letsdothis3 ago

I only use wikipedia as a quick shorthand site to point to further leads on a subject. It's not to be taken very seriously. We have a number of posts about it. Like:

Jimmy Wales CEO of wikipedia is covering up pizzagate. Jimmy Wales was a porn king!

Earthbalance2 ago

Wackypedia is intellectual garbage outside of narrow areas of information like computer science. It's a centralized system where a few editors determine "truth" for all readers. 9/11 research would be a great example. Sad to see people who feel a need to defend an intellectual blackhole.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Imagine a flat earther complaining that wikipedia labeled the flat earth conspiracy as being bullshit, while failing to see that that's the consensus among anyone who's opinion should matter on the subject. Now replace flat earth with pizzagate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

winterwatch - https://archive.is/S476h

impiousdigest - https://archive.is/BgRgi

Podge512 ago

Wikipedia is controlled by Cultural Marxists, a paedophile cult, so it is no wonder they would strive to cover for their fellow degenerate vermin.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Yep, everyone who isn't into your hardcore irrationality club is lying and controlled by pedophiles.

Podge512 ago


mrohm ago

Hi, Robbie.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Hi idiot calling me Robbie because of his gullibility and inability to discern fact from fiction.

mrohm ago

Of course, Robbie.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

I know.

carmencita ago

What is even more remarkable about Dr. Fleishman is how prolific he or she is. The German name “Fleishman” translated to English means “meat man.” It that supposed to be some sort of perv justice warrior SM pun?

In German it could mean that they were a family of butchers way back. But since the statement above is right next to the Meat Man pic, uh I think it implies something else. Could be into exotic meat, if you know what I mean.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

What's remarkable is how you pizzagaters try to explain away every source you find that labeled pizzagate as being fictitious, while failing to see that every single source(that takes itself seriously and is not in the business or propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories) that mentioned pizzagate labeled it as so. Either if we're talking about institutions like the police, the media or single individuals. While(obsiouly) there being ZERO credible sources that bought into pizzagate.

Which is just a consequence of pizzagate being a obviously ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

What's remarkable is how you pizzagaters try to explain away every source you find that labeled pizzagate as being fictitious, while failing to see that every single source(that takes itself seriously and is not in the business or propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories) that mentioned pizzagate labeled it as so. Either if we're talking about institutions like the police, the media or single individuals. While(obsiouly) there being ZERO credible sources that bought into pizzagate.

Which is just a consequence of pizzagate being a obviously ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy

PGIsRretardded ago

It's not just wikipedia that labeled pizzagate as being debunked/fictitious, it's every single source that takes itself seriously and is not into the business of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories that has mentioned pizzagate.

Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

letsdothis3 ago

it's every single source that takes itself seriously


PGIsRettarded ago

What's there to lol about? Your disconnection from reality?

Heisenberg123 ago

Every single one? Name one. I've already debunked New York Times article because they don't give any sources for their "claim" quotations and they're basically not showing even 10% of Pizzagate facts and all. For example they're not showing that James Alefantis used pedophilia slang and homosexual slang in context of children and that his friends are using it as well. Or maybe you're saying about Peter Newsham "debunking"? I'll quote you something:

Also in case of Peter Newsham who "debunked" Pizzagate he is totally unable to make such claim as he is biased and it's easily proven by his history as DC Police Chief and his friendship with James Alefantis. In court you cannot have anyone who is biased because there's need of objective standards and he does not meet any of such requirements.

He also never made any investigation, just straight claims, like in case of Seth Rich murder, and you know what? He's wrong about Seth Rich murder and its connection to DNC email leak, how do I know that? Well, WikiLeaks are indirectly confirming that Seth Rich was the source of DNC email leak.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Every single one? Name one

Name one? Seriously bro?

You seem to have the wrong ideea, so let me break it down for you:

The fact that pizzagate is a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory is obvious for anyone with basic common sens, anyone who isn't into hardcore irrationality and conspiracy delusion.

Therefore, obviously, EVERY SINGLE SOURCE that mendioned pizzagate(that takes itself seriously and is not in the business of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories) labeled it as so.

Either if we're talking about institutions like the police, the media or single individuals. While(obsiouly) there being ZERO credible source that bought into pizzagate.

You seem to have it upside down. You are the one who won't be able to name a single credible source that bought into pizzagate, not the other way arround.


From the Metro DC Police:


To fact checking sites:



From ALL of the major media outlets that mentioned pizzagate:
















all the way to independent journalists like:

David Packman show:


"Pizzagate is this bogus conspiracy theory..."

Secular talk:


"How does anybody believe that?"

The Humanist Report:


"Now this is something that I didn't ever think I'd have to cover because it's so stupid it borders on satirical"



"How can you be this stupid to believe that?"

Comedian Stephen Colbert:


From popular youtubers like MAtthew Santoro:


"Ok there should be a law that before you're even allowed to log to the internet, you have to put on your critical thinking cap, THINK PEOPLE"

All the way to freaking neurocscientist and author Sam Harris:

https://youtu.be/VNm1tkFqKFo?t=995 (reupload)

"It's pure insanity and should be recognisably insane to anyone who cares about what happens in the world...but apparently it's not." WORD!


Do you want me to continue? Like I previously said, EVERY SINGLE source that takes itself seriously and is not in the bussines of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories and has mentioned pizzagate.

The idea that the people behind pizzagate somehow got to all of them and got them to lie an put on an act pretending as if pizzagate was a ridiculous conspiracy theory in order to protect child rapists/murderers is just absurd. Not to mention all the different politicians and law authority institutions that have to be aware and aiding it while remaning perfectly silent, with no one coming out to speak against it.

What's ocam's razor telling you in this situation?


I've already debunked New York Times


they're not showing that James Alefantis used pedophilia slang and homosexual slang in context of children

Maybe because that didn't happen, or maybe because there's so many lies like that used as pizzagate "evidence" that it would have been impossible to mention them all.

The fact that that article doesn't include all the dumb obvious lies that you pizzagaters made up does not mean that you debunked it =))

Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

Heisenberg123 ago

Except it did happen. Alefantis and his friends sexualized children many times. And it's not in the articles at all so basically they're waste of time. Where are the sources for claims quotations in New York Times article and others? There are none, therefore - waste of time, no debunking at all.

Also you're talking about D.C Police which said that Seth Rich death has nothing to do with DNC Email leak, but WikiLeaks which knows the source is indirectly confirming that Seth Rich was indeed the source. You're giving me a ton of shit links I already know and I already debunked - because they're not presenting even 10% of Pizzagate facts surrounding Alefantis and his crew also not presenting sources for Pizzagate quotations. If you're presenting only 10% of facts and especially not the most important ones like the fact that Alefantis and his crew knew niche pedophile slang and niche homosexual slang and used it in context of children, then your article means pretty nothing and you haven't done debunking at all.

PGIsRretarddedd ago

Except it did happen

False. Every single piece of pizzagate "evidence" is based on lies, speculation and confirmation bias while there being ZERO evidence of a crime behind it.

And it's not in the articles at all

Like I previously said, there's so many dumb lies that you pizzagaters made up it would be impossible to account for them all. That lie is just another random lie in the sea of pizzagate lies.

They're not using something that is central to Pizzagate

What? Mindboggingly stupid shit like this? =))


OMG the cringe

Where are the sources for claims quotations in New York Times

Umm...in places like these?


What's with your "where's the source" obsession?

Take these claim for example:

"The pizza parlor owner was swept into the rumormongering on message boards."

That's an observation made after witnessing the pizzagate phenomenon. How would you source that?

WTF is with your "where's the source" obssesion? What are you claiming here exactly? That NY Times flat out invented the claims in that article or photoshopped the pictures? That's your dumbasses bread and butter.

You're giving me a ton of shit links

Excuse me?!!!!!!!

The police?! Nearly all the major media outlets?! Fact checking sites?! Independent journalists?! Intelectuals like Sam Harris?!

How are you failing to see that pizzagate being a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory is the consensus among anyone who's opinion should matter on the subject? Get out of your echo chamber of conspiracy insanity once in a while.

You're also using argumentum ad vercundiam

Dude are you fucking insane? The original post was about wikipedia claiming pizzagate is debunked/fictitious. I pointed out that it isn't just Wikipedia. You asked me to "name one". I named several. How is that an appeal to authority?

you're doing it to avoid exchange of arguments

WTF are you talking about dude? =)))))

The shit that you call pizzagate "evidence" couldn't be more easily disproved.

Do you enjoy living in the opposite world?

Heisenberg123 ago

You're a lost cause, let's look at the New York Times claims:

Claim: Comet Ping Pong is at the center of it.

No source

Claim: An Instagram photo is proof of a link between Obama and Comet Ping Pong.

YouTube video which is wrong from the very beginning about this picture is a source? Lol, nope.

Claim: The owner of Comet Ping Pong admitted he was a pedophile – on a T-shirt.

No source as well.

Claim: John and Tony Podesta personally kidnapped Madeleine McCann from her bed at a Portugal resort in 2007.

No source as well

Claim: Comet Ping Pong had a secret kill room and posted a picture of it on Instagram. Fake stories claimed underground tunnels and child trafficking in the basement.

Where's the source for that claim? Is it universal, is it core to Pizzagate theory? What is Pizzagate theory, on what it is basing itself? No sources for that claim quotations at all.

Claim: Comet Ping Pong and other nearby businesses use pedophile symbols in logos.

They're not even mentioning Politics&Prose which used something similar to little boy lover logo. They're not mentioning Hillary Clinton and her connection to it, not mentioning Bill Clinton ( a pedophile ) donating James pizzeria. Not to even mention that one IG close to Alefantis used name of underage girl who was with Bill Clinton in Lolita Express and used name of Alefantis pizzeria for hashtag as well

PGIsRettarded ago

  1. You appear to don't know a lot about pizzagate. Example:

Claim: Comet Ping Pong had a secret kill room and posted a picture of it on Instagram. Fake stories claimed underground tunnels and child trafficking in the basement.

Where's the source for that claim? Is it universal, is it core to Pizzagate theory?

Really? The killroom nonsense was one of the most common things used as "evidence" at the time and the topic was discussed by pizzagaters. The "argument" was based on taking the hashtag out of context and insinuating something tedious was happening there. Typical pizzagate bullshit. I had discussions about it even before discovering Voat.





https://i.imgur.com/gl1KuZA.jpg taken from: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5wyrm3/the_pizzagate_wikipedia_page_claims_it_was/

The picture that contained the hashtag was being circulated as "evidence" was posted in the article:


What more would you expect? Examples of pizzagaters making claims after each statement?

  • The claim about underground tunnels is also true, they were the subject of intense debate among pizzagaters at the time, even today someone made a post about it:


  • And the claim about the basement as well. Pizzagaters claimed they caught Alefantis lying about CPP not having a basement, using as evidence an article that wasn't about CPP. Ex:




  • The story about Madeleine McCann was another major thing at the time with that poster that was posted by NYTimes being circulated around and the subject being "investigated". Ex:


Even snopes addressed it:


The same goes for the rest of the claims you pasted. You're simply disming valid claims by saying "where's the source?" and even when the source is provided you're like LOL no. That's dumb.

You mean that chicken lover isn't a pedophile slang?

There's 165467 posts on instagram containing the hashtag "chickenlover":


Following your logic, there's over 165k posts containing a pedophile slang.

Obvioiusly that's not the case.

I'm implying that this "argument" is based on strapping on the biased pizzagate glasses looking for any type of pedophilic connection you can make, then forcing a connection between the hashtag "chickenlovers" and a definition of "chickenlover" found on the internet.

Based on the same logic, you can imply that the man in the picture likes to fuck chickens:


While if you take your biased pizzagate glasses of, the "argument" falls altogether. Aside the fact that the hashtag is in plural form(are the father and daughter both gay men attracted to underage males?) the picture shows a man holding his daughter who is seen holding something orange in her mouth.

Typical pizzagate bullshit, no real evidence of a crime. The thought that pizzagaters used dumb shit like this to accuse people of abducting raping and murdering children is mind boggling.

Heisenberg123 ago

That's like no sources at all. You're providing no sources at all. Killroom thing isn't about Comet Ping Pong - it could be, but it's not about that, it's about creepy James Alefantis ( owner of Antinous profile picture which is pedophile symbol ) posting it, man who sexualized children - and you're ignoring my other pictures which clearly shows that they've sexualized children - two jokes about swords ( known sexual jokes ) in context of children ( one with giving swords to children is with hashtag carisjames and caris is a little girl ... ) and employee of Comet writing "I'm totally writing down that order" under picture with two swords and kid saying "poo poo pee pee" - and chickenlover hashtag was only under picture with a kid so that's suspicious. This guy James Alefantis is also surrounded by people who work with child refugees ( Ted Osius, Charles DeSantis, Clintons ) and he's interested in Annual Adoption Day event - as per his activity on Instagram ( jabbaroos account ) and also somehow he's in White House during conference about human trafficking. Coming back to Killroom - one user who comments under it also was liking pictures of children being eaten and other creepy children related pictures ( victorialynnreis on jabbaroos profile ), other was making child sized coffins ( werkinonmahnightcheese ), also the same guy under different account is liking the same creepy pictures of jabbaroos like toddler shoes hanging in creepy places or writings like "save, help" written on wall or "help" written on wet cardboard lying on the ground which appears to be ripped apart. The other user who comments under killroom picture is nilaylawson who also was active under jabbaroos accounts and said that a little baby needs a crate around her. If you think people like that, also considering that four businesses on one street used four symbols similar to pedophile symbols confirmed as such by FBI, aren't suspicious, especially when thinking about Clintons connection to Laura Silsby - https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/?q=laura+silsby http://harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf http://archive.is/SNCUW "Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions" - then clearly you're either a shill or very ignorant person - I believe many people like you are ignorant because of political views and so on.

Also if you're talking about John Podesta and Tony Podesta and those e-fits then clearly claim that they've literally captured Madeleine is very "aggressive" claim, better claim would be. If four sketches made by investigators in Madeleine McCann case are similar to four people American democrats - https://powerglobal.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/madeleinemccannmystery001.jpg?w=720

Ghislaine Maxwell - woman who was close to Epstein and was accused of facilitating sex trafficking. She is also very close to democrats. Anthony Weiner - man who is prominent democrat and was charged with child pornography. Tony Podesta - prominent democratic power player in Washington ( not anymore? strange ) who also somehow is a friend of James Alefantis ( who's an obvious pedophile ) and like real photography of naked kids from 6-10 and has paintings display in his mansion depicting what is extreme child abuse - from artist Bijlana Djudrjevic who also confirmed that this art is made from perspective of aggressor - not the victim. Four sketches - and four person that are pretty close to each other - the correct claim would be - the investigation should be started into these people because they're similar and they have suspicious connections and art taste and there are child pornography and sex trafficking accusations against them. Only stupid would ignore that by simply saying that e-fits which supposedly shows one person and were made by witnesses not one witness which is even more prone to manipulation and corruption of investigation - are destroying the case - not at all, I don't think there's better explanation then those four being HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS IF NOT SOMEHOW GUILTY and that they should be investigated.

Going back to Biljana, the same Biljana Djudrjevic is also a friend of James Alefantis. The same James Alefantis who talks with a guy Kevin Heggs ( under his account and invites him to his restaurant in Berlin ) who only comments crying children picture on Alefantis account - and on his account people are joking about NAMBLA - pedophilia advocacy organization, and they're joking about loving boys and kids and some of the commenting ones on their profiles have "ideal boys" pictures. If you cannot see that such people are pedophiles then you're willfully ignorant.

PGIsRettarded ago

owner of Antinous profile picture which is pedophile symbol

Antinous is nown as a gay God, and used as a symbol by gay men all over the world.

There's even a religion about him:


There are 8,032 posts with the antinous hashtag on instagram:


That are either selfies/pictures of the statue, either pictures involving homosexuality.

For Alefantis who is a gay man it wouldn't be uncomon to chose Antinous as an avatar.

has paintings display in his mansion depicting what is extreme child abuse

These are the two pictures of Bijlana Djudrjevic's paintings found in Podesta's home that I've manage to find:



None of the paintings depict extreme child abuse.

The distortion of facts is a common thing among pizzagaters.

I could go trough everything I find wrong in your comment, but that would be time consuming and futile.

It's obviously impossible for anyone to track down and debunk every single claim you pizzagaters make. The problem with all the stuff that pizzagaters use as "evidence", is that it does not support the pizzagate thesis at all.

The "Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence" pinned on Voat:



concludes that:

We have found considerable evidence that Comet is a front for child sex trafficking.

That claim is taken completely out of thin air with zero evidence linking it to reality.

No Victims/victims families/friends coming forward, no witnesses, no one coming out to speak against it, no physical evidence of any kind and the people being accused are not being investigated for such things.

Mentioning things like taste in arts, avatar choices, photoshopping instagram comments from one picture to the other:


Claiming that Alefantis sexualized children because "two jokes about swords"

Then mentioning that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's private plane...

Does not prove the existence of a child sex ring operating at CPP in any way shape or form.

In regards to the things for which people like Alefantis and CPP staff have been accused/doxxed/harrased for,

every piece of pizzagate "evidence" is a non sequitur.

Heisenberg123 ago

Your first claim about Antinous makes no sense, show me as many pictures of sexualized men on Alefantis profile as sexualized children. Antinous was a boy who had sex when he was as young as 12-13, that's pedophilia/hebephilia - not just homosexualism. Alefantis and his friends sexualized children in many pictures:

https://imgur.com/7OJBej6 https://steemitimages.com/DQmRXbQ5w8bZCE3J6rN5g46xGbczsTxnqgMVRh2xN5ArAZX/image.png https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsAB5v7XgAAovVY.jpg https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/c3fc689ed1dbec35f395015137c31ca90f489428.jpg https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/a6d46b1dbdc49ee95f833349b5f460f7223ccf35.png https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/7ab4ea1578d0699abc536447f3c2c591c3f1eecc.png https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/1f468bc8b8a1f39037d5628cad7fe581733a92cb.png https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/3815efcd041059b2a94dea9dfed95e67136ca1b6.jpg

Of which you're addressing none.

These are the two pictures of Bijlana Djudrjevic's paintings found in Podesta's home that I've manage to find:

Those children are dead so you're right about them not being in state of terror - because they're dead. But it's from the series of paintings of children who are terrified and are made from perspective of predator - which Biljana Djudrjevic confirmed. There you have whole series of those paintings:


And other artist in Podesta collection is making art like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DigpFR3UEAA6lrU.jpg So there's a pattern which you are willfully ignoring. And the fact that Tony admits to stay in touch with republican pedophile who was convicted and that Tony is friend to James Alefantis and Tony himself is similar to a man on e-fit of suspect in Madeleine disappearance with three other democrats - one of them possibly with jabbaroos on one picture and making strange emails ( John Podesta ) and deleting emails just after disappearance of Madeleine, and two other are lady Maxwell who was facilitating child trafficking to Epstein and Anthony Weiner who was charged with child pornography.

**I could go trough everything I find wrong in your comment, but that would be time consuming and futile. ** No. You have **willfully ignored **my part of comment where I've said that people who were talking about murder, killroom, pile of money under sheet, just rinse it when you're done, where werewolves lock themselves up during full moon are people who not only participated in what I've said IS sexualization of children, but they were liking pictures on jabbaroos account like: toddler shoes hanging in creepy places, books about pedophiles ( like Lolita ), writing on walls "save, help" or writing "help" on wet cardboard lying on the ground which is torn apart ( James Alefantis and his friends liking those pictures ), one girl who commented under killroom ( just rinse it when you're done ) picture also said that a little baby girl needs a crate around her and she was also liking such pictures on jabbaroos account, they've also liked picture of children being eaten by a monster on jabbaroos IG account. Other guy who was liking such pictures on jabbaroos account commented #killroom under that picture was making something that looked like child sized coffins. That part of killroom thing and complete facts surrounding people who commented there and posted it ( James Alefantis ) you're willfully ignoring. Just like you're ignoring that James Alefantis was in White House during conference about human trafficking and that he has many friends who work with children, also he was interested in Annual Adoption Day as per jabbaroos Instagram activity, and he was interested in little children on: llewhinkes account, cboutlier account, kevin heggs account, jabbaroos and probably much more. And you're still running away from an argument that chicken lover is indeed pedophile slang and that it was used under picture with children. Chocolate cake also has sexual meaning, swords in context of children also have sexual meaning, cupcake used in context of kid by another close friend of Alefantis also has sexual meaning, and talking about condoms given to little kids also has sexual meaning - all of these facts are indeed facts about James Alefantis and his crew - and there's no running away from that

Also **you're willfully ignoring my argument that **four businesses on the same street used four symbols very similar to symbols confirmed as pedophile symbols by FBI. Also you're willfully ignoring my argument that four sketches of suspects in disappearance of Madeleine McCann match four American citizens, democrats, two brothers and a girl who was facilitating child trafficking and a man who was charged with child pornography. Also with John Podesta deleting his emails after disappearance of Madeleine. Also you're willfully ignoring argument that Clintons intervened in Laura Silsby child trafficking case in Haiti and that Beyond Border organization supposedly helping Haiti is located alongside four businesses using variations of all four pedophile symbols confirmed as such by FBI. Also you're ignoring my argument why #killroom picture is suspicious and why it wouldn't be if not for James Alefantis posting it and other guys with their **specific history **of activity commenting it in specific way. Also **you're ignoring my argument that **user who used #cometpingpong hasthag as well as #rachelchandler hashtag which is basically proof that people who know who Rachel Chandler is are directly following Comet Ping Pong activity.

Also you're talking about me trying to prove that CPP is fron for child sex trafficking, you're somehow putting that claim into my mouth like you're not even discussing with me but with your imagined claims. Not at all. Just like with the case of #killroom where I cannot tell where it is, I cannot really tell if Comet Ping Pong is front for child sex trafficking due to lack of evidence. What I can say with very high probability is that James Alefantis is a pedophile connected to other pedophiles and facts surrounding only him points to that conclusion. We don't have enough evidence to say anything about specifics of this child trafficking operations but existence of child trafficking nest tied to Clintons and their spawns like James Alefantis is very obvious - wouldn't be the case if not for countless facts surrounding only one person, on one street block, on one IG account, with one possibility to make such friends in the elite and not the others - Podestas, Clintons, child refugee workers and pedos who own literature about pedophiles worth 1000-3000$ like Justin Barrows.

PGIsRettarded ago

James Alefantis is a pedophile connected to other pedophiles and facts surrounding only him points to that conclusion.

That claim is totally unfounded.

We don't have enough evidence to say anything about specifics of this child trafficking operations

And just like that you inserted the existence of a "child trafficking operation", after addmiting that:

I cannot really tell if Comet Ping Pong is front for child sex trafficking due to lack of evidence.

You see how easily pizzagate falls apart at a closer look?

From claims like pizzagate being worse than the holocaust:



claims about child rape, child rape murder and cannibalism:



CPP and nearby businesses employees and staff being harrased and recieving death threats,


some obscure "child sex ring" we don't know anything about.

You don't have any evidence proving the existence of that either.

Also, I've managed to find this saved in my olf pizzagate folder:


in regards to

Claim: The owner of Comet Ping Pong admitted he was a pedophile – on a T-shirt.

As I've pointed out that claim was accurate and stuff like these was used by pizzagaters at the time as evidence.

Heisenberg123 ago

Also, from implying that someone is a pedophile surrounded by other pedophiles to implying he runs a child trafficking ring is again a logical disconnection.

It's not when you look closely at my other arguments using facts about James Alefantis life, when he was, who he met, what he liked, what businesses surround him, how fast he travels, how much money he make, how can he afford 25,000,000$ worth apartments while running only two businesses which aren't the most effective in money making btw.

PGIsRettarded ago

Alefantis and his friends sexualized children in many pictures

The first picture you can call at most a bad joke, the second one see's children jumping around and playing so the obvious interpretation would be that the comment was meant in that regard.

You're interpretation of the comment is a more disturbed one that implies a joke about having sex with children.

I don't have any context of the pictures so I can't make a judgment but I would be inclined to go with the first one.

But the first two pictures don't even belong to Alefantis, but are taken from an ig account that apparently followed someone who followed Alefantis. The dude is not even friends with Alefantis on facebook.

You have no basis in calling them friends so you shouldn't have posted those pictures in the first place.

You're purely speculating behind the motivation of someone's comments. You can never know what was going on in someone's head so you can never prove if someone intended a comment in a sinister way or not.

This is pure vapid speculation.

This is the low standard of evidence specific to pizzagate. Someone followed someone who followed Alefantis on instagram, boom a connection now they're friends. Alefantis likes a picture that was apparently taken at the Annual Adoption Day Celebration boom he's interested in the adoption of children.

And start building this scenarios based on pure speculation, mixing them with misleading claims, untrue statements, non sequiturs, cherry picked pictures and photoshopped pictures

And coming up with this nightmarish pile of crap that you call evidence.

  • Let's imagine I just made up a conspiracy theory about Trump and his associates kidnapping raping and murdering children inside the Trump Tower. Let's call it Towergate.

Then I would cherry pick pictures like these:



Add in facts like:

  • He said that if Ivanka weren't his daughter perhaps he would be dating her; that he kisses her every chance he gets; that if he weren't happily married and "ya know, her father"

  • He walked into the dressing room of beauty pageants while contestants some as young as 15 were changing. He even bragged about it.

  • He bragged about forcing himself on women "Grab em by the pussy, I DON'T EVEN WAIT"

  • Has been accused of rape or attempted rape multiple times.

His connection with Epstein:

  • Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.”

  • Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of underage girls.

  • Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once.

  • Trump was in Epstein’s “little black book" revealing the name of Donald Trump and listed 14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.

  • Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an underage girl.

Gather all kinds of information like that, frame them to make Trump look as worse as possible, then use them as evidence.

Then I would follow the same non sequitur-esc pattern of evidence that pizzagate follows because although those facts and cherry picked pictures framed like that make Trump look bad, they do not prove the Towergate plot in no way shape or form.

Now you pizzagaters don't have anything like that, so you resort to things like intentionally misleading claims, distorting facts, photoshopping pictures and lying.

Imagine if tomorrow it was found out that Podesta walked into a dressing room were girls some as young as 15 were changing, or that Epstein admitted to knowing him under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with him in the presence of underage girls.

Or that Podesta once said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side” and that both Podesta and Epstein are named sex abusers in a case with an underage girl.

You pizzagaters would lose your shit and claim you have a pizzagate smoking gun.

The point here is that claiming that

Bill Clinton Flew on Epstein's private plain

does for the pizzagate conspiracy theory, exactly what claiming that

Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of underage girls

Does for the TowerGate conspiracy theory.

The pizzagate conspiracy theory narrative is taken completely out of thin air and has zero links to reality.

If you pizzagaters had any real evidence of a crime you would take it to law authorities and be taken seriously. Instead taking the pile of crap pizzagaters call "evidence" to law authorities would only result in embarrassing yourselves.

Why don't you pizzagaters just hire a private detective to follow and investigate Alefantis? Why haven't you done this 2 years ago?

I mean if something nefarious happened at CPP or involved Alefantis, that would have been the easiest way to find out about it and prove it.

Is it because real world and conspiracy delusion don't mix? Because it's way easier to spew nonsense in an echo chamber of conspiracy insanity then putting your nonsense to the test?

You may deny it al you want, but the real world consequences of pizzagate being a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory will remain a fact:

  • Hillary Podesta Alefantis and CPP staff, Marina Abramovic etc. will never be arrested/investigated for being part of an elite satanic child ring.

  • Pizzagate will never be taken as having any legitimacy when/if talked about by law authorities or the media and will always be described as a ridiculous debunked conspiracy theory.

Deal with it.

Heisenberg123 ago

I don't have time for your childish arguments and as little pictures as those two. Just laughable. Especially with Trump and his daughter? Lol? 15 year old? Do you even know what's the very definition of pedophilia? Because from what I see I don't think you know what you're talking about dude. There you will have over 90 pictures of Alefantis and associated accounts - kids related, on many different accounts, but I will place it in context:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb6JeX6dvEk There you have it. Cover up of pedophilia at Department State back in time. Guess who was United States Secretary of State - who rules United States Department of State as well. There you have proof for Clintons interference in Laura Silsby Case: http://harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/clinton-brokers-deal-over-haiti-orphan-abductions-v63ld395r7b https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3465 https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3776 https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/2772

Also I advice you to look where Clintons money was present and where they've located their Beyond Borders (Help for Haiti ) business - they've located it on one street with four other businesses where they know people and where they were donating money - Politics & Prose, Terasol Bistro, Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong ( James Alefantis ).

There you have FBI confirmed pedophile symbols: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/06/28/6a/06286a7e419b3035278eb8eb1efa1722.png Politics & Prose: https://i1.wp.com/divinecosmos.com/images/945px-Politics_and_Prose_2_cropped_to_storefront.jpeg ( They've changed it now and they weren't even focus of accusations ) Terasol Bistro: https://pics.me.me/terasol-bistro-terasol-bistro-yet-another-place-in-dc-using-20711148.png Besta Pizza: https://i.redd.it/r2tzamuoilj21.jpg Comet Ping Pong: http://tapnewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/7hr0h9.jpg Look at the initials of Play. Eat. Drink. It's basically P.E.D. That's not enough facts, strange "coincidences" for you?

Then watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9L5w3Op00k James Alefantis and his friends Instagram activity. The guy jabbaroos is Justin Barrows who build Comet Ping Pong and designed it with James Alefantis, you can see James Alefantis and his friends (nilaylawson, woodandsteel4130, victorialynnreis ) liking some of his profile creepy pictures: exclusive copy of Russian Lolita book worth 1000-3000$ which is about a pedophile, toddler shoes hanging in creepy places, monsters eating children, writings "save, help" on the wall, writing "help" on wet card board which is torn apart ( James Alefantis like the picture ). Also look how someone who looks like John Podesta is with Justin Barrows and James Alefantis on one picture ( James Alefantis liking the picture, he's jimmycomet, remember that, he admitted that on Fox News ).

If you look at Alefantis, he's not only interested in toddlers on his account - WATCH THE VIDEO, WHOLE - but also on llewhinkes account where they're posting toddlers and they're joking about "ping pong".

Alefantis liked on the video picture of Barrows from Annual Adoption Day. Also what's interesting about Alefantis visits in White House: http://i.imgur.com/Ia1lLQK.png Is that they were in the very same days when there was conference in White House about combating human trafficking: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2012/09/26/join-live-video-chat-combating-human-trafficking

Four sketches of suspects in disappearance of Madeleine McCann, three year old girl in Portugal, May 2007: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-S8R0wNG9vik/WCI0HpR2GoI/AAAAAAAABWc/iqkwvODA-3QAhT-EF4C1v_yOfokER9DyACLcB/s1600/pedo%2Bring%2Bgfd%2B.jpg https://truthdetectorsite.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/screen-shot-2016-12-22-at-4-29-13-pm.png?w=656 https://i.redd.it/scba4vwwx6gz.jpg Ghislaine Maxwell - accused of child trafficking for Epstein, Anthony Weiner complicit in child related crimes, Tony Podesta who knows James Alefantis, John Podesta who knows James Alefantis and possibly Barrows. What are the odds? Also what are the odds of John Podesta deleting his emails from 2006 to May 04 2007 where his emails restart and that's exactly day after disappearance of Madeleine. Also it's worth to note that e-fits similar to Podesta brothers were made on relation made by witnesses who claimed to saw ONE suspect. That's very strange because those two e-fits aren't similar to each other at all and there's a mole on guy forehead, the one similar to Tony Podesta. If you think about it and that there was trait of blood in Madeleine room and that parents probably stopped investigation into claims about kids being drugged ( they are doctors, they know how long you need to wait in order to NOT find anything in body ) then you can clearly think some suspicious shit is ongoing. And four sketches similar to four democrats who are close to each other and very close to Clintons? That's just fucking suspicious. That looks like a blackmail. Two e-fits are worth investigation - but FOUR? That's fucking mind-blowing, especially considering that two of people sharing uncanny similarity to sketches are known for child related crimes and two others are accused of such from 2011 ( John Podesta ) and 2016 ( Tony Podesta ) while the two others also know James Alefantis personally and one of them probably knows Justin Barrows.

Tony Podesta also has art like this: https://i0.wp.com/washingtonlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/WL_150430_48.jpg?fit=1200%2C799 or this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqP6MhrX0AET70s.jpg From this collection: https://i.redd.it/pymnge8bwlvz.jpg From Biljana Djurdjevic who's painting dead children or terrified children or abuse of children from perspective of preparator of crime as she admitted. Tony Podesta and Biljana Djudrjevic are friends on Facebook: https://i.imgur.com/OnzCSjq.png James Alefantis and Biljana Djurdjevic are friends on Facebook: https://i.imgur.com/OusbqAR.png Also Biljana Djurdjevic liked pizza picture on Alefantis profile which is odd: https://i.imgur.com/Eokztz6.png

The other artist in Podesta collection is: https://i2.wp.com/elitepedos.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Cwn0ftJUQAAMe72.jpg?fit=1000%2C543 Who take pictures of naked 6-7 year old girls.

PGIsRettarded ago

Alefantis and his friends sexualized children in many pictures

The first picture you can call at most a bad joke, the second one see's children jumping around and playing so the obvious interpretation would be that the comment was meant in that regard.

You're interpretation of the comment is a more disturbed one that implies a joke about having sex with children.

I don't have any context of the pictures so I can't make a judgment but I would be inclined to go with the first one.

But the first two pictures don't even belong to Alefantis, but are taken from an ig account that apparently followed someone who followed Alefantis. The dude is not even friends with Alefantis on facebook.

You have no basis in calling them friends so you shouldn't have posted those pictures in the first place.

You're purely speculating behind the motivation of someone's comments. You can never know what was going on in someone's head so you can never prove if someone intended a comment in a sinister way or not.

This is pure vapid speculation.

This is the low standard of evidence specific to pizzagate. Someone followed someone who followed Alefantis on instagram, boom a connection now they're friends. Alefantis likes a picture that was apparently taken at the Annual Adoption Day Celebration boom he's interested in the adoption of children.

And start building this scenarios based on pure speculation, mixing them with misleading claims, untrue statements, non sequiturs, cherry picked pictures and photoshopped pictures

And coming up with this nightmarish pile of crap that you call evidence.

  • Let's imagine I just made up a conspiracy theory about Trump and his associates kidnapping raping and murdering children inside the Trump Tower. Let's call it Towergate.

Then I would cherry pick pictures like these:



Add in facts like:

  • He said that if Ivanka weren't his daughter perhaps he would be dating her; that he kisses her every chance he gets; that if he weren't happily married and "ya know, her father"

  • He walked into the dressing room of beauty pageants while contestants some as young as 15 were changing. He even bragged about it.

  • He bragged about forcing himself on women "Grab em by the pussy, I DON'T EVEN WAIT"

  • Has been accused of rape or attempted rape multiple times.

His connection with Epstein:

  • Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.”

  • Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of underage girls.

  • Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once.

  • Trump was in Epstein’s “little black book" revealing the name of Donald Trump and listed 14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.

  • Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an underage girl.

Gather all kinds of information like that, frame them to make Trump look as worse as possible, then use them as evidence.

Then I would follow the same non sequitur-esc pattern of evidence that pizzagate follows because although those facts and cherry picked pictures framed like that make Trump look bad, they do not prove the Towergate plot in no way shape or form.

Now you pizzagaters don't have anything like that, so you resort to things like intentionally misleading claims, distorting facts, photoshopping pictures and lying.

Imagine if tomorrow it was found out that Podesta walked into a dressing room were girls some as young as 15 were changing, or that Epstein admitted to knowing him under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with him in the presence of underage girls.

Or that Podesta once said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side” and that both Podesta and Epstein are named sex abusers in a case with an underage girl.

You pizzagaters would lose your shit and claim you have a pizzagate smoking gun.

The point here is that claiming that

Bill Clinton Flew on Epstein's private plain

does for the pizzagate conspiracy theory, exactly what claiming that

Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and pleaded the fifth amendment when asked if he ever socialized with Trump in the presence of underage girls

Does for the TowerGate conspiracy theory.

The pizzagate conspiracy theory narrative is taken completely out of thin air and has zero links to reality.

If you pizzagaters had any real evidence of a crime you would take it to law authorities and be taken seriously. Instead taking the pile of crap pizzagaters call "evidence" to law authorities would only result in embarrassing yourselves.

Why don't you pizzagaters just hire a private detective to follow and investigate Alefantis? Why haven't you done this 2 years ago?

I mean if something nefarious happened at CPP or involved Alefantis, that would have been the easiest way to find out about it and prove it.

Is it because real world and conspiracy delusion don't mix? Because it's way easier to spew nonsense in an echo chamber of conspiracy insanity then putting your nonsense to the test?

You may deny it al you want, but the real world consequences of pizzagate being a ridiculous/fictitious conspiracy theory will remain a fact:

  • Hillary Podesta Alefantis and CPP staff, Marina Abramovic etc. will never be arrested/investigated for being part of an elite satanic child ring.

  • Pizzagate will never be taken as having any legitimacy when/if talked about by law authorities or the media and will always be described as a ridiculous debunked conspiracy theory.

Deal with it.

PGIsRettarded ago

Your first claim about Antinous makes no sense, show me as many pictures of sexualized men on Alefantis profile as sexualized children.

That's a non sequitur. The claim that Antinous is a gay icon used by men all over the world does make sense because it's true.

Antinous has attracted attention from the homosexual subculture since the 18th century, the most illustrious examples for this being Prince Eugène of Savoy and Frederick the Great of Prussia.[93] Vout noted that Antinous came to be identified as "a gay icon".


If you're not willing to accept reality, well that's your business.

But it's from the series of paintings of children who are terrified

See that's the problem with pizzagate "arguments".

If you'll say Podesta has paintings that depict extreme child abuse, and I point at that that's not true, the "argument" changes to "but it's from the series of paintings of children who are terrified..."

While the point you're missing is that from these statements, to the pizzagate thesis, is a total logical discconection.

I haven't willfully ignored any of your statements, I have adressed them as a whole and pointed out that they do not support the pizzagate thesys. Ex:

The "Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence" pinned on Voat:



concludes that:

  • We have found considerable evidence that Comet is a front for child sex trafficking.

Also you're willfully ignoring argument that Clintons intervened in Laura Silsby child trafficking

How is that even an argument? That's a statement.

How does stating that Hillary intervend in Laura Silsby child trafficking(naming the whole thing "child trafficking" is an exageration) prove that "Comet is a front for child sex trafficking"?

Every distorted statement, instragram picture interpretation etc. you pizzagaters use as "arguments" is a non sequitur, since it does not support the pizzagate thesis at all.

Heisenberg123 ago

Of course you're ignoring countless arguments I've made and those are enough to start INVESTIGATION into these people.

That's a non sequitur. The claim that Antinous is a gay icon used by men all over the world does make sense because it's true.

Not at all. As I've said - prove that James Alefantis and his friends emphasized their gayness just as their emphasized children pictures and sexualized children pictures.

If you'll say Podesta has paintings that depict extreme child abuse, and I point at that that's not true, the "argument" changes to "but it's from the series of paintings of children who are terrified..."

Podesta has exactly the pictures depicting child abuse - as I've said the whole collection is depicting children who are being seen from perspective of predator. And there's no way you can escape that fact. You don't even try to know what artist says about her paintings. And it's not like Tony or James are just liking such pictures and obtaining them without approval and knowledge of an artist - they're personal friends with Biljana.

How is that even an argument? That's a statement. How does stating that Hillary intervend in Laura Silsby child trafficking(naming the whole thing "child trafficking" is an exageration) prove that "Comet is a front for child sex trafficking"?

That's an argument for: possible child trafficking ring tied to Clintons and their political (Podestas, Weiner, Maxwell, Epstein ) and business surrounding them ( five businesses on one street running with Clinton money, four of them using four symbols similar to pedophile symbols confirmed as such by FBI ) not for child trafficking ring being run exactly from Comet Ping Pong basement or whatever you're trying to put into my mouth. You cannot even discuss with people if you're not referring to their arguments and you're not trying to counter them. You don't know how civilized discussion works and you're proving this with each one of your comments.

Every distorted statement, instragram picture interpretation etc. you pizzagaters use as "arguments" is a non sequitur, since it does not support the pizzagate thesis at all.

What's distorted? Chickenlover? DO you see a chicken in that picture? Or anything else suggesting anything about chicken? Chickenlover is a pedophile slang and it's being used in context of child so it raises probability that it has been used exactly for that. Chocolate cake? Do you see any chocolate cake in that picture beside a little baby girl? Cupcake in context of little baby boy? - Both Chocolate cake and cupcake have sexual meanings and the later also used by homosexual boy lovers - pedophiles. Giving swords to someone is known sexual joke and it is used two times by both James and his employee in context of kids.Showing book about pedophilia, especially edition worth 1000-3000$ isn't suspicious thing about James Alefantis and his closest friends? Making child sized coffins is totally separate from that? Because I can tell you it's not, because it's directly tied to James Alefantis account. Condoms given to toddlers isn't associating sexuality with children at all? Little girl tied to table with such accuracy isn't sexual?

naming the whole thing "child trafficking" is an exageration

It's not. That's how it was called by Haiti authorities and your opinion on this doesn't matter at all. There are objective standards and definitions and you cannot run away from that. You're emotional like a baby now and you've already used countless fallacy arguments. And I've not used them at all, for example I'm not even using argument of association because I'm not saying someone is guilty because he knows that person - I'm saying that in investigation each new facts strengthens suspicions around the subject - and not the other way. And my claim isn't CPP basement being used for child trafficking - my claim based on every argument I've made is that there's very high probability of pedophile network running under Clintons Foundation nose and I have many arguments to support it but you're simply ignoring every each one of them.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Even snopes addressed it:"

Well, that settles the debate right there.....LOLOLOLOL.

PGIsRettarded ago

No it doesn't, to point was that the Mccann story was being circulated and used as argument at the time.

It's normal for an insane conspiracy theory to resent a fact checking site, but attacking snopes won't change that point.

Blacksmith21 ago

Normal, would be a fact-checking site that doesn't have whores, liars, scammers, and deviants and Soros-backed funding in its employ.

Normal people don't appear in police sketches (Podestas) as produced by New Scotland Yard.

Normal people (Halligan) don't get beaten to death in their flat.

Go fish.

PGIsRettarded ago

Is Politifact a normal fact checking site in your book?


Blacksmith21 ago

Dan Bongino is far more trustworthy: https://bongino.com/yes-politifact-has-a-liberal-bias/

PGIsRettarded ago

Ok, so Snopes labeled pizzagate fictitious because "Soros-backed funding in its employ" and Politifact did the same because it has a liberal bias?

PGIsRettarded ago

  1. You appear to don't know a lot about pizzagate. Example:

Claim: Comet Ping Pong had a secret kill room and posted a picture of it on Instagram. Fake stories claimed underground tunnels and child trafficking in the basement.

Where's the source for that claim? Is it universal, is it core to Pizzagate theory?

Really? The kilroom nonsense was one of the most common things used as "evidence" at the time and the topic was discussed by pizzagaters. The "argument" was based on taking the hashtag out of context and insinuating something tedious was happening there. Typical pizzagate bullshit. I had discussions about it even before discovering Voat.





https://i.imgur.com/gl1KuZA.jpg taken from: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5wyrm3/the_pizzagate_wikipedia_page_claims_it_was/

The picture that contained the hashtagwas being circulated as "evidence" was posted in the article:


What more would you expect? Examples of pizzagaters making claims after each statement?

  • The claim about underground tunnels is also true, they were the subject of intense debate among pizzagaters at the time, even today someone made a post about it:


  • And the claim about the basement as well. Pizzagaters claimed they caught Alefantis lying about CPP not having a basement, using as evidence an article that wasn't about CPP. Ex:




  • The story about Madeleine McCann was another major thing at the time with that poster that was posted by NYTimes being circulated arround and the subject being "investigated". Ex:


Even snopes addressed it:


The same goes for the rest of the claims you pasted. You're simply disming valid claims by saying "where's the source?" and even when the source is provided you're like LOL no. That's dumb.

  1. >You mean that chicken lover isn't a pedophile slang?

There's 165467 posts on instagram containing the hashtag "chickenlover":


Following your logic, there's over 165k posts containing a pedophile slang.

Obvioiusly that's not the case.

I'm implying that this "argument" is based on strapping on the biased pizzagate glasses looking for any type of pedophilic connection you can make, then forcing a connection between the hashtag "chickenlovers" and a definition of "chickenlover" found on the internet.

Based on the same logic, you can imply that the man in the picture likes to fuck chickens:


While if you take your biased pizzagate glasses of, the "argument" falls alltogheter. Aside the fact that the hashtag is in plural form(are the father and daughter both gay men attrated to underage males?) the picture shows a man holding his daughter who is seen holding something orange in her mouth.

Typical pizzagate bullshit, no real evidence of a crime. The tought that pizzagaters used dumb shit like this to accuse people of abudcting raping and murdering children is mind boggling.

PGIsRretardded ago

It's not just wikipedia that labeled pizzagate as being debunked/fictitious, it's every single source that takes itself seriously and is not into the business of propping up ridiculous conspiracy theories that has mentioned pizzagate.

Enjoy living in a world where pizzagate is a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory