connornm777 ago

Whatever your beliefs on the holocaust, please don't spread them hear. More here people need to think about the optics of what you say when it's not related to the investigation.

A common tactic to discredit a theory is to say the people who believe it also believe some other crazy thing, and whether you like it or not public perception of denying the holocaust is seen as crazy.

NerdyNoodle ago

Whoa lots of hate here. Hope the naysayers don't see this thread. Sheesh

8_billion_eaters ago

KiddyCaust. It has that alliteration going there.

LargePepperoni ago

Best one yet!

IgnorantBliss ago


LargePepperoni ago

Or maybe you are the shill making pizzagate look like it's a bunch of holocaust deniers...

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Thank you these historically illiterate morons haven't seen a real history book, never heard of the Haavara Transfer Agreement, and how it was carried out until Germany was attacked, they have no idea the so called "Death Camps" were forced labor/internment camps, not that dissimilar to what we put the Japanese in at the same time. And they probably have no concept of the "Total War" strategy used against Germany, where everything was a target, from massive major populated cities and the firebombings, to every bit of transportation infrastructure... Fuckers don't realize the Allies waited between multiple and several weeks after everything was cut off, the food was gone, the medicines gone, and no way to get more, and THEN invaded and liberated the motherfuckers they mostly already starved to death.

Fuckers probably also don't realize that quite a few of the SS were in fact JEWISH, so was Hitler's most trusted chauffeur, but yeah there was this whole "Final Solution" thing where Hitler meant to genocide the Jews...... Dumb-fucks are mixing up the Torah with Nazi ideology, no fags, it's your antiquated religious books that state that at one point God told the Jews to murder all the Philistines, or Canaanites, a long fucking time ago, it's your bullshit religious books talking about "Jew being the chosen", which has you Kike faggots thinking you're the "master race"...........

Go Hasbara yourselves somewhere else kikes...

There's been several genocides very few effective to 100%, but there's yet to be the first "Whole Burnt Offering", which is what Holocaust means Fucked-Tards, of an entire race of people.............................. Idiots.

justforthissubverse ago

This deserves a million upvoats. I have Polish ancestors as well, who witnessed this first hand.

SpiceRunner ago


Or change the root word


LargePepperoni ago

I like this one. Thanks!

PepperoniBoni ago

I need more upvotes so I can downvote these fools on here. HEIL HILLARY ✋

AdVict0riam ago


justforthissubverse ago

I don't really think Op's idea is a good one. Associating this with the holocaust. I get it, I just don't think it's a good idea.

As for you "holohoax". You are a fucking meatrocket. Tell my fucking holocaust survivor uncle that they didn't fucking gas and kill his friends. Go fucking jump off a cliff and die you fucking faggot.

angular_planes ago

You're forgetting half the lunatics here are actual holocaust deniers - and they're doing a GREAT job of making this whole community look like fucking psychopaths.

superesper ago

MUH PR!!!!!!!... Y-y-y-y-y-you evil nazis who propelled pizzagate into what it is today and uncovered all the major findings are ruining the movement!!!!!!!!! Only the truth that fits with my world view should be shared!!!

Keep calling people nazis friend. It's more and more effective every day. ;)

angular_planes ago

Did I say Nazi? Want to show me a single user that made a major breakthrough that also denies the holocaust? I don't credit you retards with anything but sabotaging the movement.

justforthissubverse ago

Exactly. They need to go back to 8ch with the rest of their insane friends. 8ch is full of degenerate shit anyways. There's fucking pedo shit on 8ch. Assholes making us look bad. Fuck those guys.

ScottKnight ago

Come on guys, 60 million people didn't die in WW2 for this historical ignorance

justforthissubverse ago

The holocaust deiners are fucking cocksuckers. Fuck those guys. I hope they get aids and die.

rivercontrol ago

Perhaps not something people confuse with WWII, #ChildrensWar #ChildCrusade #WhereAreOurKids

DukeOfLizards21 ago

I say this about palestine. Israel systematically downsizing them. With my money...

thicktail1730947 ago

By your own admission you created this throwaway for the purpose of spamming the forum with off-topic bullshit.

Oh, and you have no posts. Good luck with that.

thicktail1730947 ago

No, OPSEC is what I'm doing to you, by calling out the no-history loser trying to make other people look stupid by association. You probably aren't even a real antisemite.

xeemee ago

i have a suggestion - how about you not turn PizzaGate into a fucking political football for the benefit Israel and morons like yourself?

dindonufin ago

Actually it's an apocalypse...

thicktail1730947 ago

You aren't a pizzagate researcher, you're a jackass. Your account is half an hour old and random antisemitism are your only contributions. You literally created it to come here and say that. You shame your mother.

Antonius ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuck that nigger bullshit.

don't associate the truth with a lie.

ravagedblade1588 ago

While I am all for platitudes. I myself am working on tallying the potential casualties of this. The numbers are what matter not fancy words. So if we can work on creating a realistic body count of this it will go along way to giving context to the mass loss of life here.