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PGIsRretardded ago

It's not just wikipedia that labeled pizzagate as being debunked/fictitious, it's every single source that takes itself seriously and is not into the business of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories that has mentioned pizzagate.

Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

Heisenberg123 ago

Every single one? Name one. I've already debunked New York Times article because they don't give any sources for their "claim" quotations and they're basically not showing even 10% of Pizzagate facts and all. For example they're not showing that James Alefantis used pedophilia slang and homosexual slang in context of children and that his friends are using it as well. Or maybe you're saying about Peter Newsham "debunking"? I'll quote you something:

Also in case of Peter Newsham who "debunked" Pizzagate he is totally unable to make such claim as he is biased and it's easily proven by his history as DC Police Chief and his friendship with James Alefantis. In court you cannot have anyone who is biased because there's need of objective standards and he does not meet any of such requirements.

He also never made any investigation, just straight claims, like in case of Seth Rich murder, and you know what? He's wrong about Seth Rich murder and its connection to DNC email leak, how do I know that? Well, WikiLeaks are indirectly confirming that Seth Rich was the source of DNC email leak.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Every single one? Name one

Name one? Seriously bro?

You seem to have the wrong ideea, so let me break it down for you:

The fact that pizzagate is a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory is obvious for anyone with basic common sens, anyone who isn't into hardcore irrationality and conspiracy delusion.

Therefore, obviously, EVERY SINGLE SOURCE that mendioned pizzagate(that takes itself seriously and is not in the business of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories) labeled it as so.

Either if we're talking about institutions like the police, the media or single individuals. While(obsiouly) there being ZERO credible source that bought into pizzagate.

You seem to have it upside down. You are the one who won't be able to name a single credible source that bought into pizzagate, not the other way arround.


From the Metro DC Police:

To fact checking sites:

From ALL of the major media outlets that mentioned pizzagate:


all the way to independent journalists like:

David Packman show:

"Pizzagate is this bogus conspiracy theory..."

Secular talk:

"How does anybody believe that?"

The Humanist Report:

"Now this is something that I didn't ever think I'd have to cover because it's so stupid it borders on satirical"


"How can you be this stupid to believe that?"

Comedian Stephen Colbert:

From popular youtubers like MAtthew Santoro:

"Ok there should be a law that before you're even allowed to log to the internet, you have to put on your critical thinking cap, THINK PEOPLE"

All the way to freaking neurocscientist and author Sam Harris: (reupload)

"It's pure insanity and should be recognisably insane to anyone who cares about what happens in the world...but apparently it's not." WORD!


Do you want me to continue? Like I previously said, EVERY SINGLE source that takes itself seriously and is not in the bussines of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories and has mentioned pizzagate.

The idea that the people behind pizzagate somehow got to all of them and got them to lie an put on an act pretending as if pizzagate was a ridiculous conspiracy theory in order to protect child rapists/murderers is just absurd. Not to mention all the different politicians and law authority institutions that have to be aware and aiding it while remaning perfectly silent, with no one coming out to speak against it.

What's ocam's razor telling you in this situation?


I've already debunked New York Times


they're not showing that James Alefantis used pedophilia slang and homosexual slang in context of children

Maybe because that didn't happen, or maybe because there's so many lies like that used as pizzagate "evidence" that it would have been impossible to mention them all.

The fact that that article doesn't include all the dumb obvious lies that you pizzagaters made up does not mean that you debunked it =))

Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

Heisenberg123 ago

Except it did happen. Alefantis and his friends sexualized children many times. And it's not in the articles at all so basically they're waste of time. Where are the sources for claims quotations in New York Times article and others? There are none, therefore - waste of time, no debunking at all.

Also you're talking about D.C Police which said that Seth Rich death has nothing to do with DNC Email leak, but WikiLeaks which knows the source is indirectly confirming that Seth Rich was indeed the source. You're giving me a ton of shit links I already know and I already debunked - because they're not presenting even 10% of Pizzagate facts surrounding Alefantis and his crew also not presenting sources for Pizzagate quotations. If you're presenting only 10% of facts and especially not the most important ones like the fact that Alefantis and his crew knew niche pedophile slang and niche homosexual slang and used it in context of children, then your article means pretty nothing and you haven't done debunking at all.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Except it did happen

False. Every single piece of pizzagate "evidence" is based on lies, speculation and confirmation bias while there being ZERO evidence of a crime behind it.

And it's not in the articles at all

Like I previously said, there's so many dumb lies that you pizzagaters made up it would be impossible to account for them all. That lie is just another random lie in the sea of pizzagate lies.

They're not using something that is central to Pizzagate

What? Mindboggingly stupid shit like this? =))

OMG the cringe

Where are the sources for claims quotations in New York Times places like these?

What's with your "where's the source" obsession?

Take these claim for example:

"The pizza parlor owner was swept into the rumormongering on message boards."

That's an observation made after witnessing the pizzagate phenomenon. How would you source that?

WTF is with your "where's the source" obssesion? What are you claiming here exactly? That NY Times flat out invented the claims in that article or photoshopped the pictures? That's your dumbasses bread and butter.

You're giving me a ton of shit links

Excuse me?!!!!!!!

The police?! Nearly all the major media outlets?! Fact checking sites?! Independent journalists?! Intelectuals like Sam Harris?!

How are you failing to see that pizzagate being a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory is the consensus among anyone who's opinion should matter on the subject? Get out of your echo chamber of conspiracy insanity once in a while.

You're also using argumentum ad vercundiam

Dude are you fucking insane? The original post was about wikipedia claiming pizzagate is debunked/fictitious. I pointed out that it isn't just Wikipedia. You asked me to "name one". I named several. How is that an appeal to authority?

you're doing it to avoid exchange of arguments

WTF are you talking about dude? =)))))

The shit that you call pizzagate "evidence" couldn't be more easily disproved.

Do you enjoy living in the opposite world?

Heisenberg123 ago

You're a lost cause, let's look at the New York Times claims:

Claim: Comet Ping Pong is at the center of it.

No source

Claim: An Instagram photo is proof of a link between Obama and Comet Ping Pong.

YouTube video which is wrong from the very beginning about this picture is a source? Lol, nope.

Claim: The owner of Comet Ping Pong admitted he was a pedophile – on a T-shirt.

No source as well.

Claim: John and Tony Podesta personally kidnapped Madeleine McCann from her bed at a Portugal resort in 2007.

No source as well

Claim: Comet Ping Pong had a secret kill room and posted a picture of it on Instagram. Fake stories claimed underground tunnels and child trafficking in the basement.

Where's the source for that claim? Is it universal, is it core to Pizzagate theory? What is Pizzagate theory, on what it is basing itself? No sources for that claim quotations at all.

Claim: Comet Ping Pong and other nearby businesses use pedophile symbols in logos.

They're not even mentioning Politics&Prose which used something similar to little boy lover logo. They're not mentioning Hillary Clinton and her connection to it, not mentioning Bill Clinton ( a pedophile ) donating James pizzeria. Not to even mention that one IG close to Alefantis used name of underage girl who was with Bill Clinton in Lolita Express and used name of Alefantis pizzeria for hashtag as well

PGIsRettarded ago

  1. You appear to don't know a lot about pizzagate. Example:

Claim: Comet Ping Pong had a secret kill room and posted a picture of it on Instagram. Fake stories claimed underground tunnels and child trafficking in the basement.

Where's the source for that claim? Is it universal, is it core to Pizzagate theory?

Really? The kilroom nonsense was one of the most common things used as "evidence" at the time and the topic was discussed by pizzagaters. The "argument" was based on taking the hashtag out of context and insinuating something tedious was happening there. Typical pizzagate bullshit. I had discussions about it even before discovering Voat.

Ex: taken from:

The picture that contained the hashtagwas being circulated as "evidence" was posted in the article:

What more would you expect? Examples of pizzagaters making claims after each statement?

  • The claim about underground tunnels is also true, they were the subject of intense debate among pizzagaters at the time, even today someone made a post about it:

  • And the claim about the basement as well. Pizzagaters claimed they caught Alefantis lying about CPP not having a basement, using as evidence an article that wasn't about CPP. Ex:

  • The story about Madeleine McCann was another major thing at the time with that poster that was posted by NYTimes being circulated arround and the subject being "investigated". Ex:

Even snopes addressed it:

The same goes for the rest of the claims you pasted. You're simply disming valid claims by saying "where's the source?" and even when the source is provided you're like LOL no. That's dumb.

  1. >You mean that chicken lover isn't a pedophile slang?

There's 165467 posts on instagram containing the hashtag "chickenlover":

Following your logic, there's over 165k posts containing a pedophile slang.

Obvioiusly that's not the case.

I'm implying that this "argument" is based on strapping on the biased pizzagate glasses looking for any type of pedophilic connection you can make, then forcing a connection between the hashtag "chickenlovers" and a definition of "chickenlover" found on the internet.

Based on the same logic, you can imply that the man in the picture likes to fuck chickens:

While if you take your biased pizzagate glasses of, the "argument" falls alltogheter. Aside the fact that the hashtag is in plural form(are the father and daughter both gay men attrated to underage males?) the picture shows a man holding his daughter who is seen holding something orange in her mouth.

Typical pizzagate bullshit, no real evidence of a crime. The tought that pizzagaters used dumb shit like this to accuse people of abudcting raping and murdering children is mind boggling.