SearchVoatBot ago

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millennial_vulcan ago

DK, I read a blind a while back (can’t find it) that spoke to Macaulay still being prone to dark rages every once in a while where he lashes out at his girlfriend (actress Brenda Song, who used to be engaged to Miley Cyrus’ brother) and screams about being abused by Pedowood Elite, Heather, SS and so on.

Brenda usually calms him down but then gets stressed out herself and tells her girlfriends (who tell other folk, hence story got leaked.)

Wonder if Mac or Drew B will ever be “Kappy-ed” at some point. @carmencita @new4now

new4now ago

Don't think Drew is a threat to them

She still does movies so I would say she hasn't been blacklisted in that field as others have been

I think a better question, for so many child actors, would be, "Are they still useful?"

carmencita ago

Yes, that is the answer. Whether they are still useful to them. Or they become a huge liability. Then it's curtains. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

@Vindicator you’re going to have to do something about the Wisconsin troll. It’s putting a lot of folk off (including myself) and I’m really sick of having to scroll past this shit that takes up HALF A PAGE and buries other, more valuable commentary.

Somehow you banned Jem777 but this fucker stays? Logic? @think- @carmencita

Vindicator ago

TTT is too chickenshit to actually make any research submissions with their bot diarrhea (one way we know they are not legit contributors). Users have to downvote the shitposts. Four downvotes collapses their content.

Have you tried blocking them so you can't see their content or get their replies in your inbox? You can do that on their profile page.

millennial_vulcan ago

Oookay! :)

Vindicator ago

Get a load of diarrhea bot's CCP:

Took that screenshot just now. Pretty funny.

millennial_vulcan ago


When youre climbing up a ladder and you hear something splatter...


Vindicator ago

That's the spirit! :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Needed that laugh! Thanks Vindi.

TrustTheTruth ago

Once you sell your Soul, you can never get it back.

There is nothing funny about Lies, gangstalking, murder and Eternal Enslavement.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal from the Public for the 8th Wonder of the World.

Where was The Deal for the 8th Wonder of The World?

Racine, Wisconsin.

We Know more than All of you combined.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

millennial_vulcan ago

Wait. Which one was Jesus again? I forget. The Lion? Or the lamb?

Vindicator ago

Some people think it's funny,

but it's really hot and runny!


Shizy ago

I can't believe you have 453 messages!!!

Vindicator ago

462, now. I save them, thinking I might need to come back to them. Every now and again, I'm glad I did (and others aren't!). :-) You should see my basement. If Voat allowed me to search my inbox, the shills would have a very bad time.

argosciv ago

If Voat allowed me to search my inbox, the shills would have a very bad time.

As soon as I wrap my head around actually connecting via the api, I'll get to work on searching one's inbox.

If anyone wants to pm me a template code to build from, I can figure the rest out easily enough?

cc: @PuttItOut @PeaceSeeker @cynabuns @derram @MadWorld

derram ago!/UserMessages/Get

Everyone who uses your program would need to get their own api key and the api has the same limits on messages as the website does.

As for templates, I doubt there is one. You can do a search for the programming language you plan on using + "search text" though.

argosciv ago

srayzie ago

Omg 😂 @Shizy

TrustTheTruth ago

We know more than All of you combined.

That is why you continue your desperate gangstalking, downvoting, lying, slandering and threatening.

What really happened to Jenny Moore?

Will you finally admit She died?

Jenny Moore was brave enough to Find The Truth in Racine, Wisconsin.

Jenny believed in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

You are the cowards who cannot Dispute or Disprove The Truth.

Selling Your Soul and mocking Jesus Christ and The Truth is not funny.

Why are you so interested in persuading @millennial_vulcan?

What happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

What was the 12-part series about that resulted in death threats carried out in real life?

Why did the same moderators partner with someone who openly admits to drinking blood and Satan worship?

When did Q start?

Srayzie, Shizy, Vindicator, Crensch, SheWhoMustBeObeyed, Argosciv and other members of their Army of Satan Betrayed @Jem777, @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt and others as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ.

Why was @Carmencita threatened? Why was @Fogdryer ridiculed? Why was @EsotericShade targeted? Why was @DeathtoMasonsASAP targeted?

What happened to Rose?

What happened to SoberSecondThought?

What did SenateAnon say?

You do not Know what you have done.

We Know.

We Know what none of you could ever Know.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

When you're sliding into home

and your shorts are full of foam:


millennial_vulcan ago


srayzie ago

This bitch be cray 🤣

Just another average day on a Voat.... Srayzie, @Shizy, Vindicator, @Crensch, @SheWhoMustBeObeyed, Argosciv and other members of their Army of Satan....

@Sandhog @Kestrel9

SandHog ago

We have the Truth. Noone else knows.

Who is Mrs. Crabopple?

Why is Toast?

Noone will scatch my feet.

Who was Corporal Klinger?

What was his mistake?

Where is he now?

We know it all. You know nothing.

Arugula. Pomegranate. Breadfruit.

srayzie ago

Beautiful. 👏🏻

argosciv ago

I lol'd.

TrustTheTruth ago

You also openly admitted to drinking blood and Satan worship.

Vindicator banned Jenny Moore and partnered with others to openly slander and lie about her after She was murdered.

What was Jenny's last submission?

Where did you steal the name of your 'series" from?

Who made a 12-part series full of Lies, culminating in death threats that were acted upon, and who did it target?

What happened to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

We Know more than All of you combined.

There is nothing funny about any of this.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

srayzie ago

Let’s address how CORRUPT @Vindicator is...

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know more than All of you combined.

You don't know who Q is.

You can't keep up with George Sweigart.

You don't even understand the role you are playing.

Why were you more interested in George's love life than who Omar Awan worked with?

Why didn't you investigate George's love interest Janine Lindemulder where he openly admits to being compromised, and her connections to Tom DeLonge?

Why didn't you investigate what Q said about Paul Ryan?

What happened to the pilot from the Tarmac meeting?

We are not an advanced bot as you have claimed.

We Know what no bot could ever Know.

You cannot dispute or disprove The Truth.

Vindicator banned Jenny Moore as you and others led her offline and on the road with George Sweigart.

George did not want to go to Racine, and tried to avoid it at every turn. Jenny made him go there.

They didn't argue about Q and Mike Flynn. They argued about Racine, Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Why was Dave so upset about it?

Why did George suddenly want to leave the hotel recently?

What did his brother tell him he heard in another conversation?

Jenny found The Truth, and was killed for Knowing and Sharing The Truth.

She is not the Only One.

Jenny Repented, and believed in Jesus Christ and The Truth.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We Know more than you could comprehend or imagine.

Why are you, Shizy, SheWhoMustBeObeyed, Argosciv, Vindicator, and a few others in your Army so Afraid of The Truth?

Why did you Betray, dox, threaten, attack, lie about, and slander Jenny Moore both before and after She was killed?

Why do you and your Army gangstalk, threaten, attack, lie about, slander, and downvote anyone who Knows or agrees with The Truth?

Who pinged you about this post?

What is The Truth you and the Others are so desperate to hide?

What happens to your Soul when you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth?

There are no Second Chances to Repent once you have Betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth.

All you can do is help Save others. Are you selfless enough to Know The Truth?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Why did George suddenly want to leave the hotel recently?

Did he eat bad shellfish, Diarrhea Bot?

When the buffet looked so tasty

but you feel all hot and pasty


TrustTheTruth ago

George didn't want to leave too soon after Jenny's death or it would look suspicious.

What role did JK play that George could not?

What role did Joe Napoli play that Jason Goodman could not?

George wanted to leave recently because of what his brother Dave found out in a chat with Titus Frost.

Why did George claim that he never wanted help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

We Know more than you could imagine or comprehend.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Why did George claim that he never wanted help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

Because he's a Jew, obviously. They're not fond of Christ, typically.

When you think you've got the scoop

but your shorts are full of poop


Vindicator ago

Thanks for that blast from the past, srayzie. :-) Diarrhea Bot is only about tearing down this community. It's quite transparent.

srayzie ago

Diarrhea bot 😂

Vindicator ago

There's a campfire song about him. I keep finding myself singing it...

Vindicator ago

Lemme know if it works. I've only ever banned one person and that was only for a few days, because I like to keep an eye things.

millennial_vulcan ago

I collapsed him! It’s working. I should just shut up and be grateful for the free speech here :)

Vindicator ago

"I should just shut up"..."be grateful for free speech"


Not compatible ;-)

millennial_vulcan ago

It’s been a loooooong few years, Vindi!

Vindicator ago

But we're just getting to the best part of the story! :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Aye aye Cap’n

TrustTheTruth ago

Who are the Moderators and former Moderators that cannot Answer any of the Questions?

Who are the Moderators and former Moderators who gangstalk, threaten, dox, Lie, slander, and downvote?

Who was the Moderator who banned Jenny Moore?

Who was the Moderator who wrote hit pieces slandering Jenny Moore after she was killed?

Where is the 8th Wonder of the World and the Model for Smart Cities, Community Policing, and Sustainable Development?

Racine, Wisconsin

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

millennial_vulcan ago

“Racine. Always SOMETHING going on.”

Trusty, ya maybe onto something. 😂

think- ago

Jem777 was banned, because she frequently posted submissions that were against the rules.

comments, on the other hand, are sacred on Voat, as long as they are not spam, cp, or are doxxing someone.

In order to be banned for spam, he would need to spam the same comment over and over again, from what I understand.

@kevdude might be able to clarify.

TL;DR he cannot be banned for his comments here. My suggestion would be to downvoat comments that you don't like, and ignore them as far as possible.

millennial_vulcan ago

OooKay! Xoxo

think- ago

I know it ain't easy. ;-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Whatever happened to @Kevdude ?

TrustTheTruth ago

Is that another thinly veiled death threat?

What happened to @Jem777?

We Know what All of You combined do not. How?

Why can't any of you answer any of the Questions?

What was Jenny's last submission about and what was The Truth she found?

Did you ever bother to read Tony's interview from Bates College?

Did you ever bother to look into the development of the Art in Embassies program?

Did you ever bother to look into Community Policing?

What is SnapTrends? What is Palantir? What is PRISM? What is Cellebrite?

What happened to Jenny Moore and who did She meet?

What happened to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

Why did Moderators not ban others who made death threats against Them that were acted on in real life?

Who made a 12-part series and who did it target?

What happened to Chester Bennington?

What happened to Avicii?

What happened to Mark Ruffalo's brother?

Do You really want to Know The Truth, or do you only Pretend?

Why do you think Paul Ryan really resigned?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

What happened to the pilot?

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Q flooded Voat.

We are the reason why Trump closed The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World from the public.

Who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for?

Where was the official signing held?

What happened with that family related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

What is the Root of All Evil and the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Global Education Reform?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Diarrhea Bot can't hold it in.

When you clear your throat to speak

and your anus starts to leak


millennial_vulcan ago

Oh put a sock in it.

septimasexta ago

This is a research site. Please answer your own questions and post links like the rest of us do.

TrustTheTruth ago

The Truth cannot be Disputed or Disproved.

Why are you sliding the forum with bad jokes and pure nonsense like this?

Isn't this a research site?

Even the other fake moderators called you out.

think- 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago (edited 17 hours ago)

The colour of pants is now relevant for Pizzagate - really? /s

Maybe you could refrain from posting bs that clogs up the thread, and is forum sliding.

IIRC, @Vindicator already gave you a friendly ban warning some time ago.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall

link reply ...

[–] septimasexta [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 13 hours ago

Up to 190 views.

I'm running the clock out, then I'll take it down.

What is your goal? Distraction? Disruption? Views and Likes? Or The Truth?

We know more than All of you combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Interesting that you didn't ping @think- Diarrhea Bot. Trying to sow division among legit pizzagate users, eh? Both @septimasexta and @think- are too intelligent to take your bait.

Always trying to undermine and sow distrust. Your agenda is clear.

TrustTheTruth ago

We give Everyone the Same Opportunity to Know and Share The Truth.

Look what @septimasexta figured out. There is still hope for them to Repent and Share The Truth.

@think- has unfortunately been Fooled and Deceived by others, and didn't even Know who Isaac Green was or what role he plays.

Hopefully they will Repent, Pray, Learn, cease working with Satan, and begin Sharing The Truth.

Some Souls however cannot be Saved.

If you choose to mock Jesus Christ and The Truth, your Soul will Die.

This is not a game.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, serving as the Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

The Mark of the Beast enforced by AI

Is that how we got the Diarrhea Bot? I was wondering.

When you think you have to fart

but it turns out to be a shart


TrustTheTruth ago

We Know why you are so Desperate and Afraid.

We Know more about you than you do.

We know who you are associated with.

You cannot comprehend how We Know more than All of you combined.

You and the Army of Satan are lashing out in anger and confusion.

You have no idea what you have done or the role you play.

Your mockery of Jesus Christ and The Truth will only result in your own Eternal Suffering.

Your Souls will Die forever.

The Mark of The Beast is Real.

Donald Trump made The Deal to endorse the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart cities and The Mark of The Beast.

Q is a False Prophet created to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

You cannot Dispute or Disprove The Truth.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Vindicator ago

Your mockery of Jesus Christ and The Truth will only result in your own Eternal Suffering.

Uh huh. And where, exactly have I ever mocked JC? Good luck finding evidence of that...not that you ever produce evidence of anything but watery diarrhea.

When you claim the mods are mean

but instead you fill your jeans


3141592653 ago

You're cracking me up

Vindicator ago


Shizy ago

Never trust a fart vindicator!

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know what all of you combined do not, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience.

We met with Jenny Moore. She was murdered for Knowing and Sharing The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

We met with Senator Paul Wellstone. He was murdered for Knowing and Sharing The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

These two are very different people with very different backgrounds and beliefs, but both events are related.

We met many others who Sacrificed Everything to Know and Share The Truth.

We also Know many of those involved at various levels.

George Sweigart is Not Trustworthy, and deleted the last part of his video from 11/1/2018 where he claimed he never wanted help from Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ. Why would he say that? What was he talking about?

Do you need more Answers?

What happened to the pilot from the Tarmac meeting? He was murdered.

What did He Know? Paul Ryan was involved.

Why did Paul Ryan and so many other officials suddenly resign? Because of The Truth in Racine, Wisconsin.

Why did so many top FBI and DOJ officials suddenly resign? Because of The Truth in Racine, Wisconsin.

Where was The Deal that Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World? In Racine, Wisconsin.

Where is the Clinton's Model for Community Policing? In Racine, Wisconsin.

What is the Model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities? Racine, Wisconsin.

What is the latest step taken that is being disclosed? Cellebrite.

You do not understand or comprehend how Sinister the real Agenda is.

This is not a game.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and Model for Smart Cities, 5G+ AI, Sustainable Development, Education Reform, Prison Reform and other aspects of the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Sustainability is the Great Deception and foundation for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.

Johnsons play a key role in the Foundation of UN Agenda 21 and 2030.

A founding member of both the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and President Clinton’s landmark Council on Sustainable Development, Sam was a tireless champion of green business practices, dubbed “corporate America’s leading environmentalist” by Fortune magazine.

Joan Veon wrote:

​As sustainable development has evolved to the point where the teaching of Agenda 21 is called "Earth Sciences" in schools, universities, and colleges, our government has instituted Agenda 21 through the Presidents Commission on Sustainable Development. Throughout the U.S., there are cities that have adopted Agenda 21 and there are those that are now sustainable, such as "Sustainable Racine." We must remember Russia did not fall to the communists all at once-it was city by city.

At times, as the only American reporter, Joan covered over 103 international meetings, including: the G7, G8, G10, G20, and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland; attended yearly the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland; and twice a year covered the IMF World Bank meetings. In addition she attended UN meetings on the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, Sustainable Development, the Earth Summit, Climate Control, the International World Court, and numerous others. Following the UN conference on Sustainable Development in Istanbul Joan was compelled to write her first book “Prince Charles, the Sustainable Prince” published in 1997, followed by her second book “Global Straitjacket” in 1999.

Johnsons were instrumental in giving legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program.

Fall-Out Shelters for the Human Spirit: American Art and the Cold War Michael L. Krenn - 2006 - ‎Political Science

More spectacularly, the State Department established the Art in Embassies program in 1964 which sought to turn U.S. embassies into small art galleries. In 1962, Edward R. Murrow who was then director of the USIA proclaimed "a new and, I think, significant development" in terms of art patronage in the United States. He was particularly excited about the offer by S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. (the floor wax giant) to send its large collection of contemporary art around the world, sponsored by USIA.

'8th Wonder of the World': Trump Speaks in Wisconsin at Foxconn ... Trump hails Foxconn deal as 'eighth wonder of the world' - Milwaukee ... Donald Trump calls Foxconn's Wisconsin campus 'the 8th Wonder of ... Michelle Ouzounian: The 8th Wonder of the World | Inbusiness ... Dems gripe as Trump touts Wisconsin's Foxconn as 'eighth wonder of ... Foxconn Reconsidering Plans for a Wisconsin Factory Heralded by ...

The big groundbreaking ceremony was closed from the public due to 'protests': You may not recognize such faces as Robin Vos, Cory Mason or Jenny Trick, only someone with credibility would know who they are. Do you know who was going to build an arena that also built a similar arena in corrupt Allentown, PA?

Where did the contract signing take place? Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and Foxconn's Terry Gou part of big contract signing The event was held at S.C. Johnson in Racine.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

darkknight111 ago

The image posted regarding that meme comes from the Podesta’a art collection.

Addendium to thread: As seen with the pedo butterfly symbol placed on Judith Barsi’s grave, it is ABSOLUTELY in character for the satanic elites to desecrate the graves of their victims. Logically, its not that far a jump to break into a mausolieum to “procure” some red shoe material.

TrustTheTruth ago

Where did Tony Podesta admit to getting his big break in art and politics?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is America's Bellwether?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where were the companies from that were instrumental in the development of the Art in Embassies program?

Racine, Wisconsin

What global art collector and generational executive accidentally confessed to child rape and assault?

What is the Great Deception to forge the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030?

Sustainability (Satan's Ability)

What is Clinton's Model for Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is the I-94 Project created as a cover-up for trafficking and abuse linked to celebrities including Chris Kutcher, Caron Butler, Mark Ruffalo, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Tom DeLonge, Samantha Marq, Elizabeth Smart and many others?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where was The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is The Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is the ROOT of All Evil, and The Path to The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Racine, Wisconsin

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

derram ago :

What REALLY happened to Heather O’Rourke - YouTube :

Free the Butterflies on Twitter: "One undeniable evidence that Steven Spielberg is a pedophile:… " :

krampus 1 - YouTube

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