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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @PGIsRettarded.

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YogSoggoth ago

In my own humble opinion, agenda 21 lead that.

letsdothis3 ago

Excellent write up. Bringing up this topic again with your new information really opens up the door to a new food trail which involves Alice Waters Edible Schoolyard, the CIA (Culinary Institute of America ), ICE (Institute of Culinary Education , Anthony Bourdain and others.

For now, just want to point out that image of the Comet Ping Pong Sauce ( has "14/15" on the wall. 14/15 = 0.93333333

Also, following the Toigo tomatoes story will lead you to this little scene in Twilight: Twilight - Greenhouse Scene (Greek subs)

comet_ping_pong_fan ago

This is unreal. Wow, you guys are sad. First of all, Pizzagate was debunked over a year ago. Mr. Alefantis even appeared on numerous media outlets and even Faux News and even your beloved Faux News debunked it. Repeat after me, there is no basement at CPP, there isn't or has never been, children being abused in any way on any of Mr. Alefantis' properties or by him, and fake news hurts real people. You people need to get a life.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I am not trying to make excuses for pedophiles, but organic has way more taste than regular tomatoes bought in a store. Tony Podesta was supposedly a gourmet cook. Rich people like to eat organic because they know regular US tomatoes are is the pesticides. Also canned tomatoes have BPH in them which is also deadly. The positive in this is that Alefantis lied about the basement..he is not as smart as he thinks he is.

Yuke ago

I got a screen grab of the sauce labels. Might be a good idea to add this to your original post for ease of viewing

septimasexta ago


Yuke ago

By the way. The only images I've seen of a basement at Buck's is an image that shows lots of jars of sauce on wooden shelves. There would only have been a couple hundred at the most though. I don't have that image to hand but it's possible I could find it (or maybe someone else already has it?)

think- ago

There would only have been a couple hundred at the most though.

Yes, where does he store all these jars?

Yuke ago

Not just the jars either, all ingredients. Comet has the walk-in cooler thing out the back that I believe they share with Little Red Fox next door, but otherwise where does everything else get stored? Maybe it's all kept at Buck's, but certainly not all of the jars that they produce, they must be stored somewhere else.

auralsects ago

what is the point of this post? that he lied about the sauce?

bringing up the basement is stupid just like Pegasus being a "kill room."

it sets up easy straw men arguments to be shot down and discredit the whole scandal.

This is about Jewish supremacism

Piscina ago

Based on their photos of children alone, people should be boycotting Comet's. If people continue to support Comet knowing it jokes about toddlers being 'hotards' they have no heart, empathy or moral compass.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Maybe people would boycott if we did not have "state" media.

wokeasfook ago

This is excellent work. Hats off to you.

lamplight ago

I wonder if there are plain and meat jars of pizza sauce. Either sounds disgusting coming from a place like CPP. Who knows what they are laced with. Has anyone ever ordered a jar of this stuff? A good chemist could find out what's in it.

Fetalpig ago

Tomatoes tasting like tomatoes...alefantes is quoted as saying,but he fails to mention the pig farm,now doesn't he. They sell beef and pork,quartered if you like.

jokersmild ago

The sauce... That they grow ten tons of tomatoes for... Then store in the basement... The tomatoes are fertilized with the bodies of their victims.

jodieann ago

Tried to find it on YouTube, but there was a man living across the street from Comet who made recordings of children screaming late at night. He contacted the PD a couple of times, but nothing ever came of it.

septimasexta ago

This is the original video made by D.C. resident Frank Winstead, filmed at night, and then during the day. He was concerned by the placement of a ping pong table at Comet's front door and also next to the sidewalk and a busy street. He "accidentally?" caught what sounds like a child screaming on his audio. "Ping Pong in Public Space"

septimasexta ago

Second WaPo article on Winstead vs. Comet...

"D.C. Official: Outdoor Seats At Pizza Place Will Mean Rapes And Murders" By Marc Fisher

"But this week, that same commissioner, Frank Winstead, ratcheted up the scare rhetoric in a big way: At a meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3F Monday night, in front of the largest crowd in the ANC's history, Winstead accused the owner of Comet Ping Pong of seeking to turn this quiet stretch of Connecticut Avenue in Forest Hills into a haven for rape and murder."

"The crowd of about 100 residents--mainly fans of the pizza place--fell into an uproar and drowned out Winstead following this exchange, which you can hear for yourself on the audio recording of the meeting: A supporter of Comet addressed the commission, which was considering owner James Alefantis's application to extend his opening hours deeper into the evening, provide musical entertainment inside his restaurant, and add a patio for outdoor seating out front."

"Winstead, who has taken it upon himself to act as the guardian of clear and quiet streets in his section of Northwest Washington, replied: "Safety. James is trying to turn this into Adams Morgan, with the murders, the rapes....""

"Winstead took off on Alefantis. He accused the owner of "filling up his fat wallet." Then Winstead started yelling about Alefantis spitting on customers' food. "He's lying, cheating!" the commissioner shouted."

"Opponents of the new rules for Comet accused the restaurant of breaking its current restrictions by hosting bands before getting city permission to do so."


septimasexta ago

The ping pong table incident rated 2 stories in the WaPo. Both put Winstead in a bad light and made Alefantis the victim. Nothing's changed.

"Saving Sidewalks From the Evils of Ping-Pong" By Marc Fisher Thursday, May 8, 2008

"The grainy video, shot at night from across Connecticut Avenue, reveals the menace -- caught on tape, posted on YouTube for all to see. The danger, the violation of public space, the unchecked liability, all now undeniable.

Yes, it is true: For more than a year, James Alefantis, owner of the Comet Ping Pong pizza place at Connecticut and Nebraska avenues NW, kept a Ping-Pong table on the sidewalk in front of his eatery. And people played Ping-Pong on that table. In public. With their children. Laughing and smiling as if everything were just fine. And they did this w ithout a permit."

"The Ping-Pong table, Alefantis tells me, was meant originally as both advertisement and entertainment. When Comet opened, business was slow. Since the place had three tables in its big back room, the owner decided to haul one out onto the sidewalk, where employees and customers alike could play."

"But commissioner Karen Perry says that "when the first child got hurt chasing a Ping-Pong ball onto Connecticut Avenue, people would feel differently. Comet was flagrantly violating the public space law.""

"Alefantis is now seeking permission to add outdoor seating. He needs the ANC's support, so after Winstead and another commissioner told him he should be punished for having the table outside, Alefantis reluctantly agreed to move the Ping-Pong indoors."

septimasexta ago


CLICK ON ANC3Fmtng part 2-COMET and go to 28:30 to hear Winstead make his "murder" "rape" accusations.

11:18 Commissioner lists bands playing at Comet in violation of his voluntary restrictions. Alefantis thought he didn't have to follow the "rules". Listen to the whole meeting. QUITE EDUCATIONAL. Not a peaceful supportive meeting........

fuspezza ago

That guy ended up dying in suspicious circumstances

septimasexta ago

Do you mean Winstead? Do you have a link?

septimasexta ago

Thanks! Very interesting. Here's some quotes from a Catholic /Haiti/pedo story he had retweeted. Relevant to our research:

"Perlitz admits he sexually abused eight boys at Haiti project Betrayal of hope: Fairfield U. graduate admits sexually abusing 8 boys in Haiti

Michael P. Mayko, Staff Writer | August 18, 2010"

"Perlitz's side will involve details on hundreds of boys, abandoned by their parents, who were given the opportunity to eat, shower and learn a trade or profession by attending the three-phase Project Pierre Toussaint program begun by Perlitz in 1997 with a grant from the Order of Malta, a Roman Catholic charity.

The Rev. Paul Carrier, Perlitz's mentor and the former Fairfield University director of campus ministry and community service, touted the program both in Fairfield County and to the national media. Carrier helped raise millions in donations from Fairfield University, its campus chapel and in Fairfield County churches. Carrier, along with wealthy Fairfield County Catholics, created the Haiti Fund with a board of directors to raise money for Perlitz's program.

In February, Fairfield University officials reported they could not document how about $120,000 of the $775,000 they helped raise for Project Pierre Toussaint from 1997 to 2007 was spent. Federal investigators have been looking into this aspect of the case as well as information that two of Perlitz's supporters in the now-defunct Haiti Fund helped remove two computers from his home in Haiti while private investigators were looking into allegations of sexual abuse."

RIP Destin. A great heart for the homeless and orphans!

think- ago

begun by Perlitz in 1997 with a grant from the Order of Malta

Knights of Malta, anyone? In Haiti?? Sexual abuse?? Did we research this?

@Vindicator @Factfinder2 @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @MolochHunter

darkknight111 ago

I agree that Knights of Malta need to be looked into.

MolochHunter ago

Podesta's family origins are Maltese

as to whether he's in the Knights of Malta, Ive never seen conclusive proof

think- ago

Podesta's family origins are Maltese

Oh, I thought Italian? But maybe that's just where the name is from, and there are many Italians living in Malta.

letsdothis3 ago

And I've just found a direct link between Ricky Dearman and Malta .. Hmm...

think- ago

On a side note, do you remember the journalist who was murdered in Malta some months ago? She tried to expose corruption, and allegedly was murdered by the local mafia.

However, I found it mind-boggling to see just how much corruption there is in Malta. And as we know, where there is corruption, there is child abuse as well.

think- ago

The child sex trafficking hub of Azerbaijan hired two lobbying firms in the West. The Podesta Group in DC and Freud Communications in Euro.

Are you kidding me?! LOL. This is huge!! You should crosspost the comment to @swordfish69's post about Matthew Freud!

On a side note, how disgusting that they represent a country like Azerbaijan. But then, of course, they have no morals.

@darkknight111 @Factfinder2 @ASolo

swordfish69 ago

Wow it's all in front of our eyes.

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

Daphne Caruana Galizia

Dubbed by Politico as a “one-woman WikiLeaks,” Caruana Galizia took to her blog to report, among other things, on allegations of abuse in Malta’s program of selling “golden passports” to wealthy foreign investors—most of them Russian—which give the holders access to visa-free travel within Europe and the use of European banks. The program is highly lucrative for the country, and Joseph Muscat, the prime minister of Malta, travels the world promoting it. She also reported allegations that Muscat’s wife and two of his advisers were tied to accounts in a Maltese bank whose major client was the first family of Azerbaijan. All have denied any wrongdoing; Caruana Galizia’s reporting on the bank spurred Muscat to call a snap election in June 2017, which he won.

the first family of Azerbaijan you say?

36 Dover Street - House of Beckham and much, much more.....

39 Dover Street - Gazelli Art House

Wikileaks email chain FARA discussion, Tony Podesta (Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt), Ben Barnes (Libya), John Merrigan (UAE), Wyeth Weidman (Libya), and Mike Driver (UAE connections)

Sum-of-Nun ago

I had not seen it before. Is this it?

Blacksmith21 ago

This is some Og/PG stuff right here. Culinary forensics.

I did a quick look at NoVA ag coops were CPP would have shopped for bulk tomatoes and not a lot of info out there. It's pretty easy to hire someone to contract grow X lbs of Y, Q, and R tomatoes for a certain price. You can grow a lot of tomatoes on an acre. Roma and San MArzano are determinant (I think) and are vining - grow up for big yield. Heirlooms are indeterminant (I think) and are a bush tomato. The first two are standard for canning tomatoes.

That's a pretty big canning operation.

"Where does he store the 10,000 cans at bucks that isn't already being used by bucks for food storage itself?" - At 3 lbs heirloom/roma mix averaged @ 2.00/lb contract grow (or for free paid in children) per jar, that's 6.00 (3 lbs per jar) + canning costs in labor, packing material, etc. + 2.00 (that's low) = 8.00 per jar X 10,000 jars = 80,000 for sauce X 5 pizzas per jar = 400,000 pizzas / 360 days (less holidays lol) = 1,111 pizzas per day. Bullshit.

Regardless - I go back to comments I've made earlier about "common construction techniques" used in DC. 5000 Conn Ave NW sits at 300' above sea level. Basements were typically constructed at the time when the block was developed. The land is flat, so if they dug one or more basements - which we know there are - they would have dug basements for all - it is EASIER to build - less work and materials! I'm pretty confidant that at some point, there was a basement and that it may have been sealed from view. These vile creatures are tunnel rats and have no problem digging and building subterranean quarters. There are basements down there.

There is minimal history on the this region of DC I've been able to dig up - input welcome.

septimasexta ago

Thanks. Many others contributed. I just pulled it together. What do you think the green image is on the CPP Sauce label? Am I missing something? Is this a "special" sauce?

Blacksmith21 ago

Here's a still:

To me, it looks like the top of a kids head peeking over the bottom of the label with a pair of seedlings popping out of the kid's head. What is more interesting to me is the fact that the jars are labeled, including a nutrition label. That would indicate the jars are for sale...and they are:

Moreover, I noticed that the description says: "Toigo Farms" - located in Carlisle, PA. Interesting "logo" (woodcut) for the farms - woman and child.

Then I found Toigo Foundation, named for Robert Toigo, which offers scholarships for MBA students and is linked to Drexel, located in Philadelphia. A quick visit to, yielded this photo on their front page:

Notice anyone familiar?

@vindicator @molochhunter @srayzie @darkknight111 - Could this be a potential new location for the rumored farm? I think the "Toigo" family is tied in through the farms (family name/money).

Vindicator ago

So I wonder if the basement "killroom" pics from Alefantis' Instagram match building permit records for Buck's?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm trying to find the DCRA page to search historical permits. I found one for live permits, but doesn't list old ones. Also see that DCRA requires shop drawing upload for plan application. No luck yet finding if they can be viewed online. That would be some shit, is to look at the drawings which accompanied CPP, Bucks, etc. permits.

Vindicator ago

I know in my county, the county parcel map site listing all of the pieces of property and taxes etc. also links to historical permits.

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you watching Fox News by any chance?

Vindicator ago

No, I was not. Something interesting?

MolochHunter ago

didnt we already establish that the farm was that piggery where they have machinery to dispose of dead pigs and do colonial era re-enactments ?

Blacksmith21 ago

Claude Moore Colonial Farm? I remember that convo. I have my doubts. It's a National Park (not that it matters). It's smack in the middle of McLean too - not in remote location. I think Podesta may have hones his butchering skills there, but would be a bit brazen to render children.

That said, if the tunnel network, in close prox to Langley, is as extensive (would have to cross under Potomac) where kids could be brought from DC straight in....

I still think it's a more remote location in a surrounding county in VA, maybe MD.

srayzie ago

Wow great work. I can’t believe that tomato sauce label. Then the Toigo Farms logo. Geez. Was that Valerie Jarret? These people are so sick.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yup - VJ. No coincidences. Connected by "Comet Pingpong Sauce".

think- ago

Connected by "Comet Pingpong Sauce".


@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

septimasexta ago

Great research Blacksmith! Glad you brought up "Mark Toigo, CEO of Toigo Farms, is also the Director of DC Central Kitchen -"

I was about to make the following post, which ties in Alice Waters, Joan Nathan (cookbook author, friend of Alefantis) mentioned in the VOAT link at the bottom of my original post, D.C. Central Kitchen, Tony Podesta, and a fundraising group called Sips & Suppers:

"Monday, February 2, 2015 Washington Social Diary WINTER WARMTH FROM GOOD FOOD AND CHARITY by Carol Joynt

"In only its seventh year, the annual January Sips & Suppers fundraising weekend has become a fixture of the Washington winter social calendar. The brainchild of three notable chefs, DC’s own Jose Andres and Joan Nathan, and Berkeley, CA., foodie icon Alice Waters, it raises money for two organizations that are key in aiding the homeless in the nation’s capital – DC Central Kitchen and Martha’s Table. This year they hit close to $600,000."

"“The hosts are key to the success of the event,” says Nathan, adding they get chosen in two ways – they ask or they are asked. This year the hosts included Washington Nationals superstar Ryan Zimmerman and his wife, Heather; philanthropists George and Trish Vradenburg, lobbyist Tony Podesta, author Quinn Bradlee, The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Elsa Walsh, Graham Holdings’ Marcus Brauchli, media and tennis consultants Ray and Nina Benton, Politics and Prose bookstore owners Lissa Muscatine and Bradley Graham, and restaurateur James Alefantis, among many others. The Bentons and the Vradenburgs go back to the beginning. There were 33 dinners in all. Waters, Nathan and Andres typically journey around town from dinner to dinner, popping in to say “thank you.”" LOTS OF PHOTOS AND MORE INFO

think- ago

Well, please do a post about, @septimasexta. Very interesting.

Blacksmith21 ago

All sorts of sketchy folks in that article, including a neighbor's brother LOL. The whole DC-arts-culinary-philanthropy scene is filled with these creeps. Probably the same in any large city, really.

septimasexta ago

We need an ARTS REFORMATION. The arts have been HIJACKED by these vile people.

Yuke ago

I just made a post yesterday with a theory about the probable codeword 'Panda' being code for Asian kids (the post is in the Desmond is amazing thread and refers to a half-asian fashion designer being referred to as Panda because he has the Asian heritage). When I saw the labels of that sauce what I saw was a little Asian kid peeking over a wall or counter or something. What do you think?

septimasexta ago

Is this how you explain the crude comments on Jimmy Comets Instagram photos with panda images (#cumpanda)?

You might be on to something.

Yuke ago

It's just a theory at the minute but ever since reading that guys comments about being called it because he's of asian origin it really made me think that it could be. I'll be keeping an eye on it and hoping to find something else to either confirm or deny that one.

Vindicator ago

Great post, septima. I'm giving it the Share! flair.

septimasexta ago

Wow. First I've earned!

HillBoulder ago

Sounds like if you ever a(t)e there, chances are you cannibalized a child. Sick stuff man.

goodguy1367 ago

I was about to write maybe CPP is where the cook the remains.. Sick shit

derram ago :

Comet Ping Pong is likely just a meet up, a public place for "clientele" to have a pre-transaction meet, maybe examine some of the cargo, hammer out details. Illegal business is often done in plain sight at family oriented places. Shills are taking the "sex dungeon in the basement" thing too far... : conspiracy

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