Pizzalurker15 ago

I thought the only official Q is on the greatawakening now? The pedo posts arent on there. Only Q can post there

Fak not lettin me paste the link

MichaelClayton ago

More carrot dangling

Samime ago

Tar and feathers time

tech-adm ago

I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop for over a year now - this Storm has yet to take down a big fish on the original Pizzagate Hit List - at least officially. Countless posts around "Arrests Imminent!", "Podesta Under Arrest!", "Hillary to be Indicted!" - yet in the real world, nothing. In the end, it is looking more and more like the research community are the only ones who will take the pedos down - through evidence of their crimes. A perfect example is Jeff Sessions, who appears to be asleep at the wheel. I'll give it another 6 months to see if all of these sealed indictments produce any fruit and if not, then I am gone.

Psalm144-1 ago

I dont believe Q from 8chan is the same Q from 4chan.... The obviously FAKE Podesta email about "The Dogs are Loose" was a dead give away.

Narcissism ago

It was good though because it exposed their shills and YouTubers as they had to double down and explain away the unexplainable. Dustin Nemos and his (acting out of character) OTT attack on Seeman being but one example.

Phenomenonanon ago

Who are we taught to trust? "Our Representatives" Pizzagate by definition.

Blowitwideopen ago

We need ALL who have small irrefutable evidence to begin dropping it in public. Starting with NYPD sex tape....then, the missing assassination texts, next the politicians "non profits", bohemian grove, getty center, on and on and on! Let's turn them out like a series , a reality show, then have national enquirer cover it! There's ways to do it so everybody "gets" it! For those already awake, we'll hijack the NASA channel.

ESOTERICshade ago

60% must remain secret equals "there may be a few token arrests but we do not intend to wreck our mind control system we use over you." They don't want an awake public and they fully intend to keep humanity asleep.

People need to wake up to the fact that Trump's contribution to child trafficking was to meet with the totally corrupted NCMEC and demonic Ashton Kutcher's "Thorn" group.

Its a big club and we are not in it. The Republicans and Democrats work together to remain dominant over humanity. At the same time they compete to see who gets the largest chunk of our tax dollars they steal through bogus social programs, outrageously over priced weapons deals, etc...

Supporting a political party is the same old trick that gets played on us every election cycle. Our job has to be to red pill our brothers and sisters with what little internet platform we have left because the government just screwed net neutrality and in coming days they will try to choke off our ability to be heard.

Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook all three just announced aggressive moves to shut us up. Supporting a political party and diddling around with Q is wasted time and energy, not to mention it is equal to fiddling while Rome burns because they are still surrounding us every day while people play in the Q pool.

Psalm144-1 ago

Have you seen the fake Podesta email that the 8chan "Q" posted the other day... then when people immediately recognized the FAKE email Q deleted the post??

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you seen the fake Podesta email that the 8chan "Q" posted the other day... then when people immediately recognized the FAKE email Q deleted the post??

The one that talked about pre programming the voting machines?

Psalm144-1 ago

Yea that one...

ESOTERICshade ago

Yea that one...

Wasn't very smart to post a fake wikileaks email. Those can be verified by going to wikileaks. I really won't buy a "just trying to wake up the public to the fact that Soros owns voting machines" either because all he had to do was simply say it. Then it was deleted which is suspicious.

I also refuse to buy this "60% must remain undisclosed" business either. They are either serious about cleaning up the child trafficking problem or they are not. Trump's contribution was to meet with NCMEC and Ashton Kutcher. (eye roll)

Only thing I know to do is red pill other people as fast as we can because the info bottleneck is coming. The Trump administration just destroyed Net Neutrality which will eventually lead to choking off access to strategic internet connections somehow. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have declared war on us.

Psalm144-1 ago

Thank you for the detailed response. I am glad that you have the opinion on this matter that is directly in line with mine. I was so confused and suspicious when that fake email was starting to go viral on in the truth communities. I knew it was a fake and I was upset that so many people were going with it.

People! We need to keep our facts rocksolid if we want to win this war!! Disinfo will be our demise if we are not careful...

Qanon from 4chan = Possibly the real thing, helpful information.

Qanon from 8chan = LARP! DO NOT TRUST 8CHAN Q!!

ESOTERICshade ago

I think what we are watching is the dance known as the Totalitarian Tip Toe. While people are focused on the fake drama coming out of Washington D.C. the Zionist hate machine is still rolling along. I notice in Jerome Corsi's analysis of the Q "intel drops" he insinuates that Iran may be dangerous to the U.S. This is bullshit because Iran is simply defending itself. Iran does not have a Rothschild bank and our government, in collusion with Israel, and Saudia Arabia is determined for them to have one.

think- ago

is the dance known as the Totalitarian Tip Toe

'Totalitarian Tip Toe'?


micha_ ago

You only link to a picture! SOURCE IS MISSING!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Say, what happend to LATrump? Guess he got tired of saying "Here comes the pain!, I'll leave if I'm wrong!". Bet he just moved the goal post back and said, Trump will get um...later. Close your bank accounts folks. You are funding the banking cartel. Cheering on cartel members to defeat the cartel for you will never work. Step one, close all bank accounts.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, Q is waiting for the right moment to strike. like Trump. They are playing 100D chess. But I am relieved the CIA has been arrested by the marines and the Podestas are in gitmo being tortured no doubt. And Hillary and McCain wearing boots because of 100's of sealed indictments that they are probably part of. So really, this is almost over. Podestas arrested. Hillary with a monitering boot, CIA in chains. I mean, a few more riddles delivered by Q and we can all kick back. That is it, they have been vanquished.

Reality check...Zero arrest. Trump suspends constitution on queue and allows us to be taxed by foreign entities, Chemtrails continue. Weather wars continue. Banks still forcing our politicians to put the country in debt and servitude to the banks. All markets still rigged. 5G weaponry moving into position. Shills and gatekeepers still infest the media in every nook and cranny of the net. Spooks posing as anonymous sources still manipulating supposedly awoke community.

pby1000 ago

Probably England, based on Trump being snubbed by them.

Narcissism ago

Q is BS - what happened to the Soro and Hillary are in custody? that was a month ago. They're on holiday not custody... Then theres the known fake Email post yesterday with the shills in overdrive damage limitation mode.... Q is a stalling tactic - WAKE UP!

Shillaxe ago

Lighten up ,Q is right ... 3% of the time , lol

MichaelClayton ago


Narcissism ago

Yeh, what like the clock.

Z11Mama ago

60% must remain private... The PG problem is way too big for people to accept. We know this. Perhaps Q feels the public can only take so much or they will be unable to deal with it. 40% of the truth is all they can take. If they have to question the real number of people involved they could lose trust in all people. We've got to trust the good guys to lead us out. So that was my first thought. We can only realistically accept 40% of the truth. For humanities sake. More would destroy us

Z11Mama ago

I did not say this is what I personally feel. I said maybe this was what Q meant. I KNOW what's what and what is needed. Far more so than most people. I also know that most people, as just evidenced right here, aren't capable of discussing the subject. They can only trash it. So yea. These comments make Q look like they mean what I just said.

dreamwarrior23 ago

Look at Hollywood. Look at Parliament. Look at the Vatican. People are not only ready to accept that the people in power are pedophiles, they're willing to stand by them no matter what. Look at Woody Allen. People will make excuses for John Podesta. "He's a pedosexual. It should be legalized anyway." But they will uprise if Podesta, Hillary, Bill and Obama are put behind bars, no matter what the charges they will make you hear them louder than we've ever heard them. They will work day and night until laws change to legalize pedophila, legalize murders in the name of national security, et al. That's the only thing I would say that maybe should prevent us from locking them up. Otherwise a crime is a crime. If you have proof of a crime why would you not prosecute the criminals?

ESOTERICshade ago

We've got to trust the good guys to lead us out. So that was my first thought. We can only realistically accept 40% of the truth. For humanities sake. More would destroy us

Nope. You need to go ahead and take the rest of the red pills.

carmencita ago

Two things I heard this morning. George Bush's % just went up to 61% much from Democrats. They are liking him better now. Also CMBYN has at least two Academy Award Noms. Best Pic and Actor for the Twink. I am leaving the board right now to go Throw Up. We are fighting in place. We need to Re-Group. This fight must Pick Up. We need the Best and Brightest to come up with New Tactics. I don't care if we expose it all for they don't want us to. They are hoping that even if we are successful in exposure, that there will be enough left for them to Rise Up Again. NO. Like A Vampire. Stab It Until It Is DEAD.

think- ago

We can only realistically accept 40% of the truth. For humanities sake. More would destroy us

I hear you, but I don't agree.

In order to solve a problem, you have to be aware of the full size of the problem.

Otherwise, it can't be solved and will continue in one way or another.

Sackajahweeda ago

Who the fuck is deciding this? I say let the chips fall where they may!!

finska ago

If this is real we are in for one hell of a ride!

Vindicator ago

Here's a Q Storm Watch flair, EK.

Those posts today made my hair stand on end. I suddenly realized we could be about to put Nazi Germany to shame. :-( I fear the Cabal is going to make "USA" a byword.

Are_we__sure ago

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany

really? What year do you compare it to?

fromrthedonald ago

Wait til it comes out how the "secret society" tried to assassinate a president.

micha_ ago

Those posts today made my hair stand on end.

Its the intention. Always check the source...

EricKaliberhall ago

Thanks @Vindicator

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. ???

That means Q is going against our agenda...

Blowitwideopen ago

Seems he might be talking about the Vatican portion.

Onetime1 ago

Eric, no, friend. There is NO one on this board who wants immediate, 100% execution of these bastards more than I. My limited exposure to this evil goes back decades including several first and second hand accounts that cause me chills till this day. Suffice to know brutal atrocities have been perpetrated for decades upon our most vulnerable. IMMEDIATE lawful adjudication and execution is best. The wallowing in nightmare inducing tales of the most unimaginable acts serve no necessary, beneficial goal.

jealoushe ago

yep bothers me too. It has to come out or history will repeat itself.

ThePuppetShow ago

Fuck that bullshit.. This is sounding more and more like a deep state set up. Who exactly is sitting on the other side of the table in Trumps chess game? Us again?

MichaelClayton ago

I agree, it’s pandering, and that’s a controlled opposition move

Aaronkin ago

I have seen enough to know that this is bigger then any of us could ever fantasize. If what I fantasize were true and reviled to the world it would be license for everyone to start killing. That would destroy civilization. I am not sure that is what is needed, maybe it is. But I am sure no one ever in Government thought that was right thing to do. Not even Nero. So seeing this comment dose not surprise me. All I can do is hope the 40% is good enough to turn the tide. This is a house cleaning not a house burning.

Upswing ago

My awakening process was extremely painful and it lasted several years. Pizzagate was the last stone to fall in terms of losing the illusion about those in power/break free from the programming and luckily my spirit was stable enough to handle it appropriately. I'm not saying everybody is the same, but for most people the awakening process must occur gradually in order to preserve sanity.

truthmatters ago

I agree. Let's take the scenario of a cancer, if you leave 60% of a tumor, you increase the probability of the cancer growing and spreading. Metastatic disease is not curable. The patient has to deal with the symptoms and wait for death. The option to hopefully prevent metastatic disease is remove the entire tumor. Surgery may be painful and even disfiguring, but, your chances of overall survival increases. Not one of these sick child rapists should go free because we fear the consequences of politics. Not one of these children deserve anything less than justice. International relationships can be repaired. A life lost is a life lost. The children can not be replaced.

Matt_Helm ago

No hopefully it means you won't see 60% of the actions the white hats take to get rid of the cancer.

40% will become public at some point. You also won't see 60% of the evidence of the worst crimes.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I can see what you mean, and that statement is a bit disappointing. But, to date, multiple insiders have hinted that we'll never truly see the full scope of evil... Q is reinforcing that. So, while the lack of transparency for the few that are mentally equipped to learn 100% of it (us) is disappointing, if this was a legit Q post, they are "capital F" Fucked.

Nooses would be too quick.

wtf_is_happening ago

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. These people should be hanging.

This bothered me too. Is "humanity" the hostage to prevent the VIP human sacrificers/traffickers being exposed. Are the elite 60% of the perpetrators? Are we supposed to accept this deal for our own safety?

pby1000 ago

Would releasing the 60% increase the chances of nuclear war?

Shizy ago

Maybe but it's irrelevant. We can not allow fear or possibilities of bad things keep us back any longer

pby1000 ago

I want to see everything be released, but the people who make this decision may fear some pretty significant blowback.

I think everything should be released so we can clean house. We can't continue like this... The previous system is done and over with.

Sackajahweeda ago

Maybe not it may out those in power as not really capable of making such may help?

pby1000 ago

I have no idea why I was downvoted. I think I asked a good question.

Of course, I personally want it all to be released.

Sackajahweeda ago

Have no clue as I have only down voted in total like 2 folks and only on my old (locked out of) sn.

pby1000 ago

LOL. I mostly upvote people. I very rarely downvote.

jealoushe ago

same. Maybe Nuclear war needs to happen for the world to change.

pby1000 ago

Perhaps, but humanity would be lucky to survive.

Malignment ago

think people. for the sake of humanity they aren’t releasing all information because it’s TOO SICK and PERVASIVE. it would destroy people’s minds, cause mass chaos and panic.... in other words, do more harm than good ...

but they need to drop something and soon.

MichaelClayton ago

it would destroy people’s minds

Good! Destroy their minds! They are the reason I can’t pick up a samurai sword with my brothers and obliterate these worthless monsters. Fuck the masses’ delicate feelings. If they want to eat a their delicious steaks they should be made to see a slaughterhouse. If they know what’s happening it will stop happening for a long time.

Malignment ago

I don’t disagree there should be substantial disclosure of what the cult does. I’m just explaining the rationale. I’m sure the white hats are concerned about causing more harm than good, national security, etc. I’m not saying I agree with their concerns.

Shizy ago

I agree. Many many people would simply go into literal shock -or- lynch mobs would form and there would be utter chaise

ESOTERICshade ago

think people. for the sake of humanity they aren’t releasing all information because it’s TOO SICK and PERVASIVE. it would destroy people’s minds, cause mass chaos and panic.

Thinking like that is what will keep us screwed forever. All this bullshit about the public being too shocked to handle it is nothing but the perps protecting themselves. THE PERPS DON'T WANT THE PUBLIC SHOCKED AND OUTRAGED.

Sackajahweeda ago

Exactly fuck the niceties and proper conduct...THEY certainly never considered this whilst fucking and murdering children...time to call them out!!!

Onetime1 ago

Warning!! Skip my following comment unless you feel full disclosure is necessary!!! No joke.

Can you imagine keeping a teen tethered to a gurney for days while she is tortured so as to continue the production of adrenalinized blood, aka Adrenochrome? No need, my friend, no need to prompt the most horrific details to the wider public.

Samime ago

Swear and curse and kick... it’s all they understand! Don’t let “ death by niceness” happen! This is an ugly war... get ugly!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It would do more harm than good? Shill. Or idiot. If you are to weak for the truth, go hide. You have no right to make a case to protect people by withholding knowledge. That is what they do. That is why you are enslaved and stil repeat rediculous mantras about knowledge and truth doing more harm than good. Perhapos Robert David Steele's wisdom rubbed off on you. "Everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail" They are too big to fail, and it would do more harm than good to jail them.

Vindicator ago

Maybe, maybe not. From everything I've read from Q, the goal is to root the sickos out and destroy them without destroying international relations.

Do I want to be vindicated with family and friends for the time I've put in here since the Podesta emails? Absolutely. But it's not about me or you. The ultimate vindication is if the secret societies and child traffickers are ended, their wealth is taken away, and the damage is minimized. I fear for all the veterans and their families, especially the broken would they cope with finding out something like they sacrificed so much so that people like Tony Podesta could have red leather shoes made from the skin of murdered kids?

PoundSign_999 ago

You make a good point. At first I balked at keeping 60% safe. I'm an ancap after all, so less government is better, in my mind. But as you say, the USA may dramatically change in the eyes of the world. We may suddenly go from heros to Khemer Rouge and then other countries/bad actors may try to take advantage of that situation.

HeartOfCs ago

The ultimate vindication is if the secret societies and child traffickers are ended,

But how would you know this happened? Trust. Trust the new agenda just like the old agenda asked us to trust the old paradigm.

That's not good enough.

Shizy ago

That's why this needs to be fully out in the open. I know we have a crap ton of pajama soy boys and self centered, instant gratification, dumbed down people in our country but having stuff hidden from us isn't helping and in fact allows this type of sick twisted shit to continue. If individuals can't handle the truth well then that's their problem but I have more faith in humanity and believe we can handle it and stop it from continuing

MichaelClayton ago

Fuckin’-A, Shizy. Fuckin’-A.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

It isn't international relations though. And isn't just the USA .. this is is WORLDWIDE NETWORK of peadophilia and satanic ritual abuse.

EricKaliberhall ago

It's not about some personal vindication... It's about working towards full disclosure for generations to come. Evil exist, hiding it won't make it go away.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Exactly. Full disclosure is needed so this NEVER happens again!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is not enough. Disclosure and consequences for all involved. Not possible though. There are no white hats. They would never be allowed in the club or would be taken out quickly. They don't take chances. They control, and use disinfo to plant people in a holding position of watching and hoping.

Vindicator ago

Yes, I do agree. It's how we got in this mess in the first place.

Samime ago

Clean cut!!! Only way. Don’t drag it out.

EricKaliberhall ago


Blacksmith21 ago

As much as I (as most of us) want to have our "craziness" exonerated in the eyes of our social circle, we are fighting for humanity's survival, as melodramatic as that sounds.

60 percent [at least] - The full monte could plunge the world into global war, just based on the level of deception.

90+ percent of this country is not equipped to even deal with what we see. Remember that feeling from watching the "Mother" trailer? How about seeing it for real? Now imagine exposing this country to that reality.

It will take a generation to root out this scourge.

I don't want them to open the kimono all the way. It would destroy the US. SHow just enough to shock, horrify, and persuade the public. All other perpetrator should disappear without explanation other than "involved in crimes against humanity" and leave it there.

It may or may not work, but it sounds like the big shit is coming soon.

Think of the impact if evidence is release which - all it has to do - is prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that HRC is a Satan worshipping murderer and cannibal. Once that's proven, everything else becomes wholly believable.

EricKaliberhall ago

If we as humans where able to adapt/adjust to living under the rule of satanic pedophiles... We can adapt/adjust to the scope of deception and the horrible truth, they've been hiding in plain sight all along.

Who decides what's disclosed? And what's not disclosed? No, I will always advocate full disclosure.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm there with you EK. I can handle it. You can handle it. We can handle it. We are also "special" whether or not we know it. We have been chosen for whatever reason to be the driving force here.

Sure 8/4ch/R has a lot of "autists" who dig up a lot of stuff. Call it raw data, sometimes converted to information and rarely intelligence. What I see here on Voat is the data and information being converted to plain English analyses. This is what normies are going to be seeking when they awakening gets real traction.

There will be millions of people - assuming the PG content makes it into the clear in one form or another - who are going to be adrift, at sea, seeking knowledge and answers. They will wind up here - not on chans or Reddit.

Think of the people in your life. They cannot process this shit. Hell, I have friends who are FBI analysts, agents, three-letter employees, former/active duty officers and enlisted - most of them believe the DS' existence (or downplay it). Almost no one I know can wrap their heads around the concept of organized Satanism and ritual human sacrifice among the elite and wannabe elite.

I have a few friends who - 2 - who really get it. Spouse is along for the ride but full "I'll believe it when I see it".

Want to have some fun this weekend? Make everyone watch the trailer for Mother. And then ask them "where do you think the idea for this scene came from?"

ESOTERICshade ago

We have been chosen for whatever reason to be the driving force here.

Nobody was chosen. Some people were just good at pattern matching and open minded enough to believe what the dots connected.

90+ percent of this country is not equipped to even deal with what we see.

Thats just too bad. We have to have full disclosure. We need as much public shock and outrage as possible. All this pussy footing around, removing part of a cancer tumor, and leaving the rest, makes no sense. Humanity won't fall dead from shock. Humanity will become outraged and that is what has to happen.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't disagree with you at all. We are into uncharted, pure speculation waters. Our viewpoints differ slightly, when compared to the whole 360. A lot of factors affect that - religion, intellect, lifestyle, geography, and life experiences.

Living in the Swamp, my outlook on the world is gonna be a lot different than someone in Peoria, Vancouver, or Auckland.

Again, I am all for full disclosure. I'm more worried about the public reaction - chaos, riots, mass trauma, lack of productivity, random freakouts.

Think about this - once the first real nugget re trafficking/SRA drops - think of the public reaction. Hundreds of millions of people who laughed, scoffed, taunted, attacked us (and still do) are going to freak the fuck out. Everything they have ever known is about to be not only destroyed, but revealed to show the world how foolish these people are.

I believe we are chosen for whatever reason to be here and to play a role during and following The Awakening.

think- ago

I'm more worried about the public reaction - chaos, riots, mass trauma, lack of productivity, random freakouts.

Look what happened in the wake of the Dutroux scandal in Belgium. Hundredthousands took to the streets, demanded justice. Then - nothing.

Everyone in Belgium knows that many, if not most, politicians, judges, police chiefs are into pedophilia. They just got used to it and carried on with their daily life.

It's a war like situation. People adjust and concentrate on surviving amidst the chaos.

Blacksmith21 ago

But we have God, guns, and more people than their entire fucking shithole country. And we have POTUS & Co. on our side.

darkknight111 ago

Unlike Nazi Germany, many of the people fighting against the corrupt regime are themselves Americans. Both citizens and patriot elements of the government. We won't end up being a by word given that this nightmare is global in nature.

mrfetus ago

SHILL. Nazi German was fighting against the corrupt regime of the globalist Jew. Hitler did nothing wrong.

gaystapo ago

Trump is restoring America's image. I'm Canadian and I cannot stress how proud I am of what the American patriots are doing for their country and the ripple effect that will have on the world. God bless the united states of America!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

There is no government. There are no political actors on the inside fighting them. Get that out of your head. It is your responsibility. Stop waiting for others to fight your fight. They are all part of the same society, not ours, theirs. They are not here to free you. They are where they are because the played the game. The know the IRS is not part of our government, and our income tax doesn't go to our government. They all are guilty of treason. You also are not fighing them and you are not getting the word out. You are telling people that we are being defended. We aren't. You need to wake up.

mrfetus ago

GTFO with your blackpill.


You ramble a lot. Its a mess in that brain of yours.

Vindicator ago

I dearly hope you are right.

I am starting to get antsy about the scope of these horrors. Feel the same way as before heading into an exploratory cancer surgery, not knowing how bad it's going to be, what parts are going to be missing when you wake up, etc. I just want to get it over with.

gaystapo ago

I've been impatient at times in God's unveiling of these horrors. There's a rate of exposure that is necessary to prevent complete and utter chaos. Quite often I wish I could sleep and wake up when everything is exposed but that is me being selfish. It gets exhausting knowing all this stuff and seeing people still brainwashed by their idols in Hollywood. I want to scream from rooftops but then everyone just thinks I'm crazy...

Lag-wagon ago

The scope is the world and that is why they wanted a world government.

EricKaliberhall ago

More is coming out... 8chan is/was under attack

Edit: If this drop is verified as Q... PizzaGate will be next, we hafto be ready!

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