ESOTERICshade ago

This is cyber security expert John McAfee's take on the broadcast alert.


well well looks like the String puullers are gaining ground on pizzagate narrative. When you have the users of a forum with the most Pizzagate info on the web bitching about shiate like this well....way to go. Thing is the people who are truly trying to expose and then end this ancient cult WILL NOT be fed anymore shit from world leaders. Those types are actually doing shit in their day to day lives to change this world . Yes posting all day on the web about the Cult is a start....but the most important part of exposing and learning about the way this world is being ran by a Dark Cult is talking to Humans FACE to FACE

Cc1914 ago

So Q heard about the EBS test like many did on the news a few days prior and then he wrote about it ? Did he talk about the EBS earlier this year or ?

ESOTERICshade ago

My thinking is that all this is a red herring and something else far more nefarious is going on, like installing the capability to black out every single phone in the U.S. if they want to. With this system you CANNOT OPT OUT which means they could possibly turn it on, leave it on, and keep your phone jammed as long as they please. They might even be able to do it selectively to any single person they desire. I feel pretty sure this is all about giving the government a universal way to intercept, interrupt, all phones at anytime for any reason. Microphones and cameras can already be activated on the sneak and maybe this makes a process like that a streamline universal system or something?

I don't know but i'm willing to bet there is far more to it than it appears to be.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

If there is a storm? They're not doing all this for nothing. The only reasonable question is who is playing the HAARP. But I'm a long time anon lurker, which translates to likely shill to any goat with healthy sense of scepticism, so I'll save you some time: Shut up niggerfaggot!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

They tested it. It worked. Good job Q for reading the news.

IpointOutTrolls ago

So far the Voat posting community, most people anyway, have been polite enough not to trash up this sub and make it meaningless, even though you @vindicator are totally prepared to let it happen.

That says a lot of good things about the Voat posting community. What it says about you @vindicator is that you are not very bright and possibly you should consider retiring. I don't know what your motives are but your ass fell out on the floor in this thread. Disgraceful.

Your attempts to make this post relevant are worse than laughable.

Criticalthinker615 ago

It is a common demoralization tactic to keep us waiting on dates but have nothing happen on said dates

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

behaviorism at its finest. Train the cult member to expect some type of prophecy fulfillment and eventual reward for their faithfulness. once you know that you have obedience through behavioral manipulation you can pretty much do anything without being questioned. I was looking for the disorientation techniques of MK Ultra that I read a few days ago when I realized I was speaking about Satanic cult indoctrination. The sad thing is that some people promoting Q have a history of Satanist activities that people aren't totally aware of.

Read through the indoctrination / disorientation stages of a cult here:

Narcissism ago

Oh yes thats right... then the arrests will begin.... Ha ha Ha... Until then I'll go back to sleep.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

look outside, there's a perp walk happening. No wait, that's just a normal day in my town and those are the pot heads.

rarepeeks ago

@vindicator showed his whole big Q preferential ass up in this sub today. Did it big time too. You need to sharpen your judgement Vindicator because right now your blade is dull and your powder is wet. Not a leg to stand on.

twistedmac11 ago

The mods here are really starting to go downhill, with the exception of @think-. I already don't like the fact that most of them are Q believers, but lately I've seen more and more mods being disrespectful as fuck towards users, and that to me just doesn't seem right. Maybe that's a split between my personal viewpoint and "Voat culture".

Vindicator ago

The mods here are really starting to go downhill, with the exception of @think-.

Yep...twistedmac appears to be another Esoteric alt @think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall. This is one of ES' memes. Archived.

twistedmac11 ago

Jesus not everyone who disagrees with you is an alt of @ESOTERICshade. I'm allowed to have my own opinions, you know. This is exactly what I'm talking about, mods flying off at the mouth and/or making accusations with no proof. How is that okay? I've got my own fucking brain.

Vindicator ago

If you have your own fucking brain, twistedmac, why do you constantly parrot ES and join his vote brigades?

twistedmac11 ago

What makes me parrot him? The fact that I disagreed with you on posts regarding Q? Believe it or not, two people can have similar viewpoints on a subject without being the same person. Anyone with eyes and a brain can compare comment history and tell @ESOTERICshade and I are not the same person.

Crensch ago

What makes me parrot him? The fact that I disagreed with you on posts regarding Q? Believe it or not, two people can have similar viewpoints on a subject without being the same person. Anyone with eyes and a brain can compare comment histories and tell @ESOTERICshade and I are not the same person.

I already said you'd have a bad week.

twistedmac11 ago

What? Not sure what you're referencing.

Crensch ago

Salvage what you can, ES.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, I'm not ES.

rarepeeks ago

Eric's behavior is pitiful and I don't know why its allowed. Vindicator's willingness to dilute the sub with Q is perplexing or maybe its not depending on why he does it. think- is the only mod left with sound judgement and I agree with you on that. Trump's history speaks for itself. The Rothschilds bailed him out of bankruptcy. Soros is invested in Trump Tower. Sheldon Adelson bankrolled his campaign. He gave Jerusalem to the Talmud child molesters.

He is gung ho to attack Iran. He just passed a law that opens up the taxpayers to give Israel unlimited funds for their wars. His son in law Jared Kushner comes from a Zionist crime family and is affiliated with Chabad. His buddy Jeffrey Epstein. He already praised HIllary and said "she has had enough" and that he won't be putting her in jail. The list is endless. But "muh Qanon." Pitiful

He stacked his cabinet with Zionist warlords that are terrorizing planet earth to put it mildly. But "muh Q anon." vindicator showed his true colors in this thread by failing miserably.

think- ago

Eric's behavior is pitiful and I don't know why its allowed.

=> free speech

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

twistedmac11 ago

Eric needs to go. His constant attacks towards users shouldn't be tolerated. But it's crazy because I've never actually seen a mod step in and stand up for a user that's being berated by a mod. It really makes it seem like the mods don't care about the users, and that is definitely going to (and probably already has) push people away. Vindicator, at a minimum, needs to sharpen up his critical thinking skills. A lot.

Q is a Trump psyop. That's why you see Q promoting Trump ideals and why Trump confirms Q in his speeches, tweets, whatever. Qtards think that confirms his legitimacy when in reality, the only thing it confirms is his link to Trump. It doesn't disprove the idea that Q is a Trump psyop.

Crensch ago

But it's crazy because I've never actually seen a mod step in and stand up for a user that's being berated by another mod.

I've not yet seen a legitimate user, or one that doesn't deserve to be attacked, treated unfairly. Nobody seems to want to ping me to the instances of it happening, so all I have to go on are the words of usernames I know to either be sockpuppets of known subversives and trolls, and JIDF

twistedmac11 ago

You're one of the mods who talks to some users like shit, including myself in the past. You'll have to excuse me if I don't see any point in pinging you when I only expect to be berated more.

Crensch ago

You're one of the mods who talks to some users like shit, including myself in the past.


You'll have to excuse me if I don't see any point in pinging you when I only expect to be berated more.

Maybe if you weren't full of shit, you wouldn't be treated like shit? Try acting like a legitimate user, though I know that's impossible for you.

twistedmac11 ago

Aaaaand you have proven my point. Thank you. I'm out.

Crensch ago

Aaaaand you have proven my point. Thank you. I'm out.

You haven't proven shit besides the fact that you won't even attempt to act like a legitimate user.

ESOTERICshade ago

And crensch chases off about four or five more long time members of this sub in one day. The membership of this sub has almost totally turned over compared to a year ago. Very few of the original investigators/members are still here. YOU are largely responsible for that. Welcome to failure. Over the last year you chased away the best investigators/researchers thsi sub had. With this latest tyrade of yours you have chased away another three or four members that have been here for over a year. Congratulations crensch. Every SINGLE TIME you get involved good people leave.

(crensch>>> "not my fault, those members were fuck sticks, they needed to leave")

before you are done this place will be a mainstream news narrative echo chamber and fitting for your mentality. Something you will actually be able to understand. On your level. How old are you? About 23 years old?

Crensch ago

And crensch chases off about four or five more long time members of this sub in one day.

4 of which admitted to vote manipulation, and another that defended you over it. No loss.

The membership of this sub has almost totally turned over compared to a year ago.

Gone to Q, but nice try laying that one at my feet.

Very few of the original investigators/members are still here.

More of your correlation fallacies?

YOU are largely responsible for that.


Welcome to failure. Over the last year you chased away the best investigators/researchers thsi sub had.

Projecting? I know for a fact you've chased off users. Me? I've chased off vote brigaders and rulebreakers.

With this latest tyrade of yours you have chased away another three or four members that have been here for over a year. Congratulations crensch. Every SINGLE TIME you get involved good people leave.

"Good people"

Vote manipulators

Pick one.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Q is a deep state psy op for sure. Where Trump stands on it is the only question left in my mind. Everyone who publicly promotes Q on their channels needs to disavow. It's game over.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

This post saddens me. We’re supposed to fight elite pedophilia, but then a post like this comes along telling the whole world that we’re mere delusional morons. These kinds of posts do us a great disservice. I’m confused as to why they aren’t flaired and deleted.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It's because they thought it was going to be a huge announcement from the President. When it wasn't they searched for other reasons. You can't break someone out of a trance by showing them they're wrong if they're still in a trance. Only the hypnotists's voice will awaken them.

ESOTERICshade ago

This post saddens me. We’re supposed to fight elite pedophilia, but then a post like this comes along telling the whole world that we’re mere delusional morons. These kinds of posts do us a great disservice. I’m confused as to why they aren’t flaired and deleted.

Thanx for having the guts to speak up in spite of our lead mod. Trust me you are not the only one. My PM box is FULL of people thanking me for speaking up and trying to protect this sub and keep it pure. I wish to hell I could just sit here and post them all but of course I won't do that. More people should speak out if they want to protect this sub.

Crensch ago

My PM box is FULL of people thanking me for speaking up and trying to protect this sub and keep it pure.

No, it's not. You're a liar and a vote-manipulator.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I just got my Emergency Alert on my phone. Looks like no action is needed. Now back to the Q boards to find out what the nothing burger meant.

EricKaliberhall ago

My PM box is FULL of people thanking me for speaking up and trying to protect this sub and keep it pure. I wish to hell I could just sit here and post them all but of course I won't do that.

Hahaha, so funny!

septimasexta ago


Vindicator ago

Hi gamepwn. I see Esoteric and his downvoat brigade have targeted this post. Funny how they never seem to care about hitting any topics but Q. Seth Rich? Nope. Random pedo logos with little evidence? Nope.

Let me just spell out for our fake outrage trolls: this is pizzagate related because one of Q's first claims was that Trump would use the Emergency Broadcast System to bypass the MSM and other controlled channels. Q, as is well known, has made many statements that confirm Pizzagate is real, and claims it's much worse than we've even been able to outline, such that "The truth would put 99% of Americans, the world, in the hospital." Hence, if Trump uses the EBS, it's another direct confirmation that Q is not a LARP and is leaking true information.

twistedmac11 ago

Vindicator, I can't argue that some Q posts have a link to elite child trafficking. This post doesn't. Your Q bias is showing.

Vindicator ago

This post falls within our definition of pizzagate, whether you like it or not, especially when examined in light of Voat's "mods are not gods" "let the votes decide" free speech expectations. Isn't it ironic that you are trying to paint me as a bad mod for allowing free discussion, and that never happens with any other topic than Q. Noted.

Please, do take this up with the larger Voat community. I suspect they will react the same way @kevdude did, here:

twistedmac11 ago

How? How does this post have anything to do with elite child sex trafficking? It doesn't. You're deflecting like crazy and it's obvious. If you were actually letting the votes decide, you would see this post shouldn't stay up. Read through the comments. It's plain as fucking day but yet you don't see it.

You keep egging me on to make a post attacking you but I'm not going to, Vindicator. It's not worth my time. It's clear to anyone who reads through your comments here.

Vindicator ago

If you were actually letting the votes decide, you would see this post shouldn't stay up.

That's not really how "letting the votes decide" works on Voat, TM. This is not Reddit.

You keep egging me on to make a post attacking you but I'm not going to, Vindicator. It's not worth my time.

twistedmac11 ago

I wouldn't know how Reddit works, considering it's been a couple of years since I last lurked over there. And if letting the votes decide doesn't involve actually looking at what is being upvoted the most (and downvoted the most), then how do you define it?

And by all means, keep trying to get me to make a post about you. It won't happen. Like I said, not worth the time. If you're so into making posts about people, you are more than welcome to start one up yourself.

Vindicator ago

if letting the votes decide doesn't involve actually looking at what is being upvoted the most (and downvoted the most), then how do you define it?

That would be by voting TM, which moves the post higher or lower in on the board without mod intervention.

If you're so into making posts about people, you are more than welcome to start one up yourself.

Good idea! I just might do that. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Still waiting @vindicator. Source this emergency broadcast system DIRECTLY to the sexual abuse of children. No speculation either. Tie it directly to sexual abuse of children. WHO says this broadcast system will announce something directly related to the sexual abuse of children tomorrow? Still just making yourself look bad now.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't have a voting brigade but tell me HOW this post about an emergency broadcast system announcement sources DIRECTLY to pizzagate? Go ahead, i'll wait....NOBODY has ever tied this emergency broadcast system directly to pizzagate.

I see you are still willing to break the posting rules and clutter up our sub with stuff that isn't pizzagate related. Simply saying "Q" does not source directly to pizzagate just because once upon a time Q made a reference to pizzagate. THIS POST does not track back to pizzagate in any way. Please stop breaking our posting rules for your own personal preferences. Most of us don't like it but most won't speak up because YOU are willing to break the rules and call people out.

Prove me wrong.

aimeejamey ago

It relates to pizzagate if q is a bunch of deep state operatives trying to make pizzagate appear ridiculous. Hey why would anyone want truth if truth hospitalized them. Now back to check my inbox for an email from frozencobra666

Vindicator ago

I did tie it directly to Pizzagate. You just like to stick your fingers in your ears and chant "La la la lala".

Q didn't make references to PG "once upon a time", ES. He's done it numerous times. In fact, he directly affirmed Voat was shut down for three days because of v/pizzagate research. Q predicted Trump would use the EBS at the very beginning of his drops. The swamp is suing to try to keep Trump from doing it. Trump doing it anyway is a direct confirmation of Q.

So why are you so rabid about not wanting anyone to discuss Q? Why does it scare you so much? People should be wondering.

ESOTERICshade ago

Each post must stand or fall on its own merit. Each post either fits the rules or it does not. There is zero reason to believe the broadcast will be about pizzagate and you still can't tie THIS POST to ANYTHING that indicates it will be pizzagate related.

Q didn't make references to PG "once upon a time", ES. He's done it numerous times.

What does that have to do with THIS POST.

So why are you so rabid about not wanting anyone to discuss Q?

Gamepwn just made a post about Q related to the Franklin Scandal and I didn't bitch. As long as the Q posts are legit, I don't bitch.

Why does it scare you so much?

Because I poured the last 20 years of my soul into pizzagate before the word "pizzagate" was even invented. I watched it go from not being discussed at all, to a trickle, to an avalanche of awareness by the public, and now down to censorship. I have been part of every minute of it for 20 years and I paid a HEAVY price for it.

PIzzagate is the the largest and most pure archive of what I poured my soul into for the last 20 years and I don't want to see it get spoiled and I guard it because its necessary. You guys would let it get spoiled with endless speculation and false information from the Q community if you had your way. And thats a damn shame. YOU should be more protective about letting it get in here.

People should be wondering.

Now you don't have to wonder anymore because I just told you. Now, considering that EACH post must stand or fall on its own merits. Tell me how THIS POST contains credible information that indicates tomorrow's broadcast will be DIRECTLY PIZZAGATE RELATED.

"Qanon has said things pizzagate related in the past" don't cut it, and you know it. Maybe "people should be wondering" why you let this stuff in here?

Vindicator ago

You're making up your own ruleset for this subverse, ES. Here is the actual wording from the sidebar definition of Pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:


  • Media or Government Cover Up
  • Current Breaking News


  • Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads.

I am more than confident that the O of this subverse @Crensch and many many others would deem this post relevant to PG as defined in our sidebar. Q is demonstrably "someone associated with pizzagate". The proposed use of the EBS to circumvent MSM and deep state censorship is clearly "Media or Government Cover Up".

It's hilarious that you are standing here chanting your little mantra, refusing to acknowledge these obvious connections, stamping your foot like a tyrant. But keep going. The more you say, the more you reveal your motives.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is demonstrably "someone associated with pizzagate"

Fine. 95% of the topics Q talks about are pure politics and not pizzagate related. If its really pizzagate related I don't bitch about the Q posts. THIS POST you still have not shown me how its directly tied to pizzagate. What is your source for THIS POST.

The proposed use of the EBS to circumvent MSM and deep state censorship is clearly "Media or Government Cover Up".

That happens all day every day. How does it make THIS POST pizzagate related.

It's hilarious that you are standing here chanting your little mantra, refusing to acknowledge these obvious connections, stamping your foot like a tyrant. But keep going. The more you say, the more you reveal your motives.

You are just being goofy now. I have asked you five times why you think the broadcast tomorrow will be pizzagate related and you still can't do it. You just want argue about "whether Q is legit or not" and if you notice I didn't take that bait.

My focus is >>> what indicates that the broadcast tommorrow will be pizzagate related? You can't come up with anything and already admitted that "we don't know what it will be about." Well no shit, nobody does.

There is a one in a million chance it will be pizzagate related. But for some reason THIS POST fits the rules? I don't give a fuck if Q is legit or not right this minute. I am arguing the merits of THIS POST.

Vindicator ago

You are just being goofy now. I have asked you five times why you think the broadcast tomorrow will be pizzagate related and you still can't do it. You just want argue about "whether Q is legit or not" and if you notice I didn't take that bait.

LMAO. You "didn't take the bait" because you are pushing your straw man argument so hard you are going to give yourself apoplexy. This is current breaking news directly related by Q to the same people censoring POTUS as censored pizzagate -- all of which fall squarely under the sidebar definition of Pizzagate relevance. Even if all it turns out to be is a generic message from Trump that says "MAGA".

It's relevant the same way news about Podesta or Hillary is relevant, even if they don't mention pizzagate.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's relevant the same way news about Podesta or Hillary is relevant, even if they don't mention pizzagate

At least you admitted it, finally. I would guess that one percent or less of Q's posts are directly related to pizzagate, but because he made a reference to it a few times anything that has Q attached to it is magically related to pizzagate? No the fuck its not and thats why you would absolutely trash this fucking place with your judgement. THIS POST cannot be tied directly to pizzagate but for some reason that magic Q marker make it related? Thats wrong and you know it.

Vindicator ago

Thats wrong and you know it.

You're a one-man spin gin, ES. They should give you a raise. You are literally making up strictures in the ruleset that don't exist.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are literally making up strictures in the ruleset that don't exist.

Call me all sorts of shills like you are accustomed to doing. I don't give a fuck. My posting history proves otherwise. Today you showed your bias in grand fashion. Its a shame you let something like Q fuck up your judgement so badly.

Vindicator ago

You can literally cite NO example of me exercising bad judgement, let alone bias in "grand fashion". I flaired a deficient Q post just this afternoon -- which you claimed I didn't do.

Your posting history shows you spamming the same posts across multiple subverses, repeatedly. It also shows you attacking @gamepwn in the past for legitimate Q pizzagate threads, lying about him breaking rules, accusing me of bias, lying about Q, spamming the comment section with pages of copypasta when you didn't get your way, and generally being your usual hateful, belligerent self to fill other people's posts you don't agree with with as much toxic waste as you can gather.

This is just more of the same bullshit.

I think you've inadvertantly done a pretty good job of answering gamepwn's question earlier about Q, though. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Your posting history shows you spamming the same posts across multiple subverses, repeatedly.

Back when I was posting more I posted to more than one pizzagate related sub. That is spamming? Point out alllllll those spam posts of mine. You can't do it because I have not posted a bunch of spam. You get rather vindictive when you get called out on your bias.

Until half of Washington D.C. gets rounded up, sent to Gito by military tribunal, you will always be wrong and I will always be correct. You Q followers, about a year ago, were ready to by batteries and canned food because you were convinced that Marshall Law was only two weeks away, and two weeks away, and two weeks away. I felt sorry for you guys way back then I still feel sorry for you today.

Until it happens you will be wrong and I will be right. Since it will never happen you will always be wrong. When Cicado 3301 was acting as Q at least it sort of "looked like" intel drops. Now its nothing more than a mainstream news parrot than always ends with a group of people torturing it into some seriously crazy shit.

"OMG that f-35 that crashed tried to shoot down Air Force One!" The crazy bullshit just never ends and goes no place. It has burned millions of hours of peoples time and brain space power. The F-35 has been the most notoriously technically fucked up jet fighter in modern history. Its had more problems than any modern fighter I can think of which is why they didn't put it into service long ago.

It saddens me deeply that you would that to this sub and it frustrates the living shit out of me too. You will be wrong for the rest of your life about this shit too. Trump is wayyyyy to busy making Zionist oligarchs richer to fuck with this fantasy yall live in. If you would WATCH WHAT HE DOES instead of listen to what he says this reality would be CRYSTAL CLEAR to you.

You showed your bias in a big way tonight. I'm through talking to you about it because all you want to do is turn these little fiascos into a finger pointing contest like a five year old kid. YOU NEVER did point out how THIS POST indicates that the broadcast tomorrow will be related to pizzagate because you can't. So you tried to turn it into a little bitch fight.

Please don't fuck up our sub. Its the only one we have. Voat is swamped with Q since the other subs moved in. People have plenty of Q playground. If you fuck up this sub there will be a lot of people that will never forgive you for it. Please don't do it out of spite. I"m done with you. I"m going to bed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is demonstrably "someone associated with pizzagate"

Fine. 95% of the topics Q talks about are pure politics and not pizzagate related. If its really pizzagate related I don't bitch about the Q posts. THIS POST you still have not shown me how its directly tied to pizzagate. What is your source for THIS POST.

The proposed use of the EBS to circumvent MSM and deep state censorship is clearly "Media or Government Cover Up".

That happens all day every day. How does it make THIS POST pizzagate related.

It's hilarious that you are standing here chanting your little mantra, refusing to acknowledge these obvious connections, stamping your foot like a tyrant. But keep going. The more you say, the more you reveal your motives.

You are just being goofy now. I have asked you five times why you think the broadcast tomorrow will be pizzagate related and you still can't do it. You just want argue about "whether Q is legit or not" and if you notice I didn't take that bait.

My focus is >>> what indicates that the broadcast tommorrow will be pizzagate related? You can't come up with anything and already admitted that "we don't know what it will be about." Well no shit, nobody does.

There is a one in a million chance it will be pizzagate related. But for some reason THIS POST fits the rules? I don't give a fuck if Q is legit or not right this minute. I am arguing the merits of THIS POST.

septimasexta ago

It would interrupt streaming chld porn. PROFITS WOULD BE LOST!

Vindicator ago

Nice point, septima. No wonder ES is getting is undies in a bundle over it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice point, septima. No wonder ES is getting is undies in a bundle over it.

Now you are calling me a child pornographer. You just get classier and classier don't cha?

aimeejamey ago

If indeed the mods continue drinking the Qool Aid. It can only get worse as Q implodes. Nothing a little opium trafficking won't fix, right frozencobra666?

ESOTERICshade ago

I understand. But each post must stand or fall on it's own merit. There is a thousand things Trump could say tomorrow and there is zero indication or reason to believe that it will be related to pizzagate. Maybe it will, maybe it won't be. I am a staunch advocate of keeping this sub pure and free from the endless speculation and false information that comes from the Q community. This is the largest and most pure archive of pizzagate material in the world and I want it to stay that way.

septimasexta ago

This technology could be used to shut down child porn. It's a two edged sword. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

EricKaliberhall ago

I don't have a voting brigade

Bullshit... Lying motherfucker.

Most of us don't like it but most won't speak up because YOU are willing to break the rules and call people out.

I must break you

ESOTERICshade ago

OK mod, do your job and show us where this emergency broadcast system sources DIRECTLY to the sexual abuse of children. Go ahead, i'll can't, because it does not, so it does not fit the rules. But you are willing to break the rules for your own personal preferences.

EricKaliberhall ago

Getting desperate ES... :)

this is pizzagate related because one of Q's first claims was that Trump would use the Emergency Broadcast System to bypass the MSM and other controlled channels. Q, as is well known, has made many statements that confirm Pizzagate is real, and claims it's much worse than we've even been able to outline, such that "The truth would put 99% of Americans, the world, in the hospital." Hence, if Trump uses the EBS, it's another direct confirmation that Q is not a LARP and is leaking true information.

What kind of information -

evilyehttheylive ago

Still avoiding!

ESOTERICshade ago

You still didn't tie THIS POST to the sexual abuse of children. Just because Q has referenced something pizzagate related in the past does not satisfy the rules. EACH POST must stand or fall on its own merit and THIS POST is not related to child abuse. Nice try though...

EricKaliberhall ago

Nice try though...

Go fuck yourself... You nasty Media Matters whore.

evilyehttheylive ago

Still avoiding the subject.

ESOTERICshade ago

Tie this post to the sexual abuse of children then Eric. Who said the broadcast tomorrow will include information directly tied to the sexual abuse of children? You too @Vindicator. Source this broadcast system announcement tomorrow directly to the abuse of children and prove to us that it will be broadcasting information directly related.

Vindicator ago

Are you asking me to make a megathread spelling out all the different times Q has referenced the sexual abuse of kids, ES? We don't know what the broadcast will include. We do know that it confirms Q is legit, who has posted numerous times about the sexual abuse of kids and promised Trump and whitehats are putting a stop to it and will be arresting those involved. He has asked researchers to track the number of sealed indictments, and asked people to prepare their friends and family because the full revelation of the truth is going to be very very traumatic for many.

Since when did you care if the numerous posts about Seth Rich "included information directly tied to the sexual abuse of children"? Or Alefantis? Or Podesta? Or Hillary?

It's so transparent that you are trying to shut down discussion about the EBS.

ESOTERICshade ago

We don't know what the broadcast will include. We do know that it confirms Q is legit,

Each post must stand or fall on its own merits as to whether it fits the rules. Tell me how that indicates tomorrow's broadcast will be pizzagate related. If the broadcast is about pizzagate I will be more delighted than most. That has nothing to do with THIS POST.

He has asked researchers to track the number of sealed indictments, and asked people to prepare their friends and family because the full revelation of the truth is going to be very very traumatic for many.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about those "indictments." Let me repeat this for the 100th time. There is NOT 55,000 sealed indictments, there are 55,000 sealed DOCUMENTS. A small percentage will be related to indictments and most will be miscellaneous court actions that have nothing to do with pizzagate.

Since when did you care if the numerous posts about Seth Rich "included information directly tied to the sexual abuse of children"? Or Alefantis? Or Podesta? Or Hillary?

To be honest that shit should never have been in here either and I didn't like it polluting our archives, but then I would have had to bitch about two topics and I was not up for the task.

It's so transparent that you are trying to shut down discussion about the EBS.

Someties you can be really paranoid. I"m trying to keep our sub from becoming endless pages of useless speculation that go nowhere but into rabbit holes. Right now our archives are pretty damn clean considering how heavily invaded we were for a while.

Goddamn bro, there are three fucking Q subs. Can't we just have this one for pizzagate without you turning this one into a Q speculation, and decode center? It doesn't matter if we believe Q is legit or not. Each post either fits the rules or it doesn't. This one DOES NOT.

aimeejamey ago

Hey man, but you totally work for media matters while the larpers gatekeeping pizzagate and creating batshit crazy NLP mind control subs discussing kill lists and inciting death threats against Dianne Feinstein, making people think that we are bringing Feinstein to the gallows for treason, totally aren't disinfo, because reasons.

Vindicator ago

To be honest that shit should never have been in here either and I didn't like it polluting our archives, but then I would have had to bitch about two topics and I was not up for the task.

Sorry. That excuse won't work. You didn't bitch about it for a whole year before Q ever showed up. You did not go into attack mode until Q arrived, and you only bitch about him.

Ironically, there a multiple posts here every week based on Q leaks that don't mention Q, and you never have a problem with how rigidly any of them adhere to Rule 1, either.

Your bullshit is showing. You have an irrational bias against anything mentioning Q.

twistedmac11 ago

ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION. For the love of god it is so obvious how you're skirting this. I'm archiving this entire fucking conversation. I'm sick of this clearly biased bullshit.

Vindicator ago

By all means, twistedmac. Please, also make a post on v/whatever about how corrupt and biased I am. I am happy for anyone to examine my history and track record.

twistedmac11 ago

No need, they can just look through your comments on this post. It's pretty clear. Others have already pointed it out here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Your bullshit is showing. You have an irrational bias against anything mentioning Q.

Those subs churn out more baseless guesses and speculation than any other subs. I don't want us to be invaded by it. Damn right I don't. If the Q posts are LEGIT tied to pizzagate I don't bitch.

evilyehttheylive ago

Still not answering.

Vindicator ago

Another ES sockpuppet? Add it to the list, @EricKaliberhall @think-.

evilyehttheylive ago

Oh brother. Actually I'm a separate dude agreeing with the facts: you won't address subjects when asked to back them up. Your such a loser behind a keyboard. Add it to the list. The undeserved arrogance just oozes out of you. You must be reeeeal fun at parties.

Vindicator ago

Uh huh. :-)

evilyehttheylive ago

Still avoiding the subject. And those little smiley faces you do...only more proof you don't take this seriously and your an obvious agent. No amount of smiley's and uh huhs are going to change that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thats pretty sad when your only defense against being disagreed with is to call somebody a sock puppet. Poor optics too. Easy way to avoid a question isn't it....lame bro.

derram ago :

'Presidential Alert': Trump text slides to October 3 - CNNPolitics :

Lawsuit seeks to block Trump from sending presidential alerts to phones | TheHill

This has been an automated message.

ESOTERICshade ago

What does the emergency broadcast have to do with pizzagate?

sore_ass_losers ago

Have you heard of a Presidential emergency broadcast? Which Presidents have used this?

gamepwn ago

If there is a storm QAnon said Trump will play a message over the EBS. It forces everyone in the nation to listen to it.

ESOTERICshade ago

This post does not belong here. If we fill this sub with endless speculation about when "the storm" is coming this sub will go to shit and lost its credibility and our archive will be cluttered with endless amounts of junk.

gamepwn ago

This isn't litter. Just because some are convinced he's real or fake or a phyop is not the point. If we just ignore all posts we are censoring. I know you think Q is a phyop. I've already said I'm on the fence several times. However he reported this many times, that they the EBS will be used to alert the nation if shit hits the fan and the POTUS needs to talk to the people and bypass everything. Now MSM is involved and even trying to stop this and it's being spoken about everywhere. It's important to at least analyze even if you don't believe ESOTERICshade

ESOTERICshade ago

You have THREE Q SUBS to analyze Qanon and this sub is NOT for analyzing anonymous internet sources. This sub is for well sourced pizzagate information. This post does not belong here unless it relates to pizzagate. Period end of story.

You want this sub to be a litter of mess like

This sub is for well sourced pizzagate information and this post is one of thousands and thousands of posts that "analyze" Qanon. It does NOT belong here. Period. End of story. You want our archive to be trashed up like QRV? I don't. I use our archive and I don't want to wade through that endless unsourced garble.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

A valid point, although the lines blur a bit here. To play Baal's advocate:. IF one allows for the possibility that Trump is at minimum fighting for a different faction than those who control most MSM, this system could be his only means to communicate directly to the people. If this alert system is intended to convey points regarding ((those)) who are ravaging and manipulating the world's children, this could be very important indeed, and they would love for us to ignore or dismiss it as we do all Qtardation. Also, I really can't read any of the Q boards without wanting to vomit at how easily manipulated all these sheep who think they're goats are, yet I find this one of the most interesting and telling developments of late. The mods allow much less relevant things to stay up regularly.

ESOTERICshade ago

I suppose that is a possibility but me thinks if Trump started sending messages the cabal didn't like they would just interrupt the phone services in some manner to stop him. I doubt he could send messages at will without them having a way to shut him down.

My thinking is that all this is a red herring and something else far more nefarious is going on, like installing the capability to black out every single phone in the U.S. if they want to. With this system you CANNOT OPT OUT which means they could turn it on, leave it on, and keep your phone jammed as long as they please. They might even be able to do it selectively to any single person they desire. I feel pretty sure this is all about giving the government a universal way to intercept, interrupt, all phones at anytime for any reason.

WhenEveMetEnki ago

From a tech standpoint, your second point doesn't make sense (through no fault of your own, I only know for professional reasons), as they already have sufficient backdoors and complete control & cooperation from the providers &manufacturers to do exactly what you described and more. We already can't opt out of certain alerts anyway, and the only difference between this system and those is the ALLEGED source of the alerts: the president. I wish I could pinpoint what it is about it that seems pertinent, but it's just my gut ATM, I'll concede.

This very well could be disinformation, or a red herring, as you put it, though. Like I said, just playing devil's advocate. Rereading the thread, I am a bit perturbed by the company my hypothetical argument seems to put me in.

I'll agree this is more likely than not a NOTHINGburger.

ESOTERICshade ago

We already can't opt out of certain alerts anyway, and the only difference between this system and those is the ALLEGED source of the alerts: the president.

You are probably right. I doubt they built a whole new system. And like you said "supposedly" the President can now access it on his own, which also seems like it might be hokey. This whole thing is probably a stunt that has been engineered for reasons we might not be able to understand yet.