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Laskar ago

Sandy Hook/ Newtown has long been known as a CIA base of operations.

Even more interesting is that it is the site of the now supposedly defunct Fairfield Hills institution which was where a lot of MKUltra "experiments" took place. God only knows what horrific tortures took place there. Some even say it is haunted:

A mind blowing coincidence is that Obama's social security number is that of one of the last patients to die at Fairfield Hills. Obama has never lived in CT, so how could he have a CT social security number? Also, Social Security does not use dead people's SS#s over again, according to their own website "We do not reassign a Social Security number (SSN) after the number holder's death. Even though we have issued over 453 million SSNs so far, and we assign about 5 and one-half million new numbers a year, the current numbering system will provide us with enough new numbers for several generations into the future with no changes in the numbering system."


Obama actually has many social security numbers, which is illegal unless your identity is a creation of the intelligence services of course.