amyrebeccajames ago I made edits. It took less than 2 minutes for some cunt named Dawn Bard to revert my edits. This is her page.

Voidzyr ago

The connection of Jimmy Wales, the former CEO of Wikipedia, with child pornography is extremely weak. You make it sound like Jimmy Wales, the former CEO of Wikipedia, purposefully put up porn on Wikipedia, child porn at that. That's simply not true. Wales didn't deal with the FBI either, not that we know at least: Larry Sanger, a co-founder of Wikipedia, did. There is no mention as to whether or not Wales knew about the child porn that was being put up, and it seems unlikely since it was a loose effort by pedophiles to put the porn there and since no one in the organization thought to check for it up until Larry Sanger thought to do so (resulting in the FBI connection). Wales' actual porn related activity was on a separate website of which 10% of the revenue came from what was largely "soft-core" porn.

l23r ago

That article does include the number 11 but omits the number 22, which is very important in certain belief systems. It is considered one of the power or master numbers which cannot be divided into smaller amounts.

l23r ago

More bullshit here

TealHighCloud ago

I don't see porn as incriminating to be honest..

WewLaddy ago

David Duke may have been a racist, but he has indeed done some pede-like investigating into Judaism/Zionism.

Chance903 ago

I find when investigating people, which I was paid to do for many years. it takes patients. I followed a path from Bouncing Ping Pong in London. There are so many following the obvious. I was pretty good at my job,very good. So I will just go down this path. I think you all are amazing for following yours. I have a gut feeling and I am sticking to it.

LtSilverFox ago

Great info. I was trying to do the same kind of research but you beat me to it lol

stickittotheman ago

Doesnt surprise me. This is one of the biggest disinfo sites on the internet. If you you want to look up a chemical formula or something its ok but for anything that contradicts the govt "approved narrative" it is full of lies. Anything health related such as vaccine info or alt cures are completely trashed , i dont even need to check what they say about pizzagate, this site is worse than big media because many kids use it as reference, the misleading Wikipedia name is what makes people trust it... i guess it should be renamed to Wikipedifilia.

edthomson92 ago

This is why I hope some people on here are taking everything you guys find, vetting it, and putting into a physical book

thelastaelor ago

Not denying symbolism in freemasonry or occultism, but there are far too many leaps in logic, random connections, and meaningless procedures for that to be considered actual research. The EPA = 13; controlling what we breath? I can't take that seriously. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

micha_ ago

How glad they would be, if investigations would only take place, after conviction...

Shekelstein6M ago

Stop using imgur. It doesn't work well on voat and it's run by a bunch of censor happy cucks.

thelastaelor ago

that link is ridiculous you can't be serious

thelastaelor ago

13 is not an occult number. It is a number that some occultists find meaning in, and other occultists don't. But primarily it's just a fucking number people use.

doubletake ago

the occult is what people believe it to be. doesn't matter if it makes sense or not, only that they believe it. 13 is however generally recognized as significant, jesus and the 12 disciples, the sun and the zodiac. the number of points of a dodecagon in a circle + the center. but it's the meaning that can change here and there, depending on tradition.

thelastaelor ago

exactly the point is that there are far too many traditions for the mere appearance of the number 13 to mean anything at all. It might very well be occult inspired, but we don't know. Just having it in your username doesn't mean a thing

WewLaddy ago

Shill harder noob. Obviously you know nothing about the occult traditions if you think 13 isn't significant. The significance of the user choosing that number is admittedly unknown, but to deny the occult use of 13 is just ignorant.

thelastaelor ago

holy crap when did i deny the occult use of 13? use ur fucking brain, pls

WewLaddy ago

[–] thelastaelor 3 points (+3|-0) 1.9 days ago  (edited 1.9 days ago) 13 is not an occult number. It is a number that some occultists find meaning in, and other occultists don't. But primarily it's just a fucking number people use.

You're a fucking tard.

thelastaelor ago

oh yeah? try your darndest to explain why. I won't hold my breath, you cunt

WewLaddy ago

I just posted a quote from you. I'll post it again. I even bolded the important part for you little buddy.

[–] thelastaelor 3 points (+3|-0) 1.9 days ago  (edited 1.9 days ago) 13 is not an occult number. It is a number that some occultists find meaning in, and other occultists don't. But primarily it's just a fucking number people use.

thelastaelor ago

What you posted means nothing. What you bolded means nothing. Are you really too dim to realize that by using the term occult number, exclusively occult number is meant?

WewLaddy ago

Just admit that you were wrong and move on.

thelastaelor ago

ill take that as defeat

WewLaddy ago

lol wut. You speak English, mate?

thelastaelor ago

Yeah, and I can read english too! You should try it sometime. Or maybe you just like parroting 'lol wut' like the free-thinker I'm sure you are.

WewLaddy ago

You were proven wrong. I don't know if you're trolling or stupid. I'll let you figure that out. Bye.

thelastaelor ago

try saying it louder, and maybe repeat it a couple more times, maybe that will make it true

dickface8 ago

I just noticed yesterday when researching Antony Kidman that Wikipedia mentions hardly anything about him, and nothing about the fact he died under suspicious circumstances after fleeing the country and his business as soon as they began investigating the claims he was a leader of a satanic child murder pedophile ring in Sydney. The MSM has totally covered that up too. The fact that he fled gives an incredible amount of credence to Fiona Barnett's stories. As an Aussie the claims of what she says about people like Richie Beneud, Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating are so earth shattering that I don't even fucking know...

quantokitty ago

Okay, just did a google search for Jimmy Savile for another thread and the first link that pops up with Wikipedia. There's also a thumbnail on the right hand side that gives a summation of pertinent info. Here's exactly what is said:

"Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile, OBE, KCSG was an English DJ, television and radio personality, dance hall manager, and charity fundraiser. Wikipedia."

Note: not one mention he was a child molester! Not one! There might be mention of it farther down, but if you search, you don't see one iota of the scandal and the lives he ruined. I guess this more than proves the OP's point.

Voidzyr ago

Jimmy Savile does not equal Jimmy Wales, the former CEO of Wikipedia.

AreWeSure ago

This is so dumb. Here's the end of the first paragraph on his wikipedia page

After his death, hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse were made against him, leading the police to believe that Savile had been a predatory sex offender[4]—possibly one of Britain's most prolific.[5][6][7][8] There had been allegations during his lifetime, but they were dismissed and accusers ignored or disbelieved; Savile took legal action against some accusers.

I suppose this page doesn't exist either

Also it's wikipedia. If want the first sentence to be changed go edit it.

Here's a suggested edit, add this to the first sentence ......who after his death was accused of hundreds of instances of child sexual abuse.

paulf ago

Also it's wikipedia. If want the first sentence to be changed go edit it.

Heh. You're new to Wikipedia aren't you?

antipedo ago

You need to understand that there's innocent until guilty proven. Many people stick to it, that's one of the principles of our civilization.

There's no doubt that the New York Times and Washington Post articles were cover ups. Full of panic, false claims, and they came up early, which suggest they were ordered.

Now move to Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia. He's most likely sitting on a fence with this case. He probably believes us, but needs proof, otherwise big fat lawsuit is waiting. You go out and call him names? Give him the proof first.

Look at this, you write

Here is a good article I found: 10 Facts About Wikipedia Founder That Will Shock The Hell Out Of You

Really? This article says the following:

"""Did you know that Jimmy Wales was a porn king who sold online pornography before launching Wikipedia"""

And that's an argument for you? GTFO! I have a high school female friend who owns a porn-producing company. OMG, how shocking. Smoking gun! Surely some people turned away from said friend, but I don't give a fuck. That's not a crime. That's not even morally dubious by today's standards.

And by the way, why aren't you researching the real, but boring stuff, like the Podesta sketches? I've written another email analyzing what we know about them, and I have the feeling we have 80-90% of the sub-case done. Yet nobody's investigating this further. Instead, people post sensationalist shit like this. No cool, man.

PS I Haven't read the rest the rest of your post.

Bottom line: This is what people call "crazy bullshit". That's the shit that gets us labeled "false news".

seanhurray ago

clpo13 reads like child porn 13

quantokitty ago

Who would think to do a background check on the guys running Wikipedia?

Nice. Really good investigative work and gives us insight and reasons into why some have a stake in covering this up.

Since they have a hand in this conspiracy, why not turn the spotlight on them?

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

That's a great idea, but the problem is that this web site isn't really a spotlight. Popular YouTubers are the only ones who can really put this out there to the masses.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Part of the problem is some of the popular pizzagate youtubers are putting up false information in our videos. Not only does it discredit our investigation, but it gives fuel to the "fake news" narrative of the MSM. This video is really popular right now and is showcasing a document that was debunked on /r/pizzagate almost a month ago.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

I think the problem is that as Pizzagate attracts more attention, there will be some people who will use its momentum as a way of making themselves more famous. And that means they will select their content based upon how many viewers they can get, instead of based on quality. The only solution to this problem that I can think of, is to debunk these videos in their comment section and to give them plenty of thumbs down.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Is it possible to organize a downvote brigade for videos with misinformation? Should I just let it go and focus on something else? It's really weighing on me.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

I think that it is weighing on you, because you are passionate about this cause and that is a good thing. It probably won't be easy to organize a lot of people to downvote, but maybe if it's something that you keep at over time, it might begin to snowball. It would be really great for the credibility of this group, that we actually care about accuracy and are willing to challenge people who are exploiting the scandal for personal gains. A great place to start is this recent submission:

quantokitty ago

Then tweet this link to those who put out videos and information. It's pretty effective.

justforthissubverse ago

We need to SHINE THE LIGHT on everyone who tries to cover this up. We need to go after them by exposing who they are. If they try to fight us on this we all hammer them with spotlights and that will discourage future attacks on us. On the truth. They fear the light, as all criminals do. And if we shine the light, they will fall.

We should stage an all out information attack on the Wiki-pedos
Should rename it Wikipedoa.

quantokitty ago

The thing is they cornered the market on media. These idiots created Snopes. Snopes ridiculous non-objective, bought opinion is the first thing you see when you do searches on pretty much any hot topic. So Snopes writes a disinformation piece and then other media outlets/sites (like Wikipedia) use a non-authority as an authoritative opinion. It's ridiculous. It's like somebody's sister starting a medical school with no credentials and then awarding their sibling a to practice medicine.

justforthissubverse ago

It's ridiculous - or genius

l23r ago

Maybe schools have changed since I was there (got my degree like a decade ago... damn I feel old saying that) but teachers and profs did not allow us to use Wikipedia. If I looked at something on there and found a source, like a Pubmed journal or news article, I would just use that direct source. I remember a couple times being asked where I found the material from, lol. I would never consider actually putting down as a source... Are students nowadays allowed to, or even encouraged, to use Wiki?

CaptnMeowMix ago

I made a whole thread about Wikipedia's connections to pedophilia a few days ago. But here are the highlights:

jbooba ago

Sephel ago

Excellent research. This needs to be higher, have a comment. I'll try to look into some of these editors when I get a chance, and post my findings here if I come up with anything.

Alleyesnot1 ago

Anyone think the hillary gefilte fish emails off wikileaks is linked to pizzagate? just strange how important 9 containers of fish were to them.

Chance903 ago

There are other connections to snuff films but I have class at 8 in the am and it is already 3:00am Mk Ultra. ,ect The trail all leads back to the Military and Government it also leads out of the country will be monumental . I think it best if I stay focused if anything of merit comes up , I will post here. But Please I insist you all look for yourselves maybe I missed something .

KaliPhobos ago

some nice work you did there. thanks for your efforts. Any way to link that guy to the pizzagate case directly?

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Clever girl...

KaliPhobos ago

I have to admit I was wondering if researchgirl101010 was a girl for real (we'Re on the internet afterall). But that's not the point here, we should try to stay focused ^^

  • direct connection Wikileaks founders <----> pizzagate? They obviously back each other, but are they real partners?
  • any hints pointing to recent events/crimes concerning wikileaks?

we still please need volunteers to look into those points.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago


in4theLongRun ago

Ian Thomsons wikipedia profile says... Stuff I've done here

Created, recreated, or rewrote: Debtera, Liber Officium Spirituum, Livre des Esperitz, Magical Treatise of Solomon, this article about some conspiracy theorist garbage.
Rewrote: Arbatel de magia veterum, Book of Saint Cyprian, Idealism (Christian eschatology), Lesser Key of Solomon, Reuben Swinburne Clymer, Shemhamphorasch, Cassiel.
To do: Sariel, Zaphkiel, Zadkiel, Camael, Haniel, Sachiel, Jophiel (did once, but more sources now), Seven Archangels, The Solomonic Miscellany, an overhaul of List of Demons in the Ars Goetia, planned rewrites of Enochian magic and List of Enochian angels
Added big honkin' chart with names and stuff to the Decans article, plan on adding descriptions of images at some point.
Went through the articles that link to "LGBT issues and Voodoo" and changed it to "LGBT topics and Voodoo."
Worked with Dougweller in removing all mentions, uses, or links to or of [](, a blog with no evidence of credentials (if they are professors, why would they not want their name associated with that work in a more publically recognized journal?), that contains some crackpot ideas (Alexander the Great's existence should be doubted like Jesus?).
I replaced/removed all uses of The Dying since it's a self-published source (and in a few cases, counter to most other sources).

It sounds like someone who is well versed in the occult sad to see his research abilities are so limited since he is incorrectly correcting the record in wikipedia

"A debunked[1] 2016 conspiracy theory started by an Alt-right Twitter account and spread by 4chan users,[2] regarding a Washington, D.C. restaurant and concert venue Comet Ping Pong"