Dickface808 ago

Question: How is the Ted Heath case not up there?

gamepwn ago

Good find, I'll add that now

Dickface808 ago

Great! It's one of the most damning one's of all imo, especially for red pilling the older generation. IIRC there were a few good articles from the Independent/Daily Telegraph/The Sun.

gamepwn ago

Why was this unstickieed?

think- ago

Hi gamepwn, @Vindicator and @kevdude wanted to make sure that the announcement posts would be seen by everyone.

This is why the Executive Summary has also been taken down temporarily.

We maybe could sticky this again at some point, @Vindicator?

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

You forgot about Trump https://youtu.be/2wAEcN9UIy8

LeChevalBlanc ago

In France, Alain Soral’s Website « Egalité et Réconciliation » has been following from the start :

More than 175 K views :


or more recently :


And Donde Vamos is a reference website on those matters  :


gamepwn ago

Alright everyone, the list should be complete. If there's more feel free to add them to the comments

gamepwn ago

I added a list of MSM news reports to the list which fairly covered what's going on.

LostUnicorn ago

Maybe it should be noted that Nancy Shaefer and husband were murder/suicided.

gamepwn ago

60 Minutes documentary: "Spies, Lords & Predators" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoq-acl0TZE

FooFighter1941 ago

Christian Kriegeskotte, works in Hollywood and is a Pedo c/o MyWarFace.org. He has been hiding all over the country and is now being harbored by his sister, Isa, who he raped for years as well. You can see a recent picture of Christian visiting her on Isa’s Instagram: IsaStiches


foocat ago

PizzaGate is MK Ultra: theory - Mkultra is where a target is normalized into believing Pedophilia is ok using drugs or otherwise for a duration. the subject is compromised and documented in these acts. then afterwards, the subject is returned to the understanding how horrible and the consequences of their actions. the subject is then permanently blackmailed..... would be very effective if true.

gamepwn ago

Keep them coming added them all!

exposethecriminals ago

Belgian MP Laurent Louis called the Prime Minister of Belgium Elio Di Rupo “Mr.Pedophile” during a Parliament meeting in 2014:

At 1:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEvv9GGOXVI


In 2012 Laurent Louis tweeted:

”Allez allez, tout le monde connaît les goûts de notre 1er Ministre. Un ami mineur en a encore fait l'expérience au You récemment"

[Machine translation:]

"Come on, everyone knows the tastes of our Prime Minister, a minor friend has experienced it again recently"

exposethecriminals ago

British MP Barbara Castle -- second hand -- unfortunately no tape of her words

Journalist Don Hale revealed in 2014 that in 1984 then-MP Barbara Castle gave him a file exposing pedophila by “elites":

Interview with Don Hale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lySSF53l9sM


"Now it’s revealed Barbara Castle drew up dossier on VIP paedophiles: File seized by Special Branch 'heavy mob'"

Mr Hale said of the dossier: ‘It was 30 years ago, so I can’t remember the names and full details, but I was sworn to secrecy by Special Branch at the risk of jail if I repeated any of the allegations.’ Source

exposethecriminals ago

Great post @gamepwn!

MP Tom Watson before the House of Commons in 2012:

“…clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10.”


think- ago

....this resulted in Operation Midland, which lead to the - official - result that there wasn't an elite pedophile ring. So not sure whether we should use this?

exposethecriminals ago

I didn't know that -- great idea to not use it then

therealkrispy ago

I think Ben Carson was talking about abortions, but the rest, if I remember correctly, are talking about what we're talking about. Pizzagate is very real, and I've met victims.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Former on almost all of these bc the evil ones wanna stay in power.

Vindicator ago

Great thread gamepwn. I'm going to flair and sticky it. Hopefully folks will add a whole bunch of goodies.

Can you edit anything good from Comments into the body of the post? Thanks!

gamepwn ago

Thanks Vindicator! That's the plan :)

GreenDell144 ago

Do the ex-military leakers count, like Snowden? I guess they didn’t touch on SRA or trafficking, but they did expose corruption involving other characters on our lists.

think- ago

Do the ex-military leakers count, like Snowden? I guess they didn’t touch on SRA or trafficking, but they did expose corruption involving other characters on our lists.

While I think corruption related are valuable in general, I think we should keep the list strictly related to the main pizzagate concern, the involvement of elites in pedophilia and trafficking. Many people agree that there is corruption in politics, and they won't call you a lunatic for calling it out, but they will call you crazy once you start talking about pedophiles in high positions.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah, that was a stretch.

think- ago

Never mind, it's always good to remember that corruption is the fertile ground where all kinds of evil will grow even better.

GreenDell144 ago

Another v/pizzagate post from today linked to this, from a former British secretary


Also, there is the investigation of the penatagon’s workers that had child porn on their computers, which Senator Grassley talked about.

And we can’t forget admitted pedo Denny Hastert.

think- ago

Maybe we can find a YT vid or an article quote of Senator Grassley talking about this.

MolochHunter ago

A good alternative video for Nancy Schaeffer was the summary by Reality Calls


mostly because her voice is impossibly hot

gamepwn ago

I added it under my link!

MolochHunter ago

maybe its too brief to mention, but there's a clip of Ben Carson being pestered by some journos while he's walking through an office, they ask him about Hillary and he just says off the cuff that Hillary kills babies

gamepwn ago

Just added it

think- ago

May I make a suggestion? (Bothering you again, lol, sorry...) Would you consider naming the House of Representatives people, Senators and Government Officials first - I think many people will pay more attention to what they've said than to the ex-FBI and ex-CIA staff.

Of these I think Kiriakou is the most believable imo, as he exposed torture at black CIA sites in the past, if I recall correctly. The guy the least believable imo is Ted Gunderson.

gamepwn ago

Just did!

think- ago

Consider moving Nehlen up, too? ;-)

think- ago

Great, thanks!! :-)

templeofninpo ago

Patience be with us. Freemasonry is Satanism. We have to stop using money. Love you. Good luck.

Pride is retardation. Humans do not have the impossible magic they want to think they have. Free-will is actually divining and we only can be motivated by panic and rage because crazy angels got us to believe in evil.


GreenDell144 ago

I like your comment about money. It’s really just an imaginary point system that helps us separate ourselves from each other. We compete for resources that are actually plentiful, instead of cooperating and assisting each other as a human family. The universe has a constant never-ending flow of positive energy. Flowers grow, birds survive. None of these are anxious about money or storing up resources for the future or acquiring material possessions. A bear has no use for money. Ants can cooperate and survive, spectacularly, with tools, even herding caterpillars for ‘milk’. An anthropologist will tell you that it is quite obvious that early modern humans (like, but before civilization) only spent about 14 hours a week to maintain their existence. Making their tools, maintains there homes, hunting and gathering and EVERYTHING necessary only added up to 14 hours. Science speculates that the rest of their time was spent in religious, artistic or philosophical pursuits.

I don’t know about you, but I work 40+ hours a week, and ON TOP OF THAT I have to maintain my home, and I have to gather my food and wash my clothes and commute to and from work and I have to continue to advance my skills to maintain my ability to provide for my family...

Competition (money) sucks. Cooperation was paradise.

templeofninpo ago

patience be with us. we were made nuts by crazy angels that discovered all the other angels could be controlled if they thought evil was real, so they taught everyone humans had a magic power that made them exempt from the parameter of fate that rules everything else in the universe. Freedom is mechanically impossible while we think we make choices. #itsdivining

Cc1914 ago

Wow my friend! I've never heard it put that way before! Couldn't of said it better that's for sure 🙂

rooting4redpillers ago

You’re an ant. Many grasshoppers will always depend on you, no matter the system.

GreenDell144 ago

I am not a commodity to be consumed. To say otherwise is erroneous.

ESOTERICshade ago

Best idea for a thread I have seen in a long time. I will try to think of some others. After we compile a good list and make damn sure we verify it all it will make good cannon projectiles for social media.

gamepwn ago

I did as many as I could think of and added the little MSM coverage we got, if there is more just let me know and I'll add them!

gamepwn ago

Thanks! I'm welcoming all researchers. We need to wake this world up.

new4now ago

How about

Michale Flynn Sr and Jr

Sr being former National Security Adviser

Jr being former Aide to Trump, transition team

bopper ago

This is just Trey Gowdy briefly mentioning John Podesta's storied emails. No direct reference to pizzagate. https://youtu.be/XVNTIUTTMZ8?t=52

GreenDell144 ago

But he mentions them, without calling them ‘fake’ or ‘debunked’ and since they ar full of confirmed satanic and pedo references, it’s significant.

bopper ago

Yes, that's what I thought.

think- ago

Maybe we should start a similar collection for the UK.

There's a radio interview with Ken Livingstone, former Mayor of London, where he said that MI5 run a child rape blackmail scheme at the Kincora Boys Home in Ireland, in order to try blackmailing Irish Politicians.

There was at least one post about this here on the sub, and the radio interview can still be found on YT somewhere. Maybe we should save it.

DerivaUK ago

Thanks for the ping.

Michael Shrimpton.


think- ago

Here's the Ken Livingstone post by @Mathassolution:

Copying his comment from this thread here:

Important Notes on the Audio Clip:

The audio was from November 2012 during in his radio talk with David Mellor on the LBC "The Whole Show".

Ken Livingstone needs to be ordered to court ASAP to elaborate on his comments!

Also, Bill Maloney confronted him over what he has done/not done to stop elite pedo abuse: https://youtu.be/1l2oTdLg9UUYouTubeYouTube

And here is the transcript of Ken Livingstone's quote:

I was racing in parliament against Mrs Thatcher the Kincora Boys Home where boys were being abused and MI5 was filming it because they were hoping to be able to blackmail senior politicians in Northern Ireland.

They were hoping to catch one of Ian Paisley's MP's - and they never did - and give themselves some leverage. The truth is there's been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades.

gamepwn ago

I can organize it by country if I get all the names. We can make a huge organized list

GreenDell144 ago

This is a stupendous idea!

think- ago

Wow, @gamepwn, that would be great! Much appreciated!!

I try to keep it in the back of my mind, and get back to you whenever I remember something or read something that would be useful for this list.

Maybe others here could do the same. This could be a great resource for reference and redpilling!

Maybe some people might object that the 'ex' FBI and CIA people are not legit, or not fully legit (which might be true - Ted Gunderson f.i. certainly was a kind of limited hangout and conveyed false information). Still, I feel they should be on this list just to get an overview.

@srayzie @Carmencita @Factfinder2 @SoldierofLIght @letsdothis1

gamepwn ago

Exactly! We need a list of people that people could see that have some form of authority or past or present in the worlds governments who have spoke about what is happening. People need a wake up call and we need it organize it as a huge redpill list.

think- ago

Yes - thank you so much again! :-)

think- ago

Pinging you to draw attention to @gamepwn's submission, and to invite you to add info to the list he made.

@ESOTERICshade @MolochHunter @new4now @Cc1914 @EricKaliberhall

Cc1914 ago

Thanks think- ! Great post @gamepwn ! I had forgotten how many people have spoken up .. hopefully the list keeps growing !

ESOTERICshade ago

Best idea for a thread I have seen in a long time. I will try to think of some others. Thanx for the ping.

think- ago

Welcome and thanks! :-)

think- ago

I'm pinging you to draw attention to @gamepwn's submission, and to invite you to add info to the list he made.

@bopper @ASolo @migratorypatterns @millenial_vulcan @CLIPTO

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for including me.

Been busy, but I hope to take a good long look.

think- ago

Welcome. :-)

think- ago

I'm pinging you in order to draw attention to @gamepwn's submission, and to invite you to add info to the list he made.

@darkknight111 @DerivaUK @TrishaUK @UnicornAndSparkles @Piscina

TrishaUK ago

Thank you :)

think- ago

You're welcome. :-)

Pontius_Pilate ago

DHS released an official video last year, a video telling people to keep their eyes open in regards to human trafficking. The venues featured in the video are an Asian nail salon, and surprisingly, a pizza place with the very same pedo-symbols as Bestas Pizza. This was slightly after Pizzagate's popularity exploded. Why would DHS advertise Pizza Places being potential human-trafficking spots if it was simply an internet conspiracy?

I don't have the link but I'm sure someone here does.

Fateswebb ago

Actually I think that video was fake, someone made it look to be made by DHS, but couldn't find any evidecebit actually was made by them. Still whoever made it, even if not DHS, it makes it even more genius that they pinned it on DHS.

Cc1914 ago

It's not fake? I saw it on their website

Fateswebb ago

Weird because I remember the day it was released and investigated it as much as I could and it wasn't on there. If it was, surely there's an archive. Either way who cares if it's fake it's a great production. And looks real so if it is fake as long as people think it's real it gets the same job done.

Pontius_Pilate ago

Can't imagine it being fake - I watched it directly on their website.

GreenDell144 ago

That video had a pizza parlor with a spiral pedo symbol in the window. Wink. Wink.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work!

gamepwn ago

Thanks! It's all out there for everyone to see. We just have to put them together for them to see it.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=ypRzbmoF7lYYouTube :

Franklin Cover-Up Case, Comments By Ted Gunderson,2001 - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=NRpoPWGNtvkYouTubeYouTube :

#Pizzagate is real. Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson discusses Satanism in the USA. - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=knTJRYHhhmwYouTube :

Steve Pieczenik: Hillary Clinton Pedophilia Connection - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=5y0aaq-5noM&feature=youtu.beYouTube :

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Testifies that FBI is in Possesion of Dennis Hastert Rape Videos - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=l9alP48_bQ8YouTube :

Ex CIA Agent Exposes PEDOGATE, Deepstate, Zionist #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=FjknH9ZlN8U&feature=youtu.beYouTube :

Former CIA Kevin Shipp...Satanic Pedophilia Exposed...WARNING - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=xjZB08r4Y6sYouTube :

Trey Gowdy Finds Out DEA Holds Underage Sex Parties - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=0qMxXS4CyQgYouTube :

BREAKING: Trey Gowdy, Child Trafficking Subcommittee Hearing #PIZZAGATE - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=OA93o4u6CX0YouTube :

John Decamp Describes Web Of Pedophilia Franklin Coverup #pizzagate - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=_TcDTJlPWbEYouTube :

Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=2_6XBgrOCuMYouTube :

#PEDOGATE/#PIZZAGATE - Paul Nehlan Running For Congress Against Paul Ryan Believes PIZZAGATE IS REAL - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=xTJe3F9zmvgYouTube :

#Pedogate Dyncorp Child Trafficking as Rep. Cythia Mckinney grills Donald Rumsfeld - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=vmC71zFKfNgYouTube :

Fmr Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney Tells All On Trump And Dyncorp - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Cc1914 ago

So nobody is going to mention the occult symbolism in Cynthia's art work? I'm sorry , I like her a lot but why that artwork? The eye, the hand ?