Cc1914 ago

Wow , what another rabbit hole

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

"Tell your children not to walk away" wow, wtf I didn't even notice that the first time

Cc1914 ago

“ not to walk “MY” way , not away .. yep pretty obvious what these sickos are into

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

unbelievable they even post that, they are arrogant AF

Cc1914 ago

Do you ever remember hearing jokes as a kid like “ you want some candy little girl?” Or things like that ?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yes of course... I wonder if they meant this like, not to walk away from you or we will get them

ESOTERICshade ago

"strange donuts"...mmmm, something strange about that. Probably code for an anus no doubt. Along with the other details you and @carmencita dug up I would say you have probably found something.

carmencita ago

Ugh. Nasty. But you are probably right. Glad we have someone that can think like that. I did not think about that. Yuck.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Look through the imgur album. There's a clown cut out bending over with a hole in the butt. A man has his face in it. And there's something dripping down his legs.

The whole thing looks like toy freaks. There's a bottle being dipped in donut batter. And a man with a t-shirt with a triangular logo that resembles the boy lover symbol. And a man flashing devil horns.

carmencita ago

On their Mexico Instagram Swirls abound and double heart donuts also a sickening one with a marshmallow sticking out of the middle of a donut, you make up your mind about that one. Also child with Rainbow Pony Tshirt They are subtle if you know what to look for.

carmencita ago

OMG. I usually look that stuff up. Twas too late, will look now. Yikes!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

EDIT: It appears from their instagram that Imo's Pizza may own Strange Donuts. There's a hat that says Imo's Dones.

That may be why Rob May said he worked as a DONE DISTRIBUTOR at Strange Donuts. They are referring to the donuts as "dones"

They have a bunch of locations in St. Louis and Mexico City. Kind of strange choice for those two places to start out. Sounds a little rat line-ish to me. ***

carmencita ago

IMO's is Dirtyyyy!!! When I researched St. Louis with Wolftrail He kept telling me to look at them. They own Pi Pizza Obama's favorite Pizza place and that is where he met Reggie Love. Imo's is also where that guy worked, Devlin, that took those two boys and kept them in his place for some time. I believe they are connected to the Mafia, which is now controlled by the Bronfmans. Rat line? More Mafia and Bronfman in Mexico City. Salinas controls everything in Mexico and is heavy into NXIVM.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Wow. This seals it. Rob May is very suspicious indeed. I will have to look for your Imo's posts. Obama probably has eaten here. They also have a hot dog photo on their IG

carmencita ago

There are other things on there too. Their restaurant had a devil on their site and checkered napkins, but very nuanced stuff. I remember looking into the Mom and Pop Imo family and their was stuff, but now I can't remember. I believe they hooked up with the Mafia. There are so many of them now, and anything there is a lot of, well we have to know it is Mafia controlled. Bronfmans are heading that now. They control every thing now. Liquor, Cheese, Sex.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Do you have any old posts about this? Or should I just go look?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

the third & second link are the same

carmencita ago

Sorry. I will delete it. Thanks. Don't want to muddy the waters.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Sorry I was typing while my kids were trying to grab the laptop. Was the unicorn sprinkles cinnamon roll donut the one you are saying is sick? Or is there a third one. I only said that because I thought maybe there was a grosser one. I never understood the whole unicorn thing and what it is a fetish for but are you referring to the unicorn theme and the spiral?

carmencita ago

I just realized the unicorn connects to the pony thing. I forget what the connection is, but it has been mentioned. I just noticed yesterday that the horn on the head looks like a phallic symbol. The donut with the marshmallow is sick and then there is the cinnamon roll in a spiral that has white icing. These people are sick. So we must think sick. Look at this ad

donuts tshirt - I kid you not. they started with the pizza all over the place, and rainbows and now it will be donuts.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah pizzagate has ruined kids' clothes for me. Like I used to LOVE rainbow brite as a kid. Now I can't bring myself to buy anything that has an owl, a butterfly, a rainbow, pizza, donuts, hot dogs, ice cream, etc. I guess that is a good thing. They can just have colors. But then MK Ultra ruined those too.

carmencita ago

No, not really. But Imo's is controlled by Bronfman Mafia. Almost all large pizza biz is controlled. The Mafia controls the cheese cos. as well. It's really disgusting. Michael Devlin who hid 2 boys in his apt. for a few years worked at Imo's, as I believe, a manager. Bronfman took over the Purple Gang Mafia and they now control all of Canada.

That guy is sick in the head. Really.