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'Is Senator Grassley apart of Q-Anon? On January 6th, 2011 Senator Grassley helped expose a Pentagon pedophile ring that involved 5,200 employees and contractors. Q yesterday wrote "Trust Grassley"' was posted in v/QRV and refers to this submission.

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Celebarato ago

As a follower of this from day 1, Q team is anon i think one day we will know who is involved, but if not im quite happy knowing we have people in power still for the people. Once the rule of law is re-established, it needs to be upheld completely.

1stNomad ago

Great background check. Validated Q’s direction to trust.

PatriotPreacher ago

Thanks for the links! It was very informative. I do not know if Grassley is a part of Q, but we are glad to have him playing for our team in any event! We really must keep this Great Nation in prayer. To all of you we are praying for this Country, our leaders, and for all the PATRIOTS- God loves you. Trust Christ! WWG1WGA

Titus_II ago

Always remain skeptical when something 'surprises' you..follow the (((money)))..the (((money))) usually controls both 'sides'..

Are_we_sure ago

You're off on a few things.

First, Grassley did not expose this. In 2006, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children got several tips of American's visiting a child porn website run out of Belarus and Ukraine. They tipped off Customs and Immigration since it was a foreign website. Customs looked into it via Operation Flicker and they found 5,000 Americans might customers of the website. Some of these used DOD email addresses. It was not 5,000 DOD workers as some sites claimed. So the DOJ told the DOD to look into this. DOD looked into 3500 of the 5000 cases and found "several dozen" possible DOD employees or contractors who might child porn.

2009 DOD IG report

In 2010, the MSM aka The Boston Globe got access to this report and and published a story saying DOD employees had download child porn. Grassley was responding to these new reports when he went on CNN in 2011. He was doing a follow up investigation which is a good and worthy thing, but he did't expose this. The Boston Globe did. The Globe also later published a story about the fact that 1,700 names were still to be checked for DOD ties.

Secondly, this was not a pedophile ring. This was a bunch of people who accessed a commercial website overseas. They were not acting in concert.

Thirdly, you are wrong on the "State Department pedophile ring." NBC and other news sites did a story on a bunch of allegations and later on the Inspector General looked into this investigations. Clinton was not involved at all. The most explosive allegation against an ambassador "was not substatntiated" and he later got an apology from the State Department

OIG found that, based on the limited evidence collectedby DS, the suspected misconduct by the Ambassador was not substantiated.

You can read the IG report here.

None of this proves pizzagate whatsoever.

Slidewizards ago

Redcobra ago

its wild how intermingled things are , no wonder we need patience these people will seemingly be exposed. Patience Trust the plan

Gorillion ago

The Real Gangweed. He will wreck your shit.

SuperRecogBadass17 ago

Im a super recognizer. John Brennan is a match except for super minor reconstruction to Alcatraz inmate number 1476 John Anglin. I have put together a theory but he needs his fingerprints, handwriting, DNA all cross referenced first. Please pass on the word I couldn’t post my own long post on facial details, theories etc for weird technical reasons I don’t understand right now.

shillbro ago

ATF shot my dog

6double5321 ago

Keep up god's work, son.

KillerKap ago

Great fucking post on Grassley involvement.

BonnieRic ago

Since it was 2011 the MSM probably reported it hoping to give Obama more worship. They could not report positive news now in fear they might help Trump. But, still, I am surprised it was reported, since child trafficking is income for the deep state.

Gert17 ago

It’s so good to know that the pedophile traffickers are being arrested. May these monsters never get out of prison. I had no idea ithat t was part of Satanic worship. It breaks my heart to know they are torturing these precious little ones. Thank God our President has the children separated from traffickers at our borders. I’m grateful for Senator Grassley and all leaders willing to help.

watchers ago

hmm, thanks for posting. tbh, i thought q was referring to the SC nomination.

Black_Jesus ago

The grassley hate on T_D is obviously not organic. That's all that needs to be said.


Please upvoat me so I can downvoat you. Thanks.

LiL_Bit ago

I trust Grassley, Flake is the one that I dont trust. Hes leaving congress, he could do the right thing, or leave it in shambles.

cmiink ago

Flake may have a vacation in "GITMO" along with the rest of the Satanist.. and enablers..

fullthrottle1949 ago

Is he apart of the Q team, probably not. But awoke and truly a Patriot that wants the Plan to succeed and has a long history on how the deep state works. His experience and position is crucial to accomplishing this part of the plan. There are many patriots in congress and senate that are ready to lead when the Storm begins. Thanks for the great research.

Patriots4Trump ago

Excellent compilation! Thank you for sharing.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's good to see you back at work @gamepwn

gamepwn ago

Haha on weekdays I can do alot more research. I work at a bar/restaurant on weekends as a barback and am a full time college student on weekdays lol. Have to live in the matrix right? Always down to expose these motherfucking bastards.

Blacksmith21 ago

Glad to see you are paying your bills ; ) v/PG is getting drowned out in the noise ATM.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Grassley rules Not a part of q

amarQ144 ago

Of course he am I...and you

QrioCT ago

I don't think it matters if he is or not. If he is, good. If he is not, hey that's good too. Where ever he stands, he is taking actions that helps us and the Q team.

Stackster ago

Thanks for all the bread, Baker. Your post is easy to read and fully sourced. Thanks!

gamepwn ago

Thank you so much!

RufusTFlywheel ago

That's not definitive buts it's pretty damn solid evidence. He seems to be on the right side

Pickzilla ago

He’s a good man, a Patriot. He would be an asset to the Q team. I just don’t care to speculate if he is or is not part of Q. All that matters is that he is one of us.

teraskasi ago

you are correct he is a very good guy and has patient as a saint having to deal with the democrats trying to talk over him constantly.

derram ago :

Senator Grassley on CNN with Anderson Cooper - YouTube :

NBC News. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Pedophile Ring At State Department in 2013. - YouTube

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