spez_dispenser ago


Orange_Circle ago

If it's Catholic, you can bet your bottom dollar kids are being raped left and right.

anolegion ago

How is Douglas Perlitz related to St Joseph's?

His orphanage/pedoschool was called the Project Pierre Toussaint School. It was financed by the Knights of Malta and Fairfield University (notorious hotbed of jesuit pedos) who paid $12 million in settlement with the Haitian victims.

A jew, a knight and a jesuit went to Haiti...

Don-Keyhote ago

he odesnt seem to be, i just saw him on the same page, thats my misake thanks. i remember beingconfused reading that cuz id already read that micahel was the founder

OrwellKnew ago

Nice find. And it appears that our friends "The Jesuits" aka the Society of Jesus are at it again here

The defendants included Fairfield University; Rev. Paul Carrier, who was employed as a Fairfield chaplain and allegedly had a relationship with Perlitz as a freshman; Society of Jesus New England; Hope Carter, a director for the Haiti Fund and allegedly interfered with investigations of Perlitz’s actions in Haiti; and the Order of Malta, who had given Perlitz the money to start PPT.
