18993366? ago

2nd... expose that you are an anon by posting one of the links above at the stated time... got it

18993325? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

After we see some high-profile arrests of BIG NAME traitors, I'll start trying to redpill people again. Until then, it's impossible. Q has fucked us over one too many times. Nobody believes you when you cry wolf.

18991207? ago

"Judith was last seen riding her bike on the morning of July 25, 1988. That evening, József (her father) shot her in the head while she was sleeping, and then murdered Maria (Judith's mother). He then spent the next two days wandering around the house, and said during a phone conversation with Barsi’s agent the next night that he intended to move out for good and just needed time to "say goodbye to my little girl." Following the phone call, he poured gasoline on the dead bodies and set them on fire before heading to the garage and shooting himself in the head with a .32 caliber pistol. On August 9, 1988, Barsi and her mother were interred at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles." What does this have to do with Spielberg?...

18991381? ago

That’s the official narrative.

The alleged time of death was evening time (6-11pm) 7/25. Somehow not a single person managed to hear gunfire in a suburb neighborhood with a known violent domestic abuser. Who did not own a silencer

Somehow we’re supposed to believe that 2 dead bodies can be lying around for 36 hours in a record heatwave without anyone smelling signs of a rotting corpse.

The murder suicide narrative the MSM pushed is impossible. A silencer is nessecary for that first part to be possible.

Spielberg has mafia connections (Bronfmans) and is suspected to be involved in the death of Vic Marrow. Connect the dots.