gogogogostop ago

If anything, Reagan was being played by the Deep State. He was a puppet. Bush was the real power behind his administration, tried to remove him with the next-door neighbors kid playing assassin. Didn't work out so well.

urbanmoving ago

He protected Aquino Good friend of Israel, Grenada was sacrificed, to maintain illusions, Cold War success by small counter group, they got btfo no resistance as of now....we are fucked.

Dukers_the_Artists ago

Personally, I think Q is a psyop. My gut does not trust them.

Kahlypso79 ago

Reagan was a Mockingbird tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVy1K_xX5pg used to hunt communists in Hollywood until he went to Bohemian Grove. Radio Free Europe was Mockingbird, eventually all controlled by Dulles. (who had Gehlen's Organisation in his back pocket) but that's a different thread... In 1952 Reagan became a fundraiser for Crusade for Freedom.. Remeber the context, raging anti communism at the time.. Mockingbird actually used their 'Fake Media' contacts at the time to control public interest via the MSM around that time.. which were the newspapers..to destroy McCarthy and make him stop his 'Witch Hunts'..(do you remember who was on McCarthy's team? Who went on to be a lawyer for a certain real estate mogul) Reagan hated George Bush I (a fellow grover, but he liked Nixon another fellow grover, who apparently raped a girl so violently she bled all over Airforce 1 when he was in Australia)) due to his 'liberal' ways, and only accepted him because Ford was making sure he couldnt be accepted as VP (during the negogiations to become VP) by insisting on bizarre veto powers it doesnt mean that Reagan had to do things to be kept under control. This is where we got the guy at the tresory who went on to be responsable for the Subprime scandal..He was Ford's choice.. and he wanted Kissinger to be special council to the office of Vice President.. just before throwing the office to George Bush..

project_uniquename ago

1) Ronald Reagan is no hero, according to accounts of MK-ULTRA victims. I have other reasons for not approving of him, but I'll limit myself to what Brice Taylor and Cathy O'Brien said, and to his handling of media regulations:

Reagan deregulated the media: he allowed companies to own more media entities, and extended licenses. He authorized peacetime psyops. Psyops were previously done under wartime conditions - they are for messing with people's minds. His FCC repealed the Fairness Doctrine - a law that could be used to demand that media companies air points of view that opposed their main talking points. Later, Bill Clinton damaged the media still more with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Between Reagan and Clinton, media consolidation exploded. As the number of media-owning companies got smaller and smaller (from 50 companies in 1983 to 6 in 2012), those companies had less reason to be competitive with one another. Their priorities are now on agreeing with each other (and the Deep State) and not on telling the truth.

2) Cathy O'Brien is not a hero, either, but I still value her story.

project_uniquename ago

2) Cathy O'Brien

I've read a few books written by MK-ULTRA victims, including Kathleen Sullivan's Unshackled and Brice Taylor's Thanks for the Memories. Cathy O'Brien's book is the only one that doesn't mention any other victims (aside from her daughter). This and the quotes below make me suspicious of Cathy O'Brien, but her story also lines up with others in so many details. Like O'Brien, Becky Percy and Brice Taylor both claim to have been hunted in human hunting parties. Like O'Brien, Kathleen Sullivan and Brice Taylor both claim to have been sexually abused as infants. Like O'Brien, Ellen Atkin, Kathleen Sullivan, Carol Rutz, and Brice Taylor all link their abuse to Nazis, whether it was because they were harmed directly or because Nazi doctors worked on the MK-ULTRA program. I think Phillips (and O'Brien? too fragmented to know what she was doing?) tried to keep the story of MK-ULTRA victims contained long enough that it wouldn't make a difference to the New World Order, while they told the truth of her own story. I would still cite O'Brien's TRANCE-Formation of America, because its message of mass mind control is consistent with other victim accounts - unless someone points out major factual error(s) in the book.

Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan

...their cover was compromised in the mid 1990s when a fake "good guy" named Mark Philips gained this information and everything else I'd compiled. Later, he admitted that he gave it all to CIA officers working in Atlanta. p.194

Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor

The most publicized case of MONARCH monomania has surfaced through the book TRANCE Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Slave by Cathy O'Brien. On the back cover it emphatically states, "Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor or the Central Intelligence Agency's Mk-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation." p. 21

Mark Phillips knew all about my programming. Looking back on it now, he seemed to know way too much. He asked if I had "a twin sister who was two inches shorter than me." This was a very powerful key and code into the programming of my "inner twin sister," Sharon, and this seemingly simple statement controlled my body in a very intimate way from the outside, showing me while in normal consciousness that I was indeed a robot, and not in control of my own body. Shortly after Mark and Cathy's arrival and seminar, a series of events occurred including an accident an ensuing hospitalization of the person that was living with me as my safe person. p. 293

Several weeks later, with nearly 10 years of recovery behind me, this so-called "retired?!" CIA operative made dramatic changes in his living arrangements just to "help me deprogram." After relocating across the country, to a home in Arab, Alabama, where I paid all domestic expenses for the three of us...this renegade CIA operative read my lengthy journal entries daily for a year and a half and agreed that in his own words, "the memory work contains absolute elements of fact laced with verifiable details." But one and one-half years, forty-two journals, and $50,000+ traveling and living expenses later, Mark Phillips informed me that nothing had ever happened to me...nothing what-so-ever! p. 293

Cathy O'Brien said, "Well, you should be happy that nothing happened and that your children have not been abused!" I couldn't believe she was saying that, after all the common details of our histories we had shared. I was devastated and went to bed and could not eat for three days and remained noncommunicative and totally subdued for nearly a month afterwards...I suspect that Mark is some kind of "containment agent" who is being directed through his "handlers" whose motivations ultimately serve the New World Order. Through his containment expertise, the information I have conveyed to you in this book you are now reading was delayed in reaching you by nearly seven years." p. 293

evilyehttheylive ago

Did you find it odd in thanks for the memories when Brice Taylor said all kinds of wild things, yet romanticized her sexual relationship with JFK? It was damn near cheesy.

project_uniquename ago

I found the whole book odd - so far from what I believed, yet I find it believable now that I know how much the media can cover up.

I didn't find the JFK section any odder than the rest. She called him 'romantic' and 'gutsy', but she was programmed to act seductive and to make observations. Those just sound like observations. If she does romanticize JFK, I guess when you have to put up with an incredible amount of abuse, you take the good where you can find it. Whatever she thought of him, these quotes make me think she would have preferred to live her childhood some other way (she was 10 when she first started having sex with him):

I serviced many men on this so-called shuttle service over the years of my life that should have been filled with junior high, high school and college extracurricular activities of my own choosing. p. 83

Then he [JFK] would lay back and wait for the two of us to stimulate him, at which point he turned into an animal...Touching the tip of my nose he continued, "So young lady, you are very important to our nation." I was just out of braces. p. 84

He said that really got him hard to see young, firm breasts and he circled my nipples with his fingers. I didn't like it when I saw his wedding band on his hand while he was doing that to me because even under mind control, I knew who his wife was. Henry had told me to emulate her and so I felt bad... like here was this innocent, beautiful woman and I was having sex with her husband and there was a feeling of guilt--even under mind control. p. 86

evilyehttheylive ago

Food for thought, duly noted and thanks for the new perspective. Have a good day. Shit is unreal.

project_uniquename ago

Brice Taylor and Cathy O'Brien claim to be mind controlled Monarch slaves, which means that they didn't consent to anything that was done to them. If mind controlled slaves deviate from their programming, they are punished severely (Brice Taylor described being punished even when she followed orders). And so, whenever they had sex according to their programming, they were raped, even when the rapists weren't violent (like Reagan). Reagan knew they were robots, and was enthusiastic about the idea. He was enthusiastic about the New World Order ideas, without understanding them or questioning them. I'm quoting these passages to show some places where Taylor and O'Brien's accounts agreed, how Reagan treated people, and how he thought.

Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor

The Council had big plans for Ronald Reagan and he fit the requirements for what they were looking for - someone who was pliable and could be directed. He proved that by following their directions from the beginning, even before he was elected Governor. He was a person who was patriotic, personable and was seen as wholesome, good and genuine in the public eye. He was a "good actor" and was willing to jump through their hoops without question. They always told him he was working for the "good of his country" and he never seemed to question anything. p. 107

That first meeting, Reagan and I were alone in the small theater...After my seductive act, I walked out to where he was sitting all alone and climbed, naked, into his lap to recite my program. Following my programmed instructions, I told him that I could satisfy every desire or whim he could imagine, that I came complete with instructions and top security, and was referred by his friend Bob Hope. He seemed embarrassed, a reaction that would follow him over the years in relation to me, and a bit overwhelmed, but his response was, "I'm sold ...tell Bob I'm sold!"...I was used extensively on and around 1968, at age 17, by then Governor Reagan and soon after with United States President Richard Nixon. p. 107

Once he was elected Governor, they had me working between Nixon (as President) and Reagan (as Governor). They worked them together and were able to effect powerful change and legislation between the two. That was escalated when Reagan got into office as President and later they utilized Pete Wilson in the same way. p. 108

Mind control programs were tried out on the inmates - programs they wanted to implement with criminals, soldiers, etc., if they worked. Governor Reagan, who was busy touring the facility, wasn't around when they tortured and programmed the prisoners...In the early 1970's there was a penal colony in Ottawa, Canada that Reagan corresponded and collaborated with to compare their rate of success with ours. I was flown there with Reagan in order to completely and efficiently retain all the statistical data on their inmate projects. In the early 70's the inmates were heavily targeted like the preschools were in the later 70's. p. 110

In later years, Reagan brought some of the prisoners to a certain location to demo them to the officials at NASA. He showed them the progress he was having artificially "lobotomizing" these criminals (who Reagan often referred to as "indigents"). It wasn't actual surgery, but instead, implants that were somehow controlling neuro-responses to the brain, making the prisoners incapable of doing anything they weren't told to do...Reagan said, "Our jobs are so vital to meeting the needs of the majority that having a little help like this really makes a difference in how we can perform in our chosen field of employment. You will see that this is the technology of the future"...Reagan did horrific things to demonstrate his progress with the prison population, even to the extent of sticking one of the prisoners with a long needle to show he couldn't any longer feel pain, inside or out... p. 111, 112

Henry [Kissinger] cringed when he heard Reagan's ideas and often berated him in front of me for acting irresponsibly by putting out a product that was not time-tested...But Reagan had the power to do what he wanted and so he did, and Henry just constantly shook his head and said, "It's people like him who will ruin this whole area for the rest of us." Henry worked behind the scenes...against Reagan in areas that wouldn't be detected but would be felt by Reagan. He wanted to get him out of the way before he, "ruined the prospects of the future." Perhaps Ronald Reagan's recent demise is more than Alzheimer's disease. p. 113

As they turned me, the flag unfolded off of me...this was part of my 'spin programming.' p.138

I was required to have sex with Ford as Nixon's Vice President and as President, but not ever as much as I did with Nixon or Reagan. p.184

Nancy had been gone that weekend. She usually was when Reagan and I were together sexually. But, she saw me when Kissinger and Reagan or Bush used me at the ranch for mind file use. It seemed like she hated it when she noticed her husband perk up when I was around, so she was mean to me. Actually, even under mind control the parts of me that were dedicated to Reagan felt sorry for her, having to be married to him, if he had sex with her in the same passive manner he did with me. p. 230

Reagan used me often for demonstration because he said I stood the test of time, which meant that I had been in operation for over 30 years without a leak, or without a problem. I heard him explain to people that I was so "real" that he sometimes forgot I was a programmed robot. He said he liked that because, "you get all the benefits of a robot with human softness added." He was very proud of the technology and spoke freely about it within a trusted group. p. 245

Henry [Kissinger]: "Reagan isn't a robot, but he might as well be,"... I'm not so sure. p. 256

TRANCE Formation of America by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien

Reagan admittedly had seen the How To Divide a Personality and How so Create a Sex Slave videos made in Huntsville, Alabama. He acted very pleased with me as though I had participated in them willingly. Within the first few minutes of meeting Reagan, he was giving me acting tips to utilize in government operations and pornography!! p. 128

Reagan explained to me that the illegal CIA covert activities I was forced to participate in were "justified" as they funded covert activities in Afghanistan and Nicaragua. He explained, "America's Freedom Train is spanning the globe and sex is but a sidetrack to the ultimate course of freedom. Our job of procuring and transporting arms is the most difficult part of all. But it can and must be done. How can a man with no arms fight? These operations are necessary as American people raise too much hell about violence already, and it is better they're not informed of our supporting wars they cannot understand the significance of." p. 128

Referring to me as though I were a machine, Reagan asked Byrd, "Does she run on chemicals?" meaning specific CIA drugs. Byrd answered, "She takes it in spurts". 1 noticed that Reagan's eyes lit up with perversion and understanding of Byrd's statement, which meant that I "shared" whatever drugs were in his system through his urine. Reagan later told me he preferred sex slaves equipped for this task since he, as President, should not have to get up in the night to urinate... p. 128, 129

Later, in his bedroom, Reagan accessed my sexual programming, and I became "my part" as a prostitute to "Uncle Ronnie". Reagan did not move during sex. After all, that was "my duty". p. 129

Earlier that day, Reagan instructed Aquino how to program me in keeping with "spin" programming depicted in the "How to" videos. "Program it," Reagan said, referring to me as though I were an object... p. 131

Michael Dante's pornographic filming abilities served several purposes. Aside from producing porn according to Reagan's own (well known) perversions and instructions, Dante was present during many key international government "gatherings". Oftentimes when I and others were prostituted to various government (New World Order) leaders, Dante had hidden cameras filming perverse sexual acts apparently for future blackmail leverage. These videos were scandalous in proportion and were usually ordered by Reagan. Dante turned the videos over to Reagan, and covertly kept copies to protect himself. p. 171

"Mackinac Island was her launch point into the project," Reagan explained in terms used by those familiar with mind-control operations. Mulroney apparently was aware of my mind-controlled state and leered at me as though I were merchandise, Reagan noticed his interest and proceeded to function in the capacity of a pimp. "I highly recommend you take her along with the rest. She is an excellent game piece for you to use in any position. And there's security. Her head is in the ethers and come tomorrow, she wouldn't knew you from the man in the moon. I'll give you the keys later." p. 179

Although Byrd and Reagan, among others, had prostituted me to officials in AIDS-infected countries, they used no protection against "the plague" when having sex with me. p. 194

"Well, Kitten," Reagan said to me, "this is your death sentence: You'll go out in a a blaze of glory." I was not surprised to receive confirmation of my imminent death by Reagan. I had heard about death by fire from seemingly everyone involved in establishing "free trade," through Mexico, of our nation's children for drags. Reagan's use of patriotic metaphors and puns while matter-of-factly informing me he ordered my death was reflective of his often displayed lack of respect for human life. What reflected his character even more were the crimes he was involved in that prompted him to cover-up through sentencing- me to death. p. 206

mrohm ago

Reagan was no saint, but it was HW/CIA behind the Franklin stuff. HW tried to kill Reagan once and that was probably enough for Reagan to step aside and let HW push the buttons. Robert Morrow has said that HW was bringing a kid to the Carousel in Houston back when he was a senator.

Reagan was the face, but HW pulled the strings.

octoma ago

It is confusing, but like others have said, I like to think he started out nobly and lost whatever control he had after the assassination attempt. I do hope an anon asks Q about it during a Q and A.

970mississippi ago

i read The Franklin Coverup, and followed this for yrs, but i don't remember ever hearing Reagan mentioned w it. NOT saying he didn't bring boys to the WH. He was from Hellywood, married women w scandals themselves, had children who hated him, normal Hellywood dysfunction or dysfunction in general. Having said that, i would be he is just as guilty as all the men in Hellywood who chose to abuse children.

ASolo ago

It's almost scary to see so much common sense in here. I think if all of it exists in a vacuum like this here it morphs into it's own egregore.

I'm not going to hesitate to say it here because this is the ONLY place I can say it without getting banned like on twitter or attacked by IDIOTS... Q is a straight up retard LARP by the SECRET SERVICE to garner a following behind TRUMP so that when they WHACK him the QAnon crowd is going to go apeshit on the Antifa left and we have homebrew civil war as pence is installed and war is heating up in the middle east. Once again all the Q retards and nationalistic nazi conservatives are blindsiding all the conditioned normie retards over the past 70 years from mk-ultra.

We're all fucked.

ASolo ago

The JFK assassination was a RITUAL in Dealey Plaza. If you look at all the parallels in the trump admin to Camelot , Kissinger and Crew are making Trump look like the Ghetto Camelot and they are going to stage another false flag where trump gets whacked in a similar manner as JFK.

Look at the parallels: Trump coifed red Scottish hair, Jfk's coifed red Scottish hair, Malnia was purchased to emulate Jackie-O, Baron in JfkJr., Stormy is Marilyn Monroe.

It's all right in front of your faces and NONE of you are seeing it but it's all right out of the rockefeller NWO playbook.


ASolo ago

Look at all the things Trump stands for that JFK did:

Free us from the deep state sound familiar?

Space force sound familiar?

guys it all a setup and so is your entire lives to be this confused if you haven't broken away from the matrix already it might be too late.

Psalm144-1 ago

Welcome back to REALITY, the one where we can see through the mass psychological manipulation that is known as "Q"....

For what its worth, I believe that the original Q (from 4chan) was legit. But its beyond obvious that the Q of late is a mass psyop.

wingless-angel ago

I thought the Franklin Pedo thing happened during Nixon?

mrohm ago

Nope, under Reagan/Bush. Nixon had no time for such things. He called Bohemian Grove "the faggiest goddamn thing." I don't doubt that he was a bad guy, but it was more subterfuge and spying than kids. This stuff got into the White House through HW Bush. Before that, it was mostly CIA.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Q anon is a spook operation and you don't seem to be at the point where you know bullshit from substance. You need more time.

RagingShieldMaiden ago

From my understanding, Reagan, and other presidents used mku slaves as message couriers. Even JFK.

But my money is on Reagan covering it up because his VP was in on it with way too much glee. Bush sr is eyebrow deep in that call boy scandal, after all.

lvbuckeye27 ago

Reagan was Hollywood elite. Bush put a bullet in him.

consider those two facts.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Bush was CIA Satanist, Reagan may have just been Hollywood political elite. Corrupt, showman, but not totally evil. Or he was but didn't want to do everything in lock step with the controllers, and was put in place for it. Hell, Kennedy was one of them and was of the blood lines, but wouldn't go along with the NWO genocide and false flags, and wanted the FED and CIA destroyed. That was it for him. The FED is the controller's control apparatus, they can't go anywhere, and spooks work for the international bankers, not the Defacto US government. Kennedy learned the hard way, as did his brothers and Son. Remember the name of JFK Jr's magazine? "George". He knew who killed his father.

wtf_is_happening ago

Q is a limited hangout (but Q's still a lot better than nothing.)

YogSoggoth ago

I ain't much into riddles, but Reagan did something in the middle east, an then again in Bolshevic run Russia. He also got shot by a weird son of a friend of a ..., Been over two decades now. It is time to start recollecting what just happened.

ESOTERICshade ago

Incredibly interesting video. This one should make a big impression on your mind too.

The Plan To Destroy The Temple Mount


LexTalionis ago

Interesting. Makes me revisit Q is actually Aquino.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting. Makes me revisit Q is actually Aquino.

Best I can tell Q might have originally been a group known as Cicada 3301. They are really into cryptography. The first Q and the now Q are like night and day. They are nothing alike. The first Q tried to lead people to knowledge using the Socratic Method of asking questions and letting a person study their way to the answer so that they would actually learn.

Cidada 3301 let it get away from them and from what I can tell the Q phenom ended up in the hands of a guy named Coleman Rogers who also runs the Patriot Soapbox 24 Hour Livestream. He is connected to a small handfull of merchandise peddlers that sell t-shirts, hats, and pens.

The original Q and the Q we have now are day and night difference. This Q we have now has pulled the whole movement straight into the swamp of mainstream news narrative and the narrative Washington D.C. is peddling.

We all know that both FOX and CNN are CIA controlled so i'm not sure why a smart redpilled person would waste their time chasing those narratives. Those narratives are well within the control of the cabal which means they WANT US TO FOCUS ON IT.

The reason pizzagate became a big thing is because we created our own narrative. We didn't follow anybody, we led, and the perps have a hard time controlling what they don't create themselves.

We were original in our own narrative. WE created it and it became a runaway nightmare for the cabal perps which is why they stayed silent for so long about it. They were not sure what to do about us. They could not control us because they didn't start our narrative, we started it, and we led it.

This newest Qanon has his flock pulled securely into the mainstream/D.C. news narrative and it is easily controlled because the perps control that playground. Whether Republican or Democrat, both roads lead to the slaughterhouse.

This is the art of the Hegelian Dialectic, the art of duality, or playing opposites against themselves. The jews start the movement and it's opposition and then they control both sides. Very crafty and effective. The Qanon movement has been captured, and it will founder in the swamp for a lonnnngggg time.

I hope pizzagate does not get pulled into the same swamp because if it does it will be game over for pizzagate.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It already is. I went to check out the board that Jack Posobiec claimed was a place to debunk Q posts. All it seems to have turned into is a place to bash Q anon followers as crazy cultists. I made a few posts about some of the things I personally found cult like or amusing and stupid, people liked it. Then when I mentioned pizzagate I was called out as an idiot, stupid, and crazy, they all think pizzagate and Q are the same thing now.

You see on Jack's video on Twitter where he explains his reasoning for "outing" microchip and dreamcatcher, he pauses, starts to have a shaky voice and holds back tears and then says "I don't have a problem with who I am."

I saw in his face that he did have something on his conscience. q is way worse than just some LARP that got taken over from Cicada. Cicada is no joke, either. Defango instant blocked me the other day, and I know why.

lvbuckeye27 ago

yeah, some of the later parts in that thread haven't aged very well.

ESOTERICshade ago

When Q says "we are saving Israel for last" he is BLUNTLY stating "we intend to to conquer and rule the world, by murdering, torturing, and bombing people to death." He means bomb Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, LIbya, Afghanistan, etc..

The followers think Trump is a nationalist. wut? Trump is not a nationalist by any stretch of the imagination. Go to 28:29 in this video and listen to him parrot Obama almost word for word. Trump is an obvious globalist. He did the largest weapons deal in history with Saudia Araibia so that Saudia Arabia could bomb Yemen and threaten Iran. I would also watch the whole video.


Some very good and patriotic people, Q followers, have been tricked into becoming Christian Zionists. The Zionist HATE Christians with a passion and would burn them alive if they didn't need them for slaves. Don't believe it? Watch this video. THESE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR WORLD AND TRUMP SUPPORTS THESE PEOPLE IN THE VIDEO.


Wake up Qbers, and join the real fight. By the time you figure out its too late, it will be too late, if it isn't too late already. Trump "the jewish people shine as a light to all nations."


IWorshipQAnon ago

Thanks for this.

ASolo ago

Thats why I love you ESOTERIC, your fucking bad ass fuck this Q bullshit these people are nuts get me the fuck off this planet right?

ESOTERICshade ago

Thats why I love you ESOTERIC, your fucking bad ass fuck this Q bullshit these people are nuts get me the fuck off this planet right?

Qanon put the capital G in Gullible. The P in Psyop. And all that stuff. Its a railroad to disaster and has done so much damage to the REAL truth movement it cannot be calculated. Truth requires accuracy. Can't have one without the other. There is nothing accurate about the Q movement.

ASolo ago

Agreed... There is a HUGE workforce out there pushig and loving Q it is hopeless.

They are garnering a following as strong, and as dangerous, as Antifa, and thats what its all about too so that they can clash while we are at war in the middle east.

ESOTERICshade ago

I miss your bad ass detailed posts. You get burned out from all that researching?

ASolo ago

I did, and I didn't. I still have the same passion just not the same patience. The difficulty fighting the Q wave here was the last straw. there is plenty of work from old scoolers who have studied this for a number of years yet people just want to go about their merry way promoting anything that stirs up a little emotion. People really do not understand the true extent of their conditioning and are wholly immersed in it to the point of perdition. There is no stopping this course, the brainwashing was truly, too effective. It is time we start battening down your hatches and taking care of your own, the storm is coming but it is going to be the exact opposite of what they expect. It was foretold it would come like a thief in the night.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are exactly correct. There is probably a storm coming allright, but i'm pretty sure the Q followers are not going to like it when it hits. If anybody gets snatched off the street, deemed an enemy combatant, and sent to jail, it damn sure won't be the elite doing it to other elites. It will be us common people that get snatched up, without due process, and sent to "Gitmo." I am amazed at how easily they are begging for the ability of American citizens to be snatched off the street without due process. They better be careful what they wish for because they might get it.

And the irony of the situation is that they will be the first ones loaded into the FEMA bus and hauled away because all their Twitter accounts are tied to their phone numbers, their social media tattle tales, they are not hidden and their views are known. They have been busy, and on record, publicly wishing death in horrible ways upon some of the nastiest and meanest people on earth. If shit hits the fan, they wil be the first to be loaded up and hauled off.

ASolo ago


that's after they have spent all of their government capped ammunition on each other, then NATO or some other occupational force will come in with their big guns and show them what some weaponry is.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, But Israel is a tool, not a controller. Israel was created by Rothschild and their cronies, and the Israeli Supreme Court building was designed, built and paid for by Rothschild. Just like they have joint ownership of our Central Bank, IRS, Energy Grid through PG&E, and own our water rights(Phony water shortage coming up), They are the head of the state, not the controlled government of Israel.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yup. And you are right about the water. They are silently taking control of all the water. By the time they do it won't fit to drink and they will make a fortune selling people filtration machines to make it potable. And while America burns a lot of the more enthusiastic and active people will be injecting Qanon nonsense into their veins.

MarkoPolo ago

You should already be filtering your water, and nobody is going to get rich off filters when PUR and Brita are already established, and whole house filters are simple to install. Filtration machines? A CeraGrav is as effective as a Berkey at a fraction of the cost and you can run brackish pond water through it.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should already be filtering your water, and nobody is going to get rich off filters when PUR and Brita are already established, and whole house filters are simple to install. Filtration machines? A CeraGrav is as effective as a Berkey at a fraction of the cost and you can run brackish pond water through it.

I use the Pur filter. I won't drink water without it. Thought about getting a reverse osmosis with the five stage filter system. Never heard of a CeraGrav but will check it out. Thanx.

IWorshipQAnon ago

ES if you have the money get one at Home Depot. They're usually under $200, you just have to install them. We had one and it saved a lot on bottles. PUR doesn't get fluoride out.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yep the fluoride thing is what bugs me about the charcoal filters. I looked at the CeraGrav somebody recommended and I didn't even know that ceramic filters would work on gravity. I thought the water had be be forced through the ceramic with pressure. I have a Katadyn Reverse Osmosis with ceramic filters for outdoor use and it has a pump on it to pressure the water through. I am "assuming" that the gravity feed ceramic filters would be considered reverse osmosis since it uses ceramic filters. This is what he showed me. I have only briefly looked at it but not done any research. If this gravity system with ceramic filters is same as reverse osmosis I wouldn't have deal with installing anything and I could put creek water in it in an emergency if we lost our water service. Mainly tho cause i'm lazy. I have to money to buy a good system but I want it to be as simple as possible.



EffYouJohnPodesta ago

cool, I will check it out. We don't have the money for one right now, but I'm definitely interested in the non installation alternatives.

lopus ago

Thank you for this question. Things like that are also bothering me, when it comes to Q. I see the Clintons and Obama put in the evil corner. And, yes I think they ARE evil. But I also do not think that they are the center of evil. Much too stupid they are! There are others that are much worse: Bush sr, Kissinger, Cheney, Rumsfeld... Q mentioned McCain and the Bushes, but not the other three. And I think they must be evil as hell.

So I hope, that there are "Sealed Indictments" prepared for them. And that it's maybe part of the "game" not to mention them - and focus of the Clintons maybe also is a bit a distraction. Because maybe they know that the evil ones are also reading Qanon.

How about Reagan? I read about Reagan in Cathy O'Brien's book. And , yes, I wonder what is the truth. Can we believe COB? Few years ago I read this stuff first time and thought, this can't be true. But after all we know now, I think it can be true. She also wrote about Reagan. So yes, if we believe COB, we have to add RR to our list of pedos.

We also should not perceive any politician as a saint. No one is a saint. Not DJT and also even not JFK (we know JFK was not a faithful husband...cough). But we should differentiate and see, who of them tried to make things better in the end (despite having skeltons in the closet- they all have).

Let's get deeper into this. I just read a journal by some young man, who claims that he also was trafficked as a boy to politicians - and how this worked:
I don't know if that guy tells the truth (Jessie Marsson, - some say he's a liar, but I think some of his reports adds pretty well to the pizzagate stuff we know now). He said some interesting things about, how politicians are drawn into the child abuse. Not all are enjoying it. Some are just more or less first groomed, or even forced into this and then they are "owned". They are "in the club", and it's hard to get out. The "true elite" is celebrating pedo-sex-parties, certain politicians and celebs are "invited"...everything is filmed to get kompromat. Some might enjoy the pedo sex, others are reluctant. These are told that the kids will be killed, if they won't have sex with them. So these people are doing it. Or they pretend to. But then they are in the club, too. And Kompromat is there, too.

So, back to Reagan. No doubt he was in the club as well - he's also Hollywood, remember? But when we read COB, I think she wrote, that Reagan was lesser evil than others - so, maybe he just was "playing the game" (which is bad enough) but none of the really evil demons. And maybe he did not do everything he was told. And maybe this was the reason for the Hinckley/Bush- assassination.

As much as we all here are despising pedos, I guess we have to accept, that even there is not "black and white" and we have to "read between the lines".

Vindicator ago

Discerning this stuff is very tough. If he was part of it, why did they try to assassinate him? If he was was a pedo sadist, how could he produce so many seemingly sincere love letters to his wife? They tried to impeach him for Iran Contra...if they had Franklin evidence, why not use it then to get rid of him?

"It was reported that Ronald Reagan was a part of the pedophile ring" -- I would ask, who reported it? When? What are their affiliations? They just reported that Kavanaugh was the leader of a rape gang, despite being able to produce no evidence of this whatsoever.

I do think that George HW Bush was definitely a globalist pedovore, though.

Does anyone know how it came about that Reagan chose Bush as his running mate? I know Reagan was not expected to win, much like Trump.

ASolo ago

There's no mystery Reagen was shot because he's fucking one of them and thats the fucking role he was to play. He knew but didn't know the implicit meaning of this relationship, Trump is going to find out the same way JFK did, but that was all a ruse too.

dandelion2319 ago

For a very long time I think until Reagan every president elected in a year ending in year had being killed. I think Reagan was supposed to die in some kind of twisted tradition> which due to his not dying stopped.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They did NOT try to impeach him, it was theater to show we have a working system, just like the White Water hearings were theater.

kiwikris420 ago

" . . . . had Franklin evidence, why not use it then to get rid of him?" because it can't be exposed as it would bring down Dems & Repubs alike. Same when they went after Slick Willie for sex in the Oval office & elsewhere . . . they could've nailed him for the Mena, Arkansas Barry Seal drugs-for-guns. Some things (like 9-11) are an existential threat to the entire structure of govt & the public belief & trust in it & cannot be gone near. Look at 911 - the official story is the biggest load of shit ever told but Dems & Repubs & MSM are all in lock step THERE WILL BE NO QUESTIONING OF IT !! and so it is with institutionalized pedophile rings in high office . . . . " they don't exist - Are you a whack job" is the official response

Vindicator ago

That doesn't explain the assassination attempt, though.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Those are normally done when someone stands up to a Rothschild. Maybe it was something about currency. I have no clue. But there must be an explanation.

Oh_Well_ian ago

David Rockefeller told Reagan he would cut all funding and he would lose in the General unless he put HW on the ticket.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. Got a link for that?

sodePllAlliK ago

Anyone who has supported any president for the last 50 years has supported a pedophile, but then again, statists are untrustworthy.

SchlongKeyhote ago

what do u expect. Q is for boomer morons and Raygun is the #1 hero of boomers.

BettyLiberty ago

Those whom you trust the most...

darkknight111 ago

My thoughts on this:

I suspect that Reagan WANTED to be a good guy, but basically had a literal and metaphorical gun to his head. And I can tell you the most likely moment it happened.....

The assassination attempt.

By putting the gun to his head (includes threats against his family likely masterminded by HW Bush), he was FORCED to take part in the cover ups.

Evidence for the “political hostage” theory: Look at Lindsey Grahm and Mitch McConnell. Notice their change of heart happened right around the time McCain died. Me thinks McCain was in control of a lot of the blackmail and “political hostage taking” in the Republican party.

Deweysquare ago

Yes this. These things are so complex. There are 2 options. Either good men get ensnared and do the best they can with their families lives at stake or every single person that is high up is all about the cabal. It's obviously option A. Trust your gut. There are good men out there and we need to have their back. If every single person in power is corrupt to the core then humanity is already lost and deserves extinction. Making you believe that everyone is in the cabal is part of their mind games. It's not at all an unwinabble fight. Trust your gut. The tide is already turning

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Yes, a thousand times THIS!^

Lansing-Michigan ago

Brice Taylor , in Thanks for the Memories, says she was Bob Hope's slave and he lent her to Ronald Raegan.......and he was nice to her. I think this is very important...She said Edward Kennedy was one of the most violent. To me, one's true nature would be evident in a situation like that. Brice Taylor questioned Cathy O'Brian's honesty on something but can't remember the exact situation..

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, I believe Wikileaks when they say it's a pied piper op of the deep state. I have heard too many rumors about who Q is and who Q isn't. It seems so far that it's been confirmed the following people have been involved in Q to some extent:

Tracy Diaz Coleman Rogers Christina Urso Defango Someone named Microchip Someone named dreamcatcher

Somehow Jack Posobiec was able to "break" the story of it being only Microchip and Dreamcatcher, but yet Microchip posted that Defango was in the same chat room.

Now people are saying Dustin Nemos is also Q.

George Webb claims he thinks it's some company that starts with a Q.

Others have said it's a huge joke from an anonymous gay chat room to find hookups.

So I guess I just want to know who else is Q and how many of us know we aren't Q? Because I can guarantee I'm no part of Q.

For anyone who has not done so I suggest looking up these names, possibly looking up what their real names are as well. And then finding out who their followers and friends are so you know to take what they say s possibly having come from pure unfounded rumor and fake news...

Biggest clue that it's a psy op is Wikileaks calling it a psy op

Second biggest clue is the promise of perp walks and public executions

third is hypnotic language

fourth is the cult like opposition to detractors

fifth is the phrase "disinformation is real and necessary"

I fear that we may never recover from Q. Poisoning the well, 101.

On the question about Reagan, I don't know, I have heard rumors he was a pedo also. It seems like the whole pedo thing is as pervasive as cocaine when it comes to politicians. I just don't understand how you wake up one day and decide that sex with little kids is a good idea or would be fun. It doesn't make any sense.

ESOTERICshade ago

I fear that we may never recover from Q.

I have the same concern and I since day one, which is why I was so adamant that this sub not get contaminated with it. And the longer it goes on, and the more it has changed from "intel drops" to being a mainstream news parrot and a place to pray, Im a certain that I was correct. I'm glad I pitched a big ol bitch about. This sub is not contaminated by it.

Coleman Rogers has already been caught making mistakes and posting as Q, and having knowledge he shouldn't have, and then trying to cover it up. I'm pretty convinced that the current Q is Coleman Rogers fro the Patriot Soap Box. 24 hour live stream. I think Cicada 3301 might have originally started it and then it spun out of control and got out of their hands, and Coleman Rogers sorry ass ended up with it. If so, he is probably working hand and glove with the NSA/CIA.

letsdothis2 ago

I see Q as a passing 'phase' and think this sub will survive that.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes well I finally figured out who Defango was and why the seemingly fake person sending me links to the Zeaux larp with my ex's handwriting on it was trying to out Defango. I think I was talking to Defango the entire time I was thinking I was talking to Bryon Adams.

ESOTERICshade ago

Defango is NOT trustworthy.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yep, not at all... he's a real POS

144truth ago

George Webb is Goodman’s hebitch

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I always wondered where I could get some real news and I unfortunately concluded it's not from ANY of the people who promote Q, the only people I know of that don't do that on here are myself and a handful of other Voat users. In real life the only ones I know of who don't and who use what appears to be a real name or will show their faces on camera are Lee Stranahan, Jason Goodman, Quinn Michaels, George Webb Sweigert,and Unirock. I am sure that there are others. So either the psy op is in the shutting down stage, or there are some people who can tell BS from non BS and they're way too embarrassed to go along with Q. Seems like the majority of the people from Info Wars are in favor of the whole Q narrative including Corsi, Alex Jones, and Lionel. Anyone I missed? I was hoping Lift the Veil would be anti-Q when I saw their broadcast outing the goverment psy op the other day but the guest was pushing Q because he thinks Q is a Trump Psy op. That's rather ridiculous in my opinion because the level of fake with Q is something I would never want to be associated with in any way.

lvbuckeye27 ago

lol how fucking stupid are you? you believe Alex Jones? he's MOS. never mentions Israhell.

Jack Prosbeic? former naval intel. busted for leaking. fake MAGA.

dustin nemos has never claimed to be Q.

microchip, et all are full of shit. they doctored the timestamps in Discord, which is so easy an 8-year-old can do it. problem is, they fucked up. they released the "evidence" that they cooked up the LARP two days earlier than dates on the fake "evidence."

i'm not saying Q is real, and OF COURSE it's a psyop. WHAT ISN'T? every social media feed is a psyop, all mainstream media is a psyop.

but you are full of shit.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm really really dumb apparently, so dumb I can't even communicate without someone reading something the opposite of what I just said into the comment.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nathan from Lift The Veil does not believe in Q, he just doesn't brow beat his guests. He firmly thinks Q is a larper or a psyop, firmly.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Good to know. It's very confusing. I haven't watched enough of these channels to get a feel for anyone yet. I stopped watching Crowdsource the truth many months ago and I mostly watched George Webb after that. I don't have the kind of time to watch everyone that it seems some do.

144truth ago

Your so fake it hurts

We see you

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I am fake how? If you see me. Please explain how I'm fake. I'll wait.

EricKaliberhall ago

I am fake how?

You use countless alts and you lie constantly... You are fake!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've never lied on here and I don't have countless alts. I have a couple of phone alts I almost never use, for my phone only, and I don't have the pw's memorized. You're the one who is fake.

blippler ago

I don't believe the Qult for a second. The fact that they think a single facet of the government is on their side is enough to tell you this is some form of brainwashing

Crackrocknigga ago

You guys are fucking stupid for putting faith in anyone let alone government operatives like Regan or this fake Q fuck

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, they are fucking stupid.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

So....we'd be like, just SO much smarter if we took the words of a 'Crackrocknigga' (member for less than a month) ? Jeez. If only you'd been here from the get-go. Could have saved us all a ton of trouble. 😂

Crackrocknigga ago

Glad you admit it bitch

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Sure. Now tell us all your opinions so we can laugh at them. If you have the cojones.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Unless we were personally there as a witness we have to choose who to believe. Choosing who to believe is up to you. I believe that Reagan was a corrupt bastard just like all politicians. I believe that Q is a manipulator. I base this on previous experience and seeing what kinds of people behave in what ways but in the end it's all just a guess.

Wyknot ago

Agree , I see lots of hate against the Dems but very little said about Poppy and Sonny Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell and all the assholes behind 9-11. Obama and Hillary are fucking evil, but look like amateurs compared to the 9-11 crowd.

RedPillEh ago

who isnt a manipulator

SurfinMindWaves ago

Absolutely true. That's why it's so hard to take anyone's word at face value. The stories that Cathy O'Brien tells seem so over the top it is hard to believe them, and yet I hate to throw them all in the toilet just for that reason.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Brice Taylor , Thanks for the Memories , about MKUltra is similar..She was a presidential model owned by Bob Hope..she was lent to Raegan ....and describes him as being kind . I prefer Brice's book to Cathy's.

RedPillEh ago

Facts are facts. Cathy is not factual.

ESOTERICshade ago

Facts are facts. Cathy is not factual.

You might change your mind if you watch the video of her vaginal examination by a doctor. There is little face of a demon carved into her vagina and it is shown on the video. The doctor said, without a doubt, that someone had carved that shape into her vagina just like she claimed.

Onetime1 ago

Check out the face carved on her vaginal wall in the documentary A Most Dangerous Game.

Viewable on utube.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It's her clitoris and the area around it that was mutilated into the shape of a demon face

ESOTERICshade ago

Check out the face carved on her vaginal wall in the documentary A Most Dangerous Game.

I saw it. That is what made me stop doubting her.

SurfinMindWaves ago

How exactly do you determine what facts are factual? You still have to trust whomever is telling you this supposed factual information.

FidelisNeuter ago

The hard part for MK Ultra victims is that some of us who decide to believe them, believe they were really traumatized, tortured, raped, etc. But we must keep a bit of doubt because as they were programmed, their memories too could be manipulated. I think it was in When Rabbit Howls that the author mentions aliens or demons perpetrating crimes, and that she thinks that maybe the criminals were disguised or programmed her to see aliens/demons instead of humans.

We would need videos to actually make a better assessment of what has been going on. The sad part is the victims might remember something, but their memories could have been altered.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Maybe 'we' have had ufo tech all along and the abductions and probings are just rapey fun for them whilst dressed as aliens?

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe 'we' have had ufo tech all along and the abductions and probings are just rapey fun for them whilst dressed as aliens?

According to this ritual abuse survivor the "grey alien" spiel was created by a Nazi faction. The older children were made to put panty hose on their heads to scare the younger children who were told the stocking faced people were aliens. http://www.reflectionsinthenight.com/grey_aliens.htm

I highly recommend this survivor story. Its the most easy reading, compelling, and eerie of the ones in my collection. I just relaxed and read the whole thing in a couple of days. Really cool pictures of her childhood. I learned a lot. If you want to go straight to meat of her story hit the links in the left sidebar.


FidelisNeuter ago

The alien part is apparently so that people listening to the victims' testimony would discard them. It's just not credible to the vast majority of people.

Not that I'm ignoring the UFO phenomenon. I've been trying to get a crash course recently. There are the real ETs and there are the guys from the government and cabal playing with people's minds.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, there is no evidence of aliens angels or demons. Sorry. But you can believe, it's your prerogative. That stuff is mixed in to equate SRA to UFO's and bigfoot. You need to study disinfo tactics and retain it, because this place is a broken record with people falling for the same things over and over.

ESOTERICshade ago


Also visit the main page and hit the links in the left sidebar to get to meat of her story. Eerie, compelling, easy reading, cool pics of her childhood.

gamepwn ago

It shows us as well to always double check our information. What one person or anon says another might have something totally different on them. Always a contradiction somewhere or something to keep an eye out for.

FidelisNeuter ago

The point is that many accuse Reagan, I personally don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Recently, I was watching a video of an ex-wizzard/luciferian. He said he saw Reagan at Bohemian Grove and Reagan looked uncomfortable, like he was wondering why he was there and wishing he was elsewhere. There are photos of Reagan there, but you can always ask yourself if the situation could have been manipulated to entrap him.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Try this, do you or don't you think that our entire government is and has been subverted? If the answer is yes, never again ask if a certain politician is "part of it:. You either think the entire system has long since been controlled or you don't.

ESOTERICshade ago

Simple and brilliant deduction.

think- ago

The stories that Cathy O'Brien tells seem so over the top it is hard to believe them, and yet I hate to throw them all in the toilet just for that reason.

I think that Cathy O'Brien, given that she was married to an 'ex'-CIA, who clearly was a spook until his death, and imo clearly her handler, is partly telling the truth, and partly her stories are probably made up.

It's only difficult to tell which parts are true, and which parts are made up.

Regarding Reagan, I don't have any illusions whatsoever that he was likely a perp.

Kekalicious ago

Reagan vice was George Bush Sr. 1975 he was placed as head of the clowns by Gerald Ford. Deep state runs deep with this one. Wont mention the Internet believes Barbara Bush was Alister Crowley's daughter. Resemblance is quiet scary.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

There was a video (sadly gone now) by a forensic image specialist that verified she was indeed related. They had to get rid of that kind of evidence. Too compelling .

carmencita ago

Yes, and that's why she is gone. She was the picture of health compared to Pappy who looks like he died 10 yrs ago and they dug him up. I think something big was coming down the pike and her background would be exposed. And her crimes.

Kekalicious ago

I admired Crowley for being the troll he was. Someone posted a time-line to this actually being a possibility. Barbara mom did run in Crowley circles. Well shit. John Travolta belonged to the satanic church for a bit, so who really knows. Although the pics have been scrubbed it looks like.

IWorshipQAnon ago

He still does. Scientology is Satanism.

Kekalicious ago

Fun game you can play. Spoof your phone to a local psychiatric hospital in same city as Scientology office. Call them and try to get them to make an appointment. They hate all forms of Psychology and hypnosis. I will start an Erickson induction on them immediatly if I see them out in society. They will flee once they figure out what your trying to do. I went with the anons to protest them in Chicago twice. Fun times. LR studied Crowley. So yeah they are in the same league. Zenu blessings apon you, It's short bus day.

IWorshipQAnon ago

What do you mean Erickson induction? Oh and by the way, they don't really "hate" psychology or hypnosis. They are simply experts in it and use it on their enemies. They're also not against drugs, except publicly. They're ok with drugging enemies involuntarily or using drugs in their effort to get close with Satan.

Kekalicious ago

They understand enough that they become aware of us using it on them. You trick the subject into focusing on a few different things in conversation, then to a redirect. Here is a quick video on this. It works on around 70% of us from what I have studied. https://www.ask.com/youtube?q=erickson+induction&v=6COPKgsdi2M

IWorshipQAnon ago

Wow. Don't think I should watch that. I get why they would flee. I wonder if anyone's used that on me before.

Kekalicious ago

You should, It will make it harder to work on you if your aware of the process. What he is doing is confusing the subconscious with a barrage of different type questions to cause her confusion. Then he redirects and puts her under. You are fully aware if someone tries to do it on you. You have to be conditioned for it to work and you have no recollection of it. The more you are aware of the process the harder it will be to do it on you. There is a hand shake induction that takes seconds to pull off but the chances of it working on a fresh subject is lower that the 70%. You will be aware if someone tries to do it if you know the process of it. Humans are not as advanced as we think. The brain tricks itself all the time.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I think it is very possible she is Barbara Crowley.

Kekalicious ago

The likeness is really fucking scary side by side. And since Crowley would fuck anything, literally, who the hell knows.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think it is very possible she is Barbara Crowley.

Me too.

carmencita ago

People usually show you who they are at some point, if you let it pass, then you won't see it again probably. Many pol elites are connected and are ancestors of others. This is to keep their bloodline pure. Yuck. That's why the are looney as well.

carmencita ago


The October Surprised Was Real

In January 1992 I published my first journalistic article ever. Published in Puerto Rico’s Claridad weekly newspaper, it was titled “The October Surprise”. In it I affirmed that the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign bargained secretly with Iranian radicals for the postponement of the liberation of 52 Americans that they were holding hostage. These hostages were employees of the US embassy in Iran’s capital city of Teheran, which had been stormed by militants loyal to the Ayatollah Khomeini in November 1979. This secret deal, known as the October Surprise, frustrated the attempts of US president Jimmy Carter to obtain the hostages’ release in time for the elections in November. This failure cost Carter his reelection, and swept Republican candidate Ronald Reagan into the presidency. Polls carried out before the election showed that the hostage issue was of top importance in the minds of the American electorate.

The Republican campaign’s main negotiators in this deal were George H. W. Bush, vice presidential candidate and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, and William Casey, the campaign’s director and veteran spook who spied for the Office of Strategic Services during World War Two. Once elected, president Reagan appointed Casey to direct the CIA.

This is not an action that proves that Reagan was the Last Real President, besides the reports of abuse made by Cathy O'B. against him.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, I heard this, you are on top of things always.

carmencita ago

Many have tried to counter this info, but it keeps coming out. I read the book by someone years ago and it sure rings true. At the time I was just coming round, so I don't remember much of it. I have read his father was a really bad alcoholic and was mean to the boys. He had a very bad family life very poor. I am not making any excuses for him, so possibly why he got sick of that kind of life and wanted another. I also remember that he was a Dem. at first and then changed his stripes when as Gov. of Cal. he passed a bill that hurt college kids. I can't remember what it was right now. Probably what got him pushed upstairs.

MarkoPolo ago

You know what really hurt college kids? College, mostly. I read the Franklin Scandal and I remember Poppy Bush being named specifically but do not recall Reagan being present. His daughter Maureen, the oafish "good girl" is reported to have been enamored by big spender Larry Johnson and his inauguration parties, but those were the "legit" parties (with stolen Franklin money) IIRC. Not the despicable after parties.

carmencita ago

The colleges the middle class and poorer folks somehow were allowed to intend were not the same as the Rhodes Scholar types. The wealthy kids went on to earn more money and it was all a big set up. I believe things were going to well for us folks and they are trying to get things back to when people had to pay for their kids to go to HS. Of course only rich kids could afford to go there. There is a reason Maureen died young. I believe she may have been abused by actor or pol. Prob an actor. I can't remember what it was that I read a while back that led me to think this. Franklin money hmm. Susan Buffet worked at Franklin and so did Lawrence King. What goes around comes around.

MarkoPolo ago

This would be from the testimony of Paul Bonacci I think. You know who could clear this up? Craig Spence... never mind. Wonder what Jeff Gannon us up to these days?

septimasexta ago

Reagan was a trained Hollywood actor. He may have had genuine conservative leanings, but he was controlled. The assassination attempt kept him in line. He may have genuinely not known the depth of control he was getting into. The Alzheimer's/ brain damage made him a puppet towards the end of his term. He signed the 1986 Bill that allowed Big Pharma to sell vaccines to the government WITH NO LIABILITY. In 1987, more vaccines were added to the child's vaccine schedule (increasing amount of mercury and other additive toxins) and began THE AGE OF AUTISM. From this date forward, autism became a full-blown epidemic.

carmencita ago

I have long believed that mercury was causing Autism. People think I am crazy. I refuse to take shots myself. I can't even remember the last time I had a shot. No shingles shot or flu shot for me. I think it will only get worse before people cry out and then it will be too late really. Everyone will be under some kind of drug by then lulling them to sleep. I remember reading that Bush was friends with Hinckley's father and they had dinner right before the shooting, or was it his brother. Either way, GHW Bush is an evil man.

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carmencita ago

Exactly. I passed on that link because this is a shocking development. Very Odd Indeed that someone is lauding Reagan.

DerBot ago

I think with the way the pedos have infiltrated almost every aspect of modern society, It becomes difficult to be a person of power and NOT be connected to pedos. Thats why when i hear accusations and allegation about this stuff I wait for proof. Also, who knows maybe tying RR to Franklin is their way of making sure RR never ratted them out. something to consider

MrDarkWater ago

Yep. Trump's connected to the Rothschilds and Jeffery Epstein. And he's connected to sit if Jews. It just comes with the territory

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And he is connected to Rockefeller through Resorts International, and the Vatican because he is a Jesuit,, and a Feemason, or is that redundant?

JDeere07 ago

Read Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien, victim of MK Ultra. It paints quite a picture of Ronald Reagan.

Earthbalance2 ago

For any who have not seen it, there is video of Cathy visiting a gynecologist to verify the face carved into her vagina. This was one of the harder stories to believe from her book but the video footage is pretty damn clear.

noworldorder ago

This is actually the reason I don't believe Cathy O'Brien. I don't believe Reagan had anything to do with the Franklin scandal. It was all Bush and CIA deep state. Don't forget that Bush tried to assassinate Reagan basically right after he took office. I think Bush was doing all of this under his nose. I think there's a really good chance Cathy O'Brien is intentional disinformation.

dandelion2319 ago

If you go watch the old footage of both Cathy and Brice when they were in the presence of Cathy's husband the ex CIA spook they both seem very disassociated. I think that he was Cathy's handler and when Brice was around her he was handling her, bc when she is not around him she comes across very different whereas Cathy never seemed to stop being disassociated.

ASolo ago

Wrong. Ronnie had slept (raped) over 50 of the biggest stralets ever in Hollywood and even made them pay for the condom he used if they wanted one. Him and Nancy were so fucking high on barbituates legally prescribed to them by every crooked doctor placed in their path, they both beat their children high as a kite too. There's SO much on reagen it's pathetic you are even voicing an opinion on him it's so uninformed. Iran Contra, Bush, come the fuck on there are NO FUCKING HEROES in this saga.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Possibly because the average person does not use critical thinking, and if they don't believe Cathy, then they discount the existence of SRA. Wouldn't it be a "credible tool" to put forward a false accuser who intentionally discredits herself?

Onetime1 ago

Brice Taylor has a similar story as O'Brien. So does Fiona Barnett.

Same for the X women in the Dutroux atrocities. Have you been following any of the recent pedophile scandals in the UK involving highly positioned politicians? This stuff is real and only the tip of the iceberg.

StarAnon ago

Yes, I tend to agree with your assessment of Reagan. I also believe that the children were brought to the White House for parties by Bush behind his back. I believe a LOT of chit went on behind Reagan's back after he was shot. There's also a story of Reagan being taken to Bohemian Grove. The grand warlock, or whatever they're called is now a born again Christian. He travels the country speaking/red pilling on this subject. Anyway, he said he was disappointed when he saw Reagan show up, then he said immediately felt better about Reagan, because Reagan had absolutely no idea what was happening around him. It appears that Reagan was vulnerable after the assassination attempt. It is said that Nancy and Bush were the "president" after that.

turitelle ago

Nancy, her astrologer and Bush that is. I think poor Ronnie already had the start of dementia and it got worse after he got shot.

CentipedeRex ago

Ronald Reagan is dead. Go fuck yourself.

gamepwn ago

So are most of the children who were raped and murdered during the Franklin Cover-up. Go fuck yourself.

carmencita ago

Amen. Reagan's VP George Bush is accused of raping a boy in a closet while GB was wearing a dress. They were a pair those 2.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's gross. I met George HW Bush on accident one time and paid him no attention. We were walking into the gym at A&M together / right next to each other and he actually talked to me because I wasn't talking to him and staring like an idiot like everyone else was. I didn't know he was a crossdresser. That's really funny. I guess all pedos are trannies like I said before. The secret service people were looking at me like there was something wrong with me for walking near him or working out near him like he was nothing. I have always had next to zero respect for him, never knew why until recently. Must be an instinct. Down with the CIA and the NWO.

carmencita ago

It's funny how you get vibes about people that you have not even met before. Your reaction was connected to your past thoughts and feelings. I can't explain why I have always gotten a creepy feeling when looking at Michael Caine. I could never stomach when a movie came on, I always turned it away. Now I see where @darkknight111 posted a pic of him with Judith Barsi on his lap. I don't think I ever want to see either one of them in a dress. Wonder if Caine has done a movie in a dress. Hmm. Some just have that Creep Factor. Bush and Caine have it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

oh yeah, I didn't know who he was, and i can't keep up with all of the hollywood stuff going on but I just looked and he has a creepy vibe for sure. The person I am looking into right now is someone who was involved in a fight with a former suspect in the Lisa Irwin case. On his FB you can see he comes off as a hipster artist. But when you look at his profile further he uses pedo references and he lists himself as being a teacher and he wore a dress to school to help support one of his third grade students who he thinks is a tranny and he calls them his special friend. He also works at some place called "Strange Donuts." No joke - I am almost positive it's the same guy. The third person involved doesn't seem to be named in the story.

carmencita ago

Wow. If anyone needed a finger pointed at someone, that guy is it. So obvious with out even seeing him. Wearing a dress for a boy is a No No. That would be the last thing they would want to do. Evidently he wanted to do it. A good sign.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I made a post all about him here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate1A/2761586 Tagged you also

3141592653 ago

Keep up the good work. Don't let the haters (pedos?) get to ya. That's what they want.

gamepwn ago

Thank you I posted this on Great Awakening and QRV. I'm literally getting cursed out right now and seeing people try to call the Franklin cover up a conspiracy theory and it's actually making me sick. I seek out the truth not lies and bullshit. I will question something if it concerns me.

think- ago

It's great that you posted, @gamepwn. Having an independent mind comes with a price. ;-)

gamepwn ago

Very much so. Never shut your brain off and always keep an open mind. To not do a double take on something or to research on it is ignorance. Haha they have called me both for and anti- Q along with other anon's and subjects like because like your bio says I always think twice ;)

think- ago

because like your bio says I always think twice ;)

Oh, you remember that, lol? Nice! ;-)

gamepwn ago

Very much so ;) Never shut your brain off. Always stay alert. haha they have called me both for and anti- Q along with other anon's and subjects because like your bio says I always think and then think twice haha

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm sorry gamepwn. It happens to the best of us. I don't usually post in there because of how cult-like the Q followers on pizzagate were and how they attacked me. There's almost no point. But hopefully a few in there will think about it.

carmencita ago

This is a serious development if people are calling the Franklin cover up a conspiracy. You have to wonder if they do any research at all. Wow. I can't believe people are that clueless. Only a shill would make such a statement. People on this board know the truth about Franklin.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3vw9N96E-aQ :

Q - The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles) - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=vBSIDQt5DwcYouTube :

Conspiracy of Silence - Full Banned Documentary (1994) - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=OA93o4u6CX0YouTube :

John Decamp Describes Web Of Pedophilia Franklin Coverup #pizzagate - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

DakotaJane ago

Go eat a dick. That bullshit is stupid.

we_need_brane ago

Fuck off. No it's not.

DakotaJane ago

Eat two dicks. And stick a third in your ass.

(You know - like you did Saturday night)

ESOTERICshade ago

Naaa, the Qanon phenom isn't cult, not at all (sarc)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ever wonder if satanist Dustin Nemos and his little QFriends are using NLP and black magic at the same time when they cast their little breadcrumb spells? I know I do. I bet you anything they set a candle on an altar and have gay sex in front of the laptops for good measure while eating a pizza.