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neptunium1 ago

Willis' Soldier Field airport is located about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of Fairfield.

Doing a voat site search for Fairfield:

The Knights of Malta, the Vatican, another Haitian orphanage and another child sex abuse scandal

Perlitz, a Fairfield University graduate who had been a commencement speaker for the school in 2002, set up a child care project in Haiti: Project Pierre Toussaint (PPT). He had active support – including over $2 million in donations to his Haiti Fund – from the Knights of Malta (KOM), affluent alumni and benefactors of Fairfield University, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (a Canadian order), and other prominent Catholics from the Diocese of Bridgeport....

Joe Bidens wife, Jill Biden, is now the chair of the board of trustees at Save the Children

The global humanitarian nonprofit Save the Children named former Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden as chair of its board of trustees, its first change at the top since moving its headquarters to Fairfield three years ago from its longtime home in Westport.

Sandy Hook >> Artist who does art with kids being abused -> Nancy Pelosi

Sandy Hook/ Newtown has long been known as a CIA base of operations.

Even more interesting is that it is the site of the now supposedly defunct Fairfield Hills institution which was where a lot of MKUltra "experiments" took place.

Interesting place Fairfield.

fogdryer ago

Follow the wives

carmencita ago

God these people are sick. Will this ever stop? It is a never ending trail of rat lines and rabbit holes. They just keep adding and adding to it. Willis is up to no good as usual. They are all linked imo. Willis, Demi and Ashton. Satanic Devils. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

this is like so crazy. Id like to know what Demi is doing with her time these days: certainly isn't acting yet still has piles of money. Stays hidden in Idaho. Not like her: she was original MArkle Sparkles pedowood Slore.

shes up to something. Is she the keeper of this new airport in Idaho?