popcorn77 ago

A friend of mine mentioned to me that she thinks these places that pay people to be guinea pigs may be how they are infecting the mass. Many people that participate in these studies are just weird. imo

Bekallen86 ago

Diseases are created for vaccine companies to profit from

urbanmoving ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X3Ibt9FLas I can't post a new thread so here ya'll go THE FINDER KRISTIN KNAUTH

urbanmoving ago

urbanmoving ago

Answer what do you think they do with the bodies https://twitter.com/knauth2015

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

If I ever am sickened by one of these manufactured viruses, my last act of defiance will be to take a high ranking Cabal Satanist with me...

goytoynamedtroy ago



YogSoggoth ago

I could not help but notice Zsolt Harsyani only got the salon article in search results. One would think that such a prominent figure would show up as a research pdf, or something. I am thinking google is covering tracks.

neptunium1 ago

Interesting comment. Toufik and Faud are related https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toufik_el-Hibri


Anthrax Vaccines/Bioport and Fuad El Hibri

Zsolt Harsanyi – Director since Aug.2004; former investment banker with E.F. Hutton (Citigroup); Pres/CEO of Porton International (1983-2004), co-founder of Dynport Vaccine Co.(1996); CEO/founder of Exponential Biotherapies Inc; chairman of the American Hungarian Foundation, associated co-investor with George Soros’s biotech projects including N-Gene, maker of Type2 diabetes and anti-psychotic drugs

YogSoggoth ago

I do what I do, and you do what you do, but you have been putting out the real deal. I put in 30 minutes a day? I have multiple day jobs that somehow overlap into the time that I am not supposed to be working. Thank you, sincerely, for what you have already done.

Z11Mama ago

A few years ago, the second of two best friends I was close to, died. They both died, about 4 years apart, of Lou Gehrigs disease. There are many types of that disease and the technical form called Lou Gehrigs is actually quite uncommon. I found it interesting that these two best friends had one big thing in common. They enlisted in the military together and stood in line one in front of the other as they received all of their vaccinations. I contacted the Lou Gehrigs research association (I forget what it is called) and told them about this. Their immediate answer was 'no connection.' Now, how could they know this without even giving it time to consider the possibility? Why would they act as if there were no chance? Two men who had been healthy their whole lives until LG hit. I still don't think it is coincidence.

Shizy ago

That's terrible! The vaccines definitely could have been the cause and its bs that not only is this done to our military, but they continue to lie and cover it up!

YogSoggoth ago

Chickenpox vaccine caused people to develop shingles. Given by the military, so it must be safe. Now they invented a new shingles vaccine for people over 50. Recommended for those stupid enough to take it. Country folk recognize when the kids get it, and they invite all the other kids over to get it like a kids party. The young immune system takes over, and you never get it again, unless you were too weak to live anyways. Tie mittens to their hands so they don't scratch and turn the thermostat to a cooler temperature if you have one.

think- ago

Excellent post, @neptunium1, thank you!

Damnpasswords ago

Test subjects

ASolo ago

Interesting, cousin huh. I KNOW that the etymology of the Alefantis name pretty much precludes any doubt that they are cousins but do we know that for sure? Quite circumstantial anywhichway because this thread simply proves that these people all move in the same circles. This thread is the perfect template on how the elite look at death and destruction simply as a business to be capitalized upon and profit is micromanaged. They start a war and see OBVIOUS runoff in the form of orphaned children, so what do they do with the runoff, let it go to waste or profit from it? So they farm children out to perverts ,occultists and biotech while the other half figures out ways to kill half of us off prematurely (while stil making a profit). It REALLY goes to show what SEEDY NASTY BULLSHIT RISES TO THE TOP OF THIS SATANIC FUCKWAD "CIVILIZATION".

truthdemon ago

Can we christen it ..the pedoempire..? Its easy to get out ..thats our only option . Were not meant to save the world we.re meant to leave it.


neptunium1 ago

I started looking into adrenochrome a bit more (for a number of reasons) and found some interesting history on corpse medicine, Paracelsus, the Knights of Malta and cannablism- planning to do a post at some point. But for now, you might find this Smithsonian article interesting: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/

neptunium1 ago

Yes, we know that for sure. The family tree was looked into over a year ago.

Vindicator ago

Great post, neptunium. Giving this a "potential lead" flair. We need to dig much deeper into the biotech shennanigans of the Pedocracy.

Blacksmith21 ago


YogSoggoth ago

Did you just vindicate yourself?

neptunium1 ago

Thanks vindicator.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Organ/stem cell harvesting. Duh


Why is the child trafficking industry and public health industry seemingly so closely connected?


carmencita ago

/Not only trafficking them in from other places. I believe they are taking organs from children that are shot or killed for whatever reason in all large cities. LA NYC and Chicago. How many of those kid's parents have the money for an autopsy or fighting anything they may suspect. They can'g even bury them properly. When those kids are shot how do those parents REALLY know how they died. When an elite is waiting for an organ who do you think becomes more important.

ninjajunkie ago

Poor kids are the easiest to snatch, and poor parents lack the resources to search for them.

think- ago

and poor parents lack the resources to search for them

Or they will even sell them, in order to buy food.

sunajAeon ago

WTF? Cousins? Shit

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Can you say "Global Population Reduction?"

neptunium1 ago


In 1998, the Clinton administration required the inoculation of all military members,[1][2] despite the fact that the FDA issued a Warning Letter to the anthrax vaccine manufacturer threatening to revoke its product licenses unless immediate action was taken to correct deficiencies on March 11, 1997 (see Appendix 6).[3] In June 2001, the DoD halted vaccination due to non-FDA approved changes in BioPort's manufacturing process....

YogSoggoth ago

I volunteered before that happened. I ain't no draft dodger Son.

neptunium1 ago

Think you posted to the wrong comment Yog.

YogSoggoth ago

125 and counting. Better than sitting in the middle of the woods with no clothes on.

YogSoggoth ago

It all goes back to certain British families. Remember the Orangemen lodge was not about Protestants and Catholics but about English control. Togo, USA, and possibly Canada branches, and started in Northern Ireland with the further invasion of Ireland. Togo is the nexus of the slave coast.

nzmc ago

Soon we will learn that umbrella corporation from resident evil is real, just look how similar order of Malta knights logo looks like and what is logo of umbrella , and technologies like city centre stages, cloning technologies and so on are real according to various people like Emery smith , interesting topic too see cheers people

pixiesbitch ago

I couldn’t find anything online relating to city centre stages and Emery Smith. It sounds mad interesting though, have you got any links?

nzmc ago

here is transcript of one of episodes talking about that

So they took the mutation of these genes of all these mutated creatures, 
and then started mutating them even more, more, more and more.

And then they became so mutated that the cells were actually dying too quickly.

And they were able to add proteins to them to re-animate the body, even though it was brain dead.

David: So this is similar to the concept of the zombie.


David: So how does “Resident Evil” play into this? I mean, it's a large movie series.
 There's like nine of them or something.

Emery: Well, you have the Cabal. I mean, it's a perfect description of a Cabal.

David: There's this umbrella corporation.

Emery: Yeah, this corporation umbrella. 

And they basically were a regenerative medicine corporation, 
if you read actually the storybook of whoever wrote it.

And what they were doing is trying to regenerate cells for face creams. 
So it's a great storyline because a lot of these big pharma corporations are behind it . . . of a lot of these things.

So this medicine actually went bad and started actually destroying the skin cells, 
but it also re-animated them at the same time. So it was really new.

It was kind of like destroying, dying, killing, dying . . .
 because you want to kill your skin cells so that they grow back faster.

So it was a great concept.

And the thing was they had an underground base somewhere in the United States of America, 
which was very realistic.

David: In the movie.

Emery: In the movie, which was very realistic.

David: And that's the Hive, right?

Emery: Yeah, the Hive.

here is another guy named Randy Cramer that talks the same about some form of TVIRUS and extremely advanced genetic and medical technologies now available, here is video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7HHvecN7rA he says that zombieland is name of training grounds that resembles urban place and they let go live targets which are clones infected with some disease to use live ammunition for them

what is interesting there are more people saying similar things

pixiesbitch ago

Thank you. Very disturbing.

Podge512 ago

Child traffickers keep big pharma supplied with fresh meat to experiment on, I shouldn't wonder.

YogSoggoth ago

Who would miss a third world child, except for the loved ones that can not afford justice or defense? That is what we are dealing with.

neptunium1 ago

Porton Down Veterans 'offered cash'

The BBC claim £3 million is to be made available to compensate victims of chemical testing at the site near Salisbury, in Wiltshire.

The ex-servicemen claim they were tricked into taking part in what they were led to believe were cold remedy tests at the research centre in the 1950s and 1960s.

Gorillion ago

That Russian guy and his daughter were false-flag poisoned only a few miles from Porton Down apparently. The single place in the UK that's set up to produce nerve agents (for research purposes obviously).

neptunium1 ago

Yes, it's what stirred my interest in Porton Down and all the lies the British public were being told.

swordfish69 ago

You should triangulate minor H1N1 outbreaks with global elections, that's how I figured out that the 2010 Ukrainian Swine Flu outbreak was possibly a setup to pressure the Yanukovych gov (who manafort was helping get elected).

IMO the UK/US did not cover their tracks in the latest round of bioweapons. You also have to think in terms of these shadow groups using the whole body, they are too smart not to use organs, blood etc after they're done.

VoatisCIA ago

After Marina Abramovic drains all the blood from the dead babies, how and where does she "ship" them???

British man arrested in Thailand with suitcase full of dead babies to have been used in black magic ritual

Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2146396/British-man-arrested-Thailand-suitcase-dead-babies-used-religious-ritual.html

YogSoggoth ago

Just another income source I would suppose. You might be right, in that they could be the suppliers, but with such a light sentence nothing gets done.

neptunium1 ago

Thanks for the tip. Interesting..I'll certainly have a look.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=xTJe3F9zmvg :

#Pedogate Dyncorp Child Trafficking as Rep. Cythia Mckinney grills Donald Rumsfeld - YouTube

https://unvis.it/https://www.salon.com/2001/10/15/anthrax_vaccine/ :

The anthrax vaccine scandal | Salon.com

https://archive.fo/TODpQ :

Foreign aid boss Seth Barkley has made MILLIONS out of the £1.5billion handed to his charity | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

realityisinsanity ago

I know some of these pharmaceutical companies literally sell adrenochrome online for "research purposes." You just need the right paperwork.

ninjajunkie ago

That's sourced from animals though. Cows, I think. Testing could be done with it, but I would suspect, it must come from humans for the best, or most potent or whatever. Otherwise more people would know about it. Shit we know about all the weird drugs Shulgin made even though the majority never got to market. Something like the adrenochrome Thompson talked about would have to be kept secret.