Authorpatriot ago

He was the first President I voted for. I skipped classes to see him speak. He was very charismatic. I got all the way up to the front of the crowd (I'm little) and it was amazing to see him speak.

akilyoung ago

Remember my thread yesterday, I found it ironic that its the same day as Kavs supposed conf.

Though, there no way it would be abused for THAT. And yes, I would call that an abuse for the news of Kav being conf or denied can spread through normal channels.

This is for something MUCH bigger.

Kav gets conf

Immediate release of FISA/text info

?????????????????? time will tell what happens next.

Dessie999 ago

But 8 chan should stay up the longest per Q

PtCPt ago

Only trouble is that it's going to be heard by some radical judge (pre-selected, of course) who will likely try to find a way to grant it, even if it has to go to a higher court to get overturned. It should just be tossed out with the rest of the trash. DS plan to obstruct, delay, deny reality.

Are_we_sure ago

They are trying to stop the presidential Emergency Broadcasting System from being played.

They? Who's this conspiratorial they? Three unknowns filed a lawsuit. I should care about this why?

pairadocs ago

"but you are part of this world. Aren't you?" LOTR

NotInFormation ago

Remember I am on the fence with QAnon. I have wrote posts on him both for and against with each piece of evidence.

Nobody gets a free pass in the age of information warfare, not even with multiple 'proofs' on their side. Not even when there's a 99% overlap between the statements made and facts or inferences one already holds -- beware confirmation bias.

That said, no fair discounting things just because they come from unexpected directions. Truth is a three-edged sword...(/kosh)

Conway ago

There has to be something more to this. IS there any laws that would say make tech companies criminally liable for doing something to this message. Delaying or possibly intercepting it?

Like eavesdropping laws where it's ok to record a conversation as long as you are party to it but, some states it's not legal to record a conversation unless you have written permission.

Could this be a way to federally charge google and facebook..

derram ago :

'Presidential Alert': Trump text slides to October 3 - CNNPolitics :

Lawsuit seeks to block Trump from sending presidential alerts to phones | TheHill

This has been an automated message.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Reagan: Nancy's hair and makeup person dressed up and made over Rusty Nelson, photographer for the Franklin pedo ring. While Reagan and Bush1 were in our White House, they were caught hosting/touring young boys at midnight. The children said it was a reward for being good, they did not have sex at the white house that night but were taken to a party afterwards with many officials. Bush was identified at one of the parties. The children drew pictures and described the rooms in the White House the public has never seen that was part of their special tour.

DTrumplican ago

Cathy O'Brien said she was victim of MK Ultra, said that Reagan was part of this Satanic pedo ring, (he has been photo'd at Bohemian Grove). She said if you don't believe, just remember he was an actor.

Authorpatriot ago

This is a hard pill to swallow for sure. I really liked Reagan.

DTrumplican ago

Yes I liked Reagan.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

We used to have these tests.

docksofthebay ago

We regularly have test of the National Broadcast System on TV and no one complains. On Monday we had a Test of the Cable Broadcasting System (never seen that one before) and no one complained. Time and technology change so now that everyone has iPhones or whatever, it makes sense to test that broadcast system, but people appear to be up in arms for some reason. It's just a notice that appears on your phone, doesn't require any response (same as other national broadcast alert tests).

So what is the big deal... the name? The Presidential Broadcasting Alert System? It's an Obie program created in 2006. No one objected to it then. Why now? People want to opt out. Did they also try to opt out of the National Broadcast System tests or the Cable Network Broadcast System tests? All these alert tests are annoying of course... who like the shrill beeps on TV. But if the systems doesn't work, and you get hit with that tornado or whatever, you would be more annoyed.... but maybe not. Too many people like to pretend they are not part of the world and can just ignore what's going on ..... as if ignorance exempts them for consequences.

Boscovius ago

"People" per se, do not have an issue with it. But the Cabal, and by extension, their lawyers, do.

77777 ago

People know part of the great deception at tribulation will likely include cellphone bullshittery by those in control

DavidGydeon ago

Just out of said you were on the fence about Q...because of "evidence against"...

What was the "evidence" you had against Q?

I have seen this claim multiple times, and when I press people to specify what it is, exactly, it turns into a strawman, an argument, name-calling or a combination of those. So, as concisely as possible...what is that evidence against Q?

gamepwn ago

I believe in keeping a mind open until it happens. I look at all the facts and put them together. I hope and pray Q is real. It's the same reason I'm going to be attacked on the Pizzagate sub of this thread. I hope Q is real but know to be weary. I do read Q's posts.

DavidGydeon ago

Ok. Thats all well and good.

But you said 2 things: 1) you are on the fence about Q (absolutely ridiculous at this point, in my mind, but ok, whatever, we can come back to this) 2) you are on the fence because of the EVIDENCE against Q (this is what I am asking. what is the "evidence" against Q??)

We can talk about Pizzagate later. Q didnt start Pizzagate. What is the evidence you directly stated in your OP?

RG72 ago

There is none. They either don't understand or it hasn't happened yet or!!! They fell for the disinformation. Qanons arnt the only ones reading Q posts. But we THINK. Because only sheeple except the status quo. Keep on keepin on Qanon!