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letsdothis2 ago


In 1992, the foundation's main income sources were:

  • Domino's Pizza: $1,616,555
  • US Agency for International Development $250,000
  • Monaghan Family Limited Partnership $100,000

Major grants to Catholic Right Wing Organizations in 1990-92 (including funds committed but not distributed) were:..

.. Papal Foundation $900,000 + John Paul II Cultural Foundation $200,000 Detroit

Founded by Domino's Pizza owner, Thomas S. Monaghan in 1987, this foundation is a primary conduit for his charitable giving. Apart from the Vatican and local Michigan charities, the chief beneficiaries have been conservative Catholic causes with ties to the Ann Arbor, Michigan-based charismatic Word of God-Sword of the Spirit network [investigated by the Church for cult-like activities]. Monaghan insists that, though he admires WG-SS, he is not a member.

Monaghan has also provided at least $100,000 for the televangelism programs of Word of God-Sword of the Spirit cofounder Ralph Martin, who serves with him on the FUS board, and of Sword of the Spirit televangelist Fr. John Bertolucci. Both Martin and Monaghan were inducted into the Knights of Malta in the late 1980s and participated in a January 199 ceremony which featured a keynote address by outgoing US president Ronald Reagan.

MichaelClayton ago

Domino's Pizza: $1,616,555

1x6 = 6

1x6 = 6

5+5+5 = 15 = 1+5 = 6