Orange_Circle ago

Check out the guy in the background of the first video that pops up when you google "Sandy Hook DHS sign."

It's Omar Marteen's father.

Laskar ago

Sandy Hook/ Newtown has long been known as a CIA base of operations.

Even more interesting is that it is the site of the now supposedly defunct Fairfield Hills institution which was where a lot of MKUltra "experiments" took place. God only knows what horrific tortures took place there. Some even say it is haunted:

A mind blowing coincidence is that Obama's social security number is that of one of the last patients to die at Fairfield Hills. Obama has never lived in CT, so how could he have a CT social security number? Also, Social Security does not use dead people's SS#s over again, according to their own website "We do not reassign a Social Security number (SSN) after the number holder's death. Even though we have issued over 453 million SSNs so far, and we assign about 5 and one-half million new numbers a year, the current numbering system will provide us with enough new numbers for several generations into the future with no changes in the numbering system."


Obama actually has many social security numbers, which is illegal unless your identity is a creation of the intelligence services of course.

PrincessCinderella ago

One of the crisis actors (who played a parent at Sandy Hook) was named Jennifer Sexton Greenberg. I wonder if they are related.

PrincessCinderella ago

I saw an article about the resemblance of these kids a few month ago. Yes, the children in that "end times" book are the same as the Sandy Hook children.

blackguard19 ago

How do you know David Wheeler is Jewish?

Laskar ago

David Wheeler is an actor with an IMDB page. He played at least two roles at the Sandy Hook capstone drill and psyop:

Laskar ago

Francine Wheeler (his fake wife) is a former TV personality and someone involved with the Clinton campaign.

HollandDrive ago

Well then this must not be too far-fetched either.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, that's pretty cool.

HollandDrive ago

Very bizarre, I've researched it.

YingYangMom ago

Once you've been red-pilled, nothing seems to be too "far-fetched" anymore. Well, almost nothing.

HollandDrive ago

Like, the earth is not a spinning ball, and, the earth is the center of the universe. Serious.

Skip the shape-shifting reptilians and aliens though please.

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely agreed! That's exactly what I thought when I typed the last part of my comment LOL.

HollandDrive ago

Wow, weird. Good on you ... researching into that particular subject has changed everything for me. I hope you continue.

YingYangMom ago

Sure will. Same to you :)

Votescam ago

Just want to comment on connecting Sandy Hook false flag event with them "taking our guns." Founders protected the system of Slavery for Elites/wealthy which guaranteed the Civil War which paid off very well for Elites. It also divided the population of the US into two hate camps which also benefited Elites. Currently we are watching the false flag chemical attacks allegedly the work of Assad though our government had agreed that the government could stay and that the people could decide on their own leadership. Doesn't make sense other than as another "false flag" attack pushed by fascist leaders in our government. Let's remember that this model for war has worked very well for US/CIA and that eventually all of these programs are brought home to the US. If one Civil War worked well for them, why not a second.
We are not immune from "Wag the Dog" here.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Shit's about to get (more) serious

DarkMath ago


How'd that work out for Germany? It took them 20+ million to kill 6 million Jews. It seems that was more of a holocaust for the Germans than it was for the jews no?

YingYangMom ago

them doing it to paint this place as a stormfront site or something to a casual observer.

I'm afraid so. I been complaining about it this week, but got shit all over my head for speaking up.

YingYangMom ago

I'll be damned!!! This is a BREAKTHROUGH guys. Excellent Post, OP, thank you.

Dejure ago

Shill! None of us here believe that shit!

Madwack ago

Never go full retard.

fuspezza ago


ArthurEdens ago

So effed up. So the kids were ritualed to death in 2006 and then it was blamed on Adam Lanza six years later in a "school shooting"? Or are the kids still alive?

IShallNotFear ago

This guy is obviously a shill trying to discredit pizzagate. All his posts are either blanketly anti-semetic or advocating violence by any means necessary. There's a right way and a wrong way to solve crime, and it's clear JewBurger666 is trying to get us to do things the wrong way.

Omnicopy ago

Shut up Jew hater

Ctinainthesky ago

So how us moral inclined people supposed to react? By their suppressing of our outrage is the reason they are able to murder these kids!

YingYangMom ago

There's a stupid way and a smart way to go about this. And I'm not talking about Jews alone. I'm taking about ANYONE who is responsible for any evil done to children, to the masses, cover-up, corruption, et al, should be exposed, boycotted, sued. There is no other way to do this. If you don't have the power to cut off the hand that your enemy tends towards you, then kiss it. At least until you do, that is.

remedy4reality ago

39 MINUTE ACCOUNT turning this incredible post into another Jew rant.

Will you be fucking off soon ? I hope so.

remedy4reality ago

Way to FUCK UP a great post, you PIECE OF SHIT.

blackguard19 ago

There was another Greenberg involved with Sandy Hoax that might have played multiple roles.

remedy4reality ago

WOW.... I have always said that Sandy Hook was part gun grab ( the limited hangout ) and part CIA psy op using weaponized media and social media to control narratives. The stylized photos of Jill Greenburg and pics of the SH victims are matches, for sure. My other theory that the pics of the fake victims were taken way earlier than 12/14/12 is also supported by this revelation. That completely explains the 'older' look-alikes at the Super Bowl in 2013.


abcdefg222 ago

At first glance, I don't see this being proof of anything. I admittingly don't know anything about the sandy hook research. I'm sure there's more to it. But I don't think this proves that the photos are the same kids.

fartyshorts ago

I'm looking in to it now and their eye colors and teeth match up perfectly so far...

DarkMath ago


Forgive me asking but what part of that 4chan thread got you to 100%?

I think Sandy Hook was a hoax but to be honest that 4chan thread was heavy on speculation and thin on hard evidence.

remedy4reality ago

Have you looked into Jill Greenburg and the work others have done on this subject? All videos making this connection have been scrubbed and her press tour when these photos came out was, in retrospect, heavy foreshadowing of what was to come.

remedy4reality ago

The photos of the SH victims existed in 2006, 6 years prior. The other photos offered of the alleged SH victims are from 2006, not 2012. The 'kids of Sandy Hook' at the Super Bowl were many of the same 'victims' but at 9-10 years old. I have actually been 90+% on this scenario of 'victim creation' and doubling of single identities ( Adam Lanza played by his brother, Ryan ) since I first looked into the SH hoax.

DarkMath ago

"The photos of the SH victims existed in 2006"

Sorry for being so slow to catch on, like I said I think Sandy Hook was a hoax. But were in that picture does it say the photos are the photos from 2006?

remedy4reality ago

Greenburg was on MSNBC ( among others, in a contrived controversy that gave her exposure ) in 2006 pimping this shit and taking some flack for the content from certain groups. It would be impossible for the SH victims, who match at least 6 of her subjects from the 2006 collection to have been age 5 in 2012, if they were aprox 3 years old in 2006. Fast forward to the Super Bowl right after SH and many of the kids look like SH victims, but 3-4 years older. Man, this is pretty clear to me.

blackguard19 ago

As if we needed more proof.

remedy4reality ago

' WE ' didn't need more proof,

' THEY ' do.

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