srayzie ago

As usual, they look like heroes. If people who donate to them only knew...

Flat_Truth ago

Trump making statements tomorrow from the Roosevelt room about domestic and international human trafficking. Gonna have to check out that foundation she's and old uncle Joe are involved with.

dem6nic ago

I say we dig into "Save the Children", information is knowledge.

20Justice4All17 ago

I've been wondering lately about Joe's dead wife and the recent passing of his son. I would put it past that Pefo freak to do anything

JesusRules ago

"to Serve Man" it's a cook book!

Jem777 ago

Oroville HQ?......Interesting isn't that where the "Dam sprung a leak" in N. Ca last week as all of this was breaking and their were questions of false flag.

had_enough ago

you can't make this stuff up, it's like an alternate reality

Infopractical ago

Except that it's reality. We're just...learning that the world is round.

quantokitty ago

Oh, dear God! How bad can this get?

TippyHome ago

Save the Children is advertising heavily on Google Music and Pandora. I get sick to my stomach every time I hear their propaganda. Knowing what they are up to.

VictorDaniels777 ago

I'm sure creepy Joe will be hands on.

Unreasonable ago

I thought his wife died in a car crash.

BackToBlack ago

Save the children is fishy af:

remedy4reality ago

Save the Children ( for dessert )

There... now we have the proper title for this phoney fucking charity #fixed

Tanngrisnir ago

Here are the celebrity donors to Save The Children.

cantsleepawink ago

Well, Save the Children has a reputation as being a CIA front.

Jem777 ago

All CIA front. Let's guess who has contracts involving them Dyncorp....protected by UN peacekeepers already caught in child trafficking, organ harvesting. Take a look at the Malaysia children's bodies just released. Hollowed out dead children in bags. Edit: I posted these links this morning on George Webb YouTube with picture of children. Called "fake story" It has been confirmed now with evidence those dead children are actually Syrian that have been harvested. Nothing fake just these are the Syrian kids...the Malaysia come out later. Disgusting evil again like to get some proof check @georgewebb

3141592653 ago

Do you have any more info on that?

cantsleepawink ago

I was just reading about that recently. I'll see if I can find the article.

equineluvr ago

3141592653 ago

I'm getting a little terrified wondering what their true agenda in the M. East is. this is probably the hugest PG-related crisis, and it doesn't get much attention

juhos ago

I didn't realize it before PG, but uncontrolled flow of unregistered refugees are human trafficker's wet dream.

3141592653 ago

They are more at risk by having to go months and years of forced migration, sleeping in tents where assault happens all the time, sleeping out in the cold, with no home and no family. These children are at the highest risk of virtually any kids in the world. Refugee children are so vulnerable and they need help. The poor Syrian children forced into trafficking while the war raged on and they were forced from their home and lands. We will have a whole generation of traumatized kids

Jem777 ago


Littleredcorvette ago I beg to differ.

" Save the Children has been implementing its evidence-based education and health programs in California since 2004, partnering with 32 schools in five counties to deliver these programs to 9,247 children in the state. To support Save the Children’s work in Oroville, please visit

Save the Children gives children in the United States and around the world a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We invest in childhood — every day, in times of crisis and for our future. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. "

SaveTheChildren ago

Dear god... I'm sure the only saving of children that is going on is saving their organs after they've been abused and killed.

3141592653 ago

Maybe that's a main reason TPTB keep orchestrating all these wars . Or at least an incentive

carmencita ago

We should keep track to see if any of their rules are changed under her care. Anything done differently.

Insubordinate ago

Yet another case of the fox watching the hen house.

neurofluxation ago

Well.. One thing we are all sure on is that Joe Biden loves kids......