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SearchVoatBot ago

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DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, do not "trust" any politician in our phony defacto government which is actually a corporation. And do not trust Anonymous Q.

liberty89 ago

It wasn't surprisingly delivered via Anderson "CIA DADDY" Cooper, they deliver via messengers.... it was 2011. Creepy satanic Vanderbilt mom

SearchVoatBot ago

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'Is Senator Grassley apart of Q-Anon? On January 6th, 2011 Senator Grassley helped expose a Pentagon pedophile ring that involved 5,200 employees and contractors. Q yesterday wrote "Trust Grassley"' was posted in v/QRV and refers to this submission.

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Jn316 ago

I'm not so sure that he is part of the "team" but if he is one that can be trusted, well informed and up to date on the details.

Soulbrotha2 ago

Wow... tell it like it is Senator. This is amazing. Bust these MF's up

AwakeningDrops ago

Any convictions?

StarAnon ago

Possibly we're being told to trust Grassley in this situation. I don't like McConnell, but he seems to be moving the Kavanaugh situation full steam ahead. I don't think that just because someone acts in favor of something Q says, or I say, for that matter, that they're part of my team, or the Q team. I try to stay focused on what we're doing here, rather than who's posting messages.

Patriot4America ago

Kavanaugh will be confirmed this coming Friday 9/28/2018 by Justice committee then on to full Senate confirmation next week. Trust the plan.

Future proves the past. When it does check out Q.

Hundreds of Q proofs already of Q drops then later news confirming that such intel was accurate. This is a big week.

Keneo77 ago

Great digging!

Lansing-Michigan ago

Have followed the pentagon child porn on computers story for several years. Wayne Madsen out of DC was reporting on it as well. But Chuck Grassley would pop up on MSM and mention it every so often. He didn't let the story die down....which says to me all the other politicians in DC were too scared or did not care.

Vindicator ago

Nice thread, gamepwn. I'm giving this the QAnon Storm Watch flair. Interesting connections.

gamepwn ago

Thanks Vindicator :)

TrustTheTruth ago

Chuck Grassley is just another leading liar in a House of Lies and Corruption.

Many years ago Chuck Grassley pledged to help family farmers.

He sold them out instead to Monsanto, Cargill, Dow, DuPont, ConAgra and the rest who are working to poison Your Family and The World.

Grassley only cares when it affects his own farmland and income or that of his donors.

He is being propped up as a Good Guy before his time runs out. He is a total and complete FAKE.

You can Trust Chuck Grassley as much as you can Trust Q and as much as you can Trust Trump.





Lansing-Michigan ago

I think the loss of family farms under the Jimmy Carter regime was a global scheme which practically obliterated family farms and replaced them with corporate.Farmers were encouraged to take out loans by the federal govt. due to low interest rates. Then they went as high as 18%....then the gas shortage. People in cities had to stand in line to buy gas. Farmers were not able to ..they saw their crops rot in the fields. Then the penny auctions when the corporations bought land and farms for pennies on the dollar.This was told to me by a farmer ...a group of people who have not had much of a voice in politics.... I am no fan of Jimmy Carter because of this....he is on the Council of Foreign Relations. Same scheme for the foreclosure scam. It wasn't so much lack of oversight by banks...they were encouraged to give out loans to people who couldn't afford them and cash in equity for big houses with low interest rates..Looks to me to be just more robbing the American people by way of banks. No one brave person can stand up against the globalists. Takes a consortium of powerful groups who say no more. I think we have just that now.

TrustTheTruth ago

You are not wrong about Jimmy Carter and CFR.

Carter is also a descendant of Thomas Cornell, an ancestor of Cornell University's founder, and is distantly related to Richard Nixon and Bill Gates.

What do you know about Cornell, Nixon, Gates, the Sphinx Head, and Agenda 21?

Where else is Cornell?

What is Global Education Reform?

What is Sustainability and how is it measured?

No compromised politician can stand up against the globalists.

The Truth is The Only Way.

What is The Only Truth they could never allow The World to Know?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've met with him and he is one of the only politicians I've ever known who was willing to investigate the pharmaceutical companies and shrinks. He is extremely ethical as far as that is concerned. When you compare him to the rest of Washington he looks like a saint. I don't know if anyone in Washington is against any of the companies you mention, but I am definitely against them. Too bad people like us can't ever be in Congress or in control, the deep state and the financial interests of huge corporations seem to have the stronghold on every single member of Congress at least in this country, it's probably the same around the world.

It's like George Webb said earlier today, you have a possible rape allegation or attempted rape allegation vs. Imran Awan and his types, a girl would rather get raped than knifed in the throat... If I had to choose being in a tank with a snake vs. the alligator I'd take my chances with the snake.

TrustTheTruth ago

We believe you Know The Truth but may be hesitant to Admit it.

Chuck says the right things and then works amall compromises to appease the opposition in part while lacking the backbone for effective change and exposure of The Truth.

It is this complicity and cimplacency through hopeless faith in false prophets like Q and fake leaders like Sessions, Gowdy, Grassley and Trump that keep The Real Truth hidden from The World.

Look at the food industry or your example of the pharmaceutical industry, or Healthcare. Has Grassley drained the swamp? How many more decades does he need?

Grassley is Compromised Opposition.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't think you can blame him for the major corruption which exists in Washington but he should definitely be held accountable for any Monsanto Dupont etc. related deals

TrustTheTruth ago

We don't disagree that there are many more Evil than Grassley, but TRUST GRASSLEY goes down in the same pile of lies and deception as TRUST SESSIONS, TRUST WRAY and TRUST HUBER.

The Truth is there is no accountability in a broken, corrupt and dysfunctional system.

We witnessed extreme crimes involving the most powerful people in The World. They will never be held accountable in a traditional system they control.

Some of what Q has told is true, and some is not, and holding hopes that these Evil People will be held accountable in military tribunals is a sick joke.

Only The Truth can be Trusted, and Q knows The Truth that is being Hidden from The World. So does Trump.

This is all part of the Great Deception.

Look at Trump's allegiance to the UN today.

"United Nations has tremendous potential, and that potential is being met," claimed Trump.

Then he continued lying to everyone about the Global Drug Problem as if he is unaware of the source and networks involved.

What is Sustainability and how is it measured?

Why won't Q discuss the Bellwether of America?

We know why.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Great find! Thanks for this, @gamepwn

gamepwn ago

Thank you :)

derram ago :

Senator Grassley on CNN with Anderson Cooper - YouTube :

NBC News. Hillary Clinton Covered Up Pedophile Ring At State Department in 2013. - YouTube

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mr_shamalama ago

While I believe the Q posts come from a single source, I have often wondered if there was a "Q Force" compromised of many Patriots just waiting for the right moment in time.

Isn't one of the Q legends that Trump was selected by Old Guard Patriots to save The Republic?

xenu710 ago

on the chans its widely accepted there are approx 5-6 different people that post as Q. (this is substantiated by the device identifiers on 8ch)

Q also uses "we" as opposed to "I" when speaking of almost any matter.

Q said "you are witnessing the destruction of the old guard"

blueflamingo ago

Less than 10 only three are non military. Q post 60

K5anon ago

Wouldnt it be crazy if President Trump JFKjr and his wife were the 3 non military?! My mother is convinced that JFKjr is still alive, me not so much, but it would be amazing to witness! #WWG1WGA

Vindicator ago

Yep. Look up the YouTube videos by Steve Pieszcenick. He talks all about it. He was the face man announcing this.