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ASolo ago

Interesting, cousin huh. I KNOW that the etymology of the Alefantis name pretty much precludes any doubt that they are cousins but do we know that for sure? Quite circumstantial anywhichway because this thread simply proves that these people all move in the same circles. This thread is the perfect template on how the elite look at death and destruction simply as a business to be capitalized upon and profit is micromanaged. They start a war and see OBVIOUS runoff in the form of orphaned children, so what do they do with the runoff, let it go to waste or profit from it? So they farm children out to perverts ,occultists and biotech while the other half figures out ways to kill half of us off prematurely (while stil making a profit). It REALLY goes to show what SEEDY NASTY BULLSHIT RISES TO THE TOP OF THIS SATANIC FUCKWAD "CIVILIZATION".

neptunium1 ago

I started looking into adrenochrome a bit more (for a number of reasons) and found some interesting history on corpse medicine, Paracelsus, the Knights of Malta and cannablism- planning to do a post at some point. But for now, you might find this Smithsonian article interesting: