. He stole a Nommo's spaceship, and made it crash on Earth. It almost wiped out all life on the planet for a very very long time. The Nommos decided after that to fix definitely the human sex, so the problem of them mating when they both would be male would not arise again and risk having psychopathic offspring. Then the Nommos abandoned Earth for some time. When they came back because they felt responsible for the catastrophe that happened due to their creation, the humans have multiplied and populated the planet.

So Cliff was telling that the bloodlines nowadays are potentially the descendants of the one who crashed the ship that almost destroyed life on the planet, pointing at the British family, other royals and secret societies. Even though that a defectuous human, a psychopath, he was in that group of first humans, the closest to their Gods' progenitors. Thus to the cabal, their DNA is obviously the purest. As the Native host of Cliff said jokingly, psychopath then, psychopath now.

15565382? ago

What bloodlines exactly?

15564783? ago

Have you heard what Cliff High said about the Nommo? It's becoming more and more intriguing to me. I've also just heard about Matthew something, can't remember his name, who was theorizing the reversing of the symbology of the Serpent and the Eagle.

So for the Sumerian, Annunaki was a generic term for them. They didn't make a difference between the groups and loped them all together. We have Enki, the serpent Lord of the Earth, half-man half-fish, who created humankind and gave us soul and spirit. Then we have Enlil, the eagle Lord of the Sky, who wants our destruction.

Cliff High talked about the Nommo and Natives' lore. They talked about those who came from the stars, and those who came from the skies. The first ones, that Cliff names the Nommos, we described by the Natives are particularly ugly, looking kinda like frogs -- reptilians? fish-like? Enki? -- but were good guys and said to be the creators of humankind and life on Earth. They were mingling with humans, teaching them crafts, culture, enjoying life, food and a good laugh. They at one point left Earth, promising to return when humans will be ready. They Nommos had conflicted relationship with those who came from the skies -- eagle? -- who profited of their departure to start establishing their dominion on humans. The Natives have a contemptuous view of these last ones, calling them liars -- those who came from the skies wanted humans to believe they were the ones who created us? The Natives say the tribes who refused to submit to them and fought to the death, even once defeated, their survivors were better treated than those who willingly submitted to them.

Now enter Matthew what's-his-name, who theorized that the serpent and eagle symbols, coming from Enki and Enlil, represents the rivalry of these 2 sides and their families. The Enki side, the serpent, were civilizations based on culture, spirituality, enlightenment. The Enlil side, the eagle, were a predatory group based on war and conquest. They have worked on destroying the serpent knowledge and reversing the initial symbolic, so that today, we think the serpent is evil and the eagle is good. But the civilizations who have chosen the eagle as a symbol present the characteristic of the Enlil groups, predatory, war-mongerers.

I know I was a bit troubled when I started looking into secret societies and those that we've often encounter lately connected to the Illuminati, use a lot the eagle as their symbol. It made me question the American eagle that the US citizens are so proud of.

15565310? ago

Yes! I found everything to be the same as you when I was researching. There's only one difference in what we came to understand and that is the point of the soul. I believe that the soul comes from source energy, not given to us by the creators of our bodies. Remember when Anu was really angry that Enki and Ninhursag secretly mixed their own dna with their creation? He was angry because he knew that now these worker slaves had a soul, freewill, creativity, immortality. Normally that is bestowed by Prime Creator at the right time of the evolutionary process. They had jumped the gun and screwed with nature's normal pathway. Enlil hated humans from the get-go and if I remember correctly, most of the Anunnaki were indifferent to humans as far as us being spiritual beings. Enki is the one who tipped off Ziusudra (Noah) thus preserving his bloodline as Ziusudra was a direct descendant of Enki. I agree with you concerning the symbolism of the serpent, how it was made into being "evil" by Enlil and his followers. You are completely on point, as far as my understanding goes. Fascinating stuff. Do you know of any writings that talk about the specific Luciferian families? We're they created separately by someone from Enlil's line? We've been steeped in lies from our beginnings and discerning truth from all the information out there can be a challenge!

15566251? ago

I've found again the informative interview of Mr. High here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhZWUJ38j28

I don't know much more about the luciferians except for Springmeiers book.

15567221? ago

I appreciate it, thank you!

15561348? ago

Well go read First and Second Kings, the ten Northern tribes of Israel were not lost they were allowed to be taken away by the Assyrians because they fell into Baal worship, Moloch the Owl the whole bunch can be traced back to then.

Replicas of the gates into the temple of Baal were taken to major cities of the world.

What gets weirder is that the Ashknazi Jews all come from the region of the former Assyrian empire.

15561331? ago

If you really want the answers to all this read the book by Alexander Hilslop written in the late 1800. It is called "The two Babylons",it will tell you more than you need to know.

15563174? ago

Very good book with like you said way more info than you need to know

15561326? ago

serialbrain2 did several posts on the occult back when we were on reddit...not sure how to get them. I'm sure he has them somewhere. They were riveting

15561378? ago


go to post 20, 21, 22

15561266? ago

there is also others. baal. jezebel.amok/. they are nephilim also could be fallen angels. the owlis used on mkultra. since demons look like aliens. huge black eyes. the owl is put in place as a familiar. they have big eyes. in the mind the alien is changed into something we can recgnize in order to be allowed access to the victim.

15561194? ago

satan was thrown out with a third of the angels. these are nephilim. they are also angels. fallen ones.

15561389? ago

The bible also says the prince of this World is Satan. Satan hates humans because through faith in God we can be with God and God with us. Satan knows the power that is at our finger tips, so everything in this world is designed for us to turn against God and debase ourselves.

15562279? ago

and they really really really hate Jesus. because when Jesus triumphed on the cross Satan was usurped. before the cross he had total control of the earth. after the cross we have power over satan and demons in the name of jesus is used. we now rule over Satan. people dont know how powerful we now are. we must pray and declare and decree. we are now in control of the earth. but people are not aware of this reality.

15560940? ago

Search engines can help you with this. You have to figure out what is believable and what isn't. It is a huge mess, BTW.

15562035? ago

Brief follow-up on this, it really is a huge fucking mess that you WILL have to research yourself as it is not to be believed without your own research.

All ALLEGED and UNCONFIRMED below, so don't get fucking triggered I'm not saying any of this is true but I'm not dismissing it because I'm not a retarded leftist or rightist.

Apparently there's Moloch, Saturn, Minerva.

Saturn / Satan, son of Anu, Anu the Draco King, now Pindar-- penis of the Dragon, the EX-title of Hilary Clinton and Obama is a title of honor and reverence, all it gives is more responsibilities and more benefits, no more power, Government members are MUCH LOWER than the banking mafia and Cartel members, so being Pindar (Putin was Pindar once too, said fuck that and is now [[[our guy]]] apparently) is great, more-so if you have a foundation to donate to.

Anu? God of the bible, enslaver and raper of Earth and countless other planets. Creator of all religion, the dominator, subjugator, demon of demons and the ultimate tyrant.

Radomir / Jesus, the light warrior that planted the seed of truth that led to this information coming to light, he wanted to shed light on what was blocked and hidden by Anu; the truth of the Creator and Source of all, as well as Sovereignty of all, with respect to their Divine heritage and the ultimate power of the Creator.

The Vatican, the wingmen of Nazi Germany and the Rothchilds all while being the anti-human Brown Shirts agency of Anu, Saturn (Satan), also alleged to have held down a light warrior / teacher / selfless entity / angel many levels underneath the Vatican for hundreds of years. Why? Danger of educating the planets population on the true Creator and Source of all, and our ability to answer all questions through the connection to the Creator-- no gatekeepers.

All the rape, child sacrifice and rituals is for many purposes.

Mainly, control, through blackmail, brainwashing, give the abusers a sense of superiority, dehumanize all others not part of their Gestapo rape gang, and then of course, to summon Demons "magic", Demons enter a vessel, how a Soul inhabits a vessel, two drivers, one car, they can then overclock a vessel, have the vessel produce more Adrenachrome, which can extend life-- provide the organization with more power and a reward for the most loyal and well-performing members.

Is all of this complete and utter bullshit? Who fucking knows. Without concrete and first hand evidence, of ANY of the crimes we're told happen, Clinton Foundation included, we're relying on the Good Will of others that they're telling the truth, same with history books, same with all religious texts, same with literally anything and everything-- our whole state of affairs is a huge fucking mess with disinformation everywhere. Where it's possible literally everything is fake, it's just a matter of to what degree.

I think a huge mess is putting it lightly, imo. Once again, all the above is ALLEGED, unconfirmed, like all the other straws we're grasping at where we've had no evidence that has zero risk of being faked, which ALL digital "evidence" and proofs is at risk too, and will be a big Q confirm that they are powerful once physical and irrefutable evidence is pushed out into the global public eye, without terrorist MSM interference.

15563466? ago

The problem you have is that Satan/Jesus etc are all two sides(in dualistic reality) of the same COIN.



15564442? ago

Excellent point

15561184? ago

I know much on it, still have questions though.




Like why does the figure go from the owl to the bull to the goat? Are they connected? I know about Hilary Clintons email about sacrificing to Moloch.


15562002? ago

Moloch has a female counterpart called Minerva. She is represented by the owl. Moloch is the bull.

15562970? ago

Isn't Minerva the Roman version of the goddess Athena? Athena is the goddess of wisdom and martial strategy and is one of the few admirable Greek deities, her symbol is the owl

15564429? ago

As is Inanna, granddaughter of King Any of the Anunnaki. Her symbol is the owl and her area that she governs here on Earth is the Indus Valley.

15564628? ago

Have you read the book "Snow Crash"? Neal Stephenson weaves in some very interesting Sumerian legend into what is a very modern story, great book.

15563111? ago

I do not claim to be an expert but I know the owl is Minerva.

15560923? ago

It's complicated. I can't fingerpeck the answer on my phone. Don't have a few hours.

15564820? ago

Then keep your useless comments to yourself until you can come back with a keyboard.

15560912? ago

Would love to know as well