yabbadoody ago

here's an obit for Destin Michael Blevins, 34, of Colorado Springs, dated Dec 7, 2016:


and another: http://www.thespringsfuneralservices.com/obituary/Destin-Michael-Blevins/Colorado-Springs-CO/1677119

Destin Blevins has either gone "deep cover" or he's deceased... so accordingly, arrest or rest in peace...

contrarianism ago

This is fake

ProudTruther ago

OOh cool article. I've just been learning about the David Shurter material but I like him pretty well. His family made sure he had the same birthday as me december 6 for him in 1966 because that date was a big satanic day apparentl. I could believe this story although I thought he was killed by his friends. He's def raped children before and he def has a case of pedo face.

redberries ago

Some people are missing the point.

Frank Winstead may not have directly stated that "James Alefantis is raping children in his basement", but that's not the point. The point is that, Frank Winstead associated James Alefantis with rape and murder. That's not normal, that's not something you'd do unless the person is clearly a terrible person capable of those kind of atrocities.

Frank Winstead did it. He considers James Alefantis terrible enough to be a rapist and murderer.

That's certainly not the James Alefantis we saw on TV, eh? Pictured as a pitiful pizza maker. Fuck off, he's hiding his true self. He's a fucking rapist, murderer, and serial killer and you fucking KNOW it. Stop lying to yourself, all the hints are there, and they have proven themselves to be psychopaths.

Would Obama REALLY go this far get rid of free-speech just for a random pizza shop owner? FUCK NO. YOU KNOW IT.

VieBleu ago

the JImmy Comet character I saw in the Fox interview gave me the willies - a cold eyed sociopath with a grimace instead of a smile (the zippered mouth and button down eyes of Run Like Hell) pleased in the moment of duping the masses and having the highest level media bowing and scraping at his feet. He's got the goods on everyone in DC, and acts like it. He might be a LOT of things, but a great actor - he ain't.

Fateswebb ago

Okay so we need frank. His comments could have been exaggerated about the sort of people that come to his restaurant. But clearly frank had a problem with comet. Add to that some of the things he is posting and saying end up being very weird so where is he now? God forbid he is dead.

sunajAeon ago

I found the tape difficult to follow because of the poor quality, who is this guy? That is everything, only 1 person objected? Is he a pillar of the community, or an old gas bag? It also strikes me as a possible FF, anything to do with Comet in the news or public is suspect

derram ago

https://archive.is/Blp2o :

D.C. Official: Outdoor Seats At Pizza Place Will Mean Rapes And Murders - Raw Fisher

https://archive.is/xsPH5 :

Destin Blevins (@Biskit311) | Twitter

https://archive.is/8Sajq :

Destin Blevins (@BlevinsDestin) | Twitter

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