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14820239? ago

This bullshit post wouldn't survive a day on v/pizzagate.

Ashton Kutcher is in on it. Another perpetrator masquerading as a helper. Corey Feldman explicitly denied pizzagate and chastised those of us fighting it.

And that's just from a really quick skim of the post. After that I couldn't be bothered.

You idiots are destroying voat. Thanks for that.

14820317? ago

I'm gamepwn on the Pizzagate sub and this was a top post. I mentioned how Ashton is suspect. Go fuck yourself.

14820669? ago

All you've done here is made me suspicious of gamepwn

Good job outting yourself kike

14820680? ago

I've done more for this movement then you will have ever done shithead.

14820729? ago

Good one moron. You know me?

14820741? ago

Did you research the Dutroux Affair? The Franklin coverup? Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon? Brooke Shields? Heather O Rourke and Judith Barsi? SNCTM, Renegade, Lt. Michael Aquino, The Bohemian Grove, Moloch, and WorldCorpo? Did you personally go through the whole web to find every government official who spoke about Pizzagate? I fucking did. Like I said eat shit.

14820762? ago


Your post was full of disinformation bullshit.

If some if it is disinformation all if it is

14820817? ago

Only shill is you faggot. You diden't once have close to 10,000 people on a YouTube page unrelated to Pizzagate and decided to red pill his own fanbase on a video that got 100,000 views. You don't run a Pizzagate expose channel I do. Like I said eat shit shill.

14820922? ago

True. 10k is nothing. What a waste of time. I've millions of subs. If I told you who I am you'd cry into your fruit loops that your mum just brought you.

You're a faggot kid in his mum's basement screaming at your screen pretending to help the world. Reeeeeee.

Mummy mummy someone on the internet critisized my shit post full of disinformation. They're being mean. Reeeeeeeeeeee

14820993? ago

You have mental issues. I'm done with you shill.

14821625? ago

Shit content.

Shit researcher.

Shit critical thinking abilities.